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Kalman Filter System Dynamics Xy = AXpa + BU, tw. Ye = CX tv ae fe +e Observer Dynamics owen Pak 7 x ae re AXgay + BUy + Kx (Ye — Ye) ee RZ — Prediction from the Past Y = CRE Estimation| — Initial conditions — Prediction + Use initial conditions and model (eg. constant velocity) to make prediction — Measurement + Take measurement — Correction + Use measurement to correct prediction by ‘blending’ prediction and residual — always a case of merging only two Gaussians + Optimal estimate with smaller variance Blending of Prediction and Updation. du ne . dpa SEs Cpe Conkderk 2 ee Ro = A) aD y k= Pres ee Tes fe y an ce - Be oe i ‘~ 2 ge Sno Oe Code™ on tee FP Coo C2 a «te > Measurement Qpaite a) © aK cae 722 |. censit-slnditscomroncePa com] | 4. Cmute ne Kaman gin ae srt pcr ona @prcrene’ omy Zw) ww TARE t1+ By 2 +" _ ee 2 Cea te poner inte 4 e ie it (ans wire “) east RB 2. Compute the porte covariance e RY Pew U-KiC)Py 57 7 7 Re Py > Variance of previous estimate Q--> Covariance of noise 'w, R -> Covariance of noise 'v! Sper wo Soret, > measurement prediction K state state ‘correction estimate prediction e Sesion |e ¢ delay Blenaing Although primarily used as a state estimator the Kalman filter algorithm can be used to estimate parameters other than the state vector. 1. If applied to estimate %j.,.; ; it is called a measurement filter. 2. Ifapplied to estimate &).,.. , it is called a prediction filter. . Lf applied to estimate 7. itis called a whitening filter. 3. 4. If applied to estimate &)., ;.. itis called a Kalman filter. mat ns sR oe Measurement Update (Correct 1. Givenxk~1] adits covariance Pr-s, com pute the prior estimate AH = ASI + Bul] 2. Compute the prior covariance Wan 4. Compute the Kalman gain Cac rscrenie ony 2. Calculate the posterior estimate An Ue] + Kalu - C8) 3. Compute the posterior covariance Pes U-KiC)Py we 2 hh Ei

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