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Important questions.

IRA. 2010 industrial relation act

1. Registrar and his power and functions. Procedure for registration of trade union.

(V. important

2. What are the requirements of application for registration of trade union. (V. Important)

3. What are the requirements for registration of trade union. (V. Important)

4. Work council and function of work council. (V. Important)

And Joint management board

5. Unfair labour practice on the part of employer. (V. Important)

6. Unfair labour practice on the part of employee. (V. Important)

7. What do you mean by strike and lockout and what is illegal strike and lockout.
(V. Important)

8. Collective bargaining agent (V. Important)

9. Power and function of labour court. (V. Important)

10. Short notes on the following

(i) Redressal of individual grievances.
(ii) Conciliator.
(iii) Arbitration.
(iv) Penalties for unfair labour practices.
(v) Define shop steward and functions of shop steward.

11. National Industrial Relation (NIRC).

Standing orders, KP 2013

12. Classification of workmen. (V. Important)

13. Termination of employment.

14. Punishments.

15. Eviction from residential accommodation.

ILO (International labour organisation)

16. Organisation of ILO.

17. Governing body composition.

18. DECLARATION OF PHILADELPHIA. i.e., The aim and purposes of ILO. (V. Important)

The underlined question are very import ants.

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