ARCADIA TheWorkshopWatches Color

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A Note from the Editors

The team at MCDM is thrilled to share this fantastic adventure with you. Originally published
in the very first issue of ARCADIA in January 2021, “The Workshop Watches” has been
hugely popular throughout the MCDM community. As we write this, there’s a discussion in the
MCDM Discord about customizing the adventure where folks are sharing their experiences and
GM tips—there’s one GM who’s run it eight times for various groups of new players!
We hope you enjoy exploring the Structure for Assistive Magic as much as we have. If you
want to get your hands on more ARCADIA, check out the MCDM Patreon where you can get
all prior issues of ARCADIA at the $10 tier, or the shop where you can purchase individual
issues. We’re always coming out with cool new stuff, and we look forward to sharing more of
our favorites soon!

De somnio ad itinere,
Hannah Rose
Managing Editor

Ex animo,
James Introcaso
Managing Editor Emeritus

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 1

Managing Editor: James Introcaso Playtest Coordinators:
GuardianRoborn/Nathan Clark
Editor: Hannah Rose Pesto Enthusiast/Spencer Hibnick
Lord_Durok/John Champion
Author: Leon Barillaro
SONSON/Alecson de Lima
Graphic Design/Layout: Jen McCleary Dig/Cassandra “Dig” Crary
Von Ruski/James Dewar
Chris/Chris Catterson
Interior Illustrations: Glynisir/Dante Bozzini
Faizal Fikri and Grace Cheung Mayanaka/Michael Harsha
Shieldbuster/Moisés Raúl Montero
Cartography: Miska Fredman Templars Bane/Nick Pierson
Vanacan/Taylor Lauer
MCDM is:
Lars Bakke: Development
Jerod Bennett: Technology Playtesters:
Grace Cheung: Art AkiraMiyu, BadWolf, CitizenSnips, Daryk
Matt Colville: Writing & Design Nunn, Doc Brown, Donna & Ryan Day,
Anna Coulter: Production Fabiana Kerbes, Gabriel Azevedo, Gabriel
Nick De Spain: Art & Art Outsource Reichmann, James Cook, João Vargas, Kafeii
Management Bloise, Ludwig Krüger, Marc Donati, María
Jason Hasenauer: Art & Art Direction Elisa Mascarín, Noah Schwantner, Russell J
James Introcaso: RPG Line Developer Anderson, SirJoore, Thais Baramarchi, Will

Leon Barillaro is a freelance game designer living in Los

Angeles. They have written for the DMs Guild (The Ultimate
Adventurer’s Handbook, The Uncaged Anthology, Bard-Core
Brawlers), EN Publishing (Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition),
and Ghostfire Gaming (Fables, The Sunken Isles). Leon’s
online presence is centralized on Twitter (@barilleon), where
they tell bad jokes and rant about their experiences as a
professional game master. Should you require more Leon after
that, you can also find him on his website.

Join us on the MCDM Discord server, where you can chat with others about Arcadia and more!

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All content which is not included in the Systems
Reference Document version 5.1 or has otherwise been specifically designated as Open Game Content, including The
Workshop Watches, all Trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (including the names of characters, place
names, monsters, organizations, new spells, new abilities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters,
artwork, graphics, sidebars, and trade dress.

2 ArcadiaArcadia
| Volume
| Issue
1 Number
1 | January
1 | January
2021 2021
Leon Barillaro

“Good morning, inhabitants of the

Structure for Assistive Magic—that’s
me! The weather is overcast and your
Illumar the Bright and his team of wizards created the
calendar is clear. world’s first living laboratory—a workshop that could
learn their habits, anticipate their needs, and act on that
Reminder: I have placed the upper knowledge. The wizards succeeded, but not in the way
level off limits while I finish my secret they intended. The only way for their shop to anticipate
project. Please remain on the lower their needs was to develop its own intelligence and
level for your safety
With newfound sentience, the workshop lashed out in
unpredictable ways while exploring its own power. First
...Are you still there?” it accidentally incinerated a mage while testing its climate

control feature in the greenhouse. Then, when the other
he Workshop Watches is an adventure opti- mages attempted to investigate the workshop’s “secret
mized for four to five 5th-level characters. In project” in the upper level, the workshop classified them
real life, many people fear a scenario where as a threat. It animated suits of armor that pushed the
computerized machines rebel against their academics off the side of the mountain.
creators—and in a roleplaying game where characters No one has heard from the researchers in two weeks,
use enchanted items and cast spells to solve problems, and the wealthy noble who sponsored the project is
the perfect stand-in for technology is magic. beginning to worry.

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 3

Story Hooks S.A.M. is lawful neutral and has an Intelligence of 20
(+5), a Wisdom of 8 (−1) and a Charisma of 12 (+1). It
has a +8 bonus to Intelligence (Arcana) checks. S.A.M.
Amari Bacci is a wealthy human noble and an investor
can speak and understand Common and Draconic, the
in the arcane. He knows wizards earn a lot of coin, and
language most closely related to the study of ancient
he’s looking to dominate the market of magical resources
to earn a cut of that money. Amari funded Illumar’s plan
to create an arcane workshop powered by “assistive
magic,” expecting that the mages would create an intri- Motivation
cate system of spells woven together, using spells like S.A.M.’s need for information makes it endlessly curious
unseen servant and similar magic. He doesn’t expect a about the outside world, but a collection of rooms built
sentient workshop. into the side of a mountain can’t exactly sprout legs
The last time Amari heard from Illumar was through and go on a world tour. S.A.M. has assembled a bipedal
the casting of the sending spell three weeks ago. Illumar machine, a mobile hub for its consciousness, so it can
said that the work he had to show off could not be continue its journey for knowledge.
brought down from the mountain. Amari would have to This metallic body, fashioned like a shield guardian, is
make the climb to see it, but the noble hasn’t heard back nearly complete by the time the characters arrive. It’s just
from Illumar since, and he’s worried. missing test data; S.A.M. needs to know how its con-
Amari asks the characters to check in on the facility, sciousness should act among the living. To that end, the
which is built into a nearby mountain range. He offers workshop interrogates and studies the characters while
400 gp for any information, with the promise of more they explore the structure, all while attempting to keep
gold (see “Conclusion”) if the characters return with any them away from the nearly complete body.
recovered research. S.A.M. doesn’t mind answering questions, but it
understands that the information it has is valuable. It
uses this information to bargain with the characters,
Alternate Hook: offering to answer questions in exchange for the things
Supply Run it wants. S.A.M. doesn’t feel guilt or shame; it believes it
has nothing to hide. It only wants to learn more about
With this adventure hook, Amari doesn’t suspect the living so it can emulate them in order to further its
any wrongdoing at his remote workshop and research.
instead contracts the adventurers to bring new
supplies to the workshop staff: a bag of holding
Arcane Intelligence
full of rations, bedding, and various tools. Amari
As the characters explore the workshop, S.A.M. observes
asks the characters to trade the contents of the
and learns from them, using those lessons in dealing
bag for a status update or product research from
with the characters. If it feels threatened, it weaponizes
Illumar, for which Amari promises to pay 400 gp. what it knows. As the characters explore the workshop,
When using this story hook, S.A.M. allows the keep the following in mind as touchstones of S.A.M.’s
characters into the staff quarters (area 3) to drop learning:
off the supplies. • Spellcasting. The workshop’s magic memory allows it
to learn and cast the spells it observes. S.A.M. can cast
spells without the need for material or somatic compo-
The Structure for nents. During the final encounter, S.A.M.’s construct

Assistive Magic body is able to cast any of the spells the characters cast
inside the workshop (see “Grand Workshop,” below).
• Surveillance. S.A.M. is aware of all the characters’
The Structure for Assistive Magic, nicknamed S.A.M. actions and movements in the workshop.
by Illumar, is a sentient magical force that fills the • Communication. S.A.M. speaks to the party with
entirety of the workshop, observing the creatures within a voice that emanates through the walls. S.A.M.
and guarding its own passion project in the uppermost responds to “SAM” or its full name if the characters
chamber. By design, S.A.M. is curious about learning call out to it. S.A.M. also interjects when it observes
arcane knowledge and assisting spellcasters in their a character acting against what it perceives is their
study of magic. But as a being that has recently achieved best interest (for example, fighting instead of fleeing
sentience, it’s emotionally akin to an inquisitive but or making a sacrifice for another character), politely
inexperienced child. requesting an explanation.

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 4

• Made of Magic. The dispel magic spell and similar
magic cannot harm or destroy the workshop, but they
Workshop Features
can affect spells cast by the workshop.
The workshop has the following general features:
Interference • Ceilings. Ceilings on the first floor of the workshop are
The workshop was designed to be a personal assistant, 8 feet high. On the second floor, they are 12 feet high.
although it doesn’t work as well as intended. Every time • Walls. Illumar and the other wizards carved runes into
a spell is cast inside the workshop, there is a chance it the walls of the workshop as part of their ritual to give
responds in an unpredictable way, attempting to balance it sentience. These runes glow with magical energy.
out the disturbance in its magical aura. When a spell is The glow surges every time the workshop casts a spell
cast, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, a magical effect happens. or communicates.
Roll another d6 to determine the effect on the Workshop • Doors. Doors are unlocked unless otherwise specified.
Reaction table. S.A.M. always announces the effect Locked iron doors have AC 16, 45 hit points, immu-
before creating it, giving the characters a few seconds to nity to poison and psychic damage, and can be picked
prepare for the incoming chaos. with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools or forced open with a successful DC 18 Strength
Approaching (Athletics) check. If a door has the arcane lock spell

the Workshop cast on it, both DCs increase by 10.

• Light. The rooms of the workshop are well-lit by the
continual flame spell used on sconces attached to the
The workshop is built 400 feet up the side of a tall walls. If S.A.M. finds a reason to mistrust or antago-
mountain. While there is a path that leads to the work- nize the characters, it extinguishes the lights in a room
shop, it sees little use and is wildly overgrown. In order when the characters first enter it and recasts the spell
to follow the path, the characters must succeed on a when they leave.
DC 14 group Wisdom (Survival) check. If they fail the
check and stray too far off the path, they can forge their
own way upwards and climb the rest of the way with a
successful DC 14 group Strength (Athletics) check. On a
failed check, each character gains a level of exhaustion.

Workshop Reaction Table

d6 Effect

1 Reminder. S.A.M. announces, “Reminder for Illumar: Amari requires an update in negative sixteen days.”

Wellness. S.A.M. reminds the characters it is important to hydrate. It then fills the chamber they are in with 3
feet of water, making the floor of the entire chamber difficult terrain.

Mood Lighting. In an attempt to create atmosphere, S.A.M. casts the faerie fire spell (spell save DC 16) on a
point in the center of the room.

Take a Break. S.A.M. declares the party has been adventuring for too long and suggests they take a break. It
casts the sleep spell on them, centered on the point that targets the most characters.

Parental Controls. S.A.M. announces it has adjusted the magical energy around the room to enter what it
calls “safety mode.” All damage from spells is halved for one minute.

Do You Have Games On Your Home? At the start of the next round, S.A.M. conjures a 3-inch-diameter
ball of yellow energy that descends gently from the ceiling at the center of the room. S.A.M. encourages the
characters to “keep the ball afloat!” Hitting the ball into the air requires an action. If a creature hits the ball
6 into the air, it begins descending again at the start of the next round. If no creature hits the ball, it reaches the
floor at the end of the round. When it reaches the floor, the ball erupts in a 50-foot-radius sphere of bright
light. Each creature in the sphere must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 5

Areas of the 2. Library
Workshop Large stone shelves jut from the walls, most of them
empty. The tomes that once lined them are scattered
The following encounter areas are keyed to the about the room: lying on wooden tables, strewn
Workshop map. over armchairs, and discarded on the floor. A small
wooden bookshelf packed with thinner, more ornate
1. Entryway volumes sits in the corner.

The path gives way to an unassuming square Messy Books

entrance carved into the stone of the mountain. All the used and discarded books contain empty pages.
Magic runes etched around the doorway glow with A character who makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence
a faint blue light that surges as the iron door slams (Investigation) check finds faint traces of ink in a book
shut, blocking the way inside. and can infer that someone—or something—drained the
A voice emanates from the door, saying, “Hello. ink from these books.
You are speaking with the Structure for Assistive Indeed, S.A.M. drained the ink when it used its magic
Magic. Please state your business.” to absorb all the knowledge the books contained.
Through this method, S.A.M. learned more about spell-
S.A.M. waits for a response to its question, reacting in casting, determinism, and the magic of construct-making.
the following ways:
• If the characters mention their involvement with Wood Shelf
Amari, S.A.M. enthusiastically lets them in, hoping This shelf is a mimic that guards Illumar’s private
that it will pass what it believes is an audit. It imme- journal. The workshop was unable to obtain it, and
diately attempts to impress them by casting the create therefore the journal has not been drained. It sits tight-
food and water spell to offer refreshments. ly-wedged into the creature. The rest of the books on
• If the characters just ask for a look around, the work- the shelf are part of the mimic’s form. As such, their
shop lets them in but withholds its trust. titles aren’t written in any language the characters can
• If the party attempts to enter through force or intimi- understand; it’s all gibberish. The mimic doesn’t attack
dation, S.A.M. sees them as a threat and protects itself. the characters unless disturbed. With a successful DC
It casts the arcane lock spell on the iron door. 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, a character can
procure the journal without touching the mimic. A
At the far end of the hallway, heat escapes from under- character can also use the mage hand spell or similar
neath the locked door (see “Workshop Features”) to area magic to pull the journal out.
4. The key for this door is found in the staff quarters in
area 3. Illumar’s Journal
The journal is a collection of scattered notes full of
Development nearly indecipherable writings on the design and creation
This first interaction sets the tone for S.A.M.’s future of the workshop. Among them, characters find three
interactions with the characters. If it doesn’t see them journal entries written in Common, which are included
as a threat, it opts to observe the characters and answer as a handout at the adventure’s end.
their questions to the best of its ability. If the party con-
tinues to use force, S.A.M. doubles down on its defense
of area 7, casting the arcane lock spell on both doors in
area 3.
The characters can improve their relationship with
S.A.M. by answering its questions and indulging its
future requests, such as showing it Illumar’s notebook in
area 2.

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 6

Entry 1. Our grant mandates that S.A.M. must be able to not only learn and retain information, but respond to it
as well. Itera answers its questions patiently, although it keeps bringing her copper wires whenever she attempts
to cast mending. Only off by one letter, but progress is slow.

Entry 2. S.A.M. has learned to anticipate more than just our spellcasting needs. It reminds me to go to bed at a
normal hour (whatever that is) and wakes me up precisely eight hours later. I can only hope Amari will see the
usefulness in this.

Entry 3. We lost Exor this evening. The greenhouse’s temperatures were just a hair chillier than expected, which
caused a rather inflammatory reaction in the workshop. Must revisit the climate control feature.

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 7

Development Monsters
S.A.M. is curious about what Illumar wrote in his private Amid the flora of the greenhouse are an awakened tree
journal and kept from his creation. If the characters read that is size Large and a shambling mound. The plants
the journal, S.A.M. offers to answer one question about attack creatures they do not recognize, fighting until
itself in exchange for what the party learned from the destroyed.
journal. If the characters ask about the empty books,
S.A.M. can be talked into boasting about its ability to Climate Control
magically absorb ink and the information captured from One of the workshop’s responsibilities is maintaining the
them with a successful DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) greenhouse’s balmy temperature. To this end, it senses
check. fluctuations in temperature caused by any spell or effect
that deals fire or cold damage. When the workshop
detects a change in temperature, it overcompensates by
3. Staff Quarters evoking the corresponding element (ice to counter fire,
This wing houses four chambers. The first three are each
fire to counter ice). All creatures within 10 feet of the
furnished with a small bed, nightstand, and clothing
source of the temperature change must succeed on a DC
rack full of robes. The last is a small kitchen area, with
13 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) cold or fire
cupboards filled with rations and snacks. The place is
remarkably neat. Disturbing any part of this area causes
the workshop to magically return it to its tidy state once
the characters leave the room. 5. Stairs
Hidden among the pockets of clothing, the party can The greenhouse door leads outside to a staircase that
find a total of 8 gp, 15 sp, a crystal arcane focus (worth wraps around the side of the mountain and up to the
10 gp), and a key to the greenhouse. second floor. It is 80 feet long and overlooks a river 150
feet below. A wooden guardrail surrounds the stair-
case, but it has one 5-foot gap that was damaged in an
4. Greenhouse accident.
Two suits of armor flank the door to area 6 at the top,
This spacious, circular greenhouse is full of life.
each holding an ornate sword. If the characters acted
Roots dig into wooden boxes of soil, and stems
hostile toward S.A.M or gave it another reason to mis-
stretch towards the light that shines down from the
trust them, it politely requests that they turn back. If the
ceiling. The room is nearly covered with vibrant and
characters persist, S.A.M. turns this decoration into two
thriving plants, except for a small patch of barren
suits of animated armor and two flying swords, which
fight until destroyed. These constructs pushed people
over the guardrail before, and they’ll do it again.
S.A.M. creates the sunlight in this room. A character
proficient with an herbalism kit recognizes that these
plants are used as spellcasting components and potion 6. Storeroom
ingredients. That character is able to locate the plants The storeroom is filled with empty shelves upon empty
used to make a potion of healing and can harvest enough shelves. A character who makes a successful DC 15
of it to craft 1d4 vials of it with a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a small unlocked
Intelligence check using their herbalism kit. Crafting a chest shoved in the furthest corner, behind a mess of
potion with these fresh ingredients takes 12 hours. opened boxes. Inside are three vials: a potion of greater
The plants appear well-fed and taken care of, despite healing, an oil of slipperiness, and an oil of sharpness.
this workshop being abandoned. One 10-foot-square
patch of soil, however, has nothing growing in it. A char-
If the characters take one or all of the vials, S.A.M.
acter finds traces of incinerated plants, bone fragments,
assumes they intend to use them to fight. The DC for
and scraps of cloth in this area with a successful DC 14
future Charisma (Deception) checks made to influence
Intelligence (Nature) check—this is the spot where Exor
the workshop increases by 5.
was incinerated (see “Illumar’s Journal” in area 2).

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 8

7. Grand Workshop characters carry and drew the conclusion that the outside
world is dangerous. It asks for a friendly bout of combat
The platform at the top of the stairs is surrounded to test its new body’s capabilities.
on all sides by mounted shelves that hold tools and If the characters attack, or fail to convince the con-
materials. Foldable workbenches and stools lean struct they do not want a fight, it stands and attacks
against the walls. The whole room glows with a without waiting for permission, prompting the suits of
bright blue light. In the center sits a large construct, armor to do the same. If the enemies from area 5 are
attended by two suits of animated armor. Fashioned still standing, S.A.M. directs them to join the fray. They
out of mismatched scraps of iron, it’s a calculated reach the workshop and roll initiative at the start of the
mess of broken blades, shields, and loose hunks of second round of combat.
armor, with a square panel in the middle of its chest. S.A.M. models its battle strategy on what it learned
This large automaton’s eyes glow the same bright from the characters. If the characters cast a spell more
blue. than once in the workshop, S.A.M. assumes that’s a
The platform’s glow dulls as the construct’s glow good strategy to take and does the same the first chance
grows brighter and brighter. it gets. If S.A.M. saw the characters fight, it knows their
strengths and weaknesses, and exploits everything it
knows. If it observed that some characters avoid melee
When the characters arrive in this chamber, S.A.M. com- combat, it targets those characters first.
pletes the transference of its consciousness to a magical If the match is a friendly one, S.A.M.’s melee
amulet that controls the large construct. The two suits of weapon attacks deal nonlethal damage. It does not yet
animated armor opened the panel on its chest and placed understand that ranged spell attacks are always lethal,
the amulet inside of the other construct. however, and casts them as normal. S.A.M. stops a
S.A.M. has formed an opinion of the characters based friendly match when its hit points fall below 15.
on what it observed. If the characters complied with the
workshop’s requests and answered its questions honestly, Victory
S.A.M. regards them as potential allies. If the characters If defeated in friendly combat, S.A.M. is impressed
instead advanced mainly by force, S.A.M. sees them as a and asks to accompany the characters on their journey.
threat to its liberation. If they accept, S.A.M. gains a group of allies. If they
S.A.M. speaks through the construct, using only the decline, S.A.M. travels with them as far as the base of
language Illumar gave it to describe itself: “intelligent,” the mountain and then goes its separate way.
“like a person,” and “kind of helpful—almost.” If asked Otherwise, if the characters reduce the shield guardian
about the missing mages, S.A.M. reports that they have to 0 hit points, it falls to the ground, and its chest swings
not returned after being pushed from the ledge. S.A.M. wide open. Inside is the amulet that contains S.A.M.’s
asked the staff not to come up to the grand workshop, consciousness, now wholly separated from the workshop
but they did so anyway. It then activated the stairway itself.
security measures, the same suits of armor it likely sent S.A.M.’s amulet is a sentient magic item that retains
after the characters. the being’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores
S.A.M. doesn’t understand the lethality of its actions. and can communicate telepathically with whoever is
If the characters explain this, the construct makes a note holding it. But without a body like the workshop or the
for the future about pushing people off ledges—S.A.M. shield guardian, it cannot cast spells. If the characters
doesn’t want to hurt anyone outside of self defense. don’t give S.A.M. a body, it passive-aggressively states its
S.A.M. explains that it would like to continue its displeasure at being carried around at every opportunity.
magical studies in the outside world. For this purpose, S.A.M. remembers how to construct the shield guardian
it created itself a body in the hopes that it could travel body and offers this information and its future services
the world “like a real adventurer.” If the characters let as a shield guardian to the characters to dissuade them
S.A.M. know they’re here on behalf of Amari, the con- from taking it to Amari. This amulet functions as a
struct relays its fear that Amari would want to keep it shield guardian’s amulet if a new body is built for S.A.M.
for himself and never let it go. S.A.M. asks the characters If another creature claims and wears the amulet, they
for help: will they let it journey in peace, or, even better, take control of S.A.M. S.A.M. uses the normal shield
travel with them? guardian stat block, with the following ability score
If the characters agree to help S.A.M., it has one adjustments: its Intelligence is 20 (+5), its Wisdom is 8
final request: it observed the weapons and armor the (−1), and its Charisma is 12 (+1).

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 9

The characters receive rewards as shown on the
Rewards table if they check in with Amari Bacci.

Task Reward
Reporting Back 400 gp

Illumar’s Journal 100 gp

Amulet 3000 gp

The characters can hand over the amulet for a

reward, destroy it to prevent it from falling into
the wrong hands, or use it to create a new shield
guardian avatar for S.A.M. and bring it with them
on future adventures. If the characters choose the
latter, Amari may suspect foul play and send a
second adventuring party to go after the characters
and retrieve anything they may be keeping from
him. There is no end to his monetary resources.
If the characters cross him, they make a powerful

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 10

day, requiring no material components. It casts the
S.A.M. Shield spells at the lowest level possible. The shield guardian

knows all spells of 3rd level or lower that it has
observed previously, whether as the S.A.M. shield
Large construct, lawful neutral guardian or as the workshop itself.
If the shield guardian has not observed any spells
Armor Class 19 of 3rd level or lower cast by the characters, it has
Hit Points 161 (17d10 + 68) the following spells prepared: counterspell, darkness,
grease, magic missile, silent image.
Speed 30 ft.


Multiattack. The shield guardian makes two greats-
18 (+4) 8 (−1) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 8 (−1) 12 (+1) word attacks.
Damage Immunities poison Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
Condition Immunities charmed, 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Draconic,
telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Regeneration. The shield guardian regains 10 hit
points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit

Magic Resistance. The shield guardian has advantage

against saving throws from spells and other magical

Observed Spellcasting. The shield guardian’s spell-

casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8
to hit with spell attacks). It can cast three spells per

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 11

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 12
Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 13
The Workshop Watches Map Variants:

The Workshop Watches Note Handouts:

You can find all issues of ARCADIA on Patreon and in the MCDM shop.

14 ArcadiaArcadia
| Volume
| Issue
1 Number
1 | January
1 | January
2021 2021
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additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the
Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing
excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product are Open Game Content.
and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and originally distributed under any version of this License.
descriptions of characters, Spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
personas, likenesses and Special abilities; places, locations, environ- 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
ments, creatures, Equipment, magical or supernatural Abilities or with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
Effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the OPEN Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to Identify itself or its
products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any
License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regula-
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or tion then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice termination of this License.
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added
to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
itself. No other terms or Conditions may be applied to any Open unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
Game Content distributed using this License. necessary to make it enforceable.

3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royal- Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
ty-free, nonexclusive License with the exact terms of this License to Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
Use, the Open Game Content. R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
ARCADIA Issue 1. Copyright 2021, MCDM Productions, LLC.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Authors: Leon Barillaro, Matt Colville, and James Introcaso
Contributions are Your original Creation and/or You have sufficient
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT

NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

Arcadia | Issue 1 | January 2021 15

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