Many Incarnations of Hermes Trismegistus - Enoch - Merlin

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Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries

Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god

with the body of a man, head of an ibis, and a crescent moon over his head.
His symbol was the winged serpent staff. He was the god of wisdom, letters,
and time. But he was not only known to the Egyptians.

To the Sumerians he was Ningizzida; he may have been Enoch to the Jews,
Odin to the Scandinavians, Wotan to the Teutons, and some even suggest

Before he was revered as a god, he was the first great Egyptian philosopher
and founder of the Ancient Mystery Schools, receiving his wisdom while in
meditative trances, writing over 40 books including (allegedly) the Emerald
Tablet, The Book of Thoth, and The Divine Pymander, with the Book of Thoth
only being given to his enlightened initiates of the Mysteries.

Thoth’s Teachings and The Book of Thoth

The topics he covered ranged from medicine, chemistry, law, art, music,
rhetoric, magic, philosophy, geography, mathematics, anatomy, and oratory.
To the Egyptians, his knowledge was so vast and all-encompassing that they
first began to credit him as the communicator with the gods, eventually
inducting him into the Egyptian pantheon .

Whether or not one agrees his is the hand that penned the books attributed
to him, a quick perusal or in-depth study resounds in most readers, due to the
similarity with Buddhism and Christianity. Perhaps the clearest examples are
his teachings on reincarnation and the creation of the world.

Nothing is for certain about the Book of Thoth other than the fact that it was
written in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. It was kept in a golden box in the inner
sanctuary of the temple and only the highest initiate of the Hermetic
Arcanum Mystery School had the key to it.
Eventually the Mystery Schools went into decline as new Dynasties emerged.
The initiates left Egypt and brought the Book of Thoth to another land.
Where it is now, no one knows, though supposedly the chain of succession of
Grand Master since Thoth has remained unbroken. The Rosicrucians are said
to be descended from his school, while the Freemasons are descended from
the school founded by Solomon.


Thoth in Other Famous God Roles

Sumer: Enki among other creational forces depicted in myths about reality as
a biogenetic experiment with extraterrestrial connotations

Mesoamerica: Quetzalcoatl

Inca Viracocha

Rome: Mercury The Messenger

Greece: Hermes Weights and Measures, Travel

Celtic: Merlin the Magician and Storyteller

Atlantis Chiquitet, Tehuti,Zep Tepi

Persia Zarathustra or Zoroaster – Z

The Greeks, in their turn, associated Temu or Enoch with Hermes
Trismegistus (‘Hermes the Thrice-Greatest’), as also did the Sabaean cultists
of mediaeval Arabia and the Mandaean Gnostics of Iraq, whilst the Romans
named him Mercurius (i.e. Mercury) – a name derived, like the Greek Christos,
from the Egyptian Kheru, or Maa Kheru, meaning ‘the True Word’.

Overall, however, in the western wisdom tradition, it is said that the great
wisdom teachings are derived from Atlas, king of Atlantis, who ruled Atlantis
during its Golden Age, and that Atlas was Enoch, the great Initiate.


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