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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

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School of Business
Semester One Examinations, 2023
BISM1201 Transforming Business with Information Systems
This paper is for St Lucia Campus students.

Examination Duration: 120 minutes For Examiner Use Only

Planning Time: 10 minutes Question Mark

Exam Conditions: 1
•This is a Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted 2
•No calculators permitted 3
•During Planning Time - Students are encouraged to review and plan
responses to the exam questions 4
•This examination paper will be released to the Library
Materials Permitted in the Exam Venue: 6
(No electronic aids are permitted e.g. laptops, phones)
Materials to be supplied to Students: 8b
Additional exam materials (e.g. answer booklets, rough paper) will
be provided upon request. 8c
1 x 6-Page Answer Booklet
Instructions to Students:
If you believe there is missing or incorrect information impacting 11
your ability to answer any question, please state this when writing
your answer.
Write your answers in the spaces provided in the exam paper. You may
use the answer booklet if you require additional space. 14

Total _________

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 1.

(1 Mark Total)

The database table structure in the image shows a ‘Supplier table’, ‘Product table’ and a
‘Category table’.

Consider the following business rules:

• A Supplier can have many Products. Each Product must belong to only one
• A Product can only have one Category. A Category can belong to many

Your task: What are the most appropriate Foreign Key(s) and where should we place the
Foreign Key(s) in this table structure so that we can link the tables?

(50 words maximum)

Supplier Table
SupplierID SupplierName Address
7324 Bounty Foods 42 Everything Road
7325 Eat More 8 Toomuch Street
7326 Food4U 282 Diet Avenue
7327 Zippy Meals 1 First Place

Product Table
UPC Product ServingSize ServingSizeUnit
602050010246 Shredded Beef Street Tacos 128 g
602050010277 Cheesy Beef Chalupa 170 g
602050010444 Beef & Cheddar Wrap 156 g

Category Table
CategoryID CategoryName Manager
1001 Frozen Appetizers & Hors D’oeuvres Joe Bananas
1002 Frozen Bacon, Sausages & Ribs David Crooker
1003 Frozen Fish & Seafood Herman Melville
1004 Frozen Fried French Fries Ronald McDonald

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 2.
(4 Marks Total)
The Order table below demonstrates a poor structure for an Order model. There is a number
of issues with the database design as it currently stands.
Your Task:

a. What are the issues with the design? (2 marks) (50 words maximum)
b. Describe the solution to resolve the issue(s)? (2 marks) (100 words maximum)

Customer Table
CustomerID CustomerName Address
2417925 Randene Luffman 5 Calypso Place
2417926 Hamid Bodycomb 100 Sullivan Parkway
2417927 Josselyn Tassel 1963 1st Crossing
2417928 Nara Greendale 1425 Spring Court

Product Table
UPC Product ServingSize ServingSizeUnit
602050010246 Shredded Beef Street Tacos 128 g
602050010277 Cheesy Beef Chalupa 170 g
602050010444 Beef & Cheddar Wrap 156 g

Order Table
OrderID CustomerID UPC OrderDate Quantity ShippingAddress
8256 2417926 602050010246 3/3/2020 3 100 Sullivan Parkway
8257 2417925 602050010246 3/3/2020 4 5 Calypso Place
8258 2417928 602050010444 3/3/2020 2 8 Village Court
8257 2417925 602050010277 3/3/2020 5 5 Calypso Place

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 3.

(3 Marks Total)

The Entity Relationship Diagram in the image below shows the design of a database to
manage food wastage in restaurant chains.

Your Task: Based on this ERD answer the following questions:

3a. A Recipe can have a minimum of how many Ingredients? (0.5 marks)

3b. A Food item can appear on a maximum of how many ShoppingLists? (0.5 marks)

3c. Which of the Entities is/are LookUp Entitles? (0.5 marks)

3d. Which of the Entities is/are Linking Entitles? (0.5 marks)

3e. Why is it good practice for the RecipeIngredient Entity to NOT have a
RecipeIngredientID Primary Key? (1 mark)

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Write your answers in this box:






Question 4.

(2 Marks)

Match the Modality and Cardinality to their text descriptions.

Diagram Description
A. Zero to Many

B. One and only One

C. One to Many

D. Zero to One

Write your answer in this box:

Answer (0.5 each)


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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 5.

(4 Marks)

A Business Analysis attempted to draw an Entity Relationship Diagram for a Dungeons and
Dragons application based on the rules below. However, there is number of issues with the
diagram before it can be implemented. Identify which rules are incorrectly drawn and what
corrections need to be made.

Business Rules are:

1. A Villain will have at least one or more EvilPlan, and every EvilPlan must have a
2. An EvilPlan will have only one Outcome, but it can only be applied once the
EvilPlan is completed. An Outcome only applies to an EvilPlan.
3. Only a successful Outcome will have multiple items of Treasure. Many items of
Treasure belongs to an Outcome.
4. A Villain will have at least one or more Minions. A Minion can only belong to at
most a single Villain, or may not yet belong to any Villain.
5. A Minion can suffer many types of Injury. However, at the start of a game a
Minion should have no DamagePoints. When a Minion is hurt, it must relate to
some type of Injury.

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 6.
(1 mark)

You play the role of a Villain in a game and have the best Minions. Thinking about the Name
of your favourite Minion, it would be considered a (n)___________ in the database.

B. Entity
C. Instance
D. Attribute

Write your answer in this box:

Question 7.

(1 mark)

The specific details of the Injury your Minion sustains during a game are recorded in a (n)
_______ in the database.

B. Entity
C. Instance
D. Attribute

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 8.

(9 Marks Total)

The firm, BISM-Stockbroking employs many Market Analysists to conduct different types of
research on all the companies they trade in on the Stock Exchange. Roughly the analysis
falls into two categories:

• Fundamental Analysis – details about the company operation their market sector, the
company directors and the impact of their past decisions, contracts the company has
in the market, value of the company’s assets, records of media releases and other
information in the public domain (via social media and news channels).
• Technical Analysis – only the price of the company listed on the stock exchange is
considered. Historical highs and lows of the price, dividends paid, seasonal stock
price movements.

The value of this information is critical to BISM-Stockbroking to be able to accurately predict

future stock price movements and ensure their customer receive an increase in their stock
portfolios. The information directly influences the decision-making when to invest in one
stock over another, and sheds light into understanding broader customer behaviour.

Out of university, you are employed by BISM-Stockbroking and notice the information
generated by the different Analysists is not centrally stored. The research is freely available
to other analysists but lacks a coordinated structure and related pieces of information is
being missed until after its value has been expressed in the Stock Exchange.

Question 8A.

You think that BISM-Stockbroking should consider using a Data Warehouse to store the

Your task: Give two recommendations for the board at BISM-Stockbroking to adopt a Data
Warehouse. (3 marks) (100 words maximum)

Write your answer in this box:

Question 8B.

After setting up the business intelligence infrastructure, the board at BISM-Stockbroking

asks you to run analysis over the data. They want to know how companies that belong to
different sectors perform at different times on the stock market. For example, Wheat has a
distinct cycle (planting, growing, harvest). Companies that are directly related to Wheat
respond to this cycle and it shows in their Stock Price. Knowing how a sector performs will
help decision-making about which individual companies to invest in.

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Your task: Which business intelligence technique would you use to get this result? Choose
between Data Mining / Associations, Market Basket Analysis or OLAP cubes. Explain your
choice. (3 marks) (150 words maximum). Explain your choice in the box below:

Write your answer in this box:

Choose from the options below

A. Data Mining / Associations

B. Market Basket Analysis
C. OLAP cubes


Write your explanation here:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 8C.
The board is pleased with the results achieved from your analysis over the current research
data the Market Analysists have fed into the system. But some of the board members have
wondered if the system can be expanded to include all the historical research they have on
hand including the historical price movements of companies. There have been trends
observed between companies which will add an extra edge to BISM-Stockbroking market
calls. For example, when the price of Oil goes up, the price of Gold goes down. Companies
directly related to these sectors can be seen to be cheap purely because their counterpart is
at an all-time high price. Also, other companies seem to follow similar price movements, for
example supermarkets and the transport companies moving produce to their stores tend to
follow each other up and down in price.

Your task: What data mining would you suggest is the most appropriate? Choose from:
Associations, Classifications, Clustering, Forecasting, Sequences. (3 marks) (100 words

Write your answer in this box:

Choose from the options below

A. Associations
B. Classifications
C. Clustering
D. Forecasting
E. Sequences


Write your explanation here:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 9.

(2 Marks)

Match the type of business intelligence solution with the appropriate statement:

Term Definition
1. Expert system A. A system is trained by giving it specific examples of desired
inputs and outputs identified by humans in advance. They
learn by example and improve their decision-making or
predictive accuracy over time.
2. Supervised B. Computer systems that think and act like humans. The
machine learning simulation of human intelligence by machines.
3. Unsupervised C. A set of rules are specified which are followed by the system.
machine learning They capture the expertise of a human in a limited domain of
4. Artificial D. The system processes data and reports whatever it finds.
intelligence Humans do not feed the system examples.

Write your answer in this box and circle your chosen match:

1. Expert System matches with (A, B, C or D)

2. Supervised Machine Learning matches with (A, B, C or D)

3. Unsupervised Machine Learning matches with (A, B, C or D)

4. Artificial Intelligence matches with (A, B, C or D)

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 10.

(3 Marks)

Amazon in Seattle has a supermarket where employees can purchase groceries. Fresh food
items are in pre-packaged containers, so the employee does not have any self-serve
options. The way the supermarket works is the employee come into the store, picks out the
items they want and leaves. The items they have left with are added up and a receipt is
emailed to the employees address and the amount deducted from their pay. There are no
checkouts or tellers, but there is a lot of cameras.

Describe the type of Machine Learning and the process that was used to achieve this in
terms of correctly identifying the employee, and the items they purchased. What are the
benefits of Machine Learning beyond this example? (200 words maximum)

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 11.

(3 Marks)

The XLOOKUP function requires 3 mandatory arguments, with the remainder as optional.

Your task: Explain the 3 mandatory arguments and give an example of the value that could
be used in them.

Write your answer in this box for argument 1:

Write your answer in this box for argument 2:

Write your answer in this box for argument 3:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 12.

(4 Marks Total)

The graphic below shows the profit for 3 years broken up by quarter. A formula is required in
F2 that totals the Profit for the year in E2. This formula will be copied down into F3 and F4.
(2 Marks)

In G2 a formula is required to determine if the Total Profit for the year was HIGH, AVERAGE
or LOW. If the Total Profit was below $220,000 then it is considered LOW. If the Total Profit
was above $250,00 then it is considered HIGH. Otherwise, it is AVERAGE. The formula will
be copied down into G3 and G4. (2 Marks)

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 13.

(4 Marks)

Below is a reduced graphic from the Excel Extension Exercises. There is 1000 rows in the
data set, but only the first 24 rows are visible.

Your task: Workout the formula in H2. It is the list of StockCodes with a greater
ClosingPrice than the StockCode nominated in H1. The result should be ordered

HINT: The first step is to acquire the ClosingPrice of H1

Write your answer in this box:

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 14.

(3 Marks)

The image below is from Excel Goal Seek. Define the Goal Seek parameters to determine
how many square metres of a crop (which costs $5.00 a square metre to buy) a farmer can
plant by spending exactly $3,000.

Note: Cell B3’s formula is =B1*B2


Configure Goal Seek to accomplish this. Enter the Goal Seek parameters for the following in
the box below:

Write your answer in this box:

A. Set Cell =

B. To Value =

C. By Changing cell =

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Semester One Examinations, 2023 BISM1201

Question 15.

(6 Marks Total)

A tyre manufacturer needs to make a monthly delivery of its tyres.

It would like to determine the right mix of tyres to load onto its truck to maximise its profit. It
must transport 100 tyres (the total capacity of the truck). The following conditions must be
fulfilled when loading the truck.
1. A minimum of 40 ‘Roadster Tyres’ must be loaded because a specific order has been
made for them.
2. A special order for 2 ‘Show Tyres’ has been made. ‘Show Tyres’ are only delivered
when a special order is made. In other words, we do not need to deliver more than 2.
3. Because it is the dry season there is no demand for ‘Wet Tyres’, so no ‘Wet Tyres’
are to be loaded.
4. For the remainder of the tyres the minimum that must be loaded is 10.

An image for the Solver Parameters is shown below with the necessary four parts for
completion A, B, C, and D. What values should we enter in the fields A, B, C, D as
highlighted in the figure below?
For your answer, you must write the details of what you would enter into these four parts of
the solver window.
You must ensure that you make clear what data goes into what part of the Solver Parameter
window (for example “A contains $D$6” or “D contains $D$6 >=5” etc.).
A, B and C are worth 1 mark each, D is worth 3 marks.

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Write your answer in this box:

A. Set Objective =

B. To =

C. By Changing Variable Cell =

D. Subject to the Constraints =


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