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Choose the best answer for question!

1. Mention

2. I ... happy today

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are

3. Anita ... sad

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are

4. They ... angry to hear that

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am

5. I... to Spain with my grandpa

a. Would like to go
b. Like to go
c. Like

6. I am ... a car

a. Driving
b. Not driving

7. I am ... to skateboard

a. Learning
b. Not learning

8. Car goes ...

a. On land
b. In the air
c. On the water
9. Ships go to ...
a. On water
b. In the air
c. On land

10. January ... March, April

a. December
b. February
c. July

11. Complete
May , ________ , ________ , ___________ , September

12. Days

13. Transportation
14. People love playing

a. Football
b. Hockey
c. Tennis

15. This picture is ...

a. Badminton
b. Table tennis
c. Basket ball

16. What is sport do we need?

a. Badminton
b. Basket ball
c. Volley ball

17. What sport do you like doing?

a. I like playing tennis
b. Me too
c. I don’t

18. What are you doing? I am ... kite

a. Flying
b. Making
c. Riding

19. My father is ... television

a. Listening to
b. Playing
c. Watching

20. I like ... football

a. Playing
b. Reading
c. Painting

21. Match
Reading comic

Helping in the garden

Build a tree house

Go camping

Take riding horse

22. Let’s ... camping

a. Keep
b. Go
c. Visit

23. Dad, ... I take a reading lesson today

a. Can
b. Do
c. Will

24. .... read a magazine?

a. I can
b. Can I

25. What ... I do for you?

a. Can
b. Do
c. Will

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