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Presented By :
Darji Shreyansh
Jivani Mahi
Gauswami Saloni
Sakariya Shreena


Gastroenteritis, a common intestinal illness characterized by inflammation of the
gastrointestinal tract, poses a significant public health challenge, particularly in developing
nations, where it contributes to high rates of illness and mortality among children under
five. In the Philippines, including Dagupan City in Pangasinan province, gastroenteritis
remains a prevalent issue, demanding focused investigation into its spatial distribution.
Spatial analysis of gastroenteritis offers insights into its geographical spread, aiding
healthcare authorities in directing resources efficiently for prevention and intervention.
This analysis helps identify disease clusters and high-risk zones, shedding light on
environmental factors like contaminated water sources and inadequate sanitation, which
can fuel disease transmission.
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024
Understanding transmission patterns through spatial analysis facilitates targeted
interventions such as vaccination campaigns and hygiene education in high-risk
communities. Predictive modeling based on spatial data can anticipate future outbreaks,
enabling proactive public health measures.
Despite previous studies highlighting gastroenteritis prevalence in Dagupan City, a
spatial analysis of its distribution is lacking. This research aims to fill this gap, providing
crucial information for public health officials to design interventions and allocate
resources effectively to combat and prevent gastroenteritis spread in the city.

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

First Problem
What is the spatial distribution of
This study aimed in mapping the
gastroenteritis cases within Dagupan
spatial distribution of City?
gastroenteritis cases in Dagupan Second Problem
City and identify potential Are there spatial clusters or hotspots of
gastroenteritis incidence in specific
environmental and
areas of the city?
socioeconomic factors associated
Third Problem
with disease hotspots.
Is there a correlation between
environmental factors and increased risk
of gastroenteritis in Dagupan City?
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

Globally, gastroenteritis poses significant public health and economic challenges, and the
Philippines is no stranger to its impact. This study, focusing on a spatial analysis of
gastroenteritis in Dagupan City, carries considerable importance for several reasons:

• Enhanced comprehension of disease burden: The spatial analysis will uncover regions
with elevated concentrations of gastroenteritis cases, offering valuable insights into the
disease's impact across different city sectors.

• Identification of high-risk zones: By identifying geographical clusters of

gastroenteritis, the study can pinpoint communities at higher risk of outbreaks.
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

• Understanding risk factors: The spatial analysis will examine relationships between
gastroenteritis distribution and factors like population density, as well as environmental
elements such as temperature and humidity.
• Guiding public health decision-making: The study's findings will directly influence
evidence-based public health decision-making. By pinpointing high-risk areas and
potential risk factors, the research can steer the development of targeted interventions
for more efficient prevention and control of gastroenteritis in Dagupan City.
The study utilized gastroenteritis case data from the City Health Office (CHO) of Dagupan
City, along with spatial data on factors like population density, temperature, and humidity,
sourced from the same agency. Data analysis focused on gastroenteritis cases from 2022 to
2023 at the city level, examining their spatial distribution within Dagupan City's borders.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software was employed for spatial analysis and
visualization of disease clusters and potential risk factors. The study explored
sociodemographic and environmental factors that could influence gastroenteritis

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

Gastroenteritis is primarily caused by infectious agents like viruses, bacteria, and parasites, as
well as non-infectious factors such as food poisoning and medication reactions. Its incidence
varies geographically and temporally, influenced by environmental, socioeconomic, and
demographic factors. Studies have highlighted the role of contaminated food and water,
inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene practices in its transmission. Additionally,
socioeconomic disparities, population density, and urbanization are associated with increased
This intestinal illness is a significant public health concern, particularly in developing countries
like the Philippines, where Dagupan City bears a substantial disease burden. Existing research
on spatial analysis of gastroenteritis informs the investigation of its spatial distribution and risk
factors in Dagupan City.
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

patial analysis techniques, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial statistics,
and modeling, have been extensively used to study the spatial distribution of infectious diseases
like gastroenteritis. GIS enables the integration of various spatial datasets for visualizing and
analyzing disease patterns and spatial relationships. Spatial statistical methods, such as cluster
detection and hotspot analysis, help identify spatial clusters of disease incidence and evaluate
spatial autocorrelation. Spatial modeling techniques, like spatial regression, explore
associations between disease occurrence and environmental or socioeconomic factors.
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

This thesis employed a cross-sectional

ecological study design to investigate the
spatial distribution of gastroenteritis in
source of data Dagupan City and its association with
This study utilized data based on the various factors (CDC, 2020). Ecological
gastroenteritis cases. Data on
studies analyze relationships between
gastroenteritis cases were obtained from
City Health Office (CHO), the local
factors and health outcomes at the
health agencies within Dagupan City. population level, using data aggregated
for geographical units (e.g., barangays)
within Dagupan City (Pearce, N., 2006).
LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

For the spatial analysis, Geographic FORMULA

Information Systems (Arc GIS) software • r = Pearson correlation coefficient

was employed to conduct the spatial (value between -1 and +1)

• n = number of pairs of data points
analysis. For the correlation, Pearson's
(sample size)
correlation was employed to evaluate the
• Σ (sigma) = summation symbol (sum
degree of interdependence between the of all values)
variables of interest. • x = independent variable value
• y = dependent variable value
Formula: • xy = product of x and y for each pair
r = (nΣxy - ΣxΣy) / √(nΣx² - (Σx)² * (nΣy² - (Σy)²) of data points

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

The data indicates a shifting gender distribution among gastroenteritis patients in Dagupan City.
Although females comprised a higher percentage of cases in both 2022 and 2023, there was a
significant rise in the proportion of male patients from 39% in 2022 to 46% in 2023. This change
may reflect alterations in exposure patterns, healthcare-seeking behavior, or discrepancies in
susceptibility between genders. While some studies propose hormonal variations might affect
susceptibility to certain gastrointestinal infections, additional research is required to validate this
within the context of gastroenteritis.

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

The results highlight a cluster of barangays with significantly higher gastroenteritis incidence
compared to others. These high-risk areas include Bonuan Boquig, Carael, Caranglaan,
Lomboy, Mangin, and Mayombo. Notably, Bonuan Boquig consistently recorded the highest
number of cases, with 36 in 2022 and a concerning rise to 67 cases in 2023. Similarly,
Mayombo experienced a substantial increase from 14 cases in 2022 to 57 cases in 2023.

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

While Bonuan Boquig and Mayombo maintained their positions as top case contributors, the
data suggests a potential widening of the high-risk zone. Bonuan Binloc emerged as the
third-highest barangay in 2023 with 38 cases, and Carael also saw a rise to 27 cases.
Additionally, Tambac displayed a significant increase, jumping from 3 cases in 2022 to 21
cases in 2023, representing a concerning 700% rise in just one year.

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

The correlation coefficients between temperature and incident cases of gastroenteritis in
Dagupan City for both 2022 and 2023 reveal interesting patterns. In 2023, there is a negative
correlation coefficient of -0.567 between temperature and incident cases, although it is not
statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Conversely, in 2022, the correlation coefficient
between temperature and incident cases is positive at 0.222, but again, it is not statistically

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

The correlation coefficients between humidity and incident cases of gastroenteritis in
Dagupan City for both 2022 and 2023 reveal interesting patterns. In 2023, there is a strong
negative correlation coefficient of -0.725 between humidity and incident cases, which is
statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Conversely, in 2022, the correlation coefficient
between humidity and incident cases is positive at 0.028, but it is not statistically significant.

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

cases per barangay 22

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

Gastroenteritis, a common gastrointestinal infection characterized by symptoms such as
diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever, remains a significant public health concern
worldwide, contributing to substantial morbidity and mortality rates (Kotloff et al., 2018). In
urban settings, where population density and environmental pressures are high, gastroenteritis
poses particular challenges for disease control and prevention. Dagupan City, located in the
province of Pangasinan, Philippines, exemplifies such an urban environment, with a growing
population and diverse socio-economic landscape

LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

Analysis of gastroenteritis demographics in Dagupan City reveals noteworthy shifts, with an
increase in male cases between 2022 and 2023. Children remain most affected, while a slight
rise in elderly cases in 2023 indicates a need for targeted protection. Spatial analysis identifies
high-risk areas like Bonuan Boquig and Mayombo, with potential expansion into places like
Tambac. Temperature's impact on cases is inconclusive, but humidity shows a significant
negative correlation with gastroenteritis in 2023, suggesting a promising avenue for future
research to inform public health strategies.

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• Conduct in-depth studies to explore the reasons behind the observed shift in
gender distribution and the increase in elderly cases.
• Investigate potential environmental and behavioral factors contributing to the
high disease burden in specific barangays.
• Analyze data over a longer period to strengthen the understanding of correlations
between environmental factors and gastroenteritis incidence

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LYCEUM NORTWESTERN University | 2024

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