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Page No: …3…..........

Date: 2080/07/..09....

Then we travelled a short distance to Rani Jamara Hydropower

project. Our 2nd day began with an exploration of dam and reservoir.
We learned about the dam’s design, water intake mechanisms and
the engineering marvels ensuring efficient energy conversion.
Technical experts explained the turbine operations, the project’s
capacity to generate clean electricity.

Fig: Rani Jamara Hydropower Project

Then after exploring hydropower plant, we moved to our next

destination which was Ghodaghodi lake. The cool surroundings
and diverse flora and fauna provided an idea for both leisure
and learning. Upon arrival, our group was attracted by majestic
horses which are available for riding. The highlight of the day was
the boating experience on the lake. Overall, our visit to Ghodaghodi
lake offered a holistic understanding of environmental.

Ghodaghodi lake

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