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NELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED is a new/used car dealership company that

will offer a wide range of new and used vehicles to customers here in Kakamega
County-Kenya. The dealership will be owned and operated by Nelson Alukaya who
has 5 years experience in the automobile industry. The company will also provide
other services including sales, financing, car-wash services, auto-car mechanic
services and maintenance, car-hire services, and auto-car spare parts for past
customers, some required by warranty, some by service contracts, and some for

This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding NELSON
GROUP MOTORS LIMITED. This document is provided for informational purposes, and you may
not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without prior written
consent of the company. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by these restrictions and

Get in touch with us through the available means below:

WhatsApp Only: +254-732-065-131 Call: +254-718-165-238 Email:
“Thus says the LORD, “The Spirit of the LORD “If you extend your soul
The Holy one of Israel: God is upon me, because to the hungry and satisfy
“I am the LORD your the LORD has anointed the afflicted soul, then
God, who teaches you to me to preach good your light shall dawn in
profit, who leads you by tidings to the poor; He the darkness, and your
the way you should go.” has sent me to heal the darkness shall be as the
brokenhearted.” noonday.”

(Isaiah 48:17) (Isaiah 61:1) (Isaiah 58:10)

N ELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED is a new/ used car dealership company

that will offer a wide range of new and used vehicles to customers here in Kenya.
The dealership will be owned and operated by Nelson Alukaya who has 5 years
experience in the automobile industry. The dealership will be located in Kakamega
town. It will be in a prime location of high visibility and easy access for customers. It
will offer a wide range of services including sales, financing, leasing, maintenance
and repair.

The company will be a kingdom business; an enterprising entity that is subject to and
operates under the governance, ordinances and principles of God. It will be a profit-
making venture under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, managed on biblical principles,
serving as a light in the marketplace and it's profits used for the advancement of God's
Kingdom on earth through evangelism, discipleship, charity and social welfare.

The company has three major divisions as explained in the diagram above,
structured based on Isaiah's Prophetic Word concerning God’s plan for the end-time
revival- and thus, the scriptural references in this three divisions configures the entire
organization to God's eternal plan for this latter generation. The key focus of the
company is to steward the resources for the end-time revival- in preparation for the
coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in His glory at the rapture.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

The resources will also be used to reach out to the poor and the needy in our society
through our Corporate Social Responsibility chatter.

Great light is coming to the continent of Africa and it shall shine to the uttermost parts
of the world. God is going to use THE REMNANT CHURCH, ordinary men and
women especially in the African continent to champion the last days revival.
This is the exact reason why we have developed a financial resource base in support
spearheaded by this church. "Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a small remnant,
we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah
"(Isaiah 1:9).

- being the centerpiece of the company- creates

the financial pool for the company's charity and church support programs. However,
to supplement budgetary needs, the company also incorporates external funding. This
funding will be of great importance to our cause in the following ways:

1. Set the business off the ground- The first and most pivotal use of this funds will
be to get the business off the ground. Funding can help a kingdom entrepreneur
become of great value by giving him the necessary monetary support to at least
run a hypothesis on the idea and convert it into a concept.

2. Get hiring support- This funds will help the business find the best team and
make the hire. It will support the team's salary till at least the business starts
making profit or even reaching a break-even point. Apart from the salary front, a
company which gets tagged as being invested in, finds it easier to hire quality
people compared to the start-ups without any funding.

3. It will help in the operational side of the business- Another benefit to this
funding is that it will give the business the monetary support to buy land, set up
an office, or buy office equipment, invest in software and other products-
including new/ used cars. In short, it will help with setting up the operational side
of the business- at least for the initial few years, till the time the brand us able to
sustain on it's own.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

N ELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED, located in Kakamega town will be a
new community- focused auto dealership selling new and used cars. The
company will be conveniently located in this city in an accessible area and to the
nearby towns like Bungoma, Luanda, Mbale, Chavakali, Butere, Yala, Mumias,
Webuye, Kapsabet, Nandi, Busia, kisumu, Eldoret, Kericho, Kitale, Malaba and
Nambale. The company is headed by Nelson O. Alukaya, a sales consultant with 5
years of experience in automobile industry.

While Nelson has been in the automobile sales business for some time, it was in the
month of January 2023 that he decided to come up with his own vision of setting up a
car dealership company with the brand name- NELSON GROUP MOTORS
LIMITED. Specifically, during this time, Nelson met with a former friend and fellow
independent dealer in Nakuru here in Kenya who has had tremendous success. After
discussing the business at length, Nelson clearly understood that a similar business
would enjoy significant success in his own hometown.

The company will focus on a conscientious selling technique which builds client trust
in the company and guides them towards the right purchase of new or used cars. The
company will also provide service including regular maintenance, repairs, and spare
parts for past customers, some required by warranty, some by service contracts, and
some for fees.
The Founder, Nelson O. Alukaya will also focus on answering his clientele's needs. In
addition to newsletters and email updates, Nelson will hold webinars on about the
manufacturer's newest models, caring for new cars, and selling used cars.

Our vision is to be the best car dealership organization in Kenya, where customer
expectations are exceeded; employees are engaged; the community is served; and our
business reputation is infused with integrity and fun.

Our Mission is to treat both customers and employees like guests in our home and
make NELSON GROUP MOTORS a place where people want to be. We ensure
that every transaction is guided by the principles of HONESTY, INTEGRITY and
LOYALTY; and we set ourselves apart from other Car Dealers by having a
transparent, enjoyable and fair process in all our business practices.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

 We believe in integrity guiding our business everyday. We must first always
work with our team members, our customers and our business partners in an
ethical, courteous and professional manner.

 We believe engaged employees will result when they are treated with honesty,
clarity and respect by management and fellow team members. These engaged
employees will create a great environment for our customers.

 We believe in creating long-term customer loyalty- One where customers enjoy

their time at each of our showrooms and encourage their friends and family to do
the same.

 We believe in providing community service- We will make a community a

better place and improve ourselves in the process. The profits and returns accrued
from the company will also be shared with less fortunate in the society.

 We believe in making long-term decisions daily- We will grow our business not
by taking short cuts or looking for quick fix, but by fostering relationships with
our employees, customers and business partners that are build on trust,
dedication and commitment.

The company is committed to making a positive difference in the communities in

which we live and work. We recognize that responsible behavior is our calling card;
creating opportunities to generate greater value for our shareholders, while at the
same time fostering good livelihoods and spiritual well- being in the communities
where we operate. We strive to earn the trust of all with whom we interact- whether
they be our employees, the immediate communities, government or any other persons/
parties with whom we engage in our quest as a company to realize our goals.

We endorse the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility as proposed by the

World Bank: Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment of business to
contribute to sustainable economic development- working with employees, their
families, the local community and society at large to improve the quality of life, in
ways that are both good for business and good for development.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

1. Ethics- The NELSON GROUP MOTORS code of business conduct and ethics
mandates that we conduct our business with the ethical standards set forth in that
code and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. We strive
to act as a responsible Corporate Citizen and lend our expertise to help engage in
constructive public dialogue and informed debate on issues of importance to the
company and the communities in which we operate.

2. Employees- The company is committed to developing the full potential of our

employees. We respect and value each of our employees and observe the
fundamental tenets of human rights, safety and non- discrimination in the
workplace. We fairly compensate our employees for their contributions, provide
meaningful performance feedback to them and offer them professional
development and training opportunities. We encourage accountability and
employee involvement in issues affecting the workplace to help improve safety
and work conditions, as well, as our efficiency and our business. We also
recognize that best practices in this important area continue to evolve and that,
accordingly, we must learn and evolve as well.

3. Community- The company fully considers social, cultural, environmental and

economic factors when evaluating project development opportunities. In those
communities in which we operate, we interact with local residents, governments,
non- governmental organizations, international agencies and other interested
groups to facilitate long- term and beneficial resource development. We give
priority to building partnerships in entrepreneurial endeavors that contribute to
enhancing local capacity, and we also commit to providing financial support to
true and genuine servants of God. Those who are dedicated in presenting the true
gospel of Christ; HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS. The employment of the
local community members is also a priority. We respect the interests of all
members of the communities in which we conduct business, and we encourage
open, constructive dialogue and interaction with them. We take the responsibility
to listen carefully, be appropriate and timely.

This company is unique, in that much of it's Corporate Social Responsibility mandate.
The company aims to create a resource base through investments, in order to finance
it's charity and social welfare causes, and also to support the church and other
kingdom- based initiatives to advance the kingdom of God. To this effect, the
company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation, with the following CSR
 Church Support and Development  Charity and Social Welfare

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

i. Kenya Used Car Market analysis
Kenya's used car market is valued at USD 1.23 billion and is expected to surpass the
market value of USD 1.39 billion by the end of the forecast period by registering a
CAGR of 2%.

Kenya is one of the largest and wealthiest economies in East Africa and plays an
important regional role in the target market. Kenya's sizeable middle class,
progressive business environment, regional market access, and history of automotive
assembly positions in the country, as well as a potential East African hub.

Existing trade data precludes the analysis of used vehicles. The Kenya Revenue
Authority (KRA) hit used car importers with a new tax increase after capping the
maximum depreciation rate from 70% to 65% of the traditional vehicle price.

In the first week of September 2023, the Deputy Director of customs and Border
protection issued a directive to Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA) officials,
instructing them to implement a revised depreciation rate for vehicles. This directive
mandates a tax increase of 14% or higher for vehicles manufactured in 2016. Notably,
the majority of these vehicles are currently being imported by dealers, as Kenya's
regulations limit the importation of used vehicles to those within an eight- year age

However, Kenyan new vehicle dealers have raised their exports the East African
Market by 39.4% in the last half- year ended June, with the sales growth led by
demand for trucks, Saloon Cars, Probox/ Succeed vehicles and buses.

Data from the Kenya Motor Vehicle Industry Association ( KMIA) shows the
companies, including SCANIA EAST AFRICA AND ISUZU EAST AFRICA sold a
total of 191 units to the regional markets the review period. This was an increase from
137 units recorded a year earlier.

N ELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED will primarily serve customers within

the country (here in Kenya). We will serve customers in three main categories:
Urban dwellers, Suburban Residents, and Rural Communities. The residents tend to
be homeowners, upper middle-class, with growing families and the need to purchase
new or used cars.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

i. Urban Dwellers: Compact and Maneuverable

Urban dwellers require vehicles that are suited to the challenges and demands of city
life. Compact cars, electric vehicles, and hybrids are popular choices among this
target audience due to their maneuverability, fuel efficiency, and reduced emissions.
Additionally, urban consumers often prioritize connectivity features, parking
assistance and compact designs that enable easy navigation through crowded streets.

ii. Suburban Residents: Space and Versatility

Suburban residents tend to prioritize spaciousness and versatility in their vehicle

choices. They require vehicles capable of accommodating larger families, transporting
cargo, and handling diverse road conditions. SUVs, minivans, and crossover vehicles
appeal to this target audience due to their ample seating capacity, expansive cargo
areas, and robust performance capabilities.

iii. Rural Communities: Ruggedness and Utility

In rural areas, consumers often prioritize ruggedness, utility and off road capabilities.
Whether it's for agricultural purposes, outdoor activities, or traversing rough terrains,
individuals living in rural areas will require vehicles that can withstand challenging
conditions (ATVs), and Four wheel-drive (SUVs) are favored by this target audience
due to their durability and versatility.

Competitive advantages enhance and maintain market share and achieve market
leadership. It is important to identify the weak areas or the strengths of your
competitors in the industry which you're involved in, so that you may know how to
maneuver in business for your own success. The following auto dealerships selling to
the same customer market are located here in Kenya, thus providing either direct or
indirect competition for customers.

a). Rana AutoSelection Limited - Rana is a 300 store auto dealership chain selling a
huge variety of manufacturers, makes and models both new and used. Rana
AutoSelection Limited local store is located in the neighboring town of Eldoret and
receives a high volume of customers due to the variety and convenience of comparing
models of different manufacturers in one place.

Rana lacks a high level of customer service and customer report that they often feel
ignored or treated too quickly by salespeople. Rana AutoSelection Limited shopping
is therefore not a desirable experience for customers specifically seeking for

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

b). Mogo Car Yard - Mogo Kenya is part of Eleving Group, an international Fin
Tech Company operating in 17 Countries on three continents. Mogo provides car
financing options for used cars, logbook loans, Boda Boda and Tuk Tuk loans for
Kenyans. Mogo also has a large store auto dealership with a huge variety of
manufacturers, makes and models of different types of vehicles.

However, recently Mogo has been accused of being an exploitative Shylock and
conducting business in unethical standards. A twitter user revealed that Mogo credit
loans are repaid in dollars. As a result the more the Kenyan shilling weakens against
the dollar the more interest loan accrues.

We are also going to have an in - depth analysis of our competitors' strategies and it
will involve scrutinizing various facets of their operations which include:

i). Vehicle Inventory - We will evaluate the range and variety of vehicles offered by
our competitors. That means if a nearby dealership gains traction with electric or
hybrid models, it signifies an emerging market trend towards Eco - friendly vehicles
that might influence consumer preferences.

ii). Sales and Financial Approach - We are going to consider the tactics and
financing options employed by our competitors.

iii). Customer Service and Support - We will assess the quality of customer service
and post - sale support provided by our competitors. A dealership known for it's
responsive customer service or efficient maintenance services may have a competitive

iv). Marketing and Promotion - We are going to study our competitors' marketing
strategies, whether they rely on digital marketing, traditional social media influencers
or hosting test - drive events could have a unique marketing approach.

v). Technological Integration - We will observe if our competitors embrace

innovative technologies in their operations, such as virtual or online vehicle
customization tools. A dealership utilizing augmented reality for virtual car tours
might stand out in enhancing the customer experience.

The company has a plan to use several strategies to promote it's name and develop it's
brand. By using an integrated marketing strategy, the company will win clients and
develop consistent revenue streams.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

The (NELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED) brand will focus on the company's
unique value proposition:

i). Customer - focused new and used automobile sales, where the company's interests
are aligned with the customer.
ii). Service built on long - term relationships.
iii). Reasonable prices for the full line of the manufacturer automobiles.

i). Referrals
NELSON GROUP MOTORS understands that the best promotion comes from
satisfied customers. The company will encourage it's clients to refer other customers
by providing discounts on service and other perks for each new customer produced
through referrals. This strategy will increase in effectiveness after the business has
already been established.

Additionally, the company will aggressively network with real estate agents and
homeowner's associations ( for new homeowners who may need a car) and baby
supply stores ( for couples planning the arrival of a child). This network will generate
referral leads.

ii). Internet
The company will also invest resources into two forms of geographically - focused
internet promotion - organic search engine optimization and pay - per - click
advertising. The company will develop it's website in a such manner as to direct as
much traffic from such engines as possible. Additionally, it will use highly focused,
specific keywords to draw traffic to it's website, where potential clients will find a
content - rich site that presents NELSON GROUP MOTORS as the trustworthy
well-qualified auto dealership.

We also have a plan to use the right channels to promote our content and our brand.
Having a relevant content or right products is not enough. Getting people to see it's
content is what matters most. It can build or break. Therefore this company has a plan
to use a combination of both traditional and digital marketing techniques to reach
potential customers. This will include advertising in local newspapers, business
magazines, and industry publications as well as utilizing social media platforms. We
are going to look for channels that our target market can engage with our brand
effectively, for example Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Quora, Tiktok and

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

The company will carry out it's day -to- day operations primarily on an appointment
basis, but with an opportunity for walk-ins to be handled on a first -come, first- serve
basis. Customers will have the opportunity to look at models and go through
paperwork of purchases. This will primarily occur in-office or in the showroom of the
facility. If necessary, discussions can be conducted over the telephone with customers.

Nelson can be expected to be present in the office during normal business hours, with
days off on weekdays. The company will also support back- office operations,
marketing, and customer relationship development efforts.

N ELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED will have a modern showroom and

service center to showcase vehicles and provide maintenance and repair services.
The dealership will have a team of experienced sales associates and service
technicians who will assist customers and maintain the dealerships inventory of
vehicles. The dealership will have a manager overseeing all operations and ensuring
that the dealership is running smoothly. The dealership will maintain a well - stocked
parts department to ensure that customer's vehicles are well - maintained and repaired
as needed.

The company's most valuable asset is the expertise and experience of it's Founder
Nelson O. Alukaya. Nelson has been an automobile salesperson for the past 5 years.
He has spent much of his career working in the automobile industry as a salesperson.
He spent much of his time learning more on branding and selling cars on a
commission basis before becoming a sales manager in one of the companies in
Nakuru- Kenya. He sold over 200 automobiles as a salesperson.

The company will also employ an experienced assistant to help with various
administrative duties around the office. Her duties will be to great visitors, clients and
employees, screen telephone calls, answer emails, schedule appointments, handle
deliveries, make travel arrangements and perform other necessary duties to ensure the
business runs smoothly.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

The company's resources will come primarily from the sales of new cars. Secondly,
revenue will come from used cars, and lastly, from repairs and maintenance services.
The cost of Car inventory purchased from Toyota is by far the greatest cost and
amount to 94% of revenue in the first year. Moreover, ongoing marketing
expenditures are also notable cost drivers for the company.

The following graph below outlines the proforma of a five-year financial projection
for NELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED. We have used this model to estimate
the revenue and profitability of the business over a period of five years. This financial
model gives a complete financial projection for the company in setting up a car
showroom through franchise business and become a successful dealer in the car
selling business.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation, and the objective is to
promote sustainable development and social inclusion for the public through Charity
and Social Welfare and also to support the church and other Kingdom- based
initiatives to advance the Kingdom of God.

I am writing to request funding for our Car Dealership kingdom Business Project -
NELSON GROUP MOTORS LIMITED, as I am looking forward to expand my
horizons as a kingdom entrepreneur to harness innovation, and transform our ideas
into a viable venture. To achieve these goal we are seeking a total funding amount of
. This money will be utilized for professional work only and will not be
spent on things not required.

This funding will be used to cover the following areas: Land purchase, employees
salaries, purchase of cars, insurance, legal requirements, construction and other
amenities. We believe that this project has the potential to make a significant impact,
and your support would be greatly appreciated.

This company exhibits elements of a Charitable Foundation. I know lots of people don't like to support
ideas or things they are not sure of, but having a comprehensive business plan can allay their fears and
help them see that we are truly passionate and motivated to build a successful business. As a visionary
you lead by inspiration. People don't feel compelled to follow you; they're inspired to be part of what
you're doing. So, it’s advisable in God’s word to write the vision down, document it and make it plain
for all to see ( Habakkuk 2:2-3), and you will receive support from quarters you never expected.


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