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MOST URGENT TOP PRIORITY PROCEEDINGS OF THE DISTRICT SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, NTR VETAYAWADA Present: Sri ULV, SubbaRoo, M.A., B.Ed., Re.No.15/B1/2024 Dr. 19.06.2024 ‘Sub: School Education - Not marking of daily attendance in Facial Recognition Attendance App by the teaching and non-teaching staff on 19.06.2024 in NTR District - Show Cause Notice to defaulter teachers, Headmasters of Schools and CMRTs (CRPs) éf in NTR District - Tssued - Regarding 1. Govt.Memo No.£SE02/498/2022, dt-05,08,2022 of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravathi 2, Govt.Memo No.ESE02/498/2022, dt.29.08.2022 of the Commissioner ‘of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravathi. 3. Endt.Re.No.1143-A4/2022, dt.16.08 2022 of the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada 4, Instructions issued to all schools of all management. 5. Observation of Dash Board dt.19.06.2024 The under mentioned Teachers, Headmasters and CMRTs (CRPs) concerned (list enclosed) in NTR District are informed that in the references cited, wherein clear instructions have been issued to mark the Facial Recognition attendance on every working day by all schools under all managements in NTR district before. 09.00 A.M. compulsority, But, it is observed from the dash board that nearly 66 Schools have not marked Facial Recognition Attendance on 19.06.2024 in spite of repeated instructions issued by this office through mail, whatsapp ete. from time to time which shows the negligence attitude of the Headmasters and CMRTs (CRs) concerned and it tantamount dereliction of duties. Therefore, the Teachers, Headmasters and CMRTs (CRPs) concerned in NTR district (list enclosed) are hereby instructed to submit their explanation within 02 days with show cause as to why the disciplinary action shall not be initiated against them for dereliction and disobedience to the instructions issued by the. higher authorities os per C.C.A.Rules,1991, Otherwise it will to construed that there is nothing from them and disciplinary action shall be initiated against them basing on ‘the material available in this office Enck: list enclose. Sd/- UV Subba Raa, Mrcfbolt ff NAL District School Educational Officer, Superintenddae 2ey NTR District, Vijayawada, To ras The Teachers concerned through Headmasters concemed in the District. The HMs concerned through MEQs concerned in the District ‘The CMRTs (CRPs) concerned through MEOs concerned in the District, Copy to the Mandal Educational Officers concerned for necessary action Copy to the Deputy Educational Officer concerned for necessary action Copy Submitted to the Regione| Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada for favour of kind information Copy submitted 10 the Collector & District Magistrate, NTR District, Vijayawada for favor of kind information. Copy Submitted +0 the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, for favour of kind information, Copy to AZ Section in this Office FR ATTENDANCE NOT MARKED EMPLOVEES LIST@ 19.06.2023-NTR DISTRICT No Employee Name “Employee Desighacion ‘Sei Ham onda Name 7 ecsovnh oan Toa7I2] [scary rae scr gd [prarscrecLaiuNaRcource aEEuaIe ——[AKOWDURU. 2 Jostens wo r= NSA eal est Te [arsnscroe1 ANE uWOR CLLEGE ATGLL16 KONDURU 3 [eee sy ORNS pre cas Hv [naar cco ane NOR COAEGE- PSSIOTITG KONDJRU 4 [penuararnscun 16757 Fol Asa JPG hy SEE) [Rain 4 KONDURU- 2165100851 KONDURU. 3 san = OD cane Grose Taehe/Teh VPP RaACHANORAOURaM. ASN KONDUAU, 6 [rasta ed 16 css9T EN eT eres KomuR as 6L02603 RONDUAU, [abate 05588 tne PETAL Hoa [MPLS ssinaPuian tema [cHANDARLAPADD. [etna erro tao /BGTPnScmne=] is apn 206120504 [GAMPALAGUDEM 3 psp rc O55 scvalAm/POT( Be Sere Dries carAARuDEN. ceLeIaD lanrapavacudew 10 ener in 356 [rs net Ter Resa ScG0. 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