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• The philosophy of Health Education is emphasized as an

essential foundation for building educational programs that
can influence positively people’s health, knowledge, attitudes
and practices.
• Philosophy implies wisdom regarding the principles of reality
and of human nature. These principles act as guidepost to the
development of the health education programs that work
through identifying goals and areas of practice.
• The philosophy of Health Education includes the history,
knowledge, beliefs, concepts, attitudes, and theory of the
health education profession.
• Health Education philosophy sets the boundaries of
educational practices, clarifying the areas of professional
concentration; it is the matrix of theory and practice that
culminates in healthful attitudes and behavior and results in
improved health status.

• The meaning of health education has taken on new meanings

throughout the years. The committee on Health Education
Terminology (1991, 103) stated that the health education
process is the “continuum of learning which enables people as
individual members of social structures, to voluntarily makes
decisions, modify and change social conditions in ways which
are health enhancing”-(Green and Kreuter, 1995)

• Health promotion is defined as the aggregate of all

purposeful activities designed to improve personal and public
health through a combination of strategies including:
1. The competent implementation of behavioral change
2. Health education
3. Health protection measures
4. Risk factor detection
5. Health enhancement
6. Health maintenance
The historical development in health and health education are
categorized according to certain period:
The Coordinated School Health Program • School Physical Education. A comprehensive physical
education program is one that offers a daily program of
• Healthful School Environment. This aspect of the school activities. These programs should be base d on
health program includes the physical and psychological developing wellness among school-age students
environment in which student and faculty exist. Issues include • School Nutrition and Food Services. This component
the social and emotional environment of the classroom, the involves training the food preparation personnel and
development of self-worth and self-esteem, and the fostering developing nutritionally sound food pro- grams for the
of positive relationships for students and school personnel. In school. Part of this component is helping children to
addition, safety hazards on the school grounds and within the select nutritionally balanced meals ensuring that food
buildings are of concern. served in the school cafeteria is nutritious, palatable
and attractive.
• School Health Instruction. This area of the school health
program includes the information presented to students in • School-Based Counseling. This aspect of the program
a way that fosters desirable health knowledge, attitudes, seeks to meet the needs of the children by providing
and practices. services such as assertiveness, problem- solving and
• School Health Services. These programs seek to promote self-esteem training. Services are also provided by a
children’s health through screening, intervention, and school psychologist for children experiencing learning
remediation of various health conditions. The school nurse difficulties and behavioral problems.
most often coordinates and provides the services. • School site Health Promotion. Programs for faculty
Screenings for visual or auditory problems, scoliosis as well and staff can provide benefits by reducing health costs,
as first aid procedures, illness protocol and services for the improving morale and increasing productivity
handicapped are part of these services.

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