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1.When a magnet is able to move freely, its North pole will …

Select one:

a. point to the Earth's geographic South pole

b. point to the Earth's South pole

c. point to the Earth's geographic North pole

d. spin wildly
2.When two magnetic North poles are brought close to each other, they will ….
Select one:

a. repel

b. attract

c. cancel each other

d. create sparks
3.When magnetic field lines are drawn, how do they look?
Select one:

a. curved lines from N to S pole and outwards

b. criss-crossed lines like X's

c. lines extending outward in all directions like drawing the Sun

d. straight lines
4.The relationship between electricity and magnetism is called ….
Select one:

a. electrical energy

b. induced current

c. electromagnetism

d. ferromagnetism
5. If we make an electromagnetic with coil of wire wound on a nail, and a battery connected to
two end of the wire. Which will make the electromagnet WEAKER?
Select one:

a. an extra battery attached

b. more coils of wire around nail

c. remove the nail from the coils

d. place the turns closer to each other

1. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.
curre nt-ca rry ing
A motor works on the principle that when a conductor is placed in a
fo rce
magnetic field, a is exerted on it.
3. DC motor uses ………… while AC motor uses ……………….. in contact with carbon
brushes to lead current into the motor
Select one:

a. split rings/ commutator

b. split rings/ slip rings

c. slip rings/ split rings

d. commutator/ split rings

4.What is the field structure of a motor?
Select one:

a. the commutator

b. the stationary part

c. the rotating part

d. the armature with armature coils

5. Why are the carbon brushes always in contact with the commutator segments or slip rings
which keep rotating?
Select one:

a. Adhesive is used

b. they are made of carbon and bronze

c. they are welded to the commutator segments

d. They are spring-loaded

A generator works in principle that when a conductor cut a magnetic field,
an is induced in it.
2.What is the name of the effect caused by the wire when it is moved across a magnetic field?
Select one:

a. Induced magnetism

b. Electromagnetism

c. Electromagnetic induction

d. Turning effect of a coil

3.Matching: Match the part of an electric motor with their functions

Answer 1
Armature Ca rry wire turns whe re e le ctricity is ma de .

Answer 2
Shaft Tra ns mit me cha nica l mo v e me nt into the ro to r

Commutat Answer 3
or split He lp to co nv e rt AC o utput fro m the ro to r into DC in the e x te rna l circuit.

Field Answer 4
Cre a te a s tro ng ma g ne tic fie ld

Answer 5
Slip rings Ele ctrica l co nne ctio ns us e d to tra ns fe r po we r to a nd fro fro m the ro to r o f a n AC g e ne ra to r

4.Which part (s) of the DC motor connect the power supply to the split-ring and coil?
Select one:

a. slip rings

b. magnets
c. commutator

d. carbon brushes
5.What do you think the voltage produced by a generator depends on? (choose all the correct
Select one or more:

a. The current going to the field coil.

b. The speed of rotation

c. The number of slip rings

d. The number of carbon brushes

e. The number of turns in the armature coils

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