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Class 11

Legal studies
Project Guidelines

Students will have to do one project for the entire year titled ‘Law reforms in
India’ which is divided into Term 1 and Term II
Term 1
Students will conduct research and draft a report on any one of the following
recent legislation/ amendment that brought about a social change:
 Consumer Protection Act, 2019
 Information Technology Act, 2000
 Right to Information Act, 2005
Report on the chosen legislation has to be written under the following heads:
 Necessity of the Act
 Salient features of the Act
 Changes brought forward
 Drawbacks of the Act
Term 2
A case analysis of any decided case based on the legislation chosen by the
student. A case has to be selected based on the legislation.
The Case analysis will have the following points:
 Name of the case
 Parties to the case
 Background of the Case
 Facts of the case and issues involved
 Arguments of the Petitioner and the Respondent
 Decision of the case

Format of the Project

a. Cover with title
b. Acknowledgement
c. Index
d. Introduction- meaning and necessity of law reform; Agencies of law
reform in India.
e. Report on the Legislation chosen.
f. Case analysis of a decided case
g. Conclusion
h. Bibliography.

General Guidelines
 The project should be neat, hand-written and visually appealing.
 The entire project should be presented in one practical lace file.
 Relevant pictures to be incorporated.
 Work has to be original and done by the student himself/herself.
Plagiarized content will not be assessed.
 The complete project (Term1 and Term 2) should be of approximately 20
 The highlighted portion mentioned under Format of the project has to be
submitted as a part of the Term 1 project. Approximate number of pages-
10 pages
 The project must be submitted within the due date.

Due date for submission of the Term 1 Project: 22.7.24

Due date for submission of the final Project (inclusive of both Term 1 and Term
II) to be announced in class.

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