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Goal: Use Formula: Include rows where data does NOT contain the sub-text string for this


Start Table Filter By List Of Partial Text Contains Criteria

Date Product_Name Quantity Product_Name Date Product_Name

3/1/2019 AA BB CC DD 408 XYZ #NAME? #NAME?
3/2/2019 ABCD 348 AA #NAME? #NAME?
3/3/2019 ABCD XYsZ 387 ABC #NAME? #NAME?
3/4/2019 XYZ DEFG 492 #NAME? #NAME?
3/5/2019 ABC 194 #NAME? #NAME?
3/6/2019 XYZ 310 #NAME? #NAME?
3/7/2019 XYZ AA 450 #NAME? #NAME?
3/7/2019 BB AA CC DD XY 367 #NAME? #NAME?
3/7/2019 BB AA CC DD XYZ 417 #NAME? #NAME?
3/8/2019 XYZAA 22 209 #NAME? #NAME?
3/9/2019 GHI 319 #NAME? #NAME?
3/10/2019 JKL 192 #NAME? #NAME?
3/11/2019 JKL ABC 278
3/12/2019 GHI XYZ 221
3/13/2019 OPQ JKL 291
3/14/2019 MNO 473
3/15/2019 PQRST WX 417
3/16/2019 WX 439
3/17/2019 YZ 346
Number of Columns of 1st
Must Equal Rows of 2nd
Because all items in each row of first (each item in new columns) is multiplied
Array 1 = Array 2 = Result:
R x C R x C R x C
17 2 2 1 17 1

Ctrl + Shift + Enter:

Excel Array Formulas
19: Array Function:
w columns) is multiplied and then added by each column of the second (each item in a new row)

T 159

T 159

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