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Q. Why is there rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

• The rivalry stems back to 1979 Iranian revolution.

Earlier both countries were part of American alliance against USSR. However, the Islamic
nationalists overtook the country and spread Shia-centric theology against the narrative of
Saudi-dominated Muslim world.
• Further, Iraq war, 2003, when anti-Iran regime was brought down Iran’s influence increased
• Arab Spring increased the rivalry further by proxy wars in countries like Syria and Yemen.

Q. Why is there a rivalry between USA and Iran?

• 1979 Iranian revolution propped Iran against USA’s influence in the region. +
• nuclear plans of Iran pose a risk of Nuclearization of the region.

Q. So why is USA still in West Asia, now that it has started oil production?
• The narrative in USA is gradually changing. President Trump seeks to pull out of Syria
• Still - investments from Saudis+ challenge from Iran and Russia + fear of extremism like 9/11

Q. Why is the proxy war happening in Syria?

Complex situation in Syria. 6th year of civil war, more than 0.4 mn killed. Most major powers are only
thinking of self-interests in dealing with Syria

Start -
2011 – peaceful protests by rebels – Assad attacks them and converts into Civil war
- Extrmists start to join the rebels
- Iran starts to help Syria (Shias) – military and economic
- Gulf states and Turkey channel funds/arms to Rebels mainly to counter Iran’s influence
- + Hezbollah enters in turn
- Chemical weapon use -> US enters war – CIA training to rebels
- Group called ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria) breaks off from Al Quaedas local branch
o It fights other rebels and kurds –
o Carves out a mini state – called caliphate
- US starts to focus on attacking ISIS
- Turkey starts to bomb Kurds on its territory and beyond
o So unclear alliances b/w major powers!
- Russia enters on side of Assad – send military planes etc against rebels
- Trump elected – wants to stay out of Syrian conflict
o Assad regime crushes rebels and reclaims Aleppo
o Use of WMD again – US orders strikes against Assad regime
o Now Trump announces US withdrawal

Geo-political mess- 6 years to the conflict –
4 sides – with foreign backers
1. Syrian govt - Russia and Iran and Hezbollah
3. Kurds - US
4. Rebels – US, Turkey, Gulf states

• important geo-strategic location –
o Iran (use it as conduit for Hezbollah support)
o Russia has a naval base in Syria
Thus, when civil war started, other nations started intervening.

Q. Is USA pulling out of Syria right?

• Good thing in long term.
• But, pulling out hastily – may start a new geo-political war.
o ISIS presence and ideology may return

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