Unit 9 Definitions

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Unit 9 Definitions

Chapter 51
1. Behavior
2. Behavioral ecology
3. Fixed action pattern
4. Sign Stimulus
5. Migration
6. Signal
7. Communication
8. Pheromones
9. Innate behavior
10. Cross-fostering study
11. Learning
12. Imprinting
13. Sensitive period
14. Spatial learning
15. Cognitive map
16. Associative learning
17. Cognition
18. Problem solving
19. Social learning
20. Foraging
21. Culture
22. Optimal foraging model
23. Polygamous
24. Mate-choice copying
25. Game theory
26. Altruism
27. Inclusive fitness
28. Coefficient of relatedness
29. Hamilton’s rule
30. Kin selection

Chapter 53
1. Population
2. Density
3. Dispersion
4. Mark recapture method
5. Territorality
6. Demography
7. Life tables
8. Cohort
9. Survivorship curve
10. Reproductive table
11. Exponential population growth
12. Zero population growth
13. Carrying capacity
14. Logistic population growth
15. Life history
16. Semelparity
17. Iteroparity
18. K selection
19. R selection
20. Density independent
21. Density dependent
22. Population dynamics
23. Metapopulation
24. Demographic transition
25. Ecological footprint

Chapter 54
1. Community
2. Interspecific interactions
3. Interspecific competition
4. Competitive exclusion
5. Ecological niche
6. Resource partitioning
7. Character displacement
8. Cryptic coloration
9. Aposematic coloration
10. Batesian mimicry
11. Mullerian mimicry
12. Endoparasites
13. Ectoparasites
14. Facilitation
15. Species diversity
16. Species richness
17. Relative abundance
18. Shannon diversity
19. Invasive species
20. Trophic structure
21. Energetic hypothesis
22. Biomass
23. Dynamic stability hypothesis
24. Dominant species
25. Keystone species
26. Ecosystem engineers
27. Bottom up model
28. Top down model
29. Biomanipulation
30. Disturbance
31. Nonequilibrium model
32. Intermediate disturbance hypothesis
33. Ecological succession
34. Primary and secondary succession
35. Evapotranspiration
36. Species area curve
37. Pathogens

Chapter 55
1. Ecosystem
2. Law of conservation of mass
3. Detrivores
4. Primary production
5. GPP
6. NPP
7. NEP
8. Limiting nutrient
9. Eutrophication
10. Secondary production
11. Production efficiency
12. Trophic efficiency
13. Turnover time
14. Biogeochemical cycles
15. Bioremediation
16. Biological augmentation

Chapter 56
1. Conservation biology 14. Greenhouse effect
2. Endangered species 15. Assisted migration
3. Threatened species 16. Sustainable development
4. Ecosystem services
5. Introduced species
6. Extinction vortex
7. Minimum viable population
8. Effective population size
9. Movement corridor
10. Biodiversity hot spot
11. Zoned reserve
12. Critical load
13. Biological magnification

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