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Mark Bartram and Kate Pickering Series Adviser Catherine Walter Navigate Coursebook with video Advanced > @ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents Sycbicepteeet anterlred A fers CEE 11 wo scr Conoaes ae compre : conics ‘Tak about time and speed 2 MAT CJ la Usenuoustene 1.3 Vocabulary and ls evelopment 0 Tbearuteheye fredclenee 1.4 wing and speaking 92 Ceecctuaty Wear Bs na Usrvane era® artin 415 © Video ie Place Fah Maret pit Review pS a PEERED 2.1 Feats of nature ps Noun pases 96 Recognize and use noun phases) Feats of engineer forms 919 Understand se pases wth avers 22 Foetsoe ie peere Tak about poblens and stor Usepeectfoms 2.3 Vocabulary and skits development 120 © Unestarc ands colocation of prcpton are sound Take otes 2.4 wing and speaking p22 vise © Gh a tamale 2.5 © video The Fark Whee! p25 Review p25 ERC [cE 3.1 The perfect team p26 Auwiliary verbs p27 1 Takeout eared Team game 923 vices IB Use auniliary verbs oe ee i a 5 Giese 5.3 Vocabulary and skis development 20 1 Takaboutsucessand fare 1 Understand how writers avoid epetiton 1 Useprepostonal pireses 3.4 Speaking and writing 022 1 Check ana reinase A eee che, 3.5 © Video tho Tal Ships Race p34 Review p35 4 Responsibility 41 ge ofresponsiity p35 Degrees of oblenton 13 1 Express degrees of obligation Dies dapat 4.2 The caring generation 038 Passives 639 1 Usepireses wth care 5 Use passives 423 Vocabulary and skis development p40 5 Understand word boundaries & Uinsondandisecomotatin 1 vite a balenced argument essay 1 Tak part informal negations 44 writing and speaking p:2 45 © Video Antero aid worker Review os Gi 51, Who holds the power? oe folate clases pte B Userobihe casos oa as Use common pases witoaive ronan Me power oS an sete Use quae 53 Vocabulary and sis development Use praes with of to describe uantty Ri fl Understarcomolexsninces Use compound afectves ad nouns 54 Speaking and writing 2:2 Manage comersatons Use emphasisin unin 5.5. © Video The power ofthe sun 051 _Review pss (COTES «1 Py ezmesantsave tne pane? oss ses oft se seats Tak rbout peters 6.2 Thelnvention ofesure 92 vor patos 58 Uc en we vrpatons Tekeou cur ete tes 6.3 Vocabulary and sis evelopment 0 Usage hte oe eng nd trgsund rene Uva ineage 2) 6.4 Speaking end wring os i viivcnanne rer 6.5 © Video Leisure through the ages pes Review ot Tease 37 seneeastes 9 Wieo vero 97 charge oe Usrgacdetery 1 sessing pecrgente 0 \Wrting a reportbasedon a gap Speaking vague laguage (approximation pr colocation or deserting protlems and soutions of writing summary p22 Speakingan infomal ak 28 ‘Behaviour ae ate p26 ‘Aariry verbs 927) Video vox pops 3 p27 sucess anda 527 Frepotoalpreses 31 Reading how writers ait ‘repetition 130 chectingand Speaking checergandreptrang 22 ropa 22 Waiting preps ps3 Phrases wit care 8 Regence ting a batnced argue essay 542 Speaking formal neptabrs 943 ‘Conan phrases with rei pronouns? Phrases ith fo deszbe quantity pip ‘Coneundaectves and nouns 951 coding understanding ‘complexsentences 030 © video voxpopss p53 Speaking managing comersatins 052 Wing enphassmersion and let sentences ps3 Leisure, relaxation and stess 95? © Video vox pops 6 p9° Speaking vague lngunge 2 252 ting an onine review pss ‘| Ene 1 Tak about hypotheses Tak about emotions Tak out realty React to events Undstand Irs within a ext Understand metaphor Take part innformal negotiations Use comment atvesbs 271, Fooled by our feelings pe 72 Embarrassment pis 73 Vocabulary and skis development p72 Hypotheses es Unreality pse 74 Speaking and writing 072 75 © Video Decsions decisions 7 Review 7s fa 4:1 The mult: purpose material 7s Frobbity ardspeculaton 077 Deserve te properties of materials a ese rerio et 2 My lie without. 575 ontop clases 7s Gapetereaaser vei £3 Vocabulary and sls development so ron et cercenvaton white stering Use fomal angler ngage 84 Speaking and writing 0:2 Senate compare ang contest, 1 We preti sition eaiaton essay or report 5 © video netvaue pss _Review pss Qe 1 Thebest way tofeam ps Uses oi as sein erent ways Ue dome prases wh wit 9.2 The future of higher eduction poe Theft pp Tak aout ger ecocation| Tak about the future Undestar paraprasng 5 Understand tree waysto crete new words Ghee presentation 1 Use discourse markers inwritng 9.3 Vocabulary and sls development (20 9.4 Speaking and writing 992 95. © Video Acc exclonce ont Review os rr 'Recogrize ard use noun phases 2) B Takabout money 5 Understand the poston of adverts |S Tak about ew anol. 5 Understerd unit stance § Understeraiioms 1 each aconsonsus © vite renal enquiry 101 New ways to pay 96 10.2 Uvet pvt 1053 Vocabulary and skis development 100 Nun pases 2998 Poston of adverbial p78 4104 Speaking and writing p1c2 10.5 © Video a soltbuild community pros Review 05 1 Understarc asec poston 1 Usearjectnes and aderosDegoing with 3- Use whoerer hatter, verve, no mater 1 Tak about ood preparation 1 Useroun ference Understand iad and somite expressions Useenphasis tea big etry 14. Origins of language 08 ‘Adjective poston poe “V1.2. Origins of wotd food 9 nee uneteve, tereter ot ‘nome pis “11. Vocabulary and skis development p10 “114 Speaking and writing pii2 145 © Video chinese New vear pita Review p15, Use casatives have and get Understand speci meanings oof conn nd over Use eprtng verbs Describe esearch andesuts Understanc non stand word order Notes, select and record ealacatons Tak abouta magazine story ' 1 1 ite amagazie story 12.1 Types of memory pris ‘castves have and get 116 12.2 improving your memory p18 Reportngverbs pi 12.3 Vocabulary and skis development p20 “124 Speaking and writing 0122 125 © video Howto an yeurmemary 2k Review res Communication page 126 Grammar Reference page 142 oma Eos LISTENING/READING | SPEAKING/WRITING. Emotions po? Reacting toevents 069 ‘Metaphor 71 © veo voxpops7 562 Reading understanding links ‘within a text p70 ‘ntonaon in negating Speaking hora negotiations p72 phases p72 Weng comment aherts 973 © video voxponss p72 symm on sy or repr 2 Idiomatic phrases with wil ps7 Use strass on wiland Video vox pops 9 ps7 wouter Heer education 3 “veo ways crete new Wor Listening prepreg 90 Speaking ging apresentaton oz Weng dscourse markers 593 New andl 99 Sentences with ony 073 and adr begoning 1 Food preparation p10? Fred and semised Readingnounrefeence pio. ‘expressions pitt {© video oxpons1 13 speaking enphass pi2 ring gerry 913 Describing research and results 9119 Stress in wordfamites p11 video vex pops 12 pr19 ‘Speaking aking about magazine story p122 ‘ring amagazine sry 0123 Audioscripts page 166 Irregular verbs page 182 Phonemic symbols page 183 8 Change 11 Upto speed? Gay ier ons CEM comparing 4. Work with apartner. Look at the photos. What links them? fo Tec E ee nee 2 Read the extract from a magazine article about modern life. According to the writer, what wo things ae different shout modern life? Get ready in five minutes ‘Nothing sums up modern life better than the name of a current Japanese TV game show: Get up, have breakfast and get ready for work in five minutes, Does hs sound ke your Mea you ge eg that everythig secc Pane e orig \sguiean ae aca Take exerse ve used 1 thnk hate longer Spent on, a, pleasirabl walk ln the countryside the more good dd ws, Notahymore Te pa a for HIT shor foc High-Inensty interval Training — whereby just twelve minutes of very intense activity is ‘hpposed we cre ea ee ate txeTels. Get on that owing mache and Keep it thor abd shart oe ee consieriy thers pee ea eae teres runes, Advocates of IT alg ei that can burl lor-inendy ears They a ea a speeds up metabolism and so makes you bu more ‘alors trough be ee research would appear to pil ese Cal But have our personalities changed, too? Smartphone algy Gs eee a ta time at al Reseach detponsues has $05 pete vv noc wall mar Talos A rect seve eagle ae faster than we Gk ten years ago seems we even sar to et arnoed dest ean te thecarin hoot ous fart Fight tures geen Ofertas oe cveryhing a be avalae ial se ged than nthe past, We have ces palence, Weve fongten how a sow down, Weare wo modern Me 3a 4a 5a Read the Grammar focus box and match phases 1-Gin the aticleto the four types of comparing structuresa-d. Eaeuiareones Answer the questions, 1 Ina, which phrases mean ..? 1 ‘essthan’ b “‘thesameamountas’ 2 Inb,which phrases mean ..? ‘a ‘abigdifference’ b ‘asmall difference’ 3 Ina-d, which phrases are informal? ‘more than’ ‘Work with a partner, Make sentences using the prompts. ious / other / food. ely / century ago. Fast food / every bi Lifein the 21st century / inf ‘The more / organize / more / stressed / become. 1 nu 2 3 4 Students / complete / exercise / longer /five minutes. 5 6 ‘The service / restaurant / nowhere near / used / be, Considerably fewer / visited / website month. (Compare your sentences with those from another pair. sentence stress Longer sentences are often broken nto chunks, and win thes chunks, usualy “one or two wards are stressed. ‘You must complete this answer inno longer thn five minutes. ‘Af Listen to four sentencesand write what you hear. “Mark the main stress in each sentence. Try saying them in chunks ‘Af Listen again and check. Repeat the sentences. Work in smal groups. Compare day’ lifestyles with those of the 19805. Think about the dilferences in: ‘+ working practices + communicationsat home + transport and travel andat work + theabilitytobe patient and + subjects people can study ‘wait for things to happen atuniversity. MP 12 13 14 15 Vocabulary & Speaking [ittnty and speed 7 Workwitha partner. Do any ofthese statements apply o you? Give examples of hhow they do/don't. + I tend to do things atthe very last minute + Deaclines make me work more effectively, + Effective time management i the key toa stress-free lie. 8a HESY Complete the questions with some ofthe phrases in the box. Use the definitions in brackets to hep. behind the times short and sharp the very) last minute. time and again ‘ime fies. time management time really drags up to speed with hindsight | 1 What sorts ofthings do you tend toleaveto (the latest possible time)? Do you think this isan effective thing o do? ‘Why/Why nor? 2 Inwhatways do you feel you are really (aware ofthe most recent developments) withall the new technology? Which areas do you feel you arealitle (okt-ashioned) 3 (thinkingnow about the pas) can you thinkofa decision you've made that you regret? ‘What happened? What was the result? 4. Canyou thinkofasituation where —_____(lime seemso ass very quickly)? What happens? b_Discussthe questions in exercise 8a ‘nsmall groups. Ask questions to find ‘out mare information, What's the most interesting - found out? Piioxrorsvoeos om 7 1.2 Managing change Es (ed EMERG continuous forms 41. With a partner, try to explain what is happeningin the photo. FISH! BOOK REVIEW r Paul Christensen i pst aig Wien atone Dieieiies tel n siaget thon lsh ates the reeerean fees hears Wines Tea Serer ar: esa tng anny Meso Stee eres tnbloleone unde totiedta the pepe ppg hss The energy?__ 2) remari Another worker > (tease) a small boy by making a large fish move its mouth as ft were talking, Two old people 4 (laugh) uncontrollably. "We : (watch) them work all morning ~ Its ke watching a show!” one of them said” FISHIis a management training book with a difference té (tel the story ofthe Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle and how the workers revolutionize thelr business through four simple principles + Choose your attitude We can bring 3 moody attitude and have a depressing day .. or we can bring a sunny, cheerful attitude and have a great day * Play. we discovered that we could be serious about business and stil ave fun. ‘+ Make their day ‘Focusing your attention 2 Read the book review. Then discuss the questions with a partner Ber ae arcthe peru ay 1. Describe the atmosphere atthe fish matket, How would you fee ifyou provides constant flow of postive - feelings were a customer 2 Whatis the connection between management training and the Pike «Be present When you ate present with Place Fish Marker? Epes owrety you feel about the four business principles? t ere rowed you. bat you 8 Heard poset about neta pene a {still take care) of just them: 3a Complete the text with appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. In FISH! a woman applied the Pike Place principles to her own workplace, which ‘ (Gtruggle) with a negative work culture, and made a significant change tothe motivation of her team, b Compare youranswers witha partner. s make someone's day make somecne fel very happy ona partctr occasion 8| Ont oxford 3000" 4 Read the Grammar focus box and match examples 1-5 10 formsa-e, Ee een '52_ Choose the correct options to complete the questions. 1 Accordingto the review write, what makes is making FISH!a management training book with difference? 2 Whatalid the market workers do / are the market workers doingto make their customers fel better? 3. Whateffect do the market workers want | are the market ‘workers wanting this way of working to have on their customers? 4 Inthe final paragraph, why did the businesswoman ‘apply {had the businesswoman been applying the Pike Place principles to her workplace? What happened / twas happeningatter she did? 5 Can you think ofa situation where you have seen / hhave been seeingsome of these ideas in practic? If no, ‘can youthinkofasituation where they could makea difference? 'b_ Answerthe questions in exercise Sa with a partner. 11 @ 13 4 ts (eee change 6 Ta 412{) Work with apariner. Listen tothe introduction to business seminar. Student A, why can change bea problem for workers? Student B, why can introducing ‘changes be dificult for managers? Share youranswes. 13{)Listen tothe next partofthe seminar. Note down the three general factors which determine a culture's response to change, 414})Listen tothe final parto the seminar. Match each ‘cultural group 1-4 to what is important for them a-d. 1 Anglo-Saxon 4 feeling theiropinions valued cultures 'b respecting the professional 2 Scandinaviaand expertise of the manager theNetherlands —¢ knowing howa change will 3 Mexico, Russia Improve their personal and India prospects 4 Getmanyand ——d_‘having confidence in those Austria inauthority and receiving formal communication ‘Work with apariner, Are these sentences true(1) oF false? 1 Ifchangeisnot handled well, people always resist it. 2 According to Lewin, the first step in bringing about ‘change isto explain the reasons. 3 Those wishing to implement a change in Anglo-Saxon countries need to highlight benefits o the team. 4 InScandinavia, ifchange isimposed on people from above, they do not adapt well tit. {5 Consultation in decision-makingis important in India, {In Germany, change can be facilitated by formal ‘writen communication, 43,14 inten o both wack. Correct the false sentences. Match the words in bold in exercise eto meanings 2-8. Make any necessary changes tothe forms. ‘4 change your behaviour in order to deal more sucessfully with anew situation ‘make an act or process possible o easier forceanew rule/system tobe used ‘make something happen ‘make something that has been decided start to happen refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening {8 discussing something before making a decision Workin groups ofthree. You are going to givea ‘mini-presentation, Student A, turn to page 126. Student B, turn to page 133, Student C, turn to page 139. 1.3. Vocabulary and skills development flees Anigh school student is. transformed into a supertero after being bit 1 10 n bya spider An elghtoon year-old gi is transformed by a witch into a rinety-yeer-old woman Look atthe four film and book titles. What theme do they havein common? Read the information in the Unlock the code box about predicting content. Ay errenens predicting the content: c + Use the tte, any visuals such as pots or graphs, ‘sub-heatngs andthe fst sentence to anticipate the content ofthe text. ‘Think about the vocabulary you might expect to find about the topic ofthe text, + Try to precct how a particular type of text might be ‘organize, for example, in an arte, what do you expect ‘toread in the frst paragraph or the last? + Read the frst sentence of each paragraph~it often gives ‘Glues as to the content ofthe paragraph, + Be prepared to change your mind as you read Orr Oxford 3000" transforma The power of stories I went to my local multiplex the other day, and of the eight films on offer, five featured some kind of transformation as the basis for the plot. Inone, the heros a nerdy office worker who turns into a spider atthe first sign of danger in another, the feisty heroine is a Schoolgirl who becomes a zombie .. or wasit the other way round? And n the third, the main character turns green and grows enormous muscles when he gets angry, which is roughly every five minutes. But these transformations arent restricted to recent popular culture, Many prestigious works of art and literature have concerned heroes who changed (or were changed) into somebody or something ese. One ofthe mast famous transformation stories, DrJekylland Mr Hyde, was published in 1886, Further bac stil, many fairy tales and children's stories, ‘which involve witches becoming princesses, frogs becoming princes, and princes changing into beasts, depend on these 3a Answer the questions with a partner 1 What can you predict about the content of he article from the tite, visuals and frst sentenco? 2. Which ofthese words might you expect to find in the article? boring castle cinema diary frog muscles protagonist spider technology transformation 3. Canyou predict what the writer's argument wil bet What will the conclusion be? Read the fist sentence ofeach paragraph. Predict the content of each paragraph from the first sentence. 4 Read the article, How close were your predictions? 5 Canyou think of any other books, films or stories wh ‘characteris transformed in some way? Describe the story toa pariner. fn ogfe meets @ beautiful The story of a respectable doctor who princess who becomes an ogre _is unable to stop himself changing into atright a monster ‘mutations. The film Shrek played with these ideas by turning the beautiful character into a monster at the end, rather than the other way round, Various reasons have been given as to why the idea of metamorphosis is so powerfulin art and culture. Ones thatt allows artists to explore and emphasize issues of identity. Another is simply to entertain. Nevertheless, it could be claimed that these tales are somehow symptomatic of our age. Maybe writers and film-makers have seen our worries about the rapid changes ~ in technology. in ifestye, even in weather ~ overwhelming us and have created scenarios to match, Our culture's way of dealing with the permanent revolution of our dally ives is by transforming it into art. 1 metamorphosis a process in which somebodysomething changes completly nto Someting diferent (REDEDY usinga dictionary {6a Match the categories used in dietionary entries to the questions. 1 definition ‘a Istheword a noun, verb, ete? 2 pronunciation _b Isita countable or uncountable nount Isit 3 word class followed by a preposition? 4 style/register © Does the word have positive associations? 5 idiom 4. Isthe word used in phrases with anon-titeral 6 associated ‘meaning? grammar Isthis American English? 7 variety fIsthere another word with a similar meaning? 8 connotation g_ Howdolsay the word? 9 synonym hh Do these words naturally go together? 10 collocation i Isthe word used in formal or informal situations? J What does the word mean? b When you record a new word or phrase in your vocabulary notebook which ofthe categories in exercise 6ado you usually include? 9a Read the Vocabulary focus box. Which aspects of these words from the article would you record? allow fairytale felsty multiplex nerdy plot prestigious roughly Peerage) Pere When you note new vocabulary, you should ccide which aspects ofthe tem ta record ‘+ Essentia speling, defnitor/meening, pronunciation, word class + Usefutstyl/rgiser, grammar, collocation, connotation, variety Alo hese aspects canbe foundin a good Cictionary or by asking your teacher. Use adictionary toanswerthe questions. 1 What word class isthe word symptomatict 2. Whats the definition of mutation? 3 Which preposition usually follows the verb deal? 4. Istransformation countable ‘uncountable or both? 1s nerdy formal or informal? How do you pronounce muscles? Which grammatical structure follows See iket 8. Isfeistya word that suggests approval ordisapproval? 9 Which verb goes with a mess, aus, profit? Look up the words in bold in a dictionary. Apart from spelling, meaning, pronunciation and word class, what information from the dictionary entry ‘would you record about the word? 1 Whats the best season to vist your hometown? Spring, summer, fll or winter? 2 Doyouhaveany nosy neighours? How do you fel aboutit? 3 Atwhatage areyou eligible to vote in youreountry? 4 What are the main causes of obesity? Witha partner, compare what you chose to record. Give reasons for what information you chose t record and anything you chose not to. " 1.4 Writing and speaking GOALS Ill Write a report based on a graph report based on a graph 4. Look atthe map and discuss the questions with a partner. 1 2 3 What countries are the cities in? ‘What do you knaw about these cities? ‘What do youthink they havein commont ‘Bamako: average temperature 21-38°C, its name means ‘crocodile river’ ‘Sana'a: altitude 2,300 m; a LUNESCO Word Heritage Site 248 tistentosomeinformationsbout the map and checkyour ideas. 3a Lookatthe graphs, What do they show? What differences can you see between the cities? Population in millions 5 | Rate of growth 100% 1991-2001 2001-2011 bb Read a formal report based on the graphs, prepared for an investment company, 1 What s the function ofthe opening sentence? 2 Whatis the purpose ofeach paragraph? 3 Underline the information in the text which is taken ditectly from the ‘graphs. ‘What type of additional information does the textinclude? 2 ee ed ne 2 J) g-—— eta anguages - Yue and “Hakka; subtropical climate Kabul: over 3500 years ‘ld strategic location Ghaziabad: good transport network; 99% Iteracy ate ‘Surat: cuts 90% ofthe world's diamonds; clothes manufacturing While Beiha in China LSSAUEAME the wort’ fastest crowing city, India isthe country with the greatest numberof cites in a state of rapid transformation. In a recent study ofthe top thiy cities in terms of aronth, nine of those onthe lst were in India, However, many ofthese are not wel known ‘internationally, and big cities tke Delhi and ‘Mumbai ate crowing ata much slower rate. According to wwn.citypopulationde, Surat, a city in Gujarat famous for textiles and iamond polishing, grew by an incredible ‘55% between the 1991 and 2001 censuses and continued to grow by 82% in the ten years to 2011. The population of Ghaziabad, an industrial city twenty kilometres from Delhi, has more than doubled inthe past twenty yeas from 2.3 milion in 1991 to 4.1 milion in 2011 Predictions say that the population will continue to grow and that Ghaziabad could overtake Surat in terms of growth rate inthe next ten years. By contrast, Mumbai, though still Indias largest city with a population of nearly 12.5 milion in 2014, has gown at a much slower rate, From 1991 to 2001, its population grew by about 20%; but in the decade to 2011, population growth stood at just 4. © Lookat the Language for writing box. Find phrases in the report on page 12to complete 1-5. Pe oer Giving the source of information ‘Arrecont study showed tat. ‘na report pubshed tis week. . Describing the subject under consideration (The top city as far as growth is concemed. Describing change and pace a = Ss ‘ncreased/went up’ |stabiieed | haved ecreased rose/soared leveled off |alppea/elsropped doublearebied/ | ottomed out [plummeted atahigher ate ‘has cropped by nealy la thircmore than 20% |atalower rato sligntysteodiygrodully sharplyramaticalyrapialy Describing time periods ‘between 2005 and 2008 a 2ot1 from 2000 0 2010 ly the year 2015 ‘ ten Connecting information Comparing... to 5 4 BSG Work with parmer-Turm to page 126. vague language (1): approximation 5 Lookat the photos and discuss the questions with a partner. ‘+ Which city do you think this is? ‘+ How many years do you think separate the wo photos? ‘+ What are the most important differences? 6 16 )Listento student from this city talking about how t ‘has changed, Make notes on what she says abou 1 wat changeshave taken place 2 what’s happening now 3. the prosand cons ofthe changes 4 what may happen in the future 8 BS Prepare to talkabout changes 1213 GD 15 7a 169 Thespeakeris often vague about statistical information Listen again and choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 Shanghai has changed enormously in the las thirty years or so / in the last forty years or thereabouts. 2 "There are no just under just over twenty-four milion people living here. ‘3 They've built 60-0 skyscrapers / an incredible umber ofskycraprs andthe skyline hos changed beyond recognition 4 "There are loads of quite ow shops, museumsand restaurants 5 think theyre building o planning to build somewhere inthe region of approximately seven more -thatsabig improvement. 6 They've established a green belt and there are upwards aftityparks/ dozens ofparks now. 'b Putthe six correct options from exercise Za into the correct category in the Language for speaking box. Pca nes Bic ‘We use approximation when we arenot sure of the precise ‘acts or wish to indicate numbers, times, ages, et. ina general way. Vague language is general informa. ue language less than ‘more than upto 100/nearty 50/ upward ofover 50! 1 ‘50 something ‘approximately vague quantifiers ‘ebcutinproximately! not mana few/quite afew! easier to get to out-of town supermarkets food in supermarkets very Customer perce} fresh Number of visi 25,000 per week in 2001 to 18,000 now Over last three years: supermarkets share ofthe market dawn from 73% t0 71% 1 There are forty-five yearsago. (sree times) 2 atenormous out-oFtown, supermarkets. (the more/the more) 3 Customers believe that in smaller stores (every bi) 4. People inthe past. (considerably/ofien) 5 Themarketshare than three yearsago. slighty) 2 Complete the text from a business magazine ith the correct continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Since the recession started, many comparies (Fin) itinereasingly dficulto survive; andalthough we 2 {ctr taclimboutofthe economic esi, 3a 47 )Listento the sentences. Undertine the word(s) which are stressed in each chunk. 1 Wete living ina period j of grea transformation. 2 Theinteret has brought great benefits| butslso many problems. 3 Change in modern life] is being accompanied more and more bya sense of nostalgia, 4 Future generations will ook back on the present day as one of enormous technological advances, 'b_ Workwith a partner. Discuss whether you agree with the sentencesin exercise 3a and why/why not. 4 Complete each sentence with a single word. The frst letter isgiven. 1 Your old-fashioned ideasares. thinking thatisb the times. 2 You're always doing things at thew last ofaway of minute! Your time m. is terrible! 3 Thenew manager talks about this or that new idea, and then, inno atall, he's changed his mind. 4A Canyoutellmeift'me to workin this country? B Sorry I'mnotup tos swith all the new regulations, 5a. Write the underlined phrasesin the correct categories in the table + My aunts been living here for twenty-odd years, and she's made loads of friends. + ‘There were upwards of 500,000 demonstrators being filmed by dozens of TV crews from around the world. 000 + In anyold house, there might be anything up to small animalsliving inside. + Theuniversity was founded in 1187 orthereabouts, and now has just under 4,000 students, a {watch) the future anxiously, 4 lessifew (work] atan American bank when the recession started, ‘more/many afte staffuho® {work forthe bark or along time were worried and stressed, butthe younger anes saw itasthe opportunity they {wal fx Why? Because in business the keenest? (always look] for achanceto make money anda recessin, ironical offers them that chance 'b Replace each underlined phrase in exercise 5a witha phrase ofthe same or similar meaning. 15 Feats of nature noun phrases (1) Answer the questions witha partner. Which can run faster, cockroach ora human? Which can lift heavier weights, ahuman ora beetle? Who has the louder call, alion or a human? Who is better at mathematies, human ora chimpanzee? 5 Which animal shows more sympathy, a human or anelephant? coyamel trees - Read the online preview article abouta TV programme ‘quickly. What is the main topic of the article? ered Wonders of Life ‘Imagine that, as an experiment, you are standing outside your house and you decide you want to walk ddue south from there, You haven't got a compass, Could you do it? How long could you do it Well, as you can find out from Professor *Brian Cox's fascinating programme on BBC? this evening, if you hhad a watch and you could see the sun, then you could do it—just about. But the beautiful 2monarch butterfly ‘manages to do it for §,000 kilometres when it journeys im late january from the eastern United States and Canada to the Oyamel forests of Mexico. It does this im order to reach its wintering grounds 3there ~ where it then hibernates, forming vast colonies of millions of monarchs *huddling together for warmth, So how does it accomplish this amazing feat without a compass and a watch? Profesor Cox explains that the butterfly uses both its eyes (to follow the positon ofthe sun) and one of the most incredibly sophisticated and accurate internal clocks found in nature to calculate which direction is south at any moment ofthe day. 7 Another particularly Surprising fact about these Insects Is that they have never been to these forests before, but they till manage to find the same trees as previous generations. How do they know that these trees are the right ones to hibernate in? By 22 23 m4 25 6a Work with a partner, Read the text again, What are the three main points? Read the Grammat focus box and complete the tule. Eee me ‘We can divide the noun phrase into thre parts: Another surprising | fact about these insects v v v themain, | the parts which come the parts which come 1 central noun | 2 the noun the noun *+ ‘Types of word that can go before the nour: a determiners the each, several sucn ba beautiful, fascinating, lovely © adverb + adjective very intriguing, realy dangerous 4 possessives—its, whose, the overnments et ~oyamel, compass, + Types of phrase that can go after the nour: {prepositional phrases ~on 882, forchcren adverb phrases this evening, by cor 1 causes (hich are found in nature -» Grammar Reference page 144 ‘dentily the parts before the noun (B), the noun (N) and the parts after the noun (A) in the phrases. 1 thisamazing feat Brian Cox’ fascinating programme on BLC2 one ofthe most incredibly sophisticated and accurate internal clocks found in nature 3 ‘Match the words and phrases 1-Bin bluein the article to a-in the Grammar focus box. b f c 8 d bh Check your answers with a partner. ut the words in order to make noun plarases. 1 afortune / complex / computer / costing / equipment 2. for/ Gino's / machine / making / new / perfect Italian coffee 3 a/against / argument / carefully / constructed / the proposal 4 amazingly / biological / clock / complicated / helping / them to navigate / this Vocabulary & Listening Biren oon uUt adverbs 2a Listen toimerviews with three zoologist taking thout amazing fats in nature. Number the phot inthe order they are mentioned angie the ani skill 5’ particular termite nest snapping shrimp blue whale 2) Liston again and note down what these phrases with adverbs are describing 1 seriouslyloud 2 remarkably complex 3 uttelyastonishing 4 highly sop exceedingly impressive particularly interested critically important ticated 8 radically different 0a FESR Choose a person, place and object that are either ‘well known orimportant to you. Make a fe notes to help you describe each, usingat least one complex noun phrase and one phrase with an adverb, Carcassonne is an astonishingly beautifil medieval city in the sauth of France, nat tes fe front the border with. Spnin, It is particularly well known for its city walls b Deseribe your person, place and object to a partner but don't tell them what you're describing. Your partnerhas to ‘guess what you are talking about. v7 Feats of engineering collocations for describing problems and solutions Work with a partner, Choose two of the buildings places What do you know about then? ‘+ The Great Pyramid at Giza + The Great Wall of China + ‘ThePanama Canal + Machu Picchu + Burj Khalifa Look at the photos, For each construction try to werk out «+ itspurpose + its (possible location + possible dificulties during construction, fe. RCE ae Read the extracts from a magezine article about past and present engineering achievements, then answer the questions 1 What makes each project special? 2 In your opinion, which one isthe most impressive? Why? ‘The construction ofthe ancient city of Teotthuacan in, Mexico was an outstanding achievement. t presented ‘numerous challenges and entailed a massive physical cffort as the city was built by hand before the invention ‘of the wheel and ata height of nearly 3,000 metres. ‘The Large Hadron Collider in a tunnel below the French and Swis Alps recreates the conditions that existed just after the Big Bang. Not surprisingly, its Construction posed numerous technical problems, and the engineers had to overcome many obstacles. It took them two and a half decades to realze their dream of building the world’s largest particle accelerator. 1 partici accelerator noun a device whch sends parties (vor smal pieces of mate at igh speods using sfectromagnetc eles The International Space Station (IS) laboratory 350 klometres above Earth. Understandably, numerous Gificites were encountered during its constuction ‘One major problem the engineers had to tackle was the fact that no racket was powerul enough to launch the completed station in one go. They came up with the solution of sending completed sections of the 18S one ata time and constructing the station in space. With a partner, underline the two words in italies which form phrases in each group. Use the phrases in blue inthe texto help you. present lificultes/ challenges / a dream entail an effrt (a problem { hard work realize a challenge a dream / an ambition tackle a problem ja solution difficulties pose problem / a question / an effort ‘come up with an idea an obstacle fa solution ‘overcomean achievement / obstacles / difficulties an outstanding achievement / effort / ambition ‘encounter solutions / problems / difficulties 'b- Read the description of the construction ofthe Oresund Bridge. What difficulties did they have? ‘The Oresund Bridge sa shteen-klometreong bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark." Engineers found the Construction of the bridge hard for several reasons, Fits, the two counties use diferent electrical systoms. 2A further difficulty was that Swedish rains run con the lft and Danish onthe right. Ar trafic at nearby Copenhagen Airport also created complications. In the end, designers #decided to combine a bridge witha tunnel. The project also had to get round the problem of discovering World War ll bombs on the seabed. Altogether, ittook rine years forthe two countries ‘0 achieve their plan of opening a time-saving road link Substitute the phrases in bold with phrases from exercise ‘Ba using the words in brackets, 1 Theconstruction of the bridge presented several dhalenges ta the engineers (presen) 2 Another. (tackle) 3 (pose) 4 came idea) | PASHEERERREREERAGKERAOSSEEAOREREEREE || CT aaa | 4. Compare your answers with a partner. CEES perfect forms 4 Ingroups, discuss which of these breakthroughs have had the greatest impact on our lives and haw. * electricity.» the intemal combustion engine» the wheel ‘+ thenail» the steam engine 52 22 {Listen to partafa radio programme about significant breakthroughs. Foreach contestant, note: + thebreakthrough + its impact. 'b Compare youranswers with partner. © 231Listen and complete four extracts from the programme. 1 Early humans, for 300 years before they realized they could useitto transport both themselves and heavy objects. 2 virtually every aspect of modern life. 3. Some ofthe biggest breakthroughs by the middle ofthe twenty-first century. 4 Injust afew decades, new energy sources 21 @D 23 2425 6 Read the Grammar focus box, Write past perfect, present perfect or future perfectin 1-6. ‘Work with a partner, Discuss the difference in meaning between the sentences. 1a She's worked as an engineer for three years. She worked as an engineer for three years. ‘They'llhave finished the project by june. ‘They'll finish the projectin Fane. We've been deciding where to build the new tower, ‘We've decided where to build the new tower. How long have you been here for? Hovrlongae you here for? When the engineer arrived, the deci made. When the engineer arrived, the decision was made bad been b ‘Youare going to interview each other about feat of ‘engineering. Student A, tun to page 127. Student B, turn to page 134. 9 20) 2.3 Vocabulary and skills development CEETTEGY collocations of perception and sound 2a Work with a partner, How goad are you at these activities? ‘making conversation with strangers * listening to other people's problems + noticing changes in your friends’ appearance, behaviour, et. Maich 1-6 t0a-fto make six common collocations todo with perception and sound. 1 anoisy 4 aconversation 2 total b environment 3 thehuman © anoise 4 make 4. sight of something/someone 5 startup € silence 6 catch brain 24 )Listen to fourextraes, When the speaker stops, wich collocation from exercise 2a do you think wil follow? Match 1-6 10 a-ft0 make six more common collocations of perception and sound. 1 background a thedifierence 2 aperceptive b vision 3. achieve attention 4 pay observation 5 notice anunderstanding 6 twenty-wenty noise 25 )Listento four extracts, When the speaker stops, which collocation fom exereise 2e do you think will fallow? Orr oxford 3000" 3a Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about collocations. eee lees Cllocations are combinations of words which are frequently found together, ke mate a mistake or radical diferent. Important points to remember are: + they usually do not translate word fr word from or ‘nto anather language, eg. ind alley ‘+ youneed to remember which words donot calocate, ‘swell as those that do, eg. we say make a noise, but NOT doaoise- “+ when you record useful collocation, include grammar words lik atte, prepositions and possessive, ‘88. attention to someone/something ‘+ ellocations donot alvays flow conventions, 28. dead quit b Complete what these people say wth collocations from, exercises 2a nde. Make any necessary changes othe forms Powers of Iwas at party last week and it was really loud; there was lots of music and 2 so could hear Tim always amazed by the Ld iat people were saying to me, adi as dificult to? Infact, t stopped to the chatter and started to look around ime. At that moment, just out ofthe corner of my eye, 18 ofa bottle of champagne which was about to falloff table. just managed to catch tin time, Does tis mean have developed « in my old age? Probably not sill need glasses for reading! The other night, some nosy party:-goers were? outside ‘my window at 2.00 am. They woke ‘me up and| couldnt get back to sleep realy annoying, Something ese that Winds me up te sound of trafic in the street in front of my house when rm trying to sleep. Oh, and don't get me started (on the roadworks outside my office ~ just finda aly stressful Even though ‘ve sort of grown used tot, really? ‘hen the nose ceases. Bu strange as it may seem, some people actually dike hada friend who moved from the city to the mountains, and he said he missed the sound of trafic! 4a. BE Discuss the questions in small groups. 1 Inwhich situations do you prefer tobe in total silence ordo you like to have some background noise? + atwork + whenstudying + inalife 2. What sounds make you feel good, and which really ‘get on your nerves? 3 Doyounotice the different accents when you listen to English being spoken, for example Seotish English, South African, Australian, North American? Isthere an English accent you prefer? Which and why? Report two things you have in common tothe class. TSS TTT§ taking notes Sa Work witha partner, Think of some situations where you need to take notes as you are listening. b_26I)A universtystudent magozine interviewed six people allansweringthe question How do you take nots?” Listen tothe six interviews and write down each person's response © Which bits ofadvice did you find most useful? Discuss your answer and reasons with a partner. 6 Read the information in the Unlock the code box about taking notes and compare it with your answers to exercise 5 iy errand listening and taking notes Key techniques are: ‘+ only write the man pints + dont try to write every word + try to se the speaker's stress and intonation to help decide wat the key points are *+ ister for inkers, e.g, firstly on the other hand ‘+ sell points, abbreviations bre) and sign. 7 Witha partner, pu these lstening situations in order from easy to difficult. + listening toa lecture or talkin your own language «+ participating in social conversation in a foreign language ata very loud party «+ listening to classical music + listening toalecture or talkin a foreign language «+ studying or working while listening to music ‘+ understanding somebody talking ina foreign language that you know 8a What doyou think sthe difference between hearing and listening? b 27{)Listen tothe firs part ofa talk about how the human brain achieves thefeat of stening, Complete the notes mast 1 the buona be 2 feats of din > hearing and but listening ix more 2 + heearing incredible, but ne haw it works fram a pine of view: sewn i B 16 — ints electrical 7 2 transferred to the brain + many animals find.) have fir butter hearing than Iuoians © Compare your notes with a partner. #2 28\)Listen othe second partofthe alk, Use the headings and write notes using the techniques inthe Unlock the cove box. chines: party nie computers 1b Compare your notes with a partnet. Do you have the same Information? 408 29\)Listento the final partofthe talk and complete your ‘notes using the techniques in the Unlock the code box. Compare your notes with a partner. Discuss the questions, + Did you have the same information in your notes? + Doyou think the techniques inthe box helped? + What other techniques and procedures might be useful? © voxrors vine 2 a 22 2.4 Writing and a Eee oe CS asummary 1. Look at the photos and discuss the questions with a partner ++ Which activity do you think is more challenging? ‘+ Can you think of any other challenges people face in everyday life? ‘mountaineering 2. Read Beth'semai, What doosshe want Kasperto doand why? bringing up a child From: bealetasseportcouk To: Koatlatalsuppertcaisk Subject: Chalngscerorerce Hi Kasper, | near you'r going to the conference in Aston this weekend, I can't make it unfortunatly, but there's a talk fd love to hear about. Would you mind going and sending me a summary of it afterwards? Its about challenges in everyday life and the speaker is Dr Maddie Forde. ’s on the Saturday at 2 p.m, Thanks, Bw Beth 3 210})Listentothe fitstextractfrom Dr Forde’ talkand complete Kasper notes with one ortwo words in each gap Dr Maddie Forde - Challenges in every life BMG - t/t oun! meaning of thallenge’ = pycical/ 1 test + Cam oiczed 0 fil, 09.8 / mawneain © Pasting test gives sense @f# es ‘meaning = how you cape in Aifficade times in life + Ne dear + Ng svi uceece or 6 n informal talk 4 Read the summary Kasper wrote using his notes in exercise’, Decide what he includes in his summary Dr Maddie Forde, ‘Challenge Conference, 16 April ‘The traditional meaning of a challenge Achuallenge i a signiicant physical and/or mental test hich people either succeed at ofall todo, for example: ‘doing a marathon + climbing a mountain. ‘Success usualy offers a gret deal of satisfaction for the person or team involved. ‘Awider meaning ofa challenge This may include how your personality responds toa Situation whichis ongoing, with no end point at which you ccanjudge your achievement or failure. cryday life, BMG 1 Allofthecontent 7 Abbreviations 2 Mainideasofthecontent 8 Bullet points/lists 3 Ideas romothersources 9 Exactwords 4 Headings/subheadings 10 Paraphrasing 5 Someexamplesmentioned 11. His own opinions 6 Fullsentences 12 Informallanguage 5 241 Listentothe second extract from thetalkand a notes on what Dr Forde says. ke 6 EESY Read the information inthe Language for writing boxabout summarizing, Use yournotes from exercise 5 10 write asummaty of the extract. Nes oe ‘Make sure your summary includes the following points, content ‘+ Make notes as you rad or listen to help you remember ‘Provide information about the tle ofthe presentation” articles, et. and who the speaker or writer is ‘+ Include the main toes to give the reader a good idea ofthe content ‘+ Do motincue every deta or every example ‘+ Do mot give your own opinion o make judgements about the content “+ Make sue the summary s shorter than te original. style “Usefull sentences “Use paraphrase and put things into your own words ++ Use neutral or formal style [Sen ad 7a b 8a an informal talk ‘Thinkabout achievements in people's everyday life. Choose wo that are important to you: + passing a driving test + gaining professional qualifications + moving away from home * having a successful career ‘+ maintaining a good work-life balance + malergamajor purchase (eg car, nouse Work with a partner, Justify the choices you have made. consonant clusters ‘Some words canbe dificult to say because ‘they contain group of two or more consonants, achievements challenges. tests successfil 2.12) Read the information about consonant cises. Then listen and repeat the examples. Write an example sentence with each of the words in exercise 8a, Tin very proud of my daughter's ‘actevements Practise reading the sentences with your partner, ‘9a Each person ina training course has been asked to introduce themselves and describe an achievement they ae proud of. Before you listen tothe speaker, read the description and answer the questions. 1 Whatis the writers biggest achievement? 2. Why was itso significant? 1 OK, sé I ess ____my biggest achievement so faris probably geting into univers vas a good student in my early ters, but slacked off at “ sixteen and then | suddenly realized that ‘exams were just around the comer so 5 hada lot of catching up to do, which presented a challenge! However, | was determined to get into university, so & that gave me the incentive. For years, my parents had been telling me to study, but inthe end making the decision fr mysl was what made diffrence and so | organized myself and ie pla pt a grades | needed. When | heard fd got in, twas ‘amazed. I've done other things sinc butat the timeit* was an 10 achievement. ES 2:0 )Asthis isan unprepared tl the speakeruses additional expressions. Listen and add them othe talk. 10. Lookat the addtional expressions in exercise 9. With apartne, decideit each expressions 4 away feng less direct or buying thinking time while speaking b_awayofbeing more emphatic. ma ‘Think about a notable achievement in your life or that ofa friend o relative. This could be related to work, studies or personal life. Think about the following points + why itwas significant the background + what difficulties had tobe overcome + how itrelates to your life today PN When speaking informal, we use diferent expression to sound more natural ‘and to avoid creating stance from our auience. Expressions used to be less director to buy time think, guess, suppose, reckon kindof, srt of, bit, around let me think you know what mean 0, el, 0, Ike, anyway mean Intenstying expressions used for emphasis. Imenstying adverts, eg rely, very. extremely utter, totaly ‘Exteme adjectives, eg, amazing, bilan, incredible, fantastic, creacl, afl, Uuntelivable, ridiculous Use af al eal the time, it made al the eterence b Workin groups of three, Givea talk about your achievement, including at least two expressions from the Language for speaking box. Each listener should think ofa least one question to ask to get more information. 23, 2.5 Video i a The Falkirk Wheel 4. Workwith a partner. Look at the photos and discuss the questions 1 Whatare canals used for around the world? 2. How do you solve the problem of going up and dawn hills? 3. How might the object in photo 3help with this problem? 4 When do you think it was constructed? 2 @ Watch thevideo. What are the answers o questions 2-4? 3. @ Watch agnin and complet the sentences with the correct number oryeat. 1 Inthe thand early th centuries, water was the key o transporting goods, 2 By lB kilometres of eanals linked British cites 3 TheForth & Clyde and Union canals were separated by abeight difference of. metres 4 Upuntil9 order to negotiate this difference, boats had to pass through locks. Engineers first started to think about new solutions to this problem in 6 ‘The Wheel cost £ toconstructand used tonnes af steel, 7 Canal use was in ts heyday over years ago. 42 GEER Write answersin note form forthe questions. Where youl 1 whatate the main means of transportation f 8) passengers b) goods? 2 what are the main problems with transport? 3. what would be yoursolutions to these problems? b Workin small groups. Compare your answers, ‘© Report the similarities and differences tothe cass Review 1a Complete the text with the appropriate perfect form of the verbs in brackets. FEATS OF COURAGE Fen peopie™ (chow) as much bravery as Shavarsh Karapetyn, a champion inswimmer from Aemenia,Thoughbe? (win) beth European and World Championships, hes best now for saving people fem drowningin busaccident one morningin 1576, The champion a (an) wit isbrether when he sawa bush ninety two passengers rive off theroadinto reserva hitng the icy water andsinkng fast. Without thinking Karapetyan CGvedinto the wate kicked through te back vindow.andin almost complete darkness. began rescuing dozens of passengers trapped Inthe bus 8y the time he ost consciousness, he ‘ (save anincreible twenty people fromeertain death Karapeyan®. (eceive) numerous ‘awards forbisunderwater rescue yet 6 aways) bein 3 her. saying be, (criyfdo)whathehadt, Analyse the parts ofthe noun phrase in bold inthe text as intheexample. Before the noun | Noun After the noun ‘champion finswimmer | from Armenia article + nawe | now prepasidional phrase 2a Choose the correct adverb to complete each phrase, 1 Avillage in my country which I consider particularly | rdically beautiful is. 2 Amedical breakthrough which leonsider critically / utterly importants... 3 Something technological which I consider highly / utterly amazingis.. 4 Something which is changing highly / unbelieoably fastis 5 Amachine find radically / remarkably complexis.. 3a 4a 5a ‘Complete the sentences in exercise 2a wit your own, ideas. ‘Compare your sentences with apariner and explain, your choice. ‘Choose a verb from the box that collocates with both the rnounisin each pair. come up with encounter entail pose realize 4 ancffortdiffculties 5 aquestion/a problem 1 adream/an ambition 2 anidea/asolution 3. problems/difficulties 214) Listento someone talking abouta new business. Summarize each section usinga phrase from exercise 3a. ‘Tellyourpartner about a challenge you faced using the phrases in exercise 3a. You have one minute, Can you build eight collocations by matching 1-8toa-1? A B 1. background @ anoise 2 engage in attention 3. make © brain 4 notice conversation 5 pay e noise 6 thehuman fF silence 7 total g thedifference B twenty-twenty vision ‘Work witha partner: Student A, close your book. Student B,, say an expression from A; Student A, complete the collocation, val short paragraph including ll the words in the bo. accident attention background breakthrough championship consciousness. darkness Kicked passenger trapped unbelievably Allthe words in the box in exercise Sa contain aconsonant, cluster Practise reading your paragraph aloud witha partner, 25{)Listento the expressions. Write them under the correct heading + Expressions we use tobe less director buy time when speaking + Intensiying expressions used for emohasis 25

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