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Basic Stats‬

‭very figure in the game is described by six stats that describe their‬
overall capability and effectiveness.‬

‭●‬ M
‭ove (M): the speed and agility of the figure. This is how many inches‬
the figure can move.‬

‭●‬ F
‭ight (F): the figure’s ability in hand-to-hand combat, and its ability‬
to avoid incoming gunfire. You add this to your roll when fighting, or‬

when trying to dodge.‬

‭●‬ S
‭hoot (S): the figure’s ability to shoot guns. You add this to your‬
roll when shooting.‬

‭●‬ A
‭rmor (A): the amount of physical protection a figure has. You subtract‬
this from incoming attacks to determine damage.‬

‭●‬ W
‭ill (W): the figure.s determination, courage, and ability to resist‬
mental attacks. You add this to rolls.‬

‭●‬ H
‭ealth (H): the figure’s physical toughness. This is how much damage‬
the figure can take before going Out of Action.‬

Operative base stats‬

‭ Fight‬
‭ Shoot‬
‭ Armor‬
‭ Will‬
‭ Health‬

‭ +2‬
‭ +1‬
‭ 10‬
‭ +4‬
‭ 18‬


‭he game is played in a series of turns. Each turn is divided into these four‬

‭●‬ ‭
Operative Phase‬

‭●‬ ‭
Enemy Phase‬

‭●‬ ‭
Aide Phase‬

‭●‬ ‭
Event Phase‬

Operative Phase‬

‭n the Operative Phase each player may activate their Operative, the‬
Operative with the highest Will going first proceeding in descending order.‬

Roll off in the case of ties, once at the beginning to determine the order.‬

‭ach player can activate their Operative and up to two Aides that are within‬
3” of that Operative. Each figure activates one at a time in the order the‬

player chooses. After activating these figures, the next player may activate‬

their models, and so on.‬

Enemy Phase‬

‭n the Enemy Phase all uncontrolled figures will activate. Enemy with the‬
highest Health activates first, proceeding in descending order. Players‬

choose order in case of ties.‬

Enemy Actions‬

‭●‬ ‭ Is the enemy in combat?‬

‭○‬ ‭ Yes: Use it’s action to fight. If it wins, stay in combat and not‬
use second action‬

‭●‬ ‭Is there an Operative/Aide in sight?‬
‭○‬ ‭ Yes: If you have a gun, shoot at the closest Operative/Aide. Take‬
no second action.‬

‭●‬ ‭
Does the scenario have a Target Point?‬
‭○‬ ‭Yes: use one action to move towards the target point. If there is‬
now an Operative/Aide in sight, go back to the second step.‬

‭○‬ ‭
No: Move once in a random direction. If there is now an‬
Operative/Aide in sight, go back to the second step.‬

Aide Phase‬

‭n the same order that Operatives were activated, each player activates all‬
remaining Aides that have not yet activated this turn. Each player activates‬

all of their remaining companions, then the next player and so on.‬


‭ach time it activates a figure can perform up to two actions. One can be‬
anything the figure is allowed to do like fighting or shooting a gun or using‬

a Power, moving, etc. The second action can only be used for moving (and a‬

few other actions like reloading). You can do each action in any order but‬

must complete one action before performing the next. You must complete all of‬

a figures actions before activated another figure.‬

Group Activation‬

‭ Group Activation can only be performed in the Operative phase. All figures‬
that are to be activated by first make one move action each. After moving‬

each figure may take their second action in any order.‬


‭he first time a figure moves during it’s activation, it may move a distance‬
equal to it’s Move stat in inches. It does not have to be in a straight line.‬

If a figure moves for a second time it may only move up to ½ the Move stat in‬


Moving into Combat‬

‭henever one figure is in base contact with another it is considered to be in‬
combat. When a figure is in combat the only action it can take is to fight.‬

Forcing Combat‬

‭ny time a figure moves within 1” of an enemy figure that isn’t already in‬
combat, the enemy figure may force combat. Immediately move the the enemy‬

figure into base contact with the activated figure.‬


‭ figure may jump horizontally up to half of their Move stat +1”. Each time a‬
figure jumps is must make an Acrobatics Skill Roll, with a TN of 1+the number‬

of full inches jumped, with an additional +5 if the jump starts or ends in‬

rough ground. If you succeed you jump the distance and can continue moving.‬

If you fail you move half the distance of the jump and then fall. The figures‬

activation ends.‬


‭f the fall is less than 3” no damage occurs. Otherwise the figure suffers‬
damage equal to the number of inches fallen x1.5 rounded down. If the fall‬

was voluntary and was less than 3” the figure may continue using actions if‬

it has any. If it was more than 3” the figure still takes damage but must‬

make an Acrobatics Roll (TN 10) to continue using activations.‬

Skills and Stat Rolls‬

‭oll and d20 and add the appropriate Stat or Skill. Exceed the Target Number‬
(TN) to succeed. Natural 20 is always a success, natural 1 is always a‬



‭henever a figure activates in deep water it must make a Swimming Roll (TN5).‬
If it fails it takes damage equal to the amount by which it failed, ignoring‬

armor. If the figure succeeds it may activate as normal. Deep water is‬

considered rough ground for the purposes of movement. Any figure in deep‬

water receives -2 Fight.‬

When rolling to swim, apply the following modifiers:‬

‭●‬ ‭
Light Armor : -1‬

‭●‬ ‭
Heavy Armor : -5‬

‭●‬ ‭
Shield : -1‬

‭●‬ ‭
Carrying Treasure : -2‬
Hand to Hand Combat‬

‭hen a figure is in combat with an enemy figure it may use one action to‬
fight in hand to hand combat. During a fight both figures have a chance to‬

wound or kill their opponent.‬

‭o resolve the fight roll two dice, one for each figure. Each figure makes‬
their roll and adds their Fight stat plus any modifiers. The highest total‬

Combat Score wins. To determine damage, subtract the losers armor from the‬

winners total, and then add any damage modifiers. If the result is greater‬

than 0 then do that amount of damage to the loser.‬

‭hether the winner did damage or not, it can now choose what to do: stay in‬
combat, push the loser 1” directly away, or the winner may move 1” directly‬

away. Enemies will always choose to remain in combat.‬

‭n the case of ties, both figures may do damage to each other, and neither of‬
them may move away at the end.‬

Multiple figures in combat‬

E fighting figure gains +2 to it’s Combat Score for each allied figure‬
‭ is also in combat with the acting figure, unless that allied figure is‬
‭ in combat with another figure. If both figures gain bonuses, they cancel‬
‭ other out.‬

Critical Hits‬

‭f you roll a natural 20 in a fight it’s a Critical Hit. You automatically‬
win the fight (unless your opponent also got a 20), and have a +5 damage‬

modifier. This applies to shooting attacks also. Enemies never get Critical‬



‭hooting is just like hand to hand, but the shooting player adds their Shoot‬
stat to their roll. If the shooter wins do damage as normal, but if they lose‬

the shooter does not take damage. In case of a tie, no hit occurs.‬

‭ figure may never declare a shoot action against another figure in combat,‬
unless that figure is the only figure in the combat with the Large trait.‬

Shooting Modifiers‬

‭ ‭ntervening terrain : every piece of intervening terrain that the‬
shooter is not in base contact with gives a +1‬

‭ ‭ight Cover: up to half the body is concealed by hard cover, or‬
almost completely concealed by soft cover‬

‭ ‭eavy Cover : the target is behind hard cover that conceals almost‬
all the body‬

‭ Hurried Shot : the shooter has moved this activation‬

‭ ‭arge Target : the target is significantly larger than a human, or‬
has the Large trait‬

Making an Operative‬

You get 10 BP (Build Points) to create your Operative.‬

‭●‬ I
‭ncrease Base Stats: You can spend up to 3 BP to increase your base‬
stats. You may spend 1 BP to increase a stat except Armor by 1.‬

‭●‬ O
‭perative Abilities and Special Powers: you can spend up to 5 BP on‬
Abilities and Powers. You can take each Ability only once, but may‬

purchase Powers multiple times.‬

‭●‬ S
‭kills: you can spend up to 5 points on Skills. For each BP you spend‬
you can increase 8 skills by +1 each.‬

‭●‬ E
‭quipment: you can spend up to 2 points on upgrading your weapons. Each‬
upgrade costs one BP.‬

‭●‬ R
‭ecruitment Points: Operatives start with 100 Recruitment Points (RP).‬
You can spend up to 3 BP to increase our Recruitment Points. For each‬

BP spent you can increase your RP by 10.‬

Operative Abilities‬

‭●‬ C
‭loak of Shadows: This ability may be used if an enemy figure is about‬
to make a move that would take it into combat with the operative.‬

Instead, determine the enemy figure's action as though the operative‬

were not present, making the operative temporarily undetectable.‬

‭●‬ Q
‭uantum Leap: The operative may use this ability when activated. For‬
the rest of the turn, their movement range is increased by +2.‬

Alternatively, the operative may use a move action to teleport up to‬

their maximum movement distance in any direction, including vertically,‬

utilizing advanced teleportation technology.‬

‭●‬ P
‭recise Shot: The operative may use this ability if they have rolled a‬
natural 18 or 19 during a shooting action. Treat this roll as a‬

Critical Hit, hitting vital targets with precision.‬

‭●‬ L
‭ethal Strike: The operative may use this ability if they have rolled a‬
natural 18 or 19 during combat. Treat this roll as a Critical Hit,‬

targeting vulnerable spots for maximum damage.‬

‭●‬ H
‭olographic Decoy: The operative may use this ability whenever an enemy‬
creature is called upon to make a move towards a designated point.‬

Instead, the player may project a holographic decoy of the operative,‬

causing the creature to move towards the decoy's location instead.‬

‭●‬ D
‭efensive Matrix: The operative may add +10 to their Defense Roll when‬
rolling against a shooting attack. They must declare they are‬

activating this ability before they roll.‬

‭●‬ P
‭hase Shift: The operative may use this ability if they activate while‬
in combat. The operative may instantaneously phase out of the combat,‬

moving a short distance away. No figure can force combat during this‬

move. After this move, the operative completes their activation as‬


‭●‬ E
‭nhanced Focus: The operative may add +8 to any one Skill Roll,‬
utilizing advanced neural enhancements to improve their concentration.‬

They must declare they are activating this ability before they roll.‬

‭●‬ R
‭apid Assault: The operative may add +5 to one Combat Roll, utilizing‬
advanced reflexes and combat training. They must declare they are‬

activating this ability before they roll.‬

‭●‬ U
‭ndead Disruption: All undead creatures within 10" and in the‬
operative's line of sight must make a Will Roll (TN20). If they fail,‬

they lose their next activation as their necromantic energies are‬


‭●‬ T
‭emporal Manipulation: The operative may manipulate time and re-roll‬
one die, reshaping fate in their favor.‬

‭●‬ M
‭ental Fortitude: The operative may add +5 to one Will Roll, utilizing‬
mental conditioning and training. This ability can be used after the‬

roll has been made.‬

‭●‬ D
‭efensive Parry: This ability may be used in combat after an operative‬
and their opponent have made their Combat Rolls. The operative may add‬

+10 to their roll. If they win the combat, however, they do no damage.‬

They may step back or repel their opponent as normal.‬

‭●‬ D
‭evastating Strike: The operative may add +3 damage to any melee attack‬
that has already dealt at least 1 point of damage, channeling energy or‬

wielding powerful weaponry.‬

‭●‬ A
‭daptive Resilience: This ability may be used if an operative loses a‬
fight in hand-to-hand combat. Reduce the amount of damage taken by the‬

‭perative by half, rounding up. For example, if the operative loses the‬
combat and would suffer 7 points of damage, they suffer 4 instead,‬

thanks to advanced armor or personal shielding.‬

‭●‬ F
‭orceful Push: If the operative wins in hand-to-hand combat, they may‬
choose to push their opponent back up to 4" instead of the normal 1",‬

utilizing their strength or advanced technology.‬

Special Powers‬

‭●‬ E
‭nergy Surge: Make a +3 energy attack against all undead creatures‬
within 8" and line of sight of the operative, unleashing a powerful‬

surge of energy.‬

‭●‬ D
‭etonation Glyph: The operative may place an unstable energy glyph‬
anywhere within 6". As soon as any hostile creature moves within 2" of‬

this glyph, it triggers an explosive reaction. All hostile creatures‬

within 2" of the glyph suffer a +5 shooting attack from the volatile‬

discharge of destructive energy.‬

‭●‬ E
‭nergized Edge: The operative imbues one melee weapon with enhanced‬
energy resonance. For the rest of the scenario, the weapon becomes an‬

energized blade with +1 Fight, channeling focused energy for enhanced‬

cutting power.‬

‭●‬ N
‭anite Restoration: This enhancement may target any figure within 6",‬
including the operative. The target figure regains up to 5 points of‬

lost Health as nanobots repair and regenerate damaged cells, utilizing‬

advanced nanotechnology for rapid healing.‬

‭●‬ M
‭ental Restraint: The target creature must make an immediate Will Check‬
(TN16). If it fails, it loses control over its actions and cannot‬

initiate combat for the remainder of the turn, and it loses its next‬

activation. This technique has no effect on large creatures or undead.‬

‭●‬ Q
‭uantum Discharge: The operative may make a +5 shooting attack against‬
one figure within line of sight. This attack bypasses cover and‬

intervening terrain, utilizing quantum energy manipulation to phase‬

through obstacles and strike the target.‬

‭●‬ E
‭nergy Shielding: This enhancement may be applied to any figure within‬
8" and line of sight of the operative. All shooting attacks against‬

this figure suffer a -3 penalty for the rest of the encounter as they‬

encounter a resilient energy shield, generated by advanced shielding‬


‭●‬ N
‭anomist Projection: The operative may release a dense cloud of‬
nanobots, creating a 3" diameter mist anywhere within 3". The mist‬

obscures all line of sight but does not hinder movement, providing‬

concealment and confusion to adversaries, courtesy of advanced‬

nanotechnology. -2 modifier to hit‬

‭●‬ M
‭ental Resilience: This enhancement may be applied to any figure within‬
8" and line of sight of the operative. The next time this figure must‬

‭ake a Will Check, it does so with a +5 modifier, enhancing their‬
mental fortitude. The effect gradually diminishes with subsequent‬

checks (+4 on the next check, etc.)‬

‭●‬ U
‭niversal Communication Matrix: An operative may activate this matrix‬
in place of attempting any Language Skill Check. The operative‬

automatically succeeds in understanding and communicating with any‬

language, thanks to an advanced neural interface and language‬

processing algorithms.‬


‭●‬ A
‭gility: A measure of the operative's ability to control their own body‬
in challenging situations, such as precise jumps, traversing narrow‬

paths, and maneuvering through obstacles. It does not include climbing,‬

which is a separate skill.‬

‭●‬ A
‭rchives: Knowledge of ancient records, myths, and historical accounts.‬
Operatives skilled in Archival Studies possess valuable insights into‬

the past and hidden knowledge.‬

‭●‬ A
‭rmory: The study of weapons, including their maintenance, repair, and‬
improvisation in the field. Operatives with high Armoryskill (+4 or‬

more) are always considered armed with a dagger, even when unarmed.‬

‭●‬ C
‭limbing: Measures the operative's ability to ascend difficult surfaces‬
and overcome vertical challenges.‬

‭●‬ L
‭eadership : The skill of leading others and diplomatic interactions.‬
An Operative with leadership abilities can add their Leadership skill‬

to the total recruitment points before each mission, influencing the‬

selection and effectiveness of their Aide.‬

‭●‬ N
‭avigation : The ability to use maps, navigation tools, and natural‬
senses to determine course and direction.‬

‭●‬ P
‭erception : The keen awareness of one's surroundings, including the‬
ability to notice small but crucial details. Operatives with heightened‬

Perception skills are adept at spotting hidden threats and important‬


‭●‬ L
‭ockpicking: Encompasses knowledge of various lock types and‬
mechanisms, including doors, chests, and secret entrances. Operatives‬

skilled in Lockpicking have the proficiency to open and disable locks.‬

‭●‬ A
‭nalysis: The ability to decipher ancient written languages, including‬
those associated with magic. Operatives proficient in Analysis possess‬

the knowledge to unravel cryptic inscriptions and magical texts.‬

‭●‬ S
‭tealth: The art of moving silently to avoid detection and skill in‬
selecting and maintaining concealment. Operatives with expertise in‬

Stealth excel in remaining undetected while operating covertly.‬

‭●‬ S
‭trength: The training in maximizing physical strength for achieving‬
optimal results, such as lifting heavy objects, breaking down doors,‬

and escaping restraints. Operatives skilled in Strength possess‬

impressive physical power.‬

‭●‬ S
‭urvival: Includes foraging for sustenance, identifying edible plants‬
and herbs, hunting, basic first aid, and understanding the perils of‬

specific terrains. Operatives proficient in Survival are resourceful in‬

the wilderness.‬

‭●‬ S
‭wim : Proficiency in movement through water or water-like substances.‬
Operatives skilled in Swim navigate aquatic environments with ease.‬

‭●‬ T
‭racking: The ability to interpret signs in the environment to gather‬
information about preceding individuals, including their direction of‬

travel, distance covered, and potential injuries or captives. Tracking‬

also involves knowledge of evading pursuers.‬

‭●‬ T
‭raps: Knowledge of various traps, including their construction,‬
setting, and disabling. Operatives skilled in Traps are adept at‬

detecting and neutralizing hidden dangers.‬

Equipment List‬

‭peratives have six “item slots” which means they can carry six items. When‬
creating a new operative you can pick up to five items at no cost. An‬

operative may choose heavy or light armor.‬

Hand Weapon‬

Any melee weapon held in one hand. No modifiers in combat.‬

Two-Handed Weapon‬

‭ny melee weapon that requires both hands to use. These weapons have +2‬
damage modifier.‬


‭istol describes any one-handed gun. Pistols can be used to make shooting‬
attacks or used in hand-to-hand. They have no modifiers if used to shoot, and‬

may hit targets up to 12” away. If used in hand-to-hand they have a -1 Fight‬



‭hotgun refers to any weapon that fires a short-range blast at low rate of‬
fire. Shotguns require a “reload” action (which may replace the move action)‬

before they can be shot again. They can hit targets up to 18” away and have a‬

+2 damage modifier. Any model that can use a Carbine can use a Shotgun.‬


‭arbine is generically used to describe any kind of rifle used in two hands.‬
Carbines can be used to make shooting attacks. They have no modifiers if used‬

to shoot, and may hit targets up to 24” away.‬

Light Armor‬

Light weight or flexible armor that typically provides +1 Armor‬

Heavy Armor‬

Heavy weight and rigid armor that provides +2 to Armor but -1 to Move‬


‭ figure carrying a shield receives +1 Armor, but may not use any two-handed‬

Climbing Rope‬

‭ figure carrying a Climbing Rope may spend an action to set ropes at the top‬
of a vertical structure that can be used to climb the structure with no‬


Recruiting Aides‬

‭peratives can bring companions on their adventures, called Aides. Aides have‬
a base stat line and equipment. When you first recruit an Aide, you can add‬

‭3 to any of their existing skills or a new one. Aides can carry the‬
equipment they start with, and have an additional two slots for equipment.‬

They may replace any of their weapons with upgraded versions (of that type)‬

without using an item slot.‬

Upgrade Weapons‬

‭hen you recruit an Aide you may upgrade their weapons for additional 5 RP‬
per upgrade.‬

● ‭xtra Damage: +2 damage‬
‭●‬ Bonus to Hit: +1 Fight when attacking‬

‭●‬ Extra Range: +12”‬

‭●‬ Automatic: does not require reload‬

Downgrade Weapons‬

‭ome weapons have drawbacks that make them somewhat less useful. To model‬
this you can apply the following downgrades, reducing the cost of the Aide by‬

5 RP each‬

● ‭nwieldy: requires two hands‬
‭●‬ Manual: requires reload‬

‭●‬ Short Range: -6 to total range‬

‭●‬ Less-Lethal: -2 damage‬

Weapon Customization example:‬

‭ny character who can use a Carbine may take a “Tactical Shotgun” by spending‬
+5 for extra damage, -5 for Short Range, and -5 for Manual for a total of -5‬


Large Figures‬

‭ny Aide may be designated as Large when recruited for an additional 5 RP.‬
That figure is now Large (+2 to shoot at, and can be shot in combat if the‬

only Large figure), and has +2 Health and an additional +2 to Strength skill.‬

‭ Fig‬‭
Close‬ R‭ange‬
‭ RP‬ e
‭ ‭‬ ‭
ht‬ ‭
ot‬ ‭
or‬ ‭l‬ ‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Weapon‬ Notes‬

‭ ‭or‬
‭ 10‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 2‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
‭ ‭or‬
‭ 15‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 2‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 10‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Pistol)‬ Archival Studies +5, Data Analysis +5‬


‭ 20‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 2‬
‭ 2‬ ‭
‭ 11‬ 1‬ ‭
‭ 10‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Carbine‬ Light Armor‬


‭ 20‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 1‬
‭ 3‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 10‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭

‭ 25‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 4‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 11‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Pistol‬ Light Armor or Shield‬

‭limb +2, Perception +2, Pick Lock +2, Traps‬
‭ 20‬
‭ 7‬
‭ 1‬
‭ 1‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 1‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ Pistol‬
‭ +5, Stealth +5‬


‭ 30‬
‭ 7‬
‭ 2‬
‭ 2‬ ‭
‭ 11‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Carbine‬ Light Armor, Tracking +5‬

H ‭arbine+U‬
‭ 35‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 2‬
‭ 2‬ ‭
‭ 12‬ 3‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
pgrade‬ Heavy Armor‬


‭ 35‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 4‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 11‬ 3‬ ‭
‭ 14‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Pistol‬ Light Armor, Strength +5‬

‭ ‭or‬
‭ 20‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 0‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 3‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
Weapon‬ ‭
Pistol)‬ Pick 2 Powers. 3rd power +10RP‬


Thug two hand‬
‭ 20‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 3‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 11‬ 12‬‭
2‬ ‭
‭ nded‬ Light Armor, Strength +5‬


‭ 20‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 3‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 12‬ 12‬‭
2‬ ‭
‭ Weapon‬ Light Armor, Shield‬


Thug heavy‬
‭ 35‬
‭ 5‬
‭ 4‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 13‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
Weapon‬ Heavy Armor, Shield, Strength +4‬


Thug heavy 2h‬
‭ 35‬
‭ 5‬
‭ 4‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 12‬ 2‬ ‭
‭ 12‬‭
ded‬ Heavy Armor, Strength +4‬


Thug marauder‬
‭ 35‬
‭ 6‬
‭ 4‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ 3‬ ‭
‭ 14‬‭
ded‬ Strength +5‬

‭on-Sapient, cannot carry treasure or items,‬
‭ 5‬
‭ 8‬
‭ 0‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ ‭
-2‬ 6‬
‭ limited skill rolls‬

‭on-Sapient, cannot carry treasure or items,‬
Drone Attacker‬
‭ 10‬
‭ 8‬
‭ 1‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ ‭
-2‬ 8‬
‭ limited skill rolls‬

‭on-Sapient, cannot carry treasure or items,‬
limited skill rolls, Tracking +5, Operative‬

Drone Tracker‬
‭ 10‬
‭ 8‬
‭ 0‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 10‬ ‭
-2‬ 6‬
‭ tracking bonus‬

‭on-Sapient, cannot carry treasure or items,‬
Drone Flyer‬
‭ 10‬
‭ 9‬
‭ 0‬
‭ 0‬ ‭
‭ 14‬ 3‬
‭ 1‬
‭ limited skill rolls, Flying, Perception +4‬

Number of Operatives and Aides in play‬

Number of Players‬
‭ Total Recruitment Points‬ ‭
‭ Max Number of Aides‬

‭ BRP‬
‭ 7‬

‭ (BRP/2)-10‬
‭ 3‬

‭ BRP/3‬
‭ 2‬

‭ BRP/10‬
‭ 1‬

Operative Levels‬

‭peratives start at Level 0 and can gain levels through gameplay. Operatives‬
gain Experience Points from playing scenarios. Between scenarios they can‬

spend those XP on gaining levels. Higher levels cost more XP to gain‬

according to this chart:‬

Operative Level Experience Point cost‬

Operative’s New Level‬

‭ Experience Point Cost‬

‭ 100‬

‭ 150‬

‭ 200‬

‭ 250‬

‭ 300‬

‭ 400‬

‭ 500‬

‭ 1000‬

Operative Level Bonus table‬

Operative’s New Level‬

‭ Bonus‬

1,5,9,13,17,21, etc.‬
‭ Improve Skills‬

2,5,10,14,18,22, etc.‬
‭ Improve Stats‬

3,7,11,15,19,23, etc.‬
‭ Gain Recruitment Points‬

4,8,12,16,20,24, etc.‬
‭ New Ability or Power‬

Improve Skills‬

‭he operative can improve their skills by a total of +5. The maximum that can‬
be spent on one skill is +2‬

Improve Stats‬

‭he operative can improves one of the following stats up to the maximum shown‬
in brackets: Move(7), Fight (5), Shoot (5), Will (+8), Health (22)‬

Gain Recruitment Points‬

Add 10 to the Operatives Base RP.‬

New Ability or Power‬

Add a new Operative Ability or Special Power to the Operative.‬

Aide Progression‬

‭fter every scenario that they survive, an Aide gets 1 Progression Point.‬
When they reach certain Progression Point thresholds they gain rewards‬

according to the following table:‬

Aide Progresion Point Total‬

‭ Reward‬

‭ +1 Health‬

‭ Choose +1 Fight or +1 Shoot‬

‭ +4 to one Skill (maximum of +10)‬

‭ +2 Will‬

‭ Choose one Ability‬

‭ +1 Health‬

‭ +4 to one Skill (max +10)‬

‭ +2 Will‬

‭ Choose one Ability‬


‭oll once for each Loot token recovered during the scenario on the Loot‬

Loot Table‬

Die Roll‬
‭ Loot‬

‭ Credits‬

‭ Boosts‬

‭ Weapon or Armor‬

‭ Tech Items‬


‭oney is useful in all sorts of ways! The operative may choose to gain +10XP‬
or have one Aide gain 1 Progression Point‬


‭ Anastaria Extract‬
If any figure carries this extract, it can be used by either the‬

operative or any one of their aides after a mission. The figure gains‬

+1 on their Survival Roll for the next scenario. The decision to use‬

the Anastaria extract must be made before the roll is made.‬

‭ Ability Booster : A figure that consumes this elixir regains the use of‬
any one Ability that they have already used in the scenario.‬

‭ Power Booster : A figure that consumes this booster regains the use of‬
any one Power that they have already used in the scenario.‬

‭ Hyperchron Booster: The figure receives +5 on all Will Rolls for the‬
duration of the scenario.‬

‭ Explosive Nanobomb : A figure may activate this nanobomb by triggering‬
its detonation sequence. It can be thrown to any point up to 8" away‬

and within line of sight. Every figure within 2" of the detonation‬

point suffers an immediate +3 energy blast.‬

‭ Longsight Booster: The user receives +1 Shoot, but -1 Fight and -1‬

‭ Adrenal Enhancer :A figure that consumes this substance receives +1‬
action on their next activation. If the figure already has three‬

‭ctions, this substance has no effect as no figure can exceed three‬
actions per activation.‬

‭ Berserker Serum : The user inflicts an additional 1 point of damage‬
whenever they win a combat, but they suffer -2 Will.‬

‭ Limbic Booster : The user gains 2 temporary points of Health, which can‬
exceed their normal starting amount but only last for the duration of‬

the scenario. However, they suffer -1 Will.‬

10.‬ ‭
‭ Pain Threshold Enhancer : The user receives +1 Armor, but -2 Will.‬
11.‬ ‭
‭ Blood Nanofilter : A figure suffering from disease may consume this‬
substance before a scenario. The infection is cured, and the figure‬

suffers no penalties from it in the next scenario.‬

12.‬ ‭
‭ Medpack : Restores 5 points of Health and neutralizes the effects of‬
any toxins. However, it cannot exceed the figure's starting Health‬


13.‬ ‭
‭ Restoration Medpack‬
A figure that uses this Medpack is immediately restored to their‬

starting Health and is cured of any poison, disease, or temporary stat‬

reductions. It can also be used after a mission to cure a figure of a‬

single permanent injury of the player's choice.‬

14.‬ ‭
‭ Weapon Enhancement: Use this enhancement on a weapon to give it one‬
upgrade that lasts until the end of the scenario.‬

15.‬ ‭
‭ Inertial Inhibition Serum‬
A figure that consumes this serum gains the ability to fall any‬

distance without taking damage. This ability lasts for one turn after‬

the potion is consumed.‬

16.‬ ‭
‭ Strength Enhancer : A figure that consumes this enhancer receives +1‬

17.‬ ‭
‭ Cellular Matrix Booster : A figure that consumes this booster‬
receives +1 Armor.‬

18.‬ ‭
‭ Phaseshift Serum : A figure that consumes this serum gains the‬
ability to pass through solid objects as though they were not there.‬

This ability lasts for one turn after the serum is consumed.‬

19.‬ ‭
‭ Adrenic Booster : A figure that consumes this serum receives +2‬
Move, but -2 Will.‬

20.‬ ‭
‭ Xenophobe Amplifier : This drug amplifies hostile human psychic‬
emanations. All aliens suffer -1 Fight when in combat with the user.‬

Weapons or Armor‬

Die Roll‬
‭ Weapon or Armor‬

‭ Hand Weapon, Powered (5)‬

‭ Two-handed, Powered (5)‬

‭ Carbine, Powered (5)‬

‭ Carbine + upgrade, Powered (5)‬

‭ Pistol, Powered (5)‬

‭ Hand Weapon, Light‬

‭ Two-handed, Light‬

‭ Carbine, Light‬

‭ Carbine + upgrade, Light‬

‭ Shield, Active(5)‬

‭ Light Armor, Active(5)‬

‭ Heavy Armor, Active(5)‬

‭ Hand Weapon, Rending(3)‬

‭ Two-handed, Rending(3)‬

‭ Pistol, Rending(3)‬

‭ Shield, Blocking(1)‬

‭ Light Armor, Blocking(1)‬

‭ Heavy Armor, Blocking(1)‬

‭ Hand Weapon, Blocking(1)‬

‭ Two-handed Weapon, Blocking(1)‬

‭eapons and armor can have special properties that can be used for a specific‬
number of Fight rolls, these are listed with the number in parentheses. These‬

uses are recorded between games and do not recharge.‬


‭t any point the user of a Powered weapon may declare that it is activated.‬
The weapon now counts as upgraded and give +1 Fight if a melee weapon or +1‬

Shoot if a ranged weapon.‬


‭ight weapons are specially built to be smaller or easier to carry. A figure‬
carrying a Light weapon has one additional slot to carry equipment. You may‬

only gain one extra slot this way.‬


‭ome high tech armors include active countermeasures. Any time the user of‬
Active armor is the target of a shooting attack you may choose to add +5 to‬

their Fight roll. You must choose before the dice are rolled‬


‭ny time the wielder of this weapon does at least 1 point of damage with this‬
weapon, they may choose to do an additional 5 points of damage to their‬



‭ny time the user of this weapon or armor loses a fight in hand to hand, or‬
is shot, they may use the item to block the blow. The user still loses the‬

fight but takes no damage.‬

Tech Items‬

‭ Leadership Badge : If an operative wears this badge, they gain +5 to‬
their Recruitment Point Total when assembling their team for the‬


‭ Knowledge Database : A figure carrying a knowledge database receives +2‬
to all Archives and Analysis Skill Rolls.‬

‭ Stealth Enhancers : A figure wearing these enhancers can activate them‬
during their turn. For the remainder of the turn, the figure can move‬

silently without triggering alarms or detection systems.‬

‭ Thermoptic Camouflage Cloak :A figure may activate this item at any‬
time. While wearing the camouflage cloak, the figure becomes nearly‬

invisible to sensors and surveillance devices, making it difficult for‬

enemies to detect them. The figure receives +8 to all Stealth Rolls‬

while under the cloak's effect.‬

‭ Multispectral Goggles : A figure wearing these goggles gains +2 to all‬
Perception Skill Rolls.‬

‭ Lockpick Toolkit : A figure may use this toolkit to gain a +5 bonus to‬
any Lockpicking Skill Roll. The figure must decide whether to use the‬

toolkit before attempting the Skill Roll.‬

‭ Lifeline Device : A figure carrying this device may use it to reroll‬
any one failed roll they make.‬

‭ Remote Detonator : A figure may spend an action to deploy this device‬
up to 10" away. Every figure within 2" of the point of detonation takes‬

a +0 Shooting attack.‬

‭ Aquatic Navigator : A figure equipped with this device effortlessly‬
navigates through water environments, bypassing obstacles and swimming‬

with ease. Automatically pass all Swimming checks.‬

10.‬ ‭
‭ Power Gloves : A figure may use these gloves to gain a +5 bonus to‬
any Strength-related task. The figure must decide whether to activate‬

the gloves before attempting the task.‬

11.‬ ‭
‭ Adrenal Boost Injector : a figure carrying this booster can consume‬
it during their turn to gain an extra action. However, this cannot‬

exceed a total of three actions during their turn.‬

12.‬ ‭
‭ Power Enhancer : A figure with Powers can activate this device to‬
use one power they have already used this scenario.‬

13.‬ ‭
‭ Climbing Gear : A figure may use this gear to gain a +5 bonus to any‬
Climbing Skill Roll. The figure must decide whether to use the gear‬

before attempting the Skill Roll.‬

14.‬ ‭
‭ Shadow Veil : A figure wearing this veil gains +2 to all Stealth‬
Rolls, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.‬

15.‬ ‭
‭ Gear Bag : The pack takes up one item slot but can hold two boosts,‬
allowing the figure to carry two boosts in one slot.‬

16.‬ ‭
‭ Teleportation Device : A figure may spend an action to activate this‬
device, instantly moving up to 10" in any direction within line of‬


17.‬ ‭
‭ Techno-Ring : Choose one Special Power when this item is acquired.‬
The wearer of the ring may spend an action to activate that Power.‬

18.‬ ‭
‭ Deflection Shield : A figure wearing this shield, when under attack,‬
can discard it to block an incoming projectile or energy-based attack.‬

19.‬ ‭
‭ Emblem of Humanity : A figure wearing this emblem may activate it at‬
any time as a free action. For the remainder of the mission, all‬

attacks made by the figure gain +1 Fight against xeno enemies.‬

Additionally, all xeno enemies engaged in combat with the figure suffer‬

-1 Armor.‬

20.‬ ‭
‭ Master Toolkit : A figure carrying a master toolkit gains +2 to all‬
Technical Engineering and Security System Skill Rolls.‬

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