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6B Double trouble

polite mature

logical legible

moral practical

safe tidy

relevant rational

usual helpful

literate legal

possible perfect

responsible regular

happy fortunate

insight Pre-Intermediate Communication worksheets photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Insight pre-int photocopiable worksheets FP.indd 23 08/05/2013 09:42

6B Teacher’s notes Double trouble
Activity: Pelmanism (remember and match pairs of Key:
cards) There are a number of different pair combinations:
Language point: Negative prefixes un-, im-, ir- and il- ir-
(Unit 6, section A) irrational irregular  irresponsible irrelevant
Time: 15 minutes im-
impolite impossible immoral impractical
Materials: One handout for each group of students, cut
immature imperfect
along the lines
NOTE: for this activity, it is best to photocopy the cards
illegal illiterate illogical  illegible
onto thick paper or card, so that students can’t see the
words through the paper when they are turned face
unusual unhappy unfortunate unhelpful
down on the table.
unsafe untidy
• Divide the class into small groups. Hand out one set
of cards to each group.
• Tell the students that they are going to play a pairs
game. Show them the cards and explain that each
card has an adjective on it. These adjectives can be
made negative by adding a negative prefix: un-, im-,
ir- or il-. The aim of the game is to correctly match the
pairs of adjectives which use the same negative prefix.
• Show the class how to do the activity. Mix the cards
and spread them out face down on the table. Turn
over one card and read out the adjective. Turn over
another card and read out the adjective. Say which
negative prefix each adjective uses. If they use the
same one, you can take the pair. If they use different
prefixes, turn the cards face down again in the same
place and the next student takes his / her turn. The
winner is the student with the most pairs at the end
of the game.
• Part 1: Tell the students to play the game in their
group. They should take turns and try to remember
where the different adjectives are, and which ones
use the same prefixes to make a pair.
• Part 2: Tell the students to play the game again. This
time they must make a sentence containing both
negative adjectives in it before they can keep the pair
of cards. For example,
It’s unusual for the staff in the shop to be so
• While the students are doing the activity, walk around
and listen for any problems with grammar, vocabulary
or pronunciation. Make a note of these and give
feedback to the class after they have finished the

insight Pre-Intermediate Communication worksheets photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Insight pre-int photocopiable worksheets FP.indd 24 08/05/2013 09:42

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