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University of Tripoli

Faculty of engineering
Department of electrical and electronic
Spring 2024

Zener Diodes

‫يوسف محمود ابوخيط‬

Group D

Instructors: ‫ناجية جبنوع‬
Q1: give some examples for Zener diode’s applications. Draw a circuit indicating
one application of Zener diode.
voltage Regulation, overvoltage protection, waveform clipping, voltage shifting, reference

Figure 1. voltage Regulator circuit

Q2:In details, compare between avalanche breakdown and Zener break down in
reverse biased PN junctions.
avalanche breakdown: This is a phenomenon that occurs when a high reverse voltage is
applied across a diode. As the applied reverse voltage increases, the electric field across the
junction also increases. This electric field exerts a force on the electrons at the junction and
frees them from covalent bonds. These free electrons start moving with high velocity across the
junction and collide with other atoms, thus creating more free electrons. This results in a rapid
increase in net current.The process of applying high voltage and increasing the free electrons or
electric current in semiconductors and insulating materials is called an avalanche breakdown1.
Zener breakdown :This occurs when the diode is reverse biased. The kinetic energy of the
electrons increases, and they move at a high velocity. The high-velocity electrons collide with
other atoms and give rise to free electrons. These free electrons, in turn, give rise to a high
value of reverse saturation current. This1.The process in which the electrons move across the
barrier from the valence band of p-type material to the conduction band of n-type material is
known as Zener breakdown.
Table 1 comparison between breakdown mechanisms

Feature Avalanche Breakdown Zener Breakdown

Voltage Range Typically, above 6V Typically, below 6V
Mechanism Impact ionization due to high electric field Quantum tunneling due to strong
and collisions electric field
Temperature Breakdown voltage increases with Breakdown voltage decreases with
Dependence temperature temperature
Doping Levels Relatively low doping High doping
Electric Field Strength Moderate to high Extremely high
Occurrence In diodes designed for high voltage In diodes designed for low voltage
breakdown breakdown
Current Control Required to prevent thermal runaway Required to prevent thermal runaway
Figure 2 circuit used in question 3,4 and 5

Q3:In the circuit shown below E=15 V. It is required to maintain VL at10V using the
Zener diode for IL variation from 0 to 160mA. Find RS.

Q4:The Zener diode in the circuit below (let E=20 V) has the following
VZ=12V at IZ = 100mA, RZ=5Ω, and IZmax=500mA.
a) Find VL at IZk =1mA

b) Find RS for maximum Zener diode current at no load situation .

c) Find the minimum value of RLfor IZ=IZk.use RS value obtained in part (b)

Q5:The Zener diode in the voltage regulator circuit shown has a constant reverse
breakdown voltage VT=6.8V for 25mA<IZ<250mA .If RL=47Ω find Rs so that VL is
maintained at 6.8V while E varies by ±20% from 9V .Check for voltage regulation
at the minimum value of E.

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