Toxicity of Bothrops SP Snake Venoms From Ecuador and Laines2014

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Toxicon 88 (2014) 34e37

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Short communication

Toxicity of Bothrops sp snake venoms from Ecuador and

preclinical assessment of the neutralizing efficacy of a
polyspecific antivenom from Costa Rica

Johana Laines a, Alvaro Segura b, Mauren Villalta b, María Herrera b,
Maria  María Gutie
ngela Vargas b, Gladys Alvarez a, Jose rrez b,
Guillermo Leon b

a n en Salud Pública (INSPI), Guayaquil, Ecuador

Instituto de Investigacio
Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Facultad de Microbiología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jos
e, Costa Rica

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The toxicological profile of the venoms of the snakes Bothrops asper and Bothrops atrox
Received 20 January 2014 from Ecuador was investigated, together with the venom of a population of B. asper
Received in revised form 9 June 2014 formerly classified as ‘Bothrops xanthogrammus’. The three venoms exerted lethal, hem-
Accepted 11 June 2014
orrhagic, myotoxic, coagulant and defibrinogenating effects, in agreement with the char-
Available online 17 June 2014
acteristic toxicological profile of Bothrops sp venoms. A polyspecific antivenom (bothropic
ecrotalicelachesic) manufactured in Costa Rica was assessed for its preclinical efficacy
against the toxic activities of these Ecuadorian venoms. Antivenom was effective in the
Bothrops asper
Bothrops atrox
neutralization of the five activities tested in the three venoms. These observations are in
Ecuador agreement with previous reports on the extensive cross-reactivity and paraspecific
Antivenom neutralization of antivenoms manufactured in Latin America against the venoms of
Toxicity Bothrops sp snakes.
Neutralization © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

As occurs in the majority of Latin American countries, there are 17 snake species of the family Viperidae, classified
snakebite envenoming constitutes a significant public in the genera Bothrops, Bothriechis, Bothriopsis, Bothroco-
health hazard in Ecuador (Warrell, 2004; Gonza lez- phias, Porthidium, and Lachesis, and 21 species of the family
Andrade and Chippaux, 2010; Gutie rrez, 2011). It has Elapidae, classified in the genera Micrurus and Lep-
been estimated that between 1400 and 1600 snakebite tomicrurus (Campbell and Lamar, 2004). The vast majority
cases occur every year in this country, with an incidence of of accidents, and the most severe ones, are induced by
11.15 cases per 100,000 population per year, and a mortality species of Bothrops, especially Bothrops asper and Bothrops
rate of 0.052 per 100,000 per year (Gonza lez-Andrade and atrox (Smalligan et al., 2004). The former inhabits the
Chippaux, 2010), although it is likely that these data, based western lowland rainforests of the country, whereas the
mostly on hospital statistics, represent an underreport of latter is distributed in the rainforests of the Amazonian
the actual situation. The incidence is likely to be higher in region, in the eastern part of Ecuador (Campbell and Lamar,
specific localities, such as in indigenous communities 2004). Other species, most notably Bothropsis bilineata,
(Larrick et al., 1978; Theakston et al., 1981). In Ecuador, inflict a significant number of cases in the Amazonian basin,
although they usually are of less severity (Smalligan et al.,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ506 2511 7877; fax: þ506 2292 0485. The treatment of snakebite envenomings in Ecuador is
E-mail address: (G. Leo based on the administration of equine-derived antivenoms.
0041-0101/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Laines et al. / Toxicon 88 (2014) 34e37 35

A polyspecific antivenom (‘antiofídico botro pico poliva- of venom that induces clotting of plasma in 60 s. Defib-
lente’) has been manufactured in Ecuador by the former rinogenating activity was determined in CD-1 mice
Instituto Leopoldo Izquieta Pe rez ( (18e20 g), as described by Gene  et al. (1989). The Minimum
bloodproducts/snakeantivenoms/database/) (Smalligan Defibrinogenating Dose (MDD) is the amount of venom
et al., 2004), later transformed into Instituto Nacional de that induced blood incoagulability in all mice after 1 h of
Salud Pública e Investigacio n (INSPI). The effectiveness and injection. Myotoxic activity was determined by injecting
safety of this formulation was previously demonstrated at 50 mg venom, dissolved in 50 mL of 0.14 M NaCl, 0.04 M
preclinical and clinical levels (Theakston et al., 1995; phosphate, pH 7.2 (PBS), intramuscularly in the right
Smalligan et al., 2004). In addition, polyspecific bothropic gastrocnemius of CD-1 mice (18e20 g). Three hr after in-
antivenoms produced in Brazil and Colombia are also uti- jection, mice were bled from the tail; blood was collected in
lized (Smalligan et al., 2004). Recently, the polyspecific heparinized capillary tubes and plasma was separated.
viperid antivenom of Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Costa Plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity was determined using
Rica, has been registered and is being used in Ecuador for a commercial kit (CK LIQUI-UV, Stanbio Lab., Texas, USA).
the treatment of envenomings by viperid species. CK activity was expressed as units/L. Experimental pro-
Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of tocols involving the use of mice were approved by the
intraspecies variations in the proteomics and toxic activ- Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Laboratory
ities of venoms of B. asper and B. atrox from different lo- Animals (CICUA) of the University of Costa Rica.
calities in Central and South America (Alape-Giro n et al., For assessing neutralization by the antivenom, the
2008; Nún ~ ez et al., 2009; Gutie rrez et al., 2010; Calvete protocols described in previous publications were followed
et al., 2011). Therefore, in the light of this phenomenon, it (Gutierrez et al., 1985; Rojas et al., 2005). Briefly, mixtures
is relevant to evaluate whether polyspecific antivenoms containing a constant amount of venom and various di-
manufactured in some countries are effective in the lutions of antivenom were prepared and incubated at 37  C
neutralization of toxic effects of venoms from other coun- for 30 min. Controls included venom solutions incubated
tries. In this communication, a preclinical assessment of the with PBS instead of antivenom. Then, aliquots of the mix-
neutralizing ability of this antivenom, against the venoms tures, containing a predefined ‘challenge dose’ of venom,
of B. asper and B. atrox from Ecuador, is reported. In addi- were tested in the experimental systems described above.
tion, the venom of a population of B. asper formerly clas- The challenge doses utilized for each effect were: For
sified as the separate species ‘Bothrops xanthogrammus’ lethality, 4 LD50s; for hemorrhagic activity, 5 MHDs; for
was also analyzed, being hereby named as B. asper (popu- coagulant activity, 2 MCDs; for defibrinogenating activity, 2
lation ‘xanthogrammus’). MDD; and for myotoxic activity, 50 mg. For lethal and
Venoms of B. asper, B. asper (population ‘xanthog- hemorrhagic activities, neutralizing ability was expressed
rammus’) and B. atrox were collected from snakes kept in as the Median Effective Dose (ED50), defined as the ratio mL
captivity in the serpentarium of the former Instituto Nacio- antivenom/mg venom at which the activity of venom was
nal de Higiene y Medicina Tropical “Dr Leopoldo Izquieta inhibited by 50%. In the case of lethality, ED50 was also
Perez”, currently known as Instituto Nacional de Salud expressed as mg venom neutralized per mL antivenom, as
Pública e Investigacio  n (INSPI). Venoms are pools obtained this is a typical way of expressing neutralization in quality
from more than ten adult specimens. Once collected, control laboratories in Latin America. For coagulant and
venoms were dried in a desiccator for stabilization, and defibrinogenating activities, neutralization was expressed
stored at 20  C. The lyophilized polyspecific antivenom as Effective Dose (ED), as defined by Gene  et al. (1989). In
(‘suero antiofìdico polivalente’, batch 5240413POLF, expiry the case of myotoxic activity, only one antivenom/venom
date: April 2018), manufactured by Instituto Clodomiro ratio (1000 mL antivenom per mg venom) was tested. The
Picado, Universidad de Costa Rica, was used. It was prepared non-parametric KruskaleWallis test, followed by Dunn's
by immunizing horses with a mixture of the venoms of B. post-hoc test, were used to determine the significance of
asper, Crotalus simus and Lachesis stenophrys from Costa Rica the differences between mean values of experimental
(Angulo et al., 1997). Hyperimmune horse plasma was frac- groups; a p value <0.05 was considered significant.
tionated by caprylic acid precipitation (Rojas et al.,1994), and The three venoms exerted lethal, hemorrhagic, coagu-
the product is constituted by whole IgG molecules. The an- lant, defibrinogenating, and myotoxic activities (Table 1), in
tivenom has a total protein concentration of 53.7 ± 0.3 g/L, as agreement with a previous study describing the effects of
determined by the Biuret method (Parvin et al., 1965). Ecuadorian snake venoms (Kuch et al., 1996). No significant
Lethality of venoms was assessed in CD-1 mice difference was observed in lethal activity between venoms,
(16e18 g) by the intraperitoneal route, using eight mice per whereas hemorrhagic activity was highest in the venom of
experimental group. Deaths occurring within 48 h were B. asper, followed by B. asper (population ‘xanthogrammus’)
recorded and the Median Lethal Dose (LD50) was estimated and B. atrox. The two venoms of B. asper had higher in vitro
by SpearmaneKarber (WHO, 1981). Hemorrhagic activity coagulant activity than the venom of B. atrox. The order of
was determined by the mouse skin test, as described by myotoxic activity in these venoms was: B. asper > B. asper
Gutierrez et al. (1985). The Minimum Hemorrhagic Dose (population ‘xanthogrammus’) > B. atrox (Table 1). Overall,
(MHD) corresponded to the venom dose that induced a the general toxicological profiles of these venoms show
hemorrhagic lesion of 10 mm diameter in the inner side of similarities with those described previously for B. asper and
the skin 2 h after injection. Coagulant activity was deter- B. atrox venoms from Ecuador and other countries in Latin
mined in human citrated plasma as described by Gene  et al. America (Otero et al., 1995; Theakston et al., 1995; Kuch
(1989). The Minimum Coagulant Dose (MCD) is the amount et al., 1996; Rojas et al., 2005; Segura et al., 2010),
36 J. Laines et al. / Toxicon 88 (2014) 34e37

Table 1
Toxic activities of Bothrops sp venoms from Ecuador.

Activity B. asper B. asper (population ‘xanthogrammus’) B. atrox

Lethal (LD50)a 91 (78e126) mg 84 (73e126) mg 85 (33e107) mg

Hemorrhagic (MHD)b 1.1 ± 0.2 mgf 2.2 ± 0.3 mg₤ 3.7 ± 1.0 mg₤
Coagulant (MCD)c 0.07 ± 0.02 mgf 0.10 ± 0.02 mgf 2.90 ± 0.12 mg₤
Defibrinogenating (MDD)d 2 mg 2 mg 1 mg
Myotoxic (CK, U/L)e 5516 ± 1350f 2816 ± 1201₤ 785 ± 181#

Values with different superscripts (f, ₤, #) are significantly different between them (p < 0.05), whereas values with the same superscript do not differ
significantly between them (p > 0.05).
LD50: Median Lethal Dose: Dose of venom that induces death in 50% of injected mice (16e18 g); 95% confidence limits are depicted in parentheses.
MHD: Minimum Hemorrhagic Dose: Dose of venom that induces a hemorrhagic lesion of 10 mm diameter in mice 2 h after injection. Results are
presented as mean ± S.D. (n ¼ 3).
MCD: Minimum Coagulant Dose: Dose of venom that induces clotting of citrated human plasma in 60 s. Results are presented as mean ± S.D. (n ¼ 3).
MDD: Minimum Defibrinogenating Dose: Dose of venom that induces blood incoagulability 1 h after i.v. injection in all mice tested (n ¼ 3).
Plasma CK activity of mice 3 h after intramuscular injection in the gastrocnemius of 50 mg venom (in 50 mL PBS). Control mice injected with PBS alone had
a CK activity of 220 ± 40 U/L. Results are presented as mean ± S.D. (n ¼ 5).

including the notorious difference in direct myotoxic ac- significant (p < 0.05). Plasma CK activity in control mice
tivity between B. asper and B. atrox venoms (Segura et al., injected with PBS was 220 ± 40 U/L. Our observations are in
2010). This experimental toxicological profile is compat- agreement with previous studies performed in Latin
ible with the main clinical manifestations of envenomings America on the paraspecific neutralization of Bothrops sp
by B. atrox and B. asper in Ecuador, characterized by venoms by antivenoms produced in various countries using
prominent local tissue damage and systemic manifesta- different venoms in the immunizing mixture (see for
tions associated with bleeding and coagulopathy (Kerrigan, example Theakston et al., 1995; Otero et al., 1995; de Roodt
1991; Warrell, 2004; Smalligan et al., 2004; Gaus et al., et al., 1998; Bogarín et al., 2000; Rojas et al., 2005; Segura
2013). Severe cases are associated with cardiovascular et al., 2010). In the case of Ecuador, Theakston et al.
shock and cerebrovascular accidents (Kerrigan, 1991; (1995) had demonstrated the ability of antivenoms man-
Warrell, 2004; Del Brutto and Del Brutto, 2012). ufactured in Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia to neutralize
The polyspecific antivenom was effective at the pre- toxic activities of Bothrops sp venoms. Our results also
clinical level in the neutralization of all the activities tested agree with ‘antivenomic’ observations which highlighted
for the three venoms studied (Table 2). Antivenom the ability of the polyspecific antivenom tested in this study
neutralized lethal activity of the three venoms with similar to immunorecognize the majority of components of the
efficacy, as the 95% confidence limits of ED50s overlap. venoms of B. atrox from Ecuador (Nún ~ ez et al., 2009).
Neutralizing ability against hemorrhagic activity was In conclusion, the venoms of B. asper and B. atrox from
higher with the venoms of the two samples of B. asper than Ecuador, and of a B. asper population previously classified
with the venom of B. atrox, whereas the order of neutrali- as ‘B. xanthogrammus’, present a toxicological profile
zation of in vitro coagulant activity was B. asper > B. atrox characterized by lethal, hemorrhagic, myotoxic, coagulant,
and B. asper (population ‘xanthogrammus’). Antivenom was and defibrinogenating activities. The polyspecific anti-
also effective in the neutralization of myotoxic activity venom of Instituto Clodomiro Picado (Costa Rica) is effec-
induced by the venoms of B. asper and B. atrox. At an an- tive, at the preclinical level, in the neutralization of these
tivenom/venom ratio of 1000 mL antivenom/mg venom, the toxic activities induced by the venoms, thus extending
plasma CK values were: For B. atrox venom: venom alone: previous observations on the large extent of paraspecific
785 ± 181 U/L; venom plus antivenom: 248 ± 63 U/L. For B. efficacy of polyspecific antivenoms raised in various coun-
asper venom: venom alone: 5516 ± 1350 U/L; venom plus tries in Latin America against the venoms of Bothrops sp
antivenom: 505 ± 321 U/L; in both cases neutralization was species.

Table 2
Neutralization of toxic activities of Ecuadoran Bothrops sp venoms by the polyspecific antivenom.

Activity B. asper B. asper (population ‘xanthogrammus’) B. atrox

Lethal (ED50)a 345 (238e476) mL av/mg v 189 (116e238) mL av/mg v 263 (154e385) mL av/mg v
2.9 (2.1e4.2) mg v/mL av 5.3 (4.2e8.6) mg v/mL av 3.8 (2.6e6.5) mg v/mL av
Hemorrhagic (ED50)b 125 ± 4f 168 ± 9f 834 ± 96₤
Coagulant (ED)c 190 ± 1f 316 ± 3₤ 305 ± 5₤
Defibrinogenating (ED)d 500 500 1000

Values with different superscripts (f, ₤) are significantly different between them (p < 0.05), whereas values with the same superscript do not differ
significantly between them (p > 0.05).
ED50: Ratio of mL antivenom/mg venom or mg venom/mL antivenom at which 50% of injected mice were protected; 95% confidence limits are depicted in
ED50: Ratio of mL antivenom/mg venom at which the diameter of hemorrhagic spots was reduced by 50%. Results are expressed as mean ± S.D. (n ¼ 5).
ED: Ratio of mL antivenom/mg venom at which the clotting time of plasma is increased three times as compared with the clotting time of plasma
incubated with venom alone, without antivenom. Results are expressed as mean ± S.D. (n ¼ 3).
ED: Ratio of mL antivenom/mg venom at which blood was clottable in all injected mice.
J. Laines et al. / Toxicon 88 (2014) 34e37 37

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