관사 대명사

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Chapter 9 명사와 관사와 대명사

Unit 01. 명사의 의미

다음 밑줄 맞는 문장이면 T, 아니면 F를 쓰시오

1. Please open your book.

2. I visited an aquarium with my family.

3. Would like to have a drink?

4. Micky's plan is going to Hawaii.

5. My favorite fruit is orange.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

6. There are 20 [country / countries] in G20 committee.

7. The police [visit / visits] their house regularly.

8. My [family / families] is made up of parents, elder sister, and me.

9. Can you see it without a [microscope / glasses]?

10. Both [company / companies] will make an contract with each other.

11. Everyone says that [a dog / dogs] are faithful animals.

12. Can you find a new [shorts / blouse] for me?

13. A fresh [vegetable / fruits] is good for your health.

14. Several [club / clubs] will be closed in New Year's Day.

15. A lot of [cattle / cattles] are eating up the green leaves.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

16. This is the happiest day of my [life / lives].

17. Can you give me some [salt / salts]?

18. Man cannot live without [water / waters].

19. All the countries want [peace / peaces].

20. He has more [knowledge / knowledges] than her.

21. The building was on [fire / fires] and we all had to escape from it.

22. We need a lot of [money / moneys] to buy that handbag.

23. He can give you some [advice / advices].

24. Can you let me know where a [flower / flour] is?

25. Please bring some [chalk / chalks] to me.

다음 단어의 복수형을 쓰시오.

26. display

27. deer

28. roof

29. mouse

30. address

31. journey

32. fox

33. key

34. fairy

35. knife

36. photo

37. tooth

38. leaf

39. belief

40. half

41. tomato

42. ax

다음 괄호 안에 알맞은 수량 표현 단어를 넣으시오.

43. two [ ] of bread

44. four [ ] of furniture

45. a [ ] of paper

46. ten [ ] of wine

47. a [ ] of shoes

48. a [ ] of cereal

Unit 02. 관사의 의미

다음 단어 앞에 올바른 부정관사를 넣으시오

49. apple

50. dish

51. eraser

52. hour

53. wagon

54. university

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르고, 필요 없는 경우 X를 고르시오.

55. I found [a / the] book that I once had read.

56. Would you mind opening [a / the] window?

57. She bought [a / the] scarf in the department store.

58. He started playing [a / the] violin in front of people.

59. We have to go straight in [X / the] west to find a land.

60. Our office is on [X / the] first floor of the building.

61. The poor [has / have] to be cared for by our government.

62. He caught her by [X / the] wrist.

63. We have [X / the] same reason to meet him.

64. I enjoyed playing [X / the] baseball in weekend.

다음 [ ]에서 옳은 것을 고르시오
65. We have English 4 times [week / a week].

66. Our car can do 220 kilometers [hour / an hour].

67. [School / The school] that Mandy goes to is old.

68. Please have [bite / a bite].

69. Lisa is [a tallest / the tallest]girl in our class.

70. Lisa is [a first person / the first person] who finishes the test.

71. [Day / a day] has twenty-four hours.

다음 빈칸에 a나 an 중 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

72. She got _________ A grade in her history class.

73. In our school, all the students have to wear _________ uniform.

74. Can you give _________ handkerchief?

75. He appeared to be _________ honest man to me.

76. That place is not near here. It will take _________ hour's walk.

77. Can you imagine _________ word that begins with X?

78. I downloaded _________ MP3 file from that site.

79. I asked her to give _________ rotten apple.

80. You have to bring _________ umbrella today.

81. We have to act on _________ Europe-wide scale.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르고, 필요 없는 경우 X를 고르시오.
82. [A / The / X] my teacher asked me not to be late.

83. [A / The / X] woman called Sally visited your house.

84. We can discuss the issue before [a / the / X] dinner.

85. Our kids always goes to [a / the / X] school at 7 am.

86. We have to go there by [a / the / X] taxi in order to be on time.

87. Hey, Sam, let’s get out and play [a / the / X] baseball.

88. I'm so full with [a / the / X] heavy breakfast.

89. Can you tell me how to get to [a / the / X] school?

90. I will go to a world trip with [a / the / X] bicycle.

91. Stop watching TV and go to [a / the / X] bed.

Unit 03. 대명사

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: Who's that guy?
B: [This / It] is my younger brother.

A: How is [that / it] going, Tom?
B: So so. How about you?

94. [It / That] is almost 10 o'clock.

95. [This / It] is getting dark. Let' go home.

96. [That / It] is said that she studied 10 hours a day.

97. [This / It] is the fourth of July.

98. He make [them / it] a rule to jog every morning.

99. [That / It] is 10 minutes's walk.

100. [There / It] is Jane that has to wash the dishes.

101. [This / It] is very difficult to wake up early morning.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

102. The price of this book is cheaper than [that / those] of that book.

103. Heaven helps [these / those] who help themselves.

104. I will introduce my friend to you. [This / That] is Minsu from Korea.

105. [This / These] pants are match with your shirt.

106. Your grade is better than [that / this] of your brother.

107. [This / That] is Tom speaking. Who is calling?

108. I don't expect the entrance fee is [that / those] much.

109. [These / Those] who are poor shall be blessed.

110. I saw a bear in the wood. The bear was [this / these] big!

111. This is my bed and [that / those] is yours.

112. [Some / any] people went to the park to see the concert.

113. Can you find [anything / something] strange?

114. I will not accept [any / some] suggestion.

115. If you have any, give me [some / any].

116. I will make you [special something / something special] for you.

117. Would you like [anything / something] to eat?

118. They could not find [no / any] evidence that he is the killer.

119. There is [no / any] one in this house.

120. Wait a moment! [None / All] of us are ready yet.

121. Nobody [is / are] seen in the plain.

122. We volunteer to help the poor every [two / second] week.

123. All the [dish / dishes] are stacked next to the sink.

124. You have to cut [both / each] side of the paper.

125. All the information [was / were] gathered in the server.

126. Every single one of them [was / were] fantastic.

127. Each [member / members] of group brought his own food.

128. Each country [have, has] its own customs.

129. [All / Every] the road turned into parking lots.

130. The two young men rivaled each [other / others] in love.

131. He worked [every / all] his life as a soldier.

Unit 04. 부정대명사

다음 밑줄이 맞는 문장이면 T, 아니면 F를 쓰시오

132. Each page is full of questions.

133. One must keep one’s word.

134. I have no’s children.

135. He has neither a pen or a pencil.

136. Some people like winter but others don't.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

137. Don't blame [the others / others]. You are not perfect, either.

138. The students said that the last chocolate was tastier than [the other / the others].

139. Both he and I [am / is / are] from Korea.

140. Either [case / cases] is not common.

141. I'll give this gift [both / either] Jane or Suzi.

142. Neither question [is / are] not allowed.

143. Both [team / teams] will have a penalty in the next game.

144. Either he or I [is / am / are] guilty.

145. Neither She nor I [is / am / are] wrong.

146. He couldn't give the answer. I don't know the answer, [neither / either].

147. Bothe of them [was / were] so shocked at the news.

148. She couldn't pass the test. Neither [I could / could I].

149. Some people enjoyed swimming while [other / others] enjoyed tanning.

다음 예문의 요약 해석이 맞으면 O, 틀리면 X를 하시오.

150. Not every girl like our math teacher.
모든 소녀가 싫어한다.

151. No student can pass the test.

모든 학생이 실패했다.

152. Not both of them read the book.

둘 다 읽지 않았다.

153. None of the workers are wearing helmets.

헬멧을 쓴 사람은 없다.

154. This problem is not always easy to them.

그들에게 항상 어렵다.

155. Not all the actors in the movie are famous.

유명한 배우는 없다.

156. The rich are not always happy.

부자들은 항상 행복하지 않다.

157. I didn't do everything you had ordered.

명령한 것을 전혀 하지 않았다.

158. I could not find anything you told me.

네가 말한 무엇도 찾지 못했다.

159. Nothing is more important than this.

이것이 가장 중요하다.

다음[ ]에서 옳은 것을 고르시오
160. At the time, [anyone / no one] thought about the children.

161. There are 10 candies in the bag. You may take one, and give [the other / the others] to
your mother.

162. [Neither / either] you nor she is good for it.

163. None of [they /them] attended the meeting.

164. Each has [his / their] own habit.

165. All of the students [was / were]excited at the soccer game.

166. Is everyone happy with [their / his] gift?

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

167. I lost my pencil. Can you lend me [it / one]?

168. I don't like blue jeans. Please show me black [one / ones].

169. One is yellow, [other / another] is red, and the other is blue.

170. She has a cat and [it / one] is very cute.

171. I don't need the book. So I'll buy another [it / one].

172. She received a letter but couldn't read. I read [it / one] to her.

173. He explained it in [the other / another] way.

174. Some people cried and [other / others] were speechless.

175. The members of your team can go home. But all the [other / others] have to wait for the

176. I like this one. I'll buy [the other / another] one.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

177. Among them, one is a girl and [the other / the others] are men.

178. She has two options. One is to leave it as it is and [another / the other] is to change it
as she wants.

179. Allthe people were divided in two parts. Some people were agreed with the law but [the
other / the others] were against it.

180. Some students dislike math class but [other / others] students like it.

181. We have a free time today. So some of us go to the downtown and [the other / the
others] take a rest.

182. She showed me three jacket. One is black, another is brown, and [the other / other] is


183. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

One _________ and three _________ are staying in our village now.
① Japanese ; Chineses
② Korean ; Japanese
③ American ; Indians
④ Englishman ; Germans
⑤ Vietnamese ; Canadians

빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

184. _________ book on the desk in mine.
① Some
② Many
③ Few
④ An
⑤ The

185. She needs a _________ of water.

① sheet ② glass ③ piece
④ spoonful ⑤ pound

Chris has _______ money, so he can buy ________ books.
① a number of ; many
② much ; a lot of
③ plenty of ; little
④ few ; many
⑤ lots of ; a little

187. The __________________ are not strong.

① table's legs
② legs of the table
③ table's leg
④ leg of the table
⑤ tables' leg

188. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 바르게 쓰인 것은?
① She bought some piece of chalk.
② May I drink a coffee?
③ I need one paper.
④ He ate two breads.
⑤ He drinks two glasses of milk.

189. 밑줄 친 부분을 복수형으로 바꾸고 그에 따라 문장 전체를 다시 쓴 것 중 잘못된 것은?

① That lady has a beautiful picture.
→ Those ladies have beautiful pictures.
② My brother is a student of this school.
→ My brothers are students of this school.
③ A star is seen at night.
→ Stars are seen at night.
④ This toy is his.
→ This toys are his.
⑤ There is a sheep on the grass.
→ There are some sheep on the grass.

190. 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것은?

A fox is a cunning animal.
① A dog is a faithful animal.
② The eagle is the strongest bird.
③ We are of a mind.
④ I am going to the post office.
⑤ There is no cloud in the sky.

191. 다음 빈칸에 the가 필요한 문장은?

① In-su and In-hi are _________ brother and sister.
② Will you close _________ door behind you?
③ _________ President Lincoln was a great man.
④ They elected Mrs. Lee _________ chairwoman.
⑤ After _________ lunch we would lie on the sand.

192. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 표현은?
Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _____ to his office.
① 20 minutes walk
② 20 minute's walk
③ walk of 20 minute
④ 20-minute walk
⑤ 20 minutes' walk

193. 다음 명사의 복수형이 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?

① sheep - sheeps ② piano - pianoes
③ fish - fishes ④ safe - saves
⑤ roof - roofs

194. 다음 밑줄 친 말을 대신하여 쓸 수 있는 말은?

A kangaroo is an animal which lives only in Australia.
① One ② The ③ Certain ④ Per ⑤ All

195. 다음 중에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르시오.

① The class is all diligent.
② I shook a hand with him.
③ Bring me two sheet of papers.
④ What color is the book's cover?
⑤ I'll do it in a morning.

196. 밑줄 친 부정관사의 의미와 같은 것은?

Twins are naturally of an age.
① They are all songs of a type.
② A lady in white was hurt.
③ I have a knowledge of Latin.
④ Please give me a ring once a week.
⑤ A bicycle has two wheels.

197. 나머지와 같은 종류의 명사가 아닌 것은?

① rose ② year ③ sword ④ sand ⑤ fish

198. 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되기 위해 괄호의 단어를 사용하여 빈 칸을 영작하시오.
I met her _________ [aunt]. [숙모 댁에서]
Please bring me __________________. [오늘 신문]

Choose the right one of the each pair.

One of my friends [A][want / wants] to borrow [B][my brother's some books / some books of
my brother's], which he find very interesting.

There [A][are / is] some [B][Japaneses / Japanese] in my class. Whenever I talk to them, I
feel a little nervous.

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것은?

Do you see many _______ over there?
① sheep ② women ③ geese
④ mouse ⑤ knives

202. 다음의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?

① It doesn't change that _______ sun rises in the east.
② My mother was playing ______ violin.
③ My family go to _______ church on Sundays.
④ Health is ______ most valuable thing in our life.
⑤ Would you mind if I close ______ window?

203. [A] ~ [C]의 괄호 안에서 어법상 바른 것을 골라 짝지은 것은?

[A] Some furniture [has / have] to be moved out to the living room.
[B] There [is / are] much water to drink.
[C] The police [is / are] working until late to find the missing child.
① has - is - is ② has - is - are
③ has - are – are ④ have - is - are
⑤ have - are - are

204. 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 어법상 틀린 것은?
① A tiger is a very independent animal.
② Birds of a feather flock together.
③ Why don't we play a football after school?
④ I have a dog and two cats.
⑤ Take this medicine three times a day.

205. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① Tom bought a beautiful red rose.
② Every student has to hand in the report.
③ Cattle is raised in the pasture.
④ Both of them are sleeping in the room.
⑤ You can see a lot of items in this store.

206. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Dr. Kim's office is on _______ third floor.
① a ② the ③ some
④ any ⑤ both

207. 음 빈칸에 적절한 관사를 순서대로 짝지은 것은?

[A] Take this medicine three times _______ day.
[B] What is _______ longest river in the world?
[C] I think that Mike is _______ honest man.
① a - an - the ② the - a - an
③ an - a - the ④ a - the - an
⑤ the - an - the

밑줄 친 어휘의 쓰임이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① The number of animals in this zoo is increasing.
② Mathematics is the most difficult subject for me.
③ There are plenty of salt in the container.
④ Our team are working on the project.
⑤ This house is nice, but there is no garage.

① Both the beautiful ladies want to join our club.
② Only a little sugar has been added to this soup.
③ All the schools have a similar problem.
④ Each member have to answer a question.
⑤ There are few people in the concert hall.

210. 다음 중 명사의 복수형이 잘못 짝지어진 것은?

① bench - benches ② tooth - teeth
③ man - men ④ leaf - leaves
⑤ potato - potatos

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I broke the window. _______ made my mom angry.
① She ② This ③ Those
④ These ⑤ Myself

How long does _______ take to get to the museum?
① it ② this ③ that
④ some ⑤ any

213. 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 다른 하나는?

① He washed himself after breakfast.
② My sister cleaned the house herself.
③ She introduced herself to the class.
④ Look at yourself in the mirror.
⑤ I seated myself on the couch.

214. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 알맞게 짝지은 것은?
Four students applied for the position. _______ is a girl, and _______ are boys.
① one - another ② one - others
③ one - the others ④ the other - other
⑤ the other - others

215. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

A : Excuse me, I'm looking for a skirt.
B : How about this red _________?
A : Well. I don't like its style. Can you show me another _________?
B : Sure.
① it ② any ③ this
④ one ⑤ some

216. 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?

[A] I have no pens. Can I borrow _________?
[B] She cooked spaghetti for me. _________ tasted good.
① this - One ② it - Ones
③ one - It ④ them - They
⑤ one - Some

다음 괄호 안에서 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My cellphone is broken. I have to buy a new [it / one].

A : Excuse me, where can I find books about Korean History?
B : [These / They] are in section B.
A : Thank you.

219. 밑줄 친 it의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?
It is getting darker and darker outside.
① The program makes it possible to create the design.
② It is not easy to learn how to swim.
③ Do you think it's the best idea?
④ It is ten minutes left before the show starts.
⑤ It doesn't matter who made this mess.

다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
220. 10.
① Both of the boys have their own soccer ball.
② Some of the students were sleeping.
③ Most of money were spent buying books.
④ All of the parents were surprised to hear the news.
⑤ None of the children wanted to stay inside.

① You have to believe in yourself.
② He seems to love herself.
③ Help yourself to all food and beverage.
④ I can't open the door for myself.
⑤ The movie itself was not that bad.

222. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

Some people enjoy skiing during the winter, but _________ may think that it's very
① one ② another ③ other
④ others ⑤ the other

223. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?

[A] Your opinion is different from [me / mine]
[B] I found [it / that] difficult to finish the book.
[C] When I read the poem first, I couldn't understand [its / it's] meaning.
① me - it - its ② me - that - it‘s
③ mine - it - its ④ mine - it - it's
⑤ mine - that - its

224. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
The music band consists of six members. Two people sing songs, and _________ play various
musical instruments.
① another ② the other ③ others
④ the others ⑤ some others

225. 다음 짝지은 대화 중 어법상 어색한 것은?

① A : The movie was interesting.
B : It was touching, too.
② A : My computer is very slow these days.
B : Why don't we buy a new that?
③ A : Is this bag yours?
B : No, it's Mary's.
④ A : Make yourself at home.
B : Thank you.
⑤ A: I think I lost my necklace.
B : Oh, I saw it on the dining table.

어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

226. 16.
The weather here is much colder than one of Korea.

I make that a rule to get up at six and go jogging in the park.

228. 다음 밑줄 친 어휘의 쓰임이 바르지 않은 것은?

① Can I have another piece of bread?
② Move one foot forward and other backward.
③ It is one thing to say, and it is another to act.
④ None of the invited people attended the event.
⑤ The city is famous for its historic heritage.

229. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
[A] Elephants' ears are much bigger than _________ of humans.
[B] I thought that _________ who were present in the meeting were all shocked to hear
the news.
① it ② one
③ they ④ those
⑤ others

230. 우리말 의미에 맞도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?
이곳에는 겨울에 눈이 많이 내린다.
= _________ snows a lot in winter here.
= _________ have a lot of snow in winter here.
① It - One ② It - We ③ One - One
④ One - They ⑤ The weather - They

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Our organization has two goals. One is to help the poor in Africa, and _________ is to let
people know the difficult situation there.

A : You look sad. What's wrong?
B : I lost my handkerchief. _______ is very meaningful to me.

다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① Don't compare her pronunciation with mine.
② I have a dog, and I spend most of the time with her.
③ These questions are difficult one to solve.
④ All of them are elementary school students.
⑤ Some people agreed with me, but others didn't.

① Those who are healthy are really happy people.
② You should always do your best.
③ I like that blue dress. I want to buy it.
④ Jenny herself prepared dinner for all of us.
⑤ I'm sure that the watch on the table is you.

Chapter 9 명사와 관사와 대명사

Unit 01. 명사의 의미

다음 밑줄 맞는 문장이면 T, 아니면 F를 쓰시오

1. Please open your book.
2. I visited an aquarium with my family.
3. Would like to have a drink?
4. Micky's plan is going to Hawaii.
5. My favorite fruit is orange.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

6. There are 20 [country / countries] in G20 committee.
7. The police [visit / visits] their house regularly.
8. My [family / families] is made up of parents, elder sister, and me.
9. Can you see it without a [microscope / glasses]?
10. Both [company / companies] will make an contract with each other.
11. Everyone says that [a dog / dogs] are faithful animals.
12. Can you find a new [shorts / blouse] for me?
13. A fresh [vegetable / fruits] is good for your health.
14. Several [club / clubs] will be closed in New Year's Day.

15. A lot of [cattle / cattles] are eating up the green leaves.
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
16. This is the happiest day of my [life / lives].
17. Can you give me some [salt / salts]?
18. Man cannot live without [water / waters].
19. All the countries want [peace / peaces].
20. He has more [knowledge / knowledges] than her.
21. The building was on [fire / fires] and we all had to escape from it.
22. We need a lot of [money / moneys] to buy that handbag.
23. He can give you some [advice / advices].
24. Can you let me know where a [flower / flour] is?
25. Please bring some [chalk / chalks] to me.

다음 단어의 복수형을 쓰시오.

26. display
27. deer
28. roof
29. mouse
30. address
31. journey

32. fox
33. key
34. fairy
35. knife
36. photo
37. tooth
38. leaf
39. belief
40. half
41. tomato
42. ax
다음 괄호 안에 알맞은 수량 표현 단어를 넣으시오.
43. two [ ] of bread
44. four [ ] of furniture
45. a [ ] of paper
46. ten [ ] of wine
47. a [ ] of shoes
48. a [ ] of cereal

Unit 02. 관사의 의미

다음 단어 앞에 올바른 부정관사를 넣으시오

49. apple
50. dish
51. eraser
52. hour
53. wagon
54. university

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르고, 필요 없는 경우 X를 고르시오.

55. I found [a / the] book that I once had read.
56. Would you mind opening [a / the] window?
57. She bought [a / the] scarf in the department store.
58. He started playing [a / the] violin in front of people.
59. We have to go straight in [X / the] west to find a land.
60. Our office is on [X / the] first floor of the building.
61. The poor [has / have] to be cared for by our government.
62. He caught her by [X / the] wrist.
63. We have [X / the] same reason to meet him.
64. I enjoyed playing [X / the] baseball in weekend.

다음 [ ]에서 옳은 것을 고르시오
65. We have English 4 times [week / a week].
a week
66. Our car can do 220 kilometers [hour / an hour].
an hour
67. [School / The school] that Mandy goes to is old.
The school
68. Please have [bite / a bite].
a bite
69. Lisa is [a tallest / the tallest]girl in our class.
the tallest
70. Lisa is [a first person / the first person] who finishes the test.
the first person
71. [Day / A day] has twenty-four hours.
A day 띄

다음 빈칸에 a나 an 중 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

72. She got _________ A grade in her history class.
73. In our school, all the students have to wear _________ uniform.
74. Can you give _________ handkerchief?
75. He appeared to be _________ honest man to me.
76. That place is not near here. It will take _________ hour's walk.
77. Can you imagine _________ word that begins with X?
78. I downloaded _________ MP3 file from that site.
79. I asked her to give _________ rotten apple.
80. You have to bring _________ umbrella today.
81. We have to act on _________ Europe-wide scale.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르고, 필요 없는 경우 X를 고르시오.
82. [A / The / X] my teacher asked me not to be late.
83. [A / The / X] woman called Sally visited your house.
84. We can discuss the issue before [a / the / X] dinner.
85. Our kids always goes to [a / the / X] school at 7 am.
86. We have to go there by [a / the / X] taxi in order to be on time.
87. Hey, Sam, let’s get out and play [a / the / X] baseball.
88. I'm so full with [a / the / X] heavy breakfast.
89. Can you tell me how to get to [a / the / X] school?
90. I will go to a world trip with [a / the / X] bicycle.
91. Stop watching TV and go to [a / the / X] bed.

Unit 03. 대명사

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: Who's that guy?
B: [This / It] is my younger brother.
A: How is [that / it] going, Tom?
B: So so. How about you?
94. [It / That] is almost 10 o'clock.
95. [This / It] is getting dark. Let' go home.
96. [That / It] is said that she studied 10 hours a day.
97. [This / It] is the fourth of July.
98. He make [them / it] a rule to jog every morning.
99. [That / It] is 10 minutes's walk.
100. [There / It] is Jane that has to wash the dishes.
101. [This / It] is very difficult to wake up early morning.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

102. The price of this book is cheaper than [that / those] of that book.
103. Heaven helps [these / those] who help themselves.
104. I will introduce my friend to you. [This / That] is Minsu from Korea.

105. [This / These] pants are match with your shirt.
106. Your grade is better than [that / this] of your brother.
107. [This / That] is Tom speaking. Who is calling?
108. I don't expect the entrance fee is [that / those] much.
109. [These / Those] who are poor shall be blessed.
110. I saw a bear in the wood. The bear was [this / these] big!
111. This is my bed and [that / those] is yours.
112. [Some / any] people went to the park to see the concert.
113. Can you find [anything / something] strange?
114. I will not accept [any / some] suggestion.
115. If you have any, give me [some / any].
116. I will make you [special something / something special] for you.
something special
117. Would you like [anything / something] to eat?
118. They could not find [no / any] evidence that he is the killer.
119. There is [no / any] one in this house.
120. Wait a moment! [None / All] of us are ready yet.
121. Nobody [is / are] seen in the plain.
122. We volunteer to help the poor every [two / second] week.

123. All the [dish / dishes] are stacked next to the sink.
124. You have to cut [both / each] side of the paper.
125. All the information [was / were] gathered in the server.
126. Every single one of them [was / were] fantastic.
127. Each [member / members] of group brought his own food.
128. Each country [have, has] its own customs.
129. [All / Every] the road turned into parking lots.
130. The two young men rivaled each [other / others] in love.
131. He worked [every / all] his life as a soldier.

Unit 04. 부정대명사

다음 밑줄이 맞는 문장이면 T, 아니면 F를 쓰시오

132. Each page is full of questions.
133. One must keep one’s word.
134. I have no’s children.
135. He has neither a pen or a pencil.
136. Some people like winter but others don't.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

137. Don't blame [the others / others]. You are not perfect, either.
138. The students said that the last chocolate was tastier than [the other / the others].
the others
139. Both he and I [am / is / are] from Korea.
140. Either [case / cases] is not common.
141. I'll give this gift [both / either] Jane or Suzi.
142. Neither question [is / are] not allowed.
143. Both [team / teams] will have a penalty in the next game.
144. Either he or I [is / am / are] guilty.
145. Neither She nor I [is / am / are] wrong.
146. He couldn't give the answer. I don't know the answer, [neither / either].

147. Bothe of them [was / were] so shocked at the news.
148. She couldn't pass the test. Neither [I could / could I].
could I
149. Some people enjoyed swimming while [other / others] enjoyed tanning.

다음 예문의 요약 해석이 맞으면 O, 틀리면 X를 하시오.

150. Not every girl like our math teacher.
모든 소녀가 싫어한다.
151. No student can pass the test.
모든 학생이 실패했다.
152. Not both of them read the book.
둘 다 읽지 않았다.
153. None of the workers are wearing helmets.
헬멧을 쓴 사람은 없다.
154. This problem is not always easy to them.
그들에게 항상 어렵다.
155. Not all the actors in the movie are famous.
유명한 배우는 없다.
156. The rich are not always happy.
부자들은 항상 행복하지 않다.
157. I didn't do everything you had ordered.
명령한 것을 전혀 하지 않았다.
158. I could not find anything you told me.
네가 말한 무엇도 찾지 못했다.
159. Nothing is more important than this.
이것이 가장 중요하다.

다음[ ]에서 옳은 것을 고르시오
160. At the time, [anyone / no one] thought about the children.
no one
161. There are 10 candies in the bag. You may take one, and give [the other / the others] to
your mother.
the others
162. [Neither / either] you nor she is good for it.
163. None of [they /them] attended the meeting.
164. Each has [his / their] own habit.
165. All of the students [was / were]excited at the soccer game.
166. Is everyone happy with [their / his] gift?

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

167. I lost my pencil. Can you lend me [it / one]?
168. I don't like blue jeans. Please show me black [one / ones].
169. One is yellow, [other / another] is red, and the other is blue.
170. She has a cat and [it / one] is very cute.
171. I don't need the book. So I'll buy another [it / one].
172. She received a letter but couldn't read. I read [it / one] to her.
173. He explained it in [the other / another] way.
174. Some people cried and [other / others] were speechless.
175. The members of your team can go home. But all the [other / others] have to wait for the

176. I like this one. I'll buy [the other / another] one.
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
177. Among them, one is a girl and [the other / the others] are men.
the others
178. She has two options. One is to leave it as it is and [another / the other] is to change it
as she wants.
the other
179. Allthe people were divided in two parts. Some people were agreed with the law but [the
other / the others] were against it.
the others
180. Some students dislike math class but [other / others] students like it.
181. We have a free time today. So some of us go to the downtown and [the other / the
others] take a rest.
the others
182. She showed me three jacket. One is black, another is brown, and [the other / other] is
the other


183. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

One _________ and three _________ are staying in our village now.
① Japanese ; Chineses
② Korean ; Japanese
③ American ; Indians
④ Englishman ; Germans
⑤ Vietnamese ; Canadians

빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

184. _________ book on the desk in mine.
① Some
② Many
③ Few
④ An
⑤ The

185. She needs a _________ of water.
① sheet ② glass ③ piece
④ spoonful ⑤ pound

Chris has _______ money, so he can buy ________ books.
① a number of ; many
② much ; a lot of
③ plenty of ; little
④ few ; many
⑤ lots of ; a little

187. The __________________ are not strong.
① table's legs
② legs of the table
③ table's leg
④ leg of the table
⑤ tables' leg

188. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 바르게 쓰인 것은?
① She bought some piece of chalk.
② May I drink a coffee?
③ I need one paper.
④ He ate two breads.
⑤ He drinks two glasses of milk.

189. 밑줄 친 부분을 복수형으로 바꾸고 그에 따라 문장 전체를 다시 쓴 것 중 잘못된 것은?

① That lady has a beautiful picture.
→ Those ladies have beautiful pictures.
② My brother is a student of this school.
→ My brothers are students of this school.
③ A star is seen at night.
→ Stars are seen at night.
④ This toy is his.
→ This toys are his.
⑤ There is a sheep on the grass.
→ There are some sheep on the grass.

190. 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것은?
A fox is a cunning animal.
① A dog is a faithful animal.
② The eagle is the strongest bird.
③ We are of a mind.
④ I am going to the post office.
⑤ There is no cloud in the sky.

191. 다음 빈칸에 the가 필요한 문장은?
① In-su and In-hi are _________ brother and sister.
② Will you close _________ door behind you?
③ _________ President Lincoln was a great man.
④ They elected Mrs. Lee _________ chairwoman.
⑤ After _________ lunch we would lie on the sand.

192. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 표현은?
Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _____ to his office.
① 20 minutes walk
② 20 minute's walk
③ walk of 20 minute
④ 20-minute walk
⑤ 20 minutes' walk

193. 다음 명사의 복수형이 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?
① sheep - sheeps ② piano - pianoes
③ fish - fishes ④ safe - saves
⑤ roof - roofs

194. 다음 밑줄 친 말을 대신하여 쓸 수 있는 말은?

A kangaroo is an animal which lives only in Australia.
① One ② The ③ Certain ④ Per ⑤ All

195. 다음 중에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르시오.

① The class is all diligent.
② I shook a hand with him.
③ Bring me two sheet of papers.
④ What color is the book's cover?
⑤ I'll do it in a morning.

196. 밑줄 친 부정관사의 의미와 같은 것은?

Twins are naturally of an age.
① They are all songs of a type.
② A lady in white was hurt.
③ I have a knowledge of Latin.
④ Please give me a ring once a week.
⑤ A bicycle has two wheels.

197. 나머지와 같은 종류의 명사가 아닌 것은?

① rose ② year ③ sword ④ sand ⑤ fish

198. 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되기 위해 괄호의 단어를 사용하여 빈 칸을 영작하시오.
I met her _________ [aunt]. [숙모 댁에서]
Please bring me __________________. [오늘 신문]
at [my] aunt's [house], today's newspaper

Choose the right one of the each pair.

One of my friends [A][want / wants] to borrow [B][my brother's some books / some books of
my brother's], which he find very interesting.
wants, some books of my brother's

There [A][are / is] some [B][Japaneses / Japanese] in my class. Whenever I talk to them, I
feel a little nervous.
are, Japanese

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것은?

Do you see many _______ over there?
① sheep ② women ③ geese
④ mouse ⑤ knives

202. 다음의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?
① It doesn't change that _______ sun rises in the east.
② My mother was playing ______ violin.
③ My family go to _______ church on Sundays.
④ Health is ______ most valuable thing in our life.
⑤ Would you mind if I close ______ window?

203. [A] ~ [C]의 괄호 안에서 어법상 바른 것을 골라 짝지은 것은?
[A] Some furniture [has / have] to be moved out to the living room.
[B] There [is / are] much water to drink.
[C] The police [is / are] working until late to find the missing child.
① has - is - is ② has - is - are
③ has - are - are ④ have - is - are
⑤ have - are - are

204. 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 어법상 틀린 것은?
① A tiger is a very independent animal.
② Birds of a feather flock together.
③ Why don't we play a football after school?
④ I have a dog and two cats.
⑤ Take this medicine three times a day.

205. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① Tom bought a beautiful red rose.
② Every student has to hand in the report.
③ Cattle is raised in the pasture.
④ Both of them are sleeping in the room.
⑤ You can see a lot of items in this store.

206. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Dr. Kim's office is on _______ third floor.
① a ② the ③ some
④ any ⑤ both

207. 음 빈칸에 적절한 관사를 순서대로 짝지은 것은?

[A] Take this medicine three times _______ day.
[B] What is _______ longest river in the world?
[C] I think that Mike is _______ honest man.
① a - an - the ② the - a - an
③ an - a - the ④ a - the - an
⑤ the - an - the

밑줄 친 어휘의 쓰임이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① The number of animals in this zoo is increasing.
② Mathematics is the most difficult subject for me.
③ There are plenty of salt in the container.
④ Our team are working on the project.
⑤ This house is nice, but there is no garage.

① Both the beautiful ladies want to join our club.
② Only a little sugar has been added to this soup.
③ All the schools have a similar problem.
④ Each member have to answer a question.
⑤ There are few people in the concert hall.

210. 다음 중 명사의 복수형이 잘못 짝지어진 것은?

① bench - benches ② tooth - teeth
③ man - men ④ leaf - leaves
⑤ potato - potatos

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I broke the window. _______ made my mom angry.
① She ② This ③ Those
④ These ⑤ Myself

How long does _______ take to get to the museum?
① it ② this ③ that
④ some ⑤ any

213. 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 다른 하나는?

① He washed himself after breakfast.
② My sister cleaned the house herself.
③ She introduced herself to the class.
④ Look at yourself in the mirror.
⑤ I seated myself on the couch.

214. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 알맞게 짝지은 것은?
Four students applied for the position. _______ is a girl, and _______ are boys.
① one - another ② one - others
③ one - the others ④ the other - other
⑤ the other - others

215. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
A : Excuse me, I'm looking for a skirt.
B : How about this red _________?
A : Well. I don't like its style. Can you show me another _________?
B : Sure.
① it ② any ③ this
④ one ⑤ some

216. 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?
[A] I have no pens. Can I borrow _________?
[B] She cooked spaghetti for me. _________ tasted good.
① this - One ② it - Ones
③ one - It ④ them - They
⑤ one - Some

다음 괄호 안에서 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My cellphone is broken. I have to buy a new [it / one].

A : Excuse me, where can I find books about Korean History?
B : [These / They] are in section B.
A : Thank you.

219. 밑줄 친 it의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?
It is getting darker and darker outside.
① The program makes it possible to create the design.
② It is not easy to learn how to swim.
③ Do you think it's the best idea?
④ It is ten minutes left before the show starts.
⑤ It doesn't matter who made this mess.

다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① Both of the boys have their own soccer ball.
② Some of the students were sleeping.
③ Most of money were spent buying books.
④ All of the parents were surprised to hear the news.
⑤ None of the children wanted to stay inside.

① You have to believe in yourself.
② He seems to love herself.
③ Help yourself to all food and beverage.
④ I can't open the door for myself.
⑤ The movie itself was not that bad.

222. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
Some people enjoy skiing during the winter, but _________ may think that it's very
① one ② another ③ other
④ others ⑤ the other

223. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?
[A] Your opinion is different from [me / mine]
[B] I found [it / that] difficult to finish the book.
[C] When I read the poem first, I couldn't understand [its / it's] meaning.
① me - it - its ② me - that - it‘s
③ mine - it - its ④ mine - it - it's
⑤ mine - that - its

224. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
The music band consists of six members. Two people sing songs, and _________ play various
musical instruments.
① another ② the other ③ others
④ the others ⑤ some others

225. 다음 짝지은 대화 중 어법상 어색한 것은?

① A : The movie was interesting.
B : It was touching, too.
② A : My computer is very slow these days.
B : Why don't we buy a new that?
③ A : Is this bag yours?
B : No, it's Mary's.
④ A : Make yourself at home.
B : Thank you.
⑤ A: I think I lost my necklace.
B : Oh, I saw it on the dining table.

어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.
The weather here is much colder than one of Korea.
one → that

I make that a rule to get up at six and go jogging in the park.
that → it

228. 다음 밑줄 친 어휘의 쓰임이 바르지 않은 것은?

① Can I have another piece of bread?
② Move one foot forward and other backward.
③ It is one thing to say, and it is another to act.
④ None of the invited people attended the event.
⑤ The city is famous for its historic heritage.

229. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
[A] Elephants' ears are much bigger than _________ of humans.
[B] I thought that _________ who were present in the meeting were all shocked to hear
the news.
① it ② one
③ they ④ those
⑤ others

230. 우리말 의미에 맞도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 바르게 짝지은 것은?
이곳에는 겨울에 눈이 많이 내린다.
= _________ snows a lot in winter here.
= _________ have a lot of snow in winter here.
① It - One ② It - We ③ One - One
④ One - They ⑤ The weather - They

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Our organization has two goals. One is to help the poor in Africa, and _________ is to let
people know the difficult situation there.
the other
A : You look sad. What's wrong?
B : I lost my handkerchief. _______ is very meaningful to me.

다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① Don't compare her pronunciation with mine.
② I have a dog, and I spend most of the time with her.
③ These questions are difficult one to solve.
④ All of them are elementary school students.
⑤ Some people agreed with me, but others didn't.

① Those who are healthy are really happy people.
② You should always do your best.
③ I like that blue dress. I want to buy it.
④ Jenny herself prepared dinner for all of us.
⑤ I'm sure that the watch on the table is you.


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