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My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is

Asiri Pierre

Third Grade
Once there was a Peruvian girl, named Asiri. She was a good student. When
she was fourteen years old, she decided to enroll in an Italian exchange
program. She had an enjoyable experience there. Before returning to Peru,
Asiri invited her new friends from different countries to come and visit her.
A few months later, her Italian friend Vania, her French friend Pierre and
Jenny from the USA arrived at her home. The three students were excited
about their plans to visit Peru. One of the first and most highly anticipated
stops was Machu Picchu.
This looks just like all the pictures online.
I canꞌt believe I am actually here. I would
have never thought, in my wildest dreams,
that I would actually be standing here.
It is magnificent!
How did this even get built, all the
way up here?

It was built by the Incas.

Wow! Itꞌs beautiful, but I am almost out of breath. How high are we?

We are at about 2,430 meters here.

What was this place used for?

The complex of palaces and plazas, temples and

homes may have been built as a ceremonial site, a
military stronghold or a retreat for the ruling elite.

Third Grade
The next day, after a long overnight bus ride, they finally got to Arequipa,
known as ʹʹThe White Cityʹʹ for its multiple buildings made of white
volcanic stone known as sillar.
Look, thereꞌs a volcano.

Oh, that is really pretty! Letꞌs go closer so I can get a photo.

Wow! Look at all the condors, they are massive! They are almost
extinct in the United States.

Thereꞌs a spectacular mountain range in the background as well.

Those are the Andes.

Be careful. Thereꞌs a cliff. Donꞌt get too close or you may fall.

Thanks for the warning.

Third Grade
Jenny had read about the Nazca Lines and the mystery that surrounds
them. The group decided that would be their next stop.

I canꞌt believe we are flying over the Nazca Lines.

We can feel like condors, hahaha.

Wow! This is exciting.

I am usually afraid of heights, but I really like it. I feel comfortable
up here.

Third Grade
Working their way up the coast, there were several places to stop. There
was one in particular close to Paracas, the Ballestas Islands. Asiri knew
what to expect here, but kept it a secret from her friends so they would be
in for a surprise when they arrived. They took a boat from Paracas, and
along the way, they saw a candelabra that was etched into the hillside.
As they continued, they got closer to the island with birds and animals on
Are those sea lions?

They sure are.

Wait! Are those penguins?

Yes, they are.

Penguins surviving out here? When I think of penguins, I think of

cold. This is so amazing!

Third Grade
After the boat ride, they continued on their journey. They headed away
from the beach towards the mountains of northern Peru, close to the city
of Huaraz. There they would go rock climbing at Hatunmachay.
This looks like a natural Stonehenge.

But you can climb on it. I love it! I canꞌt wait to get my hands dirty.

I am ready to get some exercise. I

feel like we just eat and ride all the
Why donꞌt you take the lead then,
since you are ready?

On Belay!

Belay on!


Climb on!

Excellent job. Jenny, you made it up fast.

You have to see the view from up here, it is magnificent.

Third Grade
The following day, they went on a day trip to Huascaran, the highest
mountain in Peru. The plan was to go to the refuge and stay the night.
They left early in the morning to get to the base camp where they would
start hiking.
I am not feeling very well today. I feel like it could have been the
car ride that did it.
I get a little car sick too. Hopefully, a walk in the fresh air will make
it better.

They started their ascent, realizing Pierre was walking at a faster pace
with Jenny following behind. They decided they would walk at their own
pace and just meet at the top or whenever they took a break. Pierre
kept at a steady pace, making short cuts where he could. When the
trail zig-zagged back and forth, he went straight up. Pierre reached a
meadow where there were bulls grazing. He turned around the corner
and faced one of them. He got such a fright that he started running and
slipped onto a rock.

Third Grade
Pierre couldnꞌt move too well. His knee hurt. He was afraid of the bull,
so he stayed very still and waited for his friends. It seemed like a long
time. Pierre ate and drank water, passing the time thinking about what
had just happened. So much time had passed that the others should have
caught up to him. The animals had gone away, so Pierre got up slowly
and started walking back to meet his friends.

He went at a slow pace, now just following the trail. As he got further
down, he heard someone shouting. It was Asiri.

Hey, hey.

Hey, we are down here.

I need to walk slowly because I hurt my knee.

What happened?

I got a fright when I saw a bull and fell onto a rock.

Oh no! Thatꞌs too bad. Are you ok?

Not really. I think we should go back.

I agree because Vania fell into the river.

Third Grade
They all came up from below. Vania was all wet. She was shivering.
Everyone gave her some dry articles of clothing so she wouldnꞌt get
hypothermia. They waited for a long time to rest up before the descent.
Then they decided it was time to start heading down as the clouds and
weather were coming in.
We have to get moving. Those rain clouds are moving this way.

Ok, letꞌs go.

They took their time walking down, trying to make sure nothing else went
wrong. It started raining.
Well, I know this has not been fun for everyone, but there is more
bad news. We donꞌt have a ride.
At that moment Vania started crying.
I just want to go home. I donꞌt want to be here anymore.

It is just part of the adventure, right?

I donꞌt want an adventure anymore.

I know, I was just joking.

Well, what should we do?

We have to walk down. That is going to take at least another hour.

I can try to get a ride and come back if you all want to wait.
I donꞌt want to sit up here waiting two hours or more for you while
itꞌs raining. It would be better to keep moving to stay warm.
Are you okay to keep going?

At this point, it is probably better. If I stop, I will just feel the pain more.

Okay, we will keep going.

Third Grade
They walked down the dirt path for two more hours, taking breaks along
the way. They finally got back to the main road to Huaraz. They sat next
to the road hoping for a ride.
Itꞌs been an hour and no one has picked us up. I just want this day
to be over.

I am at that point too, and I need to drink some water.

I am sorry you got wet, Vania.

Itꞌs ok. It is not your fault. I was just upset.

Finally, a truck transporting chickens stopped. They asked the driver if he
was going to Huaraz. He said, ʹʹyesʹʹ. They all got in the back with the

Well, itꞌs all part of the adventure, right?

Everyone laughed at the same time, just glad to be on the way back.

Third Grade
1. Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False.

a. Machu Picchu is about 2,430 meters up the mountain.

b. The mountain range they see is called Alpamayo.

c. Penguins live in Peru.

d. They went rock climbing in Hatunmachay.

e. Jenny got a fright when she saw a bull.

f. They got a ride in a car full of pigs.

2. Complete the dialogues by filling in the blanks.

Pierre: This looks just like all the 1. online.
Jenny: I canꞌt believe I am actually here. I would never have thought, in
my wildest 2. , that I would actually be standing
Vania: It is magnificent!
Pierre: How did this even get built, all the way up here?
Asiri: It was built by the 3. .

Vania: Wow! Itꞌs 4. , but I am almost out of breath.

How high are we?
Asiri: We are about 2,430 meters here.
Vania: What was this place used for?
Asiri: The complex of 5. and plazas, temples and
homes may have been built as a 6. site, a military
stronghold or a retreat for the ruling elite.
Pierre : Hey, hey.

Asiri : Hey, we are down here.
Pierre : I need to walk slowly because 1.

Asiri : What happened?
Pierre : I got a fright when 2. and fell onto a rock.
Asiri : Oh no! Thatꞌs too bad. Are you ok?

Pierre : Not really. I think we 3.
Asiri : I agree because Vania 4.
the river.

3. Write the names from the box.

Asiri Jenny Pierre Vania
a. fell onto a rock.
b. fell into the river.
c. is from the USA.
d. went on an exchange trip to Italy.
e. started crying.
f. first saw the volcano.
4. Answer the following questions.
a. What was Machu Picchu used for?

b. What animals did they see on the Ballestas Islands?

c. What must you say before you start rock climbing?

d. What is the name of the highest mountain in Peru?

e. What happened to Pierre after he fell onto a rock?

f. What animal did they share a ride back with?

Third Grade
Just part e!
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This story encourages

students to exercise
their creativity and
imagination by acting
out the story. They also
learn how to handle
difficult situations and
remain calm.

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