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Chapter 2 Culture: Characteristics And

Discussion Very Short Answer Type:

Question 1. Name two important works of Kaliprasanna Singha.
Answer: Hutum Pyanchar Naksha and the translation of Mahabharata.

Question 2. What was Hindu Patriot?

Answer: Hindu Patriot was a weekly newspaper.

Question 3. When did the Sanskrit College start functioning?

Answer: 1st January 1884.

Question 4. Name the school established by Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Answer: Anglo Sanskrit Free School in Virsingha Village.

Question 5. Name the first national college fully owned by Indians.

Answer: The Metropolitan College.

Question 6. Which Medical College came into being at the initiative of Lord
Answer: The Calcutta Medical College.

Question 7. Who were the first two women graduates from Calcutta
Answer: Kaumudini Ganguli and Chandramukhi Basu.

Question 8. Who was primarily responsible for the abolition of Sati system?
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy.

Question 9. Name one organisation which was set up as a part of religious

reform in the 19th-century Bengal.
Answer: Brahmo Samaj.
Question 10. Who was the first Bengalee to disect a dead body?
Answer: Madhusudan Gupta.

Question 11. What was the original name of Swami Vivekananda?

Answer: Narendra Nath Dutta.

Question 12. Name the first Indian student of anatomy in the Calcutta
Medical College.
Answer: Madhusudan Gupta.

Question 14. Who gave the concept of Navavedanta?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda.

Question 15. Who founded Gendaria Ashrama at Dhaka?

Answer: Bijoy Krishna Goswami.

Question 16. Where is Ramakrishna Math located?

Answer: In Belur.

Question 17. Name the Governor General who abolished the Sati system.
Answer: William Bentinck.

Question 18. Who was the author of the book ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule
in India’?
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji.

Question 19. Write the name of the founder of the Asiatic Society.
Answer: Sir William Jones.

Question 20. Name a European philosopher who influenced Rammohan Roy.

Answer: Rousseau.

Question 21. Name a European philosopher who helped in the growth of

Indian nationalism.
Answer: Montesquieu.
Question 22. Name the first English newspaper published in Bengal.
Answer: Bengal Gazette.

Question 23. Name the first newspaper published in Bengal.

Answer: Bengal Gazette.

Question 24. When was the ‘Bengal Gazette’ published?

Answer: In 1780.

Question 25. Name the first newspaper published from Madras.

Answer: Madras Courier (1780).

Question 26. When was the ‘Hindu Patriot’ published?

Answer: 1853.

Question 27. Who founded the Benaras Sanskrit College?

Answer: Jonathan Duncan.

Question 28. Name one of the founders of Hindu College.

Answer: Radhakanta Deb.

Question 29. Who directed the Company to spend yearly Rs. 1 lakh towards
Answer: British Parliament through Charter Act, 1813.

Question 30. When was th$ Company directed by the British Parliament to
spend yearly Rs. 1 lakh towards education in India?
Answer: In 1813.

Question 31. When was the Baptist Mission founded?

Answer: In 1818.

Question 32. Name an Orientalist supporter.

Answer: Sutherland.

Question 33. Name an Anglicist supporter.

Answer: Saunders.
Question 34. Who was the first Chancellor of Calcutta University?
Answer: Lord Canning.

Question 35. When was the Hindu College founded?

Answer: In 1817.

Question 36. When was the Committee of Public Instruction first appointed
in Bengal?
Answer: In 1823.

Question 37. Who was appointed as the President of the Committee of

Public Instruction in 1834?
Answer: Macaulay.

Question 38. When was English education officially introduced in India?

Answer: In 1835.

Question 39. When was the University of Calcutta established?

Answer: 24 January 1857.

Question 40. When did Lord Curzon pass the Indian Universities Act?
Answer: In 1904.

Question 41. When was the Atmiya Sabha founded by Rammohan Roy?
Answer: In 1815.

Question 42. When did the Atmiya Sabha come to be known as the Brahmo
Samaj or Brahmo Sabha?
Answer: In 1828.

Question 43. When was the practice of Sati declared illegal?

Answer: In 1829.

Question 44. When was the Tatwabodhini Patrika published?

Answer: ln 1843.
Question 45. By what name were the followers of Derozio known?
Answer: Young Bengal.

Question 46. When was Ramakrishnadeva born?

Answer: In 1836.

Question 47. When was the first girls’ school established at Poona?
Answer: In 1851.

Question 48. When was the Widow Remarriage Association founded in

Answer: In 1850.

Question 49. Who founded the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College?

Answer: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

Question 50. When was the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College founded

at Aligarh?
Answer: In 1875.

Question 51. Who addressed an open letter to the graduates of Calcutta

University in 1883?
Answer: A. O. Hume.

Question 52. Name the social reformer whose movement resulted in the
abolition of ‘Sati’.
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy.

Question 53. Who founded the Nababidhan Brahmo Samaj?

Answer: Keshab Chandra Sen.

Question 54. Who was the founder of Adi Brahma Samaj?

Answer: Maharshi Debendra Nath Thakur.

Question 55. Who was called the ‘first modern man of India’?
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy.
Question 56. In which year was the Sanskrit College of Calcutta founded?
Answer: In 1824 AD.

Question 57. Who abolished the Vernacular Press Act?

Answer: Lord Ripon.

Question 58. Who were the founders of the Baptist Mission at Serampore?
Answer: William Carey, Marshman, and Ward.

Question 59. In which year was the School Book Society founded?
Answer: In 1817.

Question 60. Who founded the School Book Society?

Answer: David Hare.

Question 61. Which were the two parties involved in the controversy
regarding the introduction of western education in India?
Answer: Anglicist and Orientalist.

Question 62. During whose, Governor Generalship was the Calcutta Medical
College established?
Answer: Lord William Bentinck.

Question 63. Who is called ‘Bharat Pathik’?

Answer: Rammohan Roy.

Question 64. Name a journal published by the Brahmo Samaj.

Answer: Sulabh Samachar.

Question 65. Name two newspapers published by Rammohan Roy.

Answer: Sambad Kaumudi, Mirat-ul-Akbar.

Question 66. Who started the anti-Sati movement?

Answer: Rammohan Roy.

Question 67. Who started the movement in favor of widow remarriage?

Answer: Iswarchandra Vidyasagar.
Question 68. Who was the editor of Tattwabodhini Patrika?
Answer: Debendranath Tagore.

Question 69. Name two textbooks written by Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Answer: Varnaparichay and Kathamala.

Question 70. Name the college established by Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Answer: Metropolitan College.

Question 71. Who founded the Hindu Female School (Bethune Girls’
Answer: John Drinkwater Bethune.

Question 72. ‘Go back to the Vedas’ Who said this?

Answer: Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

Question 73. Who wrote the book ‘Satyaratha Prakash’?

Answer: Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

Question 74. When was the Vernacular Press Act passed?

Answer: In 1878.

Question 75. Who founded a girls’ school at Poona in 1851?

Answer: Jyotiba Phule.

Question 76. Name two social reformers who worked for the welfare of
Answer: Rammohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Question 77. Where was the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College

Answer: Aligarh.

Question 78. Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda.
Question 79. Who was the editor of Bengal Gazette?
Answer: Augustus Hickey.

Question 80. Who was the editor of Hindu Patriot?

Answer: Harish Chandra Mukherjee.

Question 81. Who was the editor of Amrita Bazar Patrika?

Answer: Sisir Kumar Ghosh.

Question 82. Name two newspapers edited by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Answer: Kesari and Maratha.

Question 83. Who composed Anandamath?

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

Question 84. Who introduced western education in India?

Answer: Lord William Bentinck.

Question 85. When did Lord Bentinck establish Medical College in Calcutta?
Answer: In 1835.

Question 86. Mention the year of Wood’s Despatch.

Answer: 1854.

Question 87. Who was the first Vice-Chancellor of the University of

Answer: William Coleville.

Question 88. Who was the first graduate of Calcutta University?

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

Question 89. When was the Indian Education Commission (Hunter

Commission) appointed?
Answer: In 1882.

Question 90. When was the Hindu Widow Remarriage Act passed?
Answer: In 1856.
Question 91. Who wrote ‘Bartaman Bharat’?
Answer: Swami Vivekananda.

Question 92. In which year was the Hunter Commission appointed?

Answer: In 1882 A.D.

Question 93. Who built Gurukul Ashram Vidyalaya in Haridwar ?

Answer: Swami Sradhananda.

Question 94. Who was the founder of Sadharan Brahma Samaj?

Answer: Shivnath Shastri (1878).

Question 95. Who was the leading personality of Adi Brahma Samaj?
Answer: Debendranath Tagore.

Question 96. Who was the founder of Indian Brahma Samaj?

Answer: Keshab Chandra Sen.

Question 97. Who was the founder of Nababidhan Samaj?

Answer: Keshab Chandra Sen.

Question 98. What was the main advice of Sri Ramakrishna?

Answer: The main advice of Sri Ramakrishna was “Jato mat, tato path”.

Question 99. Which was the first Bengali daily?

Answer: Sambad Prabhakar of Iswar Chandra Gupta (1830 AD) was the first
Bengali daily.

Question 100. Who gave the title ‘Raja’ to Ram Mohan Roy?
Answer: Akbar Shah II.
Chapter 2 Culture: Characteristics And
Discussion 2 Marks Questions And
Question 1. What was the role of Raja Rammohan Roy in the emancipation
of women?
Answer: He tried to remove the primitive dogmas prevalent in the society and
spread education among women. He was also instrumental in stopping the
practice of Sati or the burning of widows on the funeral pyre of the dead
husband. He worked for the improvement of women class.

Question 2. What was ‘Young Bengal Association’?

Answer: The Young Bengal Association was started by Henry Louis Vivian
Derozio as a movement against social evils existing in India. His followers were
mostly students of Hindu College.

Question 3. What was Swami Vivekananda’s idea of religious reformation?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda, one of the most popular sages of modern India,
used scientific analysis of Hinduism to oppose orthodox values of the religion. He
changed the entire religious discourse to the ideals of Naba Vedanta.

Question 4. What was the outlook of the newspaper Hindoo Patriot?

Answer: The Hindoo Patriot addressed contemporary social problems. For
example, in the opinion of the Hindoo Patriot the Hindu marriage law imposed
disability on the part of the girls in exercising their right to marry on their own
initiative. It remarked that the abolition of early marriage would destroy the
system, it was also a newspaper with a national outlook.

Question 5. How did Lord Hardinge boost English education?

Answer: In 1844 Lord Hardinge gave further stimulus to English education by
linking up knowledge of English with government employment. He declared that
English knowing Indians would be given preference in government employment.
This made English education more popular.

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