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• Water plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). It doesn't directly
affect your BMI, which is calculated based on your weight and height, but it contributes to
overall health and weight management in several ways. Brief overview of the limitations of
BMI and its focus solely on weight.
• Highlighting the often-overlooked role of water in influencing weight and, consequently,
• Hydration: Water is essential for every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Staying well-
hydrated helps your body function optimally and can contribute to maintaining a healthy
• Appetite Control: Sometimes, our bodies can mistake thirst for hunger. Drinking water can
help control appetite by making you feel full, which can prevent overeating and help
maintain a healthy weight.
• Metabolism Boost: Water can help boost your metabolism. A faster metabolism burns
more calories, which can help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy BMI.4. Exercise
Performance: Water is essential for optimal muscle function.
Water: The Body's Essential Ingredient
Water: The Body's Essential Ingredient
1. Image depicting water's composition in the human body (around 60%).

2. Explanation of water's crucial roles in various bodily functions, including:

✓ Regulating body temperature

✓ Lubricating joints

✓ Transporting nutrients and waste

✓ Aiding digestion

✓ Maintaining cellular health

02 Dehydration and its Impact
Dehydration and its Impact
1. Illustration of a dehydrated person and symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and headache.

2. Explanation of how dehydration can lead to.

✓ Increased water weight

✓ Reduced metabolic rate

✓ False hunger pangs and overeating

✓ Muscle breakdown and decreased muscle mass

Water and Weight
Water and Weight Management
1. Image showcasing individuals drinking water before meals.

2. Research findings linking adequate water intake to

✓ Reduced calorie intake

✓ Increased satiety and feeling of fullness

✓ Boosted metabolism and fat burning

✓ Improved exercise performance and recovery

Optimal Water Intake for
Weight Management
Optimal Water Intake for Weight Management
1. Chart depicting recommended daily water intake based on factors like age, weight, and activity level.

2. Tips for staying hydrated throughout the day.

✓ Carrying a reusable water bottle

✓ Setting reminders on your phone

✓ Infusing water with fruits and herbs

✓ Choosing water over sugary beverages

Water and BMI: The
Research Evidence
Water and BMI: The Research Evidence
1. Studies demonstrating the correlation between increased water intake and lower BMI.

2. Explanation of potential mechanisms behind this link

✓ Reduced calorie intake due to increased satiety

✓ Enhanced thermogenesis and calorie burning

✓ Improved body composition with increased muscle mass

Case Studies: Success Stories
of Hydration
Case Studies: Success Stories of Hydration
➢ Effect of excessive water intake on body weight, body mass index, body fat,
and appetite of overweight female participants.
✓ Obesity is a major public health issue, which is prevalent pandemically among all age
groups. Hence, the urgent need to manage this overwhelming epidemic of obesity cannot
be overemphasized. In the present study, an attempt has been made to see the effect of
drinking excessive water in female overweight participants, in terms of weight loss. The
decrease in body weight, BMI, sum of skinfold thickness, and appetite score of overweight
participants at the end of study period establishes the role of drinking excessive water in
weight reduction, body fat reduction, and appetite suppression of participants. Thus, water
drinking induced increase in sympathetic activity is an important and unrecognized
component of daily energy expenditure. If confirmed in future studies with larger number of
subjects, this cost free intervention may be a useful adjunctive treatment in overweight and
obese individuals to attain an increase in energy expenditure.

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