The Slump Test The Effects of Head and Lower Extremity Position On Knee Extension

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The Slump Test: The Effects of Head and Lower

Extremity Position on Knee Extension

Evan K. johnson, MS, PT '
Cynthia M. Chiarello, PhD, PT2

comprehensive evalua- Maitland's slump test is a widely used neural tissue tension test. During slump testing,
tion of patients with terminal knee extension is assessed for signs of restricted range of motion (ROM), which may
low back pain must in- indicate impaired neural tissue mobility. A number of refinements that modih hip and ankle
clude a method of test- position has been added to the basic slump test procedure, but no research to date has measured
ing the integrity of re- the effects of ankle and hip position on knee extension ROM during testing. The purpose of this
lated neural tissues (14,20,34). The study was to examine the effect of neural tension-producing movements of the cervical spine and
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straight leg raise test is recognized as lower extremity on knee extension ROM during the slump test. Thirty-four males with no
the first neural tissue tension test to significant history of low back pain were tested in the slump position with the cervical spine flexed
appear in the literature (48). During and extended in each of three lower extremity test positions: neutral hip rotation with the ankle in
straight leg raise testing, the leg is a position of subject comfort (neutral), neutral hip rotation with ankle doniflexion (ankle
elevated with the knee extended and dorsiflexion), and medial hip rotation with ankle doniflexion. Results showed significant decreases
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

the patient in a supine position. This in active knee extension ROM (F,,,, = 29.53, p < 0.0001) in the cervical flexion compared with
places a tensile stress on the sciatic the cervical extension conditions. Subjects also exhibited significant decreases in active knee
nerve and exerts a caudal traction on extension ROM (F2,,,, = 56.76, p < 0.0001) as they were progressed from neutral to the ankle
the lumbosacral nerve roots from L, dorsiflexion to the medial hip rotation with ankle dorsiflexion positions of the lower extremity. The
to S, (15,18,21,48).Assessment of the results of our study indicate that limitations in terminal knee extension ROM may be considered a
straight leg raise test requires that normal response to the inclusion of cervical flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, or medial hip rotation in
the range of motion (ROM) mea- the slump test in young, healthy, adult males. In addition, the presence of a cumulative effect on
sured is compared with the contralat- knee extension ROM with the simultaneous application of these motions is noted. These findings
era1 side and expected norms (14,41, may assist clinicians when assessing knee extension ROM during slump testing.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

45,48). Key Words: slump test, neural tension, low back pain
Confounding the straight leg
raise test, nonneural structures, such
'Assistant Chief of Physical Therapy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Cenfer, PA, Englewood, N/.
Address for correspondence: 354 Grigs Avenue, Teaneck, Nl07666. Mr. lohnson completed this study in
as lumbar zygapophyseal joints, mus- partial fulfillment of a master's of science degree, Columbia University, New York, NY.
cles, and connective tissue, can limit Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy, Columbia University, Program in Physical Therapy,
leg elevation and provoke patient New York, NY
discomfort during testing ( 1 7,41,45,
48). Including supplementaly maneu-
vers in the straight leg raise test p r e pulling the lumbosacral nerve roots increase the test's diagnostic and pre-
cedure may reduce patient responses cranially (2-5,38). This may provoke dictive accuracy. The term "sensitiz-
caused by nonneural tissues. Flexing radicular symptoms without stressing ing maneuvers* has been applied to
the cervical spine, dorsiflexing the nonneural tissues in the lower ex- describe the role of cervical spine
ankle, and medially rotating the hip tremity (2,5,7,13,29).Adding ankle flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and me-
during the straight leg raise test in- dorsiflexion and medial hip rotation dial hip rotation in provoking neural
creases tension exerted on the spinal to the straight leg raise test exerts a tissue responses during neural ten-
cord, spinal dura, and lumbosacral stretch on the sciatic nerve, pulling sion testing (10).
nerve roots (1-5,26,42,44). Research the lumbosacral nerve roots caudally Despite the development of re-
conducted by Breig (2) and others (1,5,39,42,43).Troup (44) and Breig finements to the straight leg raise
(3-5,27,38,42,43) indicates that flex- and Troup (5) demonstrated that test, the test is inadequate in detect-
ing the cervical spine during straight incorporating cervical flexion, ankle ing neural tension in some cases (13,
leg raise testing lengthens the spinal dorsiflexion, and medial hip rotation 21,2941). A neural tension test per-
cord and dura (2-5,27,38,42,43), into the straight leg raise test may formed in a sitting position is

Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997 JOSPT

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necessary to simulate the extremes of Maitland investigated responses jects exhibited restrictions in ankle
spinal motion seen during symptom- to the slump test in 25 physical ther- dorsiflexion ROM of up to approxi-
provoking activities, such as slouched apy students between the ages of 19 mately 50" from the fully dorsiflexed
sitting or entering and exiting a car and 24 years who were asymptomatic position with cervical spine flexion.
(5,13,21,29-31). In Maitland's slump for low back pain (29). He qualita- Full ankle dorsiflexion ROM was re-
test, the patient is seated in full flex- tively assessed, but did not gonio- stored with extension of the cervical
ion of the thoracic and lumbar re- metrically measure (9,19,25), knee spine. Maitland concluded that move-
gions of the spine (32). Sensitizing extension and ankle dorsiflexion ment of the neural tissues within the
maneuvers are then systematically vertebral canal produced neural ten-
applied and released to the cervical sion which resulted in the observed
spine and lower extremities, while limitations in knee and ankle motion
the tester maintains the patient's During full spinal (29)
trunk position. The slump test evalu-
ates the excursion of neural tissues
flexion, the cauda Subsequent research conducted
on responses to the slump test in
within the vertebral canal and inter- equina becomes taut healthy individuals has not been p u b
vertebral foramen (29), detecting lished in peer-reviewed journals. Re-
impairments to neural tissue mobility and the lumbosacral sults of unpublished works by Grant
from a number of sources identified
newe roots and root (19) and Butler (9) indicate that
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by Macnab (28) and Fahrni (15). Maitland's estimates of the incidence

Maitland asserted that the slump test sleeves are pullled into of observed motion restrictions in
enables the tester to detect adverse
terminal knee extension ROM during
nerve root tension caused by spinal contact with the the slump test were too low. This lack
stenosis, extraforaminal lateral disc
pedicle of the of research on slump test responses
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

herniation, disc sequestration, nerve

corroborating Maitland's findings
root adhesions, and vertebral im- superior vertebra. leaves room to question the sound-
pingement (29,30).
ness of clinical interpretations of this
Research conducted by Smith
test. Responses to the slump test are
(42), Louis (27). and Breig (1.2) il- ROM during the slump test. Knee
lustrated the effects of trunk and assessed, in part, by comparing test
extension ROM was initially exam- outcomes to responses seen in indi-
head position on neural structures ined in full spinal flexion. Subjects
within the vertebral canal and inter- viduals without low back pain or ra-
who exhibited limitations in knee dicular signs (7,4O). To accurately
vertebral foramen during slump test-
extension ROM were asked to extend interpret the slump test, the clinician
ing. They found that full spinal flex-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

their necks and were reassessed while must be able to distinguish between
ion, or flexion of the cervical,
the tester manually maintained flex- motion restrictions, which are indica-
thoracic, and lumbar regions of the
ion of the thoracolumbar spine and tive of pain or dysfunction, and limi-
spine, produces lengthening of the
cervical spine extension. Ankle dorsi- tations in motion, which may be con-
vertebral canal. When the vertebral
canal is elongated, the spinal dura is flexion ROM was then examined with sidered normal responses. In
stretched, transmitting tension to the the subject in full spinal flexion and addition, modifications in cervical
spinal cord, lumbosacral nerve root the knee maintained in maximal ex- spine and lower extremity position
sleeves, and nerve roots (1,4,21,27,36, tension. Subjects who exhibited limi- have been widely advocated as in-
38,42). During full spinal flexion, the tations in ankle dorsiflexion ROM creasing the efficacy of the slump test
cauda equina becomes taut and the were reassessed with the cervical in evaluating and treating a number
lumbosacral nerve roots and root spine extended and the tester main- of conditions (6-8,10,11,16,22-24,33,
sleeves are pulled into contact with taining thoracolumbar spinal flexion 47). This underscores the importance
the pedicle of the superior vertebra and knee extension. of understanding both the separate
(1,4,21,27). When extension of the In seven subjects, Maitland o b and combined effect. of cervical
cervical spine is introduced, the dura served as much as approximately 30" spine and lower extremity movements
and the nerve roots slacken as the of limitation in knee extension ROM on slump test responses. While a
vertebral canal begins to shorten (1, on at least one side when the cervical number of refinements to the slump
4,21,27,38,46).Extending the t h e spine was flexed and the ankle was in test has been introduced that modifv
racic and lumbar spine increases the a position of subject comfort. All hip and ankle position, no research
slack in the neural tissues as the ver- seven subjects subsequently achieved to date has measured the separate
tebral canal continues to shorten (1, their full knee extension ROM with and combined effects of cervical
4,21,27.36,46). cervical spine extension. Sixteen s u b spine, ankle, and hip position on

JOSPT Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997

Lower Extretni!y i w, Testing Procedures sured in supine by flexing the hip to
Measurement the limit of motion while maintaining
All pretesting and measurement knee extension as described by Clark-
Straight leg raise 77.8 6.2 70 to 94
Knee extension -3.7 4.1 0 to -14
of the six experimental conditions son and Gilewich (12). Thirty-four of
Ankle dorsiflexion 13.2 4.4 5 to 18 occurred during a single testing ses- the 35 tested subjects met the inclu-
sion. One measurement of knee ex- sion criteria.
TABLE 1. Means, standard deviations, and ranges of tension ROM was taken for each of
preliminary range of motion in degrees. Subjects were tested in the six
the six experimental conditions. All experimental conditions delineated
subject positioning was performed by
in Table 2. Note that the difference
knee extension ROM during slump the first author (EJ) and all knee
between each slump position or con-
testing. measurements were performed by a
dition and its complement (a) is cer-
The purpose of this study was to research assistant who was blinded to
vical spine flexion or extension. For
determine limitations in terminal the experimental hypotheses. S u b
example, the cervical spine was
knee extension ROM during slump jects were briefed on experimental
flexed in condition 1 and extended
testing in males who are asymptom- procedure and required to read and
in condition la. To minimize the ef-
atic for low back pain. This study ex- sign a consent form which had been
accepted by the Columbia Presbyte- fect of condition order, subjects were
amined the effect of cervical flexion, assigned to one of six possible testing
ankle dorsiflexion, and medial hip rian Medical Center Institutional Re-
view Board. orders according to a predetermined
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rotation on subject terminal knee randomized list. When measuring

extension ROM during slump testing. Once oriented, subjects were di-
rected to gently reach toward their limitations in knee extension ROM of
This study further examined whether
toes in standing with knees extended the three lower extremity positions,
a cumulative effect on terminal knee
and maintain the position until cued cervical spine flexion always preceded
extension ROM could be seen from
by the researcher. Fifteen seconds cervical spine extension.
the simultaneous application of these
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

were allowed to elapse before the To place the subject in the slump
neural tension-producing motions in
subject was instructed to slowly bring position, we modified the hand and
the cervical spine and lower extrem-
himself to an erect posture. This pro- arm placements specified by Maitland
ity. We hypothesized that restrictions
in knee extension ROM would be cedure was repeated three times over (31) and the sequence of movements
seen with cervical flexion, ankle dor- a 1-minute period to lengthen the as described by Philip et a1 (37) as
siflexion, and medial hip rotation. muscles in the posterior aspect of the follows.
We further expected to find a p r e lower extremity in preparation for
gressive decrease in subject terminal testing. Bony landmarks were pal- Conditions 1 and l a
knee extension ROM with the addi- pated and marked at the hip, knee,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tion of each of these sensitizing ma- and ankle with washable ink. The Subjects sat on a plinth with p o p
neuvers to the testing procedure. marks remained in place for the du- liteal creases flush against the edge of
ration of the testing period and were the plinth and were instructed to
used for subsequent measurements. place their hands behind their back.
METHODS Each subject was then asked to lie Subjects were then asked to let their
supine on a plinth while knee exten- back slump through the full range of
Subjects sion and ankle dorsiflexion ROM of thoracic and lumbar flexion while
We tested 34 males between the the right lower extremity were as- keeping their gaze directly forward so
ages of 22 and 45 years (mean = sessed using the methodology de- as to avoid cervical flexion. Overpres-
29.6 years) with no history of low scribed by Palmer and Epler (35). sure was applied directly downward
back pain significant enough to have Straight leg raise elevation was mea- to the subject's upper thoracic spine
caused them to seek medical atten-
tion within the past year. Participants
were required to exhibit a straight
leg raise of at least 70°,knee exten-
sion ROM to 0°,and at least 0" of
ankle dorsiflexion ROM with the
knee fully extended (Table 1) . All
pretesting measurements were taken
with the patient in a supine position
with the lower extremity in neutral
hip rotation. TABLE 2. Cervical spine, ankle, and hip positions in tested conditions.

Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997 JOSPT

- . .

tended his right knee. Knee exten-

sion ROM was recorded for con-
dition 2. With overpressure supplied
by the researcher to maintain subject
trunk and ankle position, the head
was released and the subject was in-
structed to direct his gaze directly
forward, thereby extending the cervi-
cal spine. Knee extension ROM was
then measured for condition 2a.

Conditions 3 and 3a
The subject was positioned in the
full slump position with the head and
neck fully flexed and the ankle in
maximum dorsiflexion and asked to
medially rotate his right hip as much
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as possible. The researcher main-

tained the subject's hip and ankle
position as the subject extended the
right knee (Figure). Knee extension
ROM was then measured for condi-
tion 3. With the subject in the same
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

FIGURE. Condition 3: Cervical spine ilexion and ankle dorsiilexion with medial hip rotation
position as condition 3, the subject's
head was released. To extend the
and shoulder area to maintain the ROM for condition 1. The subject's cervical spine, the subject directed
trunk in full flexion (full slump posi- head was releaqed while the re- his gaze directly forward. Knee exten-
tion). Visual assessments ensured that searcher kept the trunk in full flex- sion ROM was then measured for
the hips were held in neutral rotation ion. The subject was asked to direct condition 3a.
and adduction and that the sacrum his gaze directly forward, thereby ex-
was vertical. Each subject was then tending the cervical spine. Knee ex- Data Analyses
asked to fully flex his head and neck,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tension ROM was then recorded for

approximating the chin to the ster- condition la. The means and standard devia-
num. The head and trunk position tions for the limitation of knee exten-
was sustained via continued overpres- sion ROM were calculated for each
sure. The subject was then asked to Conditions 2 and 2a combination of lower extremity and
extend the right knee as far as possi- head position. A 3 X 2 analysis of
ble while maintaining his ankle in a In the full slump position with variance (ANOVA) was used to exam-
comfortable position. The research head and neck flexion, the subject ine the main and interactive effects
assistant, using a universal goniome- was asked to fully dorsiflex his right of lower extremity position (neutral,
ter with 25 cm stationary and mov- ankle. The researcher (EJ) main- ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle dorsi-
able arms, measured knee extension tained dorsiflexion as the subject ex- flexion with medial hip rotation) and
head position (cervical spine flexion
and cervical spine extension) on limi-
tations of knee extension ROM. We
planned nine paired t test compari-
sons examining the individual effects
of cervical spine position and each of
the three lower extremity test posi-
tions on knee extension ROM. The
Bonferroni correction was used to set
the alpha level of significance at p <
TABLE 3. Means, standard deviations, and ranges ior limitations o i knee extension range o i motion ior all 0.0055 for each of the nine a @on'
cervical spine and lower extremity positions in degrees. comparisons conducted.

JOSPT Volume 26 0 Number 6 December 1997

Source SS df MS F P tension ROM occurred when the cer-
vical spine is moved from a flexed to
Model 12397.4502 5 2479.4909 28.81 0.0001
Error 17038.0588 198 86.050
an extended position, we did not
LE 9768.1 274 2 4884.0637 56.76 0.0001 find that full terminal knee extension
Head 2541.1 765 1 2541.1 765 29.53 0.0001 ROM was restored (Table 3). We at-
LE x Head 2 44.0735 0.51 0.6000
- 88.1471 tribute this contrast primarily to dif-
ferences in methodology. While Mait-
LE = Lower eutrernitv position.
Head = Cervical spine position. land (29) superimposed available
TABLE 4. The 3 x 2 analysis of variance results for the main and interactive effects of lower extremity ankle dorsiflexion ROM on an al-
position (neutral, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle dorsiflexion with medial hip rotation) and head position ready extended knee and did not test
(cervical spine flexion and cervical spine extension) on limitations of knee extension. the effects of medial hip rotation, we
performed ankle dorsiflexion and
RESULTS cervical spine flexion and cervical medial hip rotation prior to knee
spine extension (p < 0.0055). Thus, extension in our study. We per-
The means, standard deviations, the differences found between each formed the test in this manner so
and ranges for limitations in knee of the three lower extremity positions that restrictions in motion could be
extension ROM for all cervical spine (neutral vs. ankle dorsiflexion, neu- assessed uniformly at the knee. Fur-
and lower extremity positions are tral vs. ankle dorsiflexion with medial ther, Maitland excluded 24 of 49 po-
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presented in Table 3. For all three hip rotation, and ankle dorsiflexion tential subjects from his study for un-
lower extremity positions, there was a vs. ankle dorsiflexion with medial hip specified back symptoms and
greater limitation in knee extension rotation) with the cervical spine scoliosis, and his subjects were pre-
ROM when the cervical spine was flexed were statistically significant. dominantly female and younger
flexed compared to when the cervical These differences were also signifi- (mean = 20 years) than the all-male
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

spine was extended. For both the cer- cant with the cervical spine extended. sample we tested. Lastly, we mea-
vical spine flexion and extension con- Likewise, the differences seen be- sured knee extension ROM gonio-
ditions, increasing limitations in knee tween cervical spine flexion and cer- metrically, whereas Maitland visually
extension ROM were evident as s u b vical spine extension in each of the assessed ROM without instrumenta-
jects were progressed from the neu- tested lower extremity positions were tion (19). The results of this study
tral to the ankle dorsiflexion to the statistically significant. indicate that limitations in terminal
ankle dorsiflexion with medial hip knee extension ROM of 6.0-8.9"
rotation positions of the lower ex- DISCUSSION should be considered a normal re-
tremity. sponse to the application of cervical
The result5 of the 3 X 2 ANOVA We intended to identify re- flexion during slump testing.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

for limitations in knee extension sponses to the slump test and the In addition, we found that apply-
ROM reveal that the overall model component sensitizing movements of ing the tested neural sensitizing ma-
was statistically significant (F5,,,, = cervical spine flexion, ankle dorsiflex- neuvers of the lower extremity during
28.82, p < 0.0001) and are presented ion, and medial hip rotation in males slump testing leads to decreased ter-
in Table 4. The ANOVA revealed sig- without low back pain or injury. The minal knee extension ROM with the
nificant main effects for lower ex- mean decrease in subject terminal cervical spine flexed as well as ex-
tremity position (neutral, ankle dorsi- knee extension ROM of 6.0-8.9" tended. Subjects exhibited mean de-
flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion with when cervical flexion was substituted creases of 7.0" (with cervical spine
medial hip rotation; I$,,, = 56.76, for cervical extension in our study flexion) and 7.3" (with cervical spine
p < 0.0001) and cervical spine posi- (Table 3) suggests that such limita- extension) in terminal knee exten-
tion (flexion vs. extension; F,.,,, = tions in knee motion can be consid- sion ROM when ankle dorsiflexion
29.53, p < 0.0001). There was no sig- ered within normal limits for the was performed prior to knee exten-
nificant interaction between lower tested lower extremity positions. This sion. Additional mean decreases in
extremity position and cervical spine finding expands upon the results re- terminal knee extension ROM of
position (F,,,,, = 0.51, p > 0.05). ported by Maitland (29), who found 11.2" (with cervical spine flexion)
The results of the nine planned that limitations in knee extension and 8.3" (with cervical spine exten-
Bonferroni comparisons revealed that and ankle dorsiflexion ROM with the sion) occurred when the hip was ro-
there was a statistically significant dif- cervical spine flexed were eliminated tated medially with the ankle main-
ference for the limitations seen in by extending the cervical spine dur- tained in dorsiflexion. These results
knee extension ROM between each ing slump testing. indicate that clinicians should con-
of the three tested lower extremity Although we found that signifi- sider a limitation in knee extension
positions (p < 0.0055) and between cant increases in terminal knee ex- ROM of 7-1 1.2" as a normal re-

Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997 JOSPT

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sponse to the application of ankle Maitland (29) and Massey (33) parently, the successive application of
dorsiflexion or medial rotation of the reasoned that observed limitations sensitizing movements leads to a pro-
hip with ankle dorsiflexion during found in knee extension ROM dur- gressive uptake of the normal resting
the slump test. ing slump testing were caused by re- slack in the spinal dura, lurnbosacral
The progressive decreases in strictions in the excursion of neural nerve roots, and sciatic and tibial
mean subject knee extension ROM tissues that occurred as a result of nerves (5,42,44).It follows that apply-
found with the successive addition of cervical spine flexion. Mobility of the ing ankle dorsiflexion and medial hip
each of these sensitizing maneuvers lumbosacral nerve roots and sciatic rotation in our study increased the
indicate the presence of a cumulative and tibial nerves relative to interfac- resting tension along the sciatic and
effect. Examination of Table 3 reveals ing tissues is a necessary component tibial nerves.
that the simultaneous application of of lower extremity ROM (1,6,42). We do, however, advise caution
ankle dorsiflexion and medial hip Smith's research on monkeys and a in interpreting these results since the
rotation resulted in the greatest re- human fetus revealed that knee ex- exact mechanism by which increased
strictions in knee extension ROM tension in sitting results in a shift of tension in neural tissues may have
during both cervical spine flexion the sciatic nerve between the hip and reduced knee extensibility was not
(X = 29.4") and cervical spine exten- the knee and the tibial nerve be- investigated. The possibility exists
sion (X = 20.5").Further, the pre- tween the ankle and the knee toward that other local structures were at
sumed position of greatest neural the popliteal region (42). Butler re- least in part responsible for limiting
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tension (cervical flexion, ankle dorsi- fers to the popliteal region as a neu- knee extension ROM in this study.
flexion, and medial hip rotation) re- ral tissue tension point, where mo- The twejoint gastrocnemius and the
sulted in the greatest limitations of tion between the tibial nerve and long head of the biceps femoris mus-
terminal knee extension ROM (X = interfacing tissues is restricted (6). It cles and their investing fascia as well
29.4"). appears that limitations in knee ex- as skin tissue have been cited as pos-
Copyright © 1997 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Breig's tissue-borrowing phenom- tension ROM may occur if increased sible sources of limitations in leg ele-
enon offers a plausible explanation tension in neighboring neural tissues vation during the straight leg raise
of the above limitations in terminal impedes the movement of the sciatic test ( 1 7,41,45).The gastrocnemius,
knee extension ROM found in our and tibial nerves toward the popliteal semitendinosus, semirnembranosus,
study (1). He observed that tension region (6,13,42).This may explain and the long head of the biceps fem-
produced in a lumbosacral nerve the mechanism by which flexing the oris muscles are flexors of the knee
root results in displacement of the cervical spine limits terminal knee
neighboring dura, nerve roots, and extension ROM during slump testing . ----- - --"-,--. - .--.-
.-* .-- .-- .

the lumbosacral plexus toward the (9,19,25,29,33).

Caution is advised in
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

site of tension (1,4,5).In effect, a Medial hip rotation and ankle

borrowing of the resting slack in dorsiflexion have been reported to
neighboring meningeal tissues occurs create a similar neural tissue-borrow-
interpreting these
as neural structures are pulled toward ing effect in cadaver and roentgeno- results since the exact
the site of increased tension. This graph studies (5,42,43).Increased
results in a decrease in the available tension occurring in neural tissues mechanism by which
slack and potential mobility of the between the dura of the spinal cord
neural tissues throughout the region and the tibial nerve in the popliteal
increased tension in
(1,2,4,5,38,42).Breig and others region is transmitted cranially and neural tissues may
demonstrated that cervical spine flex- caudally, increasing tension through-
ion produces tension in the spinal out the neural tissues of the region have reduced knee
cord and dura which is transmitted (5). Breig and Troup showed that
caudally, pulling the nerve roots of medial hip rotation performed on a
extensibility was
the cauda equina cranially (1-5,38, straight and elevated lower extremity not investigated.
42). This stretching and cephalad resulted in a 2-10 mm caudal dis-
displacement of the lumbosacral placement of the sacral plexus (5).
nerve roots and sacral plexus reduces Smith found that ankle dorsiflexion
the available caudal mobility of the performed prior to knee extension which may have played a role in the
sciatic nerve (1-5,21,42). As a result, resulted in a displacement of the t i b observed limitations in knee exten-
subsequent lower extremity motions ial nerve distally and, when combined sion ROM during this study.
which exert a caudal pull on the lum- with hip flexion and knee extension If the muscle attained a fully
bosacral trunk and nerve roots may in a seated position, pulls the l u m b e lengthened state when the ankle was
be restricted (1,9,19,25,29,33). sacral trunk 4 mm caudally (42). A p dorsiflexed, stretching of the gastroc-

JOSIT Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997


nemius muscle via the Achilles ten- motion observed in our study based the successive addition of cervical
don insertion to the calcaneus could on neural tissue mobility, we recog- spine flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and
conceivably have limited knee exten- nize that we did not directly investi- medial hip rotation to the slump po-
sibility. However, the gastrocnemius gate the mechanism responsible for sition in adult males without low back
muscle was unlikely to have fully restrictions in subject knee extension pain or injury. JOSFT
lengthened at the knee joint during ROM. Further investigation is needed
testing as the mean limitations in to clarify the effect of subject discom- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
knee extension ROM with the ankle fort as well as the role of the ham-
dorsiflexed were not less than 12.2" string and gastrocnemius muscles in We wish to express our gratitude
(condition 2a) and were as much as limitations of terminal knee exten- to Laurel Daniels, MS, PT,for her
29.4" (condition 3). During knee ex- sion ROM seen during slump testing. research assistance, the library and
tension, tension may have been pro- Additional research is also needed to alumni of the School of Physiother-
duced in the long head of the biceps determine the effect of applying sen- apy, South Australia University, Ad-
femoris muscle with the hip medially sitizing maneuvers in different orders elaide, South Australia, for their kind
rotated and the medial hamstring of sequence during the slump test. permission giving us access to their
and long head of the biceps femoris research, and Wendy Haberman-
muscles with neutral rotation of the Johnson, PT,for her invaluable assis-
CONCLUSIONS tance and support.
hip. This could have contributed to
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JOSPT Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997

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