Grade X Holiday Homework

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Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok-Gurugram

Grade – X (2024-25)
Holiday Homework

Dear Children

Holidays are a time to relax and spend time with family and
friends, and we hope that you strike a balance between fun and
learning. But alongside, holidays are an attempt to channelize the
creative energy of the children. We at Delhi Public School,
Sushant Lok, earnestly believe that learning never stops, and we
would like you to engage in some fun and interactive activities
during your holidays that will help you to stay connected with
your studies.

To facilitate this, we have designed some holiday

homework assignments that are both enjoyable and informative.
All the assignments have been tailored to suit your interests and
will help you to develop new skills like creative exploration and
critical thinking and also be able to learn more about different
topics. We encourage you to take these assignments seriously,
as they will not only help you to stay on top of your studies but
also equip you with valuable knowledge that you can use in the

Have a safe and joyous vacation!! We look forward to

meeting you soon.

Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok-Gurugram
Grade – X (2024-25)
Holiday Homework

1.*Complete two analytical paragraphs from page no. 24 to 28 of curriculum workbook.
(to be written in the Grammar/Writing Skills notebook)
*Write ONE letter each of the following – Enquiry, Order and Complaint
(to be done in the workbook)
*Complete the exercises of grammar topics – Tenses, Modals, Determiners
(to be done in the book itself)

2.Words & Expressions - II: Complete Units 1 & 2

Complete the assignment uploaded on ERP as per the given instructions based on the following
1. Real Numbers
2. Polynomials
3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4. Quadratic Equations
5. Arithmetic Progressions
6. Triangles
1. Complete the following practical in respective files.
Physics –
(i) To determine the focal length of a concave mirror & convex lens
(ii) To show refraction through a glass slab

Chemistry -
(i) Types of Reactions
(ii) Properties of Acids and Base
(iii) pH of Samples
Biology –
(i) To prepare a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show the stomata.
(ii) Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
2. Complete the sample paper uploaded on ERP in UT sheets
CBSE Project Work
Every student has to undertake any one project from the given topics:
(1) Consumer awareness
(2) Social Issue
(3) Sustainable Development(Students have to submit a project file with all necessary
details/data and images on A4 size sheets).Detailed instructions for the project work are
uploaded on ERP.
(व्याकरण पुस्तक में कार्य करें )
प्रश्न 2 पृष्ठ संख्या 160 (1-15 तक)
प्रश्न 4 पृष्ठ संख्या 162 (1-15 तक)

वाक्य रुपांतरण
प्रश्न 2 पृष्ठ संख्या 182 (1-12 तक)
प्रश्न 8 पृष्ठ संख्या 185 (15-30 तक)

प्रश्न 1 पृष्ठ संख्या 203 (1-15 तक)
प्रश्न 2 पृष्ठ संख्या 204 (1-15 तक)

रचनात्मक लेखन (व्याकरण कॉपी में कार्य करें )

1.अनुच्छेद ले खन

"सब ददन रहत ना एक समान"

संकेत ब ंदु :-
-परमात्मा का खेल
- ाढ़ आने के कारण
-कभी सुख कभी दु ख
-ना दु ख में बनराश होना , ना सुख में इतराना

- औपचाररक पत्र
चु नाव के कारण आपको घर की दीवारों पर नारे बलखने और पोस्टर बचपकाने से गंदी हो गई है l इस
समस्या की ओर
ध्यान आकृष्ट करते हुए बहं दुस्तान दै बनक समाचार पत्र के संपादक को पत्र बलखखए l

(सादहत्य कॉपी में कार्य करें )

प्रश्न 1- मीरा के पहले पद और दू सरे पद का केंद्रीय भाव अपने शब्ों में बलखखए l
प्रश्न 2- 'मनुष्यता' कबवता का प्रबतपाद्य अपने शब्ों में बलखखए l

Complete the assignment uploaded on ERP based on the following topics:
1. La Compréhension
2. L'Écriture
3. Le temps convenable
4. Les pronoms relatifs simples/composes

Complete the assignment uploaded on ERP based on the following topics:-
1)अनौपचाररकं पत्रले खनम्
2) बचत्राधाररतं वणणनम्
3) संवादपूबतण िः
Complete the assignment uploaded on ERP based on the following Grammar Topics:
1. Lesetexte
2. Schreiben
3. Adjektivendungen
4. Präteritum
5. Relativpronomen
6. Prepositins
CBSE Project completion – Create a CNN model on Smoke and Fire detection using teachable
(refer page 372 of textbook)
Students have to submit a project file with all images of training and testing data along with the
Create your portfolio - 15-20 Human sketches
Write the life history of Faiyaz Khan in the notebook.

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