XI-ISC UT 1 QP Sample Paper - Macbeth, Abhisara, Advice To Youth

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Scottish High International School

Unit Cycle I (2024-25)

Class: XI (ISC)
Subject: English
Sample Paper
Time: 1hr 30 mins Max. Marks: 40
Answer all questions in Sections A and Section B
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [ ]
Section A - Literature
Question 1 [10]
Answer the following MCQs

1. Whom does Macbeth defeat in the battle?

a) Duncan’s army
b) King Edward’s English army
c) The armies of Norway and Ireland
d) Banquo
2. What is the weather like in the opening scene?
a) Cold and icy
b) Thunder and lightning
c) Hot and humid
d) Warm and calm
3. How did Macbeth treat the rebel Macdonwald?
a) Greets him
b) Shakes hands with him
c) Tears him up
d) Bids farewell to him
4. Why was the Thane of Cawdor executed?
a) He cheated on his wife.
b) He committed treason against King Duncan and Scotland.
c) He killed the Queen.
d) He refused to go into battle because he was a coward.
5. By the end of Act 1 scene 2, Macbeth was conferred with the title of ……….
a) Thane of Ross
b) Thane of Cawdor
c) Thane of Glamis
d) King of Scotland
6. In Advice to Youth, if someone offends you, what would you do?
a) Hit him or her with a brick
b) Politely walk away after excusing yourself
c) Punch him or her
d) Tell the person that he or she offended you and carry on the conversation
7. Should you obey your parents according to the story?
a) Always
b) Never
c) Only when your parents are present
d) All the time
8. In the story, which of the following is the most dangerous?
a) Playing with fire
b) A loaded and new firearm
c) Juggling knives
d) An unloaded, rusty old firearm
9. In the poem Abhisara - The Tryst, Upagupta represents ………..
a) kindness
b) selfishness
c) regret
d) beauty
10. The two seasons symbolised in the poem Abhisara the Tryst are …………….
a) Summer and Spring
b) Spring and Winter
c) Monsoon and Spring
d) Summer and Monsoon

Question 2
a) How did the Sergeant describe the war to King Duncan? [5]
b) Mark Twain’s Advice to Youth is a story which tells the readers to be good liars. How does it do so?

Section B

Question 3. You have been given the responsibility of organising a Book Club. Write a proposal, in not
more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to organise this club. [10]

Question 4.
a) In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, but sentence B is not. Complete sentence B,
making it similar in meaning to sentence A. Write down sentence B completely in each case. [5]

1. A. "You have damaged my book!" said Joe.

B. Joe said that…………………………………………
2. A. We can’t finish this task, if we don’t get help.
B. Unless ……………………………………………..
3. A. As soon as the gates opened, the shoppers rushed in.
B. No Sooner……...……………………………………
4. A. Jonas would rather stay at home than go out and play in the rain.
B. Jonas prefers……………………………………………………
5. A. He ate an apple and drank a glass of milk.
B. He not only……………………………………………….

b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [5]

1. Celine clashed ……… her boss in the last meeting.

2. They clashed ………. the tone of the presentation.
3. My sister will look ………my son during my absence.
4. After his graduation, he is looking……. a job
5. The opposition party worked for over a year to bring ……. the President.
6. The moment I bring ……. the topic of my vacation, my boss changed the topic.
7. Our car broke …… in the middle of nowhere.
8. She then broke ……. with Sam because he refused to help her.
9. Let us go ………. the main points once again.
10. You cannot always go ……. appearances.

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