Kryterion Testing Network Test Taker Tracking Log

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This log contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and must be for KCP USE ONLY. The Test Taker DOES NOT view or sign this log.

Date Test Taker Name Assessment Name Type of Photo ID Type of 2nd ID Test Taker
(include the last 4 digits of ID or ID (include last 4 digits or expiration date) check-in time
expiration date)

Mandatory: List all Test Aids provided to the Test Taker or that the Test Taker brought in to use. Allowable test aids are stated in the Proctor Instructions.
( ) 3 sheets Paper / 2 Pencils ( ) Headphones/earplugs ( ) PDF Document - # of Pages _____ ( ) Calculator ( ) NO Test Aids allowed
( ) Other – please list:

Test Taker Test Taker check-out time: Proctor verified exam was submitted by Test Taker and entered Proctor collected ALL test aids listed above prior to the
Check out their KCP login and security code on the Assessment Test Taker retrieving their personal items from storage
Process: Submission screen to end Test Taker exam process. and leaving the center.

Proctor Initials ________________ Proctor Initials _______________

Test Session Comments (ie: breaks taken by Test Taker, interruptions due technical issues, frozen or white screens or any irregularities):

Date Test Taker Name Assessment Name Type of Photo ID Type of 2nd ID Test Taker
(include the last 4 digits of ID or ID (include last 4 digits or expiration date) check-in time
expiration date)

Mandatory: List all Test Aids provided to the Test Taker or that the Test Taker brought in to use. Allowable test aids are stated in the Proctor Instructions
( ) 3 sheets Paper / 2 Pencils ( ) Headphones/earplugs ( ) PDF Document - # of Pages _____ ( ) Calculator ( ) NO Test Aids allowed
( ) Other – please list:

Test Taker Test Taker check-out time: Proctor verified exam was submitted by Test Taker and entered Proctor collected ALL test aids listed above prior to the
Check out their KCP login and security code on the Assessment Test Taker retrieving their personal items from storage
Process: Submission screen to end Test Taker exam process. and leaving the center.

Proctor Initials ____________ Proctor Initials ____________

Test Session Comments (ie: breaks taken by Test Taker, interruptions due technical issues, frozen or white screens or any irregularities):

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