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Top Tips Behaviour Management for Supply School Teachers Follow these simple rules for effective behaviour management. Do * Do tell the students what you expect, from the beginning, Show me good sitting, good listening, hands up, no shouting out etc. * Do praise and reward whenever you see students following your instructions. Do get to know names and use them throughout the lesson — draw up a seating plan or prepare individual name stickers. ‘* Do separate behaviour from the pupil (.e. talk about the behaviour as an object) * Do inform the pupils that you will be writing a note to their teacher to tell them how the day has gone. * Do over-plan — have a set of activities to hand that will cover all year groups. + Do create exciting lessons — make use of props that will draw your pupils in. Do use a countdown to obtain silence, clapping your hands for attention (primary only). * Do use ‘proximity praise’ - praise students either side of a student -‘__and__are showing me such good listening’. * Do show consistency and be fair in your actions. * Do use humour (at the children’s level), if you can. * Do use treats and rewards for good behaviour (find out the school’s reward policy and hook into that) * Do mark their work at the end of the day. + Do leave the classroom tidy, with a summary of each lesson for the teacher. Do not * Don’t raise your voice or shout. * Don’t give your pupils the impression you are there just to supervise them — remember you are there to teach! * Don’t give out whole class detentions or sanctions. * Don’t use open ended questions when addressing a situation, as this gives the pupil scope for further bad behaviour. ‘© Don’t run your lesson right up to the last minute and then have to rush because you will be late for assembly, lunch etc. Don’t raise your voice or shout. Be consistent, be friendly and you'll be asked back! ca

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