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Journal of Applied Science and Technology (JAST), Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012, pp.

58 - 62



I.I. Akomolafe, T. Yakubu †, O.O. Ige ‡ and L.E. Umoru ‡

Department of Glass and Ceramic Technology, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
† Triplex Safety Glass, Ibadan, Nigeria
‡ Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Production of sodium carbonate from natural trona deposits in Yobe State (Nigeria) for utilization in the glass
industry was investigated. The ore existed in cakes, flakes and ash forms, and nine samples were beneficiated
and test melted. The samples were analyzed and processed using monohydrate and sesquicarbonate methods.
The sesquicarbonate method was more efficient than monohydrate technique. The average yield of sodium car-
bonate was 69.5 %, 40.0 % and 33.0 % for the cake, ash and flakes, respectively; while the mean combined alk-
ali (Na2O + K2O) content was 41.2 %. The beneficiated samples were melted for soda-lime silicate and lead sil-
icate glass batch compositions, which in terms of fluxing efficiency and glass colour, compared favourably with
the glass test melt using industrial soda ash. The trona samples could be utilized in glass making both in benefi-
ciated and natural forms.


The glass industry depends on sodium Trona occurs as natural ores worldwi-
carbonate or commercial soda ash, as a key in- de, especially, in United States (Wyoming or
gredient in production. Sodium carbonate can Green River), Turkey (Beypazari), Kenya (La-
be obtained by refining from natural sources ke Magadi) and Egpyt (Nile Valley). Natural
(lake waters and soda deposits) or manufactur- trona (sodium sesquicarbonate) is a hydrated
ed by chemical process using solvay method double salt of sodium carbonate and bicarbon-
[1]. The trend is towards production from nat- ate (Na2CO3NaHCO32H2O(S)) The ore is non-
ural sources because of the comparative produ- metallic mineral, which if pure contains 70.39
ction cost advantages over artificial soda ash % sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), and the excess
production, with respect to raw materials, ene- carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) can be
rgy cost and environmental considerations. driven off by calcinations to yield natural Na2
Sodium carbonate minerals used in commerci- CO3 [5 - 8]. The sodium in Na2CO3 exhibits
ial production of soda are natrone (Na2CO310 fluxing properties essential for the glass and
H2O), thermonatrite (Na2CO3H2O) and trona silicate industries by reducing viscosity of the
(Na2CO3NaHCO32H2O(S)) [2]. In the study re- melts [9]. The viscosity of glassy material is
ported in this paper, natural trona deposits fr- directly related to the melting temperature and
om Yobe State (Nigeria) were investigated to the lowering of temperature ultimately leads to
determine the suitability for glass making, as significant energy saving and reduction in cost
the ores are abundant and underutilized. of operation.
Sodium carbonates used in local glass Natural sodium carbonate can be proc-
production are imported, despite the abundant essed by sesquicarbonate, monohydrate, alkali
natural deposits in the North Eastern Nigeria. extraction and carbonation methods; but the fi-
The ores are known as “kanwa” or “kaun” and rst two are the dominant processes used to co-
are mined on small scale for medicinal purpo- nvert mined trona to Na2CO3 and were adopted
ses and food processing [3]. The deposits exist for the research.
close to the ground surface in the form of cak- In the sesquicarbonate process, the tro-
es, flakes and ashes, and are usually grey, bla- na ore is dissolved in aqueous solution, and af-
ck or light brown in colour. No systematic ev- ter separating the solution from the insoluble,
aluation has been made to estimate the reserve, sodium sesquicarbonate is crystallized from
but for commercial utilization, the ores must the solution by cooling. The sesquicarbonate
be beneficiated and chemically purified to me- crystals are then separated from the mother li-
et industrial standards and requirements [4]. quor and calcined to recover the anhydrous
Na2CO3 [9].

Akomolafe et. al., Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012, pp. 58 - 62

In the monohydrate process, natural sample was dissolved in water to form a conc-
sodium sesquicarbonate is crushed, ground entrated solution, and filtered using Whatman
and calcined, and the product is dissolved in 41 filter paper. The filtrate was evaporated, co-
water, treated with activated carbon to remove oled to obtain white fine sesquicarbonate crys-
soluble organic compounds, filtered and cryst- tals, dried and calcined at 150 oC for 45 mins
allized by evaporation to obtain crystals of Na2 to form dense soda ash by the reaction eqn.(1).
CO3 monohydrate. The monohydrate crystals
are then separated from the mother liquor and 3.3. Chemical Analysis
dried to recover the Na2CO3 [10]. The beneficiated trona samples were
The conversion of trona to anhydrous analysed to determine Na2O and K2O content
Na2CO3 follows the steps of breaking up the using Corning EEL 450 flame photometer eq-
crystal lattice and discharge of the crystal wat- uipped with Na and K filters. Standard soluti-
er; conversion of bicarbonate to carbonate and ons were prepared by diluting Na2CO3 solutio-
discharge of carbon-dioxide; and formation of ns into 100 mL volumetric flasks. The instru-
Na2CO3 crystals by nucleation and growth. ment was warmed between 5 - 10 mins, the st-
The decomposition occurs as [11], andard solutions were aspirated, and the equip-
2(Na2CO3NaHCO32H2O)=3Na2CO3+5H20+CO2 (1) ment calibrated (with concentration as abscissa
and commences at temperatures > 70 oC, but and instrument readouts as ordinate values).
the rate does not become significant until the Concentrations of K+ and Na+ in the test soluti-
temperature exceeds 120 oC. At lower temper- on were obtained from the calibration curve.
atures, wegscheiderite (Na2CO33NaHCO3) and The Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations we-
sodium carbohydrate monohydrate (Na2CO3 re determined by Stepwise Complexometric
2H2O) form as intermediates [11-12]; method [13]. The analytical reagents included
3(Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O) = (Na2CO33NaH CO3)(s) mixed indicator I (0.08 g of Naphthol Green
+ 2Na2CO3 + 6H2O (2) mixed with 0.05 g of o-cresolphthalein compl-
2(Na2CO33NaHCO3)(s) = 5Na2CO3+3H20+3CO2 (3) exone and 20 g of ammonium chloride); Calc-
ein indicator (0.2 g Calcein mixed with 20 g
3. EXPERIMENTAL WORK KCl); thymolphthalein (0.1 % in 30 % TEA
3.1. Sampling solution) and mixed with indicator II (0.03 g
The trona samples were collected from of Eriochrome Black T mixed with 0.04 g Tit-
Gashua, Nguru and Geidam towns in Yobe St- an Yellow and 0.01 g Naphthol Green dissolv-
ate, where the trona cakes, flakes and ashes ed in 25 mL of TEA).
were obtained from each town, making a total Twenty five milliliters (25 mL) of be-
of 9 samples. The ores were ground by mortar neficiated trona solution were diluted with ~
and pestle, and milled to sizes of 25 mm. 100 mL of water, and 20 mL of 30 % TEA
was added, and thoroughly mixed. A mixture
3.2. Beneficiation of 30 mL of buffer (pH 10) and 30 mL of 19
For monohydrate processing, the grou- % of KCN solution was slowly added via swi-
nd samples were calcined in a platinum crucib- rling. The solution was diluted to 200 mL, air
le at 150 oC for 45 mins, for the ores to dissoc- was bubbled through for 10 mins and titrated
iate and CO2 and H2O to be driven off by the with EDTA using 0.2 g of mixed indicator I
reaction eqn. (1) [11]. The calcined products for Ca and Mg. The end-point was indicated
were combined with water to dissolve the Na2 by a sharp change of colour from pink to gre-
CO3 and for the insoluble materials to be disc- en. The Ca2+ was determined by diluting 25
arded. The resultant clear liquid was then eva- mL of the beneficiated trona with about 150
porated and the dissolved Na2CO3 precipitat- mL of water, and 2 mL of thymolphthalein
ed out as Na2CO32H2O, by the reaction, added drop wise until the solution turned blue
Na2CO3 + 2H20 = Na2CO32H2O (4) or green. Then 5 mL of 10 % KCN solution
The precipitated products were calcined for se- and 15 mL of 5M KOH were added, followed
cond time to remove the water of crystallizati by titration with EDTA in the presence of 0.2
on by the reaction, g calcein indicator, and the end point was sho-
Na2CO32H2O = Na2CO3 + 2H2O (5)
wn by a colour change to red with disappeara-
In the sesquicarbonate process, each
nce of the green fluorescence.

Akomolafe et. al., Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012, pp. 58 - 62

3.4. Suitability of Trona as Flux hest value, for all the deposits from Nguru,
The suitability of trona as a flux in gl- Geidam and Gashua. The cakes gave higher
ass and glaze was determined by test melting soda ash yield of between 69 and 70 % in each
soda lime silica and lead silicate compositions. of the three deposits compared to 39 - 41 %
The same compositions were prepared using for ashes and 32 - 34 % for the flakes.
the 3 soda ash sources for both soda lime glass
and lead silicate in crucibles. The soda lime Table 1. Percentage yield of Soda Ash
Sample Monohydrate Sesqui-carbonate
glass in different crucibles was melted in the Process (g) Process (g)
day tank furnace for 16 h, while the lead silica- Nguru
te was subjected to the same treatment for 13 Trona flake 33.01 34.00
Trona cake 69.80 70.21
h. The batch was melted in a gas fired glass Trona ash 40.80 40.18
melting day tank furnace at 1250 oC in an oxi- Geidam
dizing atmosphere to obtain the glass composi- Trona flake 32.84 32.14
Trona cake 69.93 70.00
tions and thereby evaluate the suitability. Trona ash 39.90 40.23
Industrial soda ash was also used to Gashua
Trona flake 33.90 33.98
prepare glass batch of same composition in or- Trona cake 70.12 69.99
der to compare the fluxing ability of the trona Trona ash 41.01 39.67
from Nigeria. Average 47.82 47.82

4. RESULTS The chemical composition of the puri-

4.1. Yield and Composition fied trona is presented in Table 2. The amount
Table 1 shows the percentage yield of of Na2O ranged between 34 and 36 %, K2O
trona, and indicates the effect of process meth- was about 6 %, CO2 was about 38 %, and wat-
od and the natural form of the ore. The flakes er content of about 18 %.
gave lowest yield, while the cakes yielded hig-

Table 2. Chemical analysis of purified Trona

Sample Na2O K2O MgO CaO H2O CO2 SO3 Others
Trona flake 35.01 6.19 0.09 0.02 18.00 38.00 0.06 0.19
Trona cake 36.00 5.19 0.06 0.05 18.21 37.91 0.69 0.17
Trona ash 35.23 5.99 0.08 0.02 19.00 37.77 0.68 0.86
Trona flake 34.91 6.30 0.02 0.04 18.70 38.11 0.71 0.32
Trona cake 34.99 6.22 0.06 0.05 20.10 37.22 0.70 0.51
Trona ash 35.00 6.22 0.02 0.01 20.00 36.91 0.69 0.80
Trona flake 36.00 5.22 0.05 0.09 19.20 38.00 0.69 0.19
Trona cake 35.11 6.11 0.09 0.06 20.00 37.90 0.69 0.39
Trona ash 35.12 6.10 0.07 0.02 18.02 39.91 0.70 0.18
Average 35.26 5.95 0.06 0.04 19.02 37.66 0.68 0.47

4.2. Batch Constituents within 7 h using the day tank furnace fired to
The batch composition used for the 1250 oC, thereby confirming the fluxing effici-
soda-lime glass and lead glass is presented in ency of the trona compared with industrial so-
Table 3. The efficiency of Na2O and K2O in da ash. The glass melted with the crude ore
the raw trona and beneficiated trona as flux in cakes and flakes gave deep green colour, while
the glass batch was compared to that of ind-
ustrial soda ash. Table 3. Glass Composition
The glass batch prepared with the pro- Oxides Soda Lime Lead Glass
Glass (%) (%)
cessed trona gave a clear bubble free glass wi- Silicon Dioxide (%) 60.00 50.00
th slight green tint similar to the same batch Sodium Oxide (%) 21.50 7.74
melted with industrial soda ash. The green tint Potassium Oxide (%) 3.50 1.26
could be attributed to the ferrous ions (Fe+2) Calcium Oxide (%) 10.00 6.00
content in the glass sand. Both batches melted Magnesium Oxide (%) 5.00 -
Lead Oxide (%) - 35.00

Akomolafe et. al., Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012, pp. 58 - 62

the batch containing crude ore ashes gave am- Table 4. Chemical analyses of tronas from Nigeria, USA
ber brown colour. The non-beneficiated trona and Egypt [14]
Composition Yobe Trona USA Trona* Egypt Trona*
impacted colours ranging from green to amber
Na2O 35.26 41.00 41.22
on the glass and hence could be used only for
production of coloured glass and fluxing of K2O 5.95 - -
CO2 37.66 38.13 37.98
ceramic glazes. H2O 19.02 20.07 19.13
SO3 0.08 0.70 0.70
5. DISCUSSION CaO, MgO 0.10 0.02 0.08
The Na2CO3 yields using sesquicarbo- & NaHCO3
nate process were higher than obtained by mo- Others 0.47 0.19 0.86
nohydrate process, which involved double cal-
cinations. The calcination temperature for raw of variation in colour of the batch containing
trona was 150 oC, and as calcination processes the raw trona which was brown.
are highly endothermic, kinetics of the reactio- With the soda and potash contents kn-
ns occur at high temperatures [12]. The sesqu- own, the beneficiated trona could be used to
icarbonate process involved leaching, and the substitute soda ash in soda lime and lead sili-
calcination was facilitated, unlike the monohy- cate glass composition without any limitations
drate process where gaseous fumes were evol- in terms of batch free time and optical quality,
ved requiring additional costs in controlling while the raw trona might be only suitable for
the fumes. brown coloured glass. The presence of K2O in
The beneficiation processes produced Nigerian trona, but absent in trona from other
high quality soda ash as indicated by the white sources [14] is a production advantage, while
colour when compared to the grey, black and the 38 % CO2 and 20 % H2O content were ne-
light brown colours of the ores. The trona dep- arly the same for trona from the other sources.
osits contained 20 - 26 % pure ash [14], and
the high soda ash yield makes commercial ex- 6. CONCLUSIONS
ploitation of the trona deposits viable. The suitability of the local trona as a
Chemical analysis of industrial trona source of Na2CO3 for the glass industry, and
from USA and Egypt were obtained from Mc the most appropriate method for processing
Leods [14], and the tronas were equally test natural trona were determined. The sesquicar-
melted using the same techniques for tronas bonate method for beneficiation of the trona
sourced from Yobe (Nigeria). should be adopted, instead of monohydrate
The beneficiated samples gave combi- method, because of process simplicity and ea-
ned alkali (Na2O + K2O) average content of sy operation. The trona could be used either in
41.24 % which is of comparable grade to trona crude state or processed as a fluxing agent in
found in the USA (41.00 %) and Egypt (41.22 glass batch or ceramic glaze with varied colour
%) as shown in Table 4. The presence of K2O effects depending on the purity.
in the trona from Nigeria is an advantage over
trona from other sources, because K enhances 7. REFERENCES
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Journal of Applied Science & Technology

ISSN 0855-2215, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012


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