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Verify Identity Payment


100 USD


Your wallet address

Enter your wallet address

Selected blockchain

Ethereum (ERC20)

Payment method

Apple Pay Visa/Mastercard

Gateway Fee 1.99% Gateway Fee 1.99%

Apple Pay Google Pay

Gateway Fee 1.99% Gateway Fee 0%

Google Pay
Gateway Fee 0%

Summary Show full summary

Total Payable
$100.00 USD (incl. $5.57 fees*)

Create Order

Cryptocurrency services powered by Zero Hash

*The estimated network fee is an approximation

and the actual network fee applied on a
withdrawal may di!er. The actual network fee
can vary due to blockchain conditions like
network congestion and demand at the time of
the transaction. Orders may not be canceled or
reversed once submitted by you. By submitting a
withdrawal request, you are requesting an on-
chain transaction that is not reversible or
recallable. You are responsible for reviewing the
recipient address and ensuring it is the correct
address for the selected asset for withdrawal.

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© 2023 Global Internet Ventures Pty Ltd Trading
as Banxa.
Banxa is not a bank / authorised deposit taking
Head O"ce: L2 2-6 Gwynne Street, Cremorne,
Victoria 3121, Australia

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