1sem - MT Paper 23

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the Examination

Instructions: Mid
4/ln 2/ 1. Attenpt
powerpower 32 sition meshwhen notations
For B.Tech. /
Solve Calculate
the and the
the principle. currents the all
will 0.2592 have
be network the Sem:
transferred resistors. current shown the
byshown given Malaviya
in usual 1/
the shown 2V 2.
30 through inthe Session:/
source in B meaning.
19 he
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to through
Figure in Figure the
it. 40 figure. National of
under Find
the 32 necessary
4, 2023-24
find resistor OA1,
these calculate 3 10
Using Figure 2: Figure 1: isfnd Technology
Institute of
value tha 20. zer incarnnation
conditions. of he Electrical
value analysis
the Solvevalue
circuit Q
imaximum of
load the of isEngineering
20 shown R network R.provided
resistance and and
power 1.50

2A in the
using to Electrical
transterred Figure solve Date:
RL mesh
Such currents
the 2 theSeptember
usiug flowing
analysis questions. Engineering
the the Marks: 30
load Superpo 20,
6)and (4) (6) for 3. 2023
the All
32 0.750


15V 0.25Q

Figwe 3,

32 22

15V R.

Figure 4:

series R-L circuit. The values of the

5. A 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage v = 141 sin wt is applied to a
resist ance and inductance are 3N and .0106H respectively. (5)
the voltage.
e) Compute r.m.s. value of the current and its phase angle w.r.t.
(6) Write the expression for the instantaneous current in the circuit.
across the resistance and induc
(c) Compute r.m.s. value and the phase voltage appearing

-Find the average power dissipated by the circuit.

We) Calculate the power factor of the circuit.
supply. If its efficiency is
6. A single phasc, 7.46 kW motor is supplied from 400 V, 50 Hz AC
85% and p.f. is 0.8 lagging, calculate (3)
(a) The input apparent power (KVA)
(b) The reactive component of the Input Current
(c) The reactive Power (KVAR)
Malaviya National
Department of
Comput of
Technology Jaipur
& Engineering
Problem Solving using
MIE (22/09/23) C
: 30 question Time: 1.5 hours
Max Marks NOTE: Attempt all
Justify your answer Use of calculator is there
in not more than 5 Lines.(Assume not allowed.
is no typo mistake)

associativity and why is it 2) Which conditional operator can form a
N What is (2) logic equivalent to "if-else" statement?
Explain with example. (2)

a=7, b=8; FindA) Ram has told Shyam that he is N
3) Let the initial values are x=5, old. Write an algorithm and then convert
the final value of 'x for
the following
expressions (Justify your answer and
show it into Cprogram so that Shyam can
(3) understand the age of Ram in terms of
each step):
x+=2*3/2+ ++a-b-- +(5?3>2:2); years, days and hours.
3 6 6
A . .
(2+3 -5)
ii) x*=3*(a++%x)-a+(b/=5);
i) x- (a++ > b--)| (a++> b-)| (a++ > b--); 6) What will be the output for this code
5)/What will be the output for this code fragment?
(2.5) fragment?
#include<stdio.h> (2.5)
int main) int main)
{int a=2,b=3,c=4;
int i-4, j=-1, k=0, W, X, y, Z; a=10;
w=illj | k; else
x=i &&j&& k; c=10;
y=i||j &&k; printf("na=%d \t b=%d \t c=%d",a,b,c);
return 0:
z =i &&j|| k;
printf("%d, %d, %d, %dn", w, x, y, z);
return 0;

7) Which of the following operadoOns are |8) What will be the output for this code
INCORRECT and why? (2.5) fragment? (2.5)
int main(0
a. int i =35; i =1%5;
b. short int j= 255; j= j; {int a, b;
const al;
365L; k = k;
C. long int k = al=a+b;
a%3; printf("%d",al):
d. float a = 3.14; a = return 0;
9) Complete the following program in such a way10) Write the short notes on: (5)
that when the user input the value 2 then it (a). Primary and secondary memory
prints Welcome" and If it enters g" then it
should display "I don't understand your input" (b). What is USB flash drive?
(c). What is pre-processor?
(3) (d). Different type of programming
void main() { errors
int check; (e) The intermediate files generated
switch (check) during the execution of a C program

"The expert in anything was once a beginner-Helen Hayes"


Basic Electronics Engineering (22 ECTI08)

Mid-Term Examination, 18"September 2023
Maximum Time Allowed - 1:30 hrs

(a) Section A is compulsory to attempt.
(b) Attempt either section Bor C

Section-A (COMPULSORY) (Attempt any 5)

Q hat is a forward-biased and reverse-biased diode How is the width of the spaCe (3)
charge region affected in forward and reverse biased diode?
Q.2 Differentiate avalanche and Zener breakdowns. (3)
s Explain the working of a bridge rectifier with suitable figures
Draw the output waveform for Fig. I. Give reasons for your output waveform. (3)
Q.5 Azener diode circuit is given in Fig. 2. Determine Vi. , IL,lz, and lR for the network if (2)
RL=1802. (b). Determine the value of R, that will establish maximum power (1)
conditions for the Zener diode.
Q.6 Sketch v, for the network of Fig. 3 and determine the dc voltage available. (3)

+8 V 220 S2 +
V, = 10 V
20 V R
4V = 400 mW

-8 V
Fig. 1 for Q. 4 Fig. 2 for Q. 5

ldeal diodes
22 2.2 k2

Fig. 3 forQ. 6
in Fig. 4:
Draw the waveforms Vi(t) in the circuit given below (5)
V,= 10 V
a) When V;=50 V, VË=5 V,
b) When VË = 5V, VË = 15 V, V)= 20 V
Give reasons for your outlput waveform.
(b) E-20V.
Draw the output waveform for circuit of Fig. 5. (a) When E=0V (5)
Give reasons for your output waveform.
20 V
v,Sinwt +
Vo(t) R
E20 V
Fig. 4 for Q. 7 Fig. 5 for Q. 8
(a) Describe the drift and diffusion motion of charge carriers in semiconductors with ()
relevant mathematical expressions.
(b) Beginning from the diode current equation, prove that the dynamic resistance of (2)
adiode is rp-(26m V/lp).
Qo Using K-Map, obtain (4)
á) minimal SOP expression for F(A,B,C,D)= Lm(2,3,5,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14,15)
(b) minimal POS expression for F(A, B,C, D) =Em(1, 3, 7,9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15)
Q.y Simplify Boolean functions, using Boolean algebra: (6)
Two hexadecimal numbers are P = CDB45 and Q = 9FSOB. Find the P-Q and Q-P (5)
using I's and 2's complement methods. Provide answer in hexadecimal.
Calculate the following
(a) Binary and hexadecimal equivalent for (I8.625)o (2)
(b) 6's and 7'scomplement for (54634)7
(c) Convert (345)io to (
(September 2023)
Mid-term examination CET102 Environmer:tal science Maximum marks:120
B.Tech first semester (Section A)
Time allowed: 1.5 hours
marks.) vehicular
(NOTE: Attempt all questions and cach question carries equall (10) manufacturers in reducing
What is the Volkswagen Emission Scandal? What is the role of?automobile
youhave pasted in your scrapboOK.
2. Discuss any two recent environmental challenges that
3.Why is " Noise" a Modern Plague?
4"Electric Vehicles" are becoming very popular these days. Why?desirable to control Methane?
SWhatare the sources of Methane in the atmosphere? Why is it
3. Why and when was the Montreal Protocol signed? What is the Kigali amendment?
ozone (1 or 2 lines each)
7. Explain the contribution of the following scientists conceming stratospheric
1. Chapman 2.Dobson 3.Jonathan Shanklin
4. Molina 5.Fabry & Buisson 6.Thomas Midgley
8. Write short notes on (4-5 sentences) 5- SDG5
1.Chile's Ozone hole 2. BS VIfuel T3.India's 0NDCA.Urban Heat isiarid
9. Why is following undesirable (2-3 lines each) Submergence of Maldives
. Urbani|ation 2. Photochemical smog3.
4. Honking of horns 5Emissions of SF6
of the
0. The Impact of noise on human beings isgoverned by which factors? If the SPL is 80dB, find the pressure
sound wave in N/m2.
Briefly explain the role of medium during the
M. What is the importance of a' medium' in an air pollution problem?
Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984. member of theMontreal Protocol
12. (a)On a World map, Mark 20 countries that are a
air-polluted cities.
(b) On an Indian map, mark any 10critically
1stB. Tech MID-TERM EXAMINATION, September, 2023
Engineering Chemistry (CYT-101) MAX. MARKS 30
DURATION: 90 Minutes
a Define hardness with the help of chemical reaction. through chemical
How Ca(HCO3)2 &Mg(HCO3)2 can be removed, explain
e Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Hot Lime Soda Plant. Cold Lime Soda Process.
Write any four advantages of Hot Lime Soda Process over three examples of it. 3
Give any
e What is the role of Coagulants in softening process? 15000 litres of water
Calculate the amount of Lime and Soda needed for softening
containing: HCI-20.6 mg/L; MgClh=36 mg/L; Al(S04)=17.1 mgL; Ca"=20 mgL;
HCOs=6lmg/L; Mg(HCO3)2=73mg/L & NaC-33 mg/L.Also calculate total Alumny
of water sample:)

2 a How can Hydrogen be used safely as a transportation fuel? 2
suppose if you are using
b Comment on the magnitude of HCV and LCV of a fuel sample
fullerene (Có0) 3
C )Explain how tetraethyl lead decreases the knocking. (tetraethyl lead) was
iyFor decreasing the knocking of IC engines, lead (Pb) additives like Write
are avoided?
added in the gasoline. But nowadays the lead (Pb) additives in gasoline
any twO reasons.
improver. 2
d Write one advantage and drawback of using ethanol as an octane
The catalyst used in fixed bed catalytic cracking would stop working after 8-10 hours
functioning due to the deposition of the black layer of carbon. Suggest a possible way by
which the catalyst can reactivate?

Out of two fuels A and B, of which %(S) > oN) in Aand %(N) > %(S) in B. Comment 2
on the magnitude of acid correction termsn uelA and B(which one is greater in fuel A
and B), and why? (S-Sulphur; N=Nitrogen).

I YEARB. TECH with PythonCode: 22CsTI01
Course: Programming 16-09-2023
Max Marks: 30
Atempt Allthe Questions
tenperature Valuc in Celsius to Fahrenholet
Write apython program to convert a given
Fahrenheit-Celsius x9/5+ 32 [3]

Write a Python program to check a given year (yyyy) IS a leapP year and/or century year. (31

Solve :(8A5)16 = D8 3]
A/Solve the expression 50 + (-43) using 2's complement. [2]
/Write apython program using a while loop to find the sum of all the numbers which are
multiples of 3up to 100. (e.g. 3+6+9+...99). [3]

rGWrite apython program to determine the cost ofa given produchn after giving discount for the)
(product) The cost of the product is taken from user as inputrupees) Ask the user what
category the product falls into, like 'Electronics,' 'Clothing,' or 'Groceries.' The discount given
to a product is as follows:: (S]

1fit's 'Electronics,' give a 10% discount.

wlfit's 'Clothing,'give a 20% discount.
-Ifit's 'Groceries,' give a5% discount.
For anything else, give a 15% discount.
Then, calculate and show the new price after the discount.

AExplain bitwise operators using suitable examples. [3]

or identity operators using suitable examples. [2]
. B . Explain either membership operators
Writethe output of following python codes: (1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5]
(a) nu={-4,6,4,io2,32,-12.641
s="6.00 is 6.0001 and 6.0002"
new str=

new str += s-1] for n in nu:

new str += s|0] if 2**i=n:
new str t= s4::30] print(n)
new str t= s[13:10:-1] i=it1

colour = "red" x=100 + 200 / 10 -3 * 10
quantity= 0 print(x)
if(colour ="red" or colour ="gre")and quantity >=5:
print("Your parcel is dispatched")
print("Your parcel cannot be dispatched")
22MAT101- Mathcmatics-l
Mid-Term Examination 2023-24 (Odd Semester)
Department of Mathematics
MNIT Jaipur Date: 16-09-2023
Total Marks: 30 Duration-90 Minutes

All questions are compulsory.

Calculators are not allowed.

yDetermine the conditions for wlhich the following system

+2y -z=b,
5r + 7y + as = b

admits (i) unique solution (ii) no solution (iii) infinite solutions. (5 Marks)
2. (a) Let X1 and X, be eigenvectors of a matrix A corresponding to distinct eigen
values j and A2 respectively. Then show that X1 and X, are linearly inde
pendent. (3 marks)
Let A be an eigenvalue of an invertible mat1ix A. Then show that is an
eigenvalue of A-1. (2 marks)
E. The eigenvectors of a3 x 3 matrix A corresponding to the eigenvalues 1, -1,2 are

respectively. Find the matrix A and hence fnd A5. (5 Marks)

AShow that the limit lim does not exist.

(5 Marks)
(r,y)-+(1,-1) r'- y2

Aiu=f( then prove that +y+=0. (5 Marks)

gIf f(z,y) = tan'(y). Find an approximate value of f(1.1, 0.8) using the Taylor's
series (i) linear approximation (ii) quadratic approximation. (5 Marks)

Institute of(22CST104)
Malaviya National
Discrete Mathematics
Mid TermExamination
Max marks: 30
Timing: 8:30 to 10:00 AMI

Attempt all the guestions

The town of Konigsberg, Prussia (ow called Leningrad, Russia) is divided into
four sectors by the branches of the Pregel river. During the eighteenth century,
there were seven bridges across theesLhes oftheriver which enabled people
to travel from one sector to anothor 'wofor fgure). Apopular puzzleacross
at that
time was, "Is it possible to start at some location in the town. travel
the bridges exactly once, and return to the starting Pomt:
What is the correct answer of this pupzle? Possible or Not Possible? How
would you solve this puzzle using graplhs andmathenatical logic? (4)

50cars are assembled in a factory with some of the three facilities: air-conditioner.
music system and television. It is known tlhat 20 cars have air-conditioner, 18
cars have music system and 15 cars have television. If 8of those caros have all
the three facilities, then find the smallest number of cars which have none of
these three facilities.
(c) Prove or disprove: V2 is an irrational number. (3)
2. Give an example of sets for which the given conditions are satisfied. If you
are able to find such an example then show that your example is COrrect. Else
justify why such an example cannot be found.
( r 2 3


B-Cbut A B
J. A- C= (B-C)
(A-B) -C=A - (4)

What arethetruth values of VrduP(r, v), VrHyP(u. y)

2. domain of, ", yis the sct of all integers?
Let P(r, y): 2r+y=
and BryP(r.y). (2)

What arcthe truth values of VrtyP(r, y), VryP(1.

Let P(r, y): rdivides y.
where the domain I,y is {1,2, 4, 6, 12}? (2)
and BryP(r, y).
types O people, namely Type 1 and Type 2.Type
two 2 people always lie. You give a fair
\(d) In a room there are only truth and Type
tell the he is frorm and tell
l people always that room, without knowing which type the
coin to a person in
result trom you till you ask for it. Upon asking,
him totoss it and hide the result of the toss is head if and only if I am
person replies the following "The
truth." Which of the following options is correct?
telling the
" The result is head
" The result is tail
2, then thc rcsult is tail
" If the person is of type
" If the person is type 1,
then the result is tail (2)

their son
cvening therc was a nurder in the homc of married couple,
3. (a) One
of these four people murdered one of the others. One of the
and daughter. One other one helped the murderer.
members of the family,witnessed the crime. The
These are the things we know for sure:
the murderer were not of the same
1. The witness and the one who helped

2. The oldest person and the witness were not

of the same sex.
were not of the same sex.
3. The youngest person and the victim
older than the victim.
4. The one who helped the murderer was
5. The father was the oldest member of the family. T
6. The murderer was not the youngest
member of the family. T

Who was the murderer?

Using the contrapositive proof technique, prove that if the product of integers
must be odd. (3)
and gis odd, then both p and q

K Consider the following statements.
or in my office.
" I was looking at the phone bill tor Davmenl at breaklast checkbook is on
" If I was looking at the phone bill at brcakfast. then
the breakfast talble.
then the checkbook is on my
" If I was looking at the phone bill in mvoffice,
office table.
" Idid not pay my phoe bill.
paid my phond Dll.
" If my checkbook is on my ofice tahle then I (3)
Where is my checkbook?

Best wishes
Reference Sheet for Logic

Logical Equivalences
Definition of A
PA PEF alse Idempotent DeMorgan's Distributive Laws
Laws pVpp Laws pA g) E pv(qA) =(pvq) A(pv
PAFalse = F
alse PATrue papEp p v q (p vq) )pA(qv) (p Aq) v(p

Definition of v Double Negation Absorption Associative Laws

Py -PETrue (p) Ep Laws pv(pA (pv q) Vrp (qv)
PvFalse = P q) p (pAg) Arpa (q a)
PyTrue =True pa (pVq) =p

Commnutative Implication Biconditional Laws

Laws pvgigV Laws p ’qi p+q=(p’) A(g ’
pVq P) p qiq p

Inference Rules
Simplification Modus Ponens Modus Tollens Hypothetical
p’q p’q
Therefore, p
Therefore,q Therefore, p Therefore, p r
Conjunction Addition Resolution Disjunctive Syllogism
pVq pvq

Therefore, p Aq
Therefore, pVq
Therefore, qVr Therefore, q
Universal Existential Existential
Instantiation VxP(x) Universal Instantiation xP(x) Generalization Pc)
Generalization P(c)
Therefore, P(c) Therefore, P(c) Therefore, axP(x)
Therefore, VxP(x)

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