Script Revision 4

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Except voice over changes, all the rest very minor changes

Please read carefully – we are getting closer

All seconds relate to last version you just sent to me – so you can understand what I mean

1st change – Voice over – critical !!!

Please just copy the voice over from my original clip

1) youtube second 7 till 17 should be in your video seconds 12 to 22 – the same voice over. It
start the same but than you took wrong voice over
2) youtube 1:00 to 1:56 should be exactly in your video from 54 seconds to 1:47 the same –
just keep it as it was in my youtube !!!! (few seconds here are probably moving on the first
image at second at 1:47 at your clip – it is ok that last voice over (split 9 file name) will be
partially on the last 2 images)

2nd make transition in second 30 when video are switches

3rd change – graphic motion TruSafe at second 30 – please make it

much bigger , mut be seen

4th change – the graphic motion at 1:14 change to Always Keeps

(small change as add s to keep)

5th change – the graphic motion at 1:30 change to Huge “WOW”

(small change as add O in WOW as capital letter)

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