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How to conduct accident

and incident investigations

in 6 steps

And 10 tips for successful

Assess the situation. 1
The first step is to assess the
situation and make sure that it is
safe to investigate. If the scene is
not safe, it is important to secure
the area and wait for the proper
authorities to arrive.
Gather information. 2
Once the scene is safe, the next
step is to gather information about
the incident. This includes
interviewing witnesses, collecting
physical evidence, and reviewing
a root cause analysis.
Once you have gathered all of the
information, you can begin
conducting a root cause analysis.
This analysis will help you identify
the underlying factors that
contributed to the incident.
Make recommendations. 4
Once you have identified the root
causes of the incident, you can
begin making recommendations.
These recommendations should be
designed to prevent similar
incidents from happening in the
Implement the
Once you have made your
recommendations, it is important to
implement them. This will help to
ensure that the incident does not
happen again.
Follow up. 6
After you have implemented your
recommendations, it is important to
follow up. This will help to ensure
that the recommendations are
working and that the incident is not
happening again.
Don’t forge the following tips
during your investigation !

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Be objective. It is important to be
objective when conducting an
investigation. This means not jumping
to conclusions and not blaming anyone
before all the facts are known.

Be timely. The sooner you

investigate an incident, the more likely
you are to collect accurate information.

Be flexible. Be willing to change

your approach if the investigation
reveals new information.
Be thorough. A thorough
investigation will help you to identify
the root causes of the incident. This
will make it more likely that you can
prevent similar incidents from
happening in the future.

Be inclusive. Involve all

stakeholders in the investigation. This
includes employees, managers, and
safety professionals.
Be respectful. Treat everyone
involved in the investigation with
respect. This includes the injured
person, witnesses, and management.

Document everything. As you

gather evidence and interview
witnesses, be sure to document
everything. This includes taking notes,
taking photographs, and making audio
recordings. This documentation will be
essential for writing your report.
Be committed to safety.
Make safety a top priority in your

Be open to feedback.
Get feedback from all stakeholders on
the investigation process and the

By following these tips,

you can conduct a thorough and
effective investigation that will help to
keep your workplace safe.
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