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→ Financial Accounting attempts to
COST ACCOUNTING present some degree of precision in
reporting historical information while at
is an expanded phase of general or the same time emphasizing verifiability
financial accounting which informs and freedom from bias in the information,
management promptly with the cost of relevance to the general user, and some
rendering a particular service, buying egress of timeliness in reporting which is
and selling a product, and producing a not as critical in managerial accounting.
product. It is the field of accounting that → The timing of the information and its
measures, records, and reports relevance to the decision on hand has
information about costs. greater significance to the internal
→ Management is more concerned on the
COMPARISON OF FINANCIAL, timeliness of the information so
MANAGERIAL, AND COST ACCOUNTING management cannot wait until tomorrow
Financial Accounting for the information that is required for
- Is the use of accounting today’s decision.
information for reporting to
external parties, including Cost Accounting
investors and creditors. - Is the intersection between
- Is primarily concerned with financial and managerial
financial statements for external accounting.
use by those who supply funds to - Cost Accounting Information is
the entity and other persons who needed and used by both financial
may have vested interest in the and managerial accounting.
financial operations of the firm. - Provides product cost information
- Is required for many firms to external parties, such as
organized as corporations because stockholders, creditors and various
of the requirements of the regulatory boards for credit and
Securities and Exchange investment decisions.
Managerial Accounting MERCHANDISING VS.
- Focuses on the needs of parties MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS
within the organization, rather
than interested parties outside the A merchandising company resells
organization. goods that it purchases from its
- Managerial Accounting suppliers.
Information commonly addresses A merchandising company normally
individual or divisional concerns buys a product that is ready for resale
rather than those of the enterprise when it is received. Nothing needs to be
as a whole. done to the product to make it salable
except possibly to prepare a special
⁕ Managerial Accounting is not separate package or display.
and distinct from Financial Accounting. A manufacturing company produces
⁕ Financial Accounting data are used in goods from raw materials, which are
the Managerial Accounting System. later sold as a finished product.


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