3.4 Evergreen Native VSL Creation

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Evergreen Native VSL Creation

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If someone gives us permission to pitch, we are going to send a 1min58sec (or shorter)
video that briefly explains your offer and results.

This must be sent NATIVELY. We don’t want to send a loom. We want people to be able to
view, consume and act on it IN PLATFORM. This is a huge secret to getting conversions - if
they have to click a link, they’ll get distracted or put it off til’ later.

We want to use the same CTA as we did with the previous stimuli - we’re asking for
permission to send a calendly link and a simple thumbs up.


- Who you are

- Offer at a high level
- Risk reversal
- Results (do this on a loom view)
- How you get results & why it works
- Outcome of working with you
- Explanation of demo call
- Call to action (thumbs up)

(if you don’t have results, talk more about your offer)

Key Points

- Concise and to the point

- Talk at a high level (don’t mention specific details of your service/product)
- Must be 1min58sec max (otherwise it won’t send on some platforms)

Example 1 (with results)

(Example1) Evergreen Native VSL (linked here)

Example 2 (without results)

(Example2) Evergreen Native VSL.mp4 (linked here)

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
The CTA for this is a thumbs up. We don’t want to ask them a question or anything, we just want
to say ‘if you’re cool with me sending it, just send me a thumbs up’. We want the action to be as
SIMPLE as humanly possible, so they don’t have to think.

** if recording a loom, make sure your screen display is set to 1920x1080p (nothing higher).
This is because most people will watch this on their phone and won’t be able to see the
details if it’s really zoomed out).

Script your Evergreen Native VSL below:

It might take a few takes to make!

Accompanying Text

We want to send the VSL accompanied with a text message to give an incentive to watch.

Here’s what we send:

Hey (firstname), that’s made my day. So I’m sending you a quick 2 minute video that breaks
down the results we’ve gotten for other agencies and it’ll briefly explain how it works and our
secret sauce for results - have a watch, if you like what you see just drop me another thumbs
up or whatever and we can chat further…

Write your version below:

Camera Roll Hack

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
You’re going to be sending this video from your camera roll (most social platforms don’t let
you upload videos to upload from the desktop). Here’s how to avoid it getting buried:

How to easily find the Native Evergreen VSL video in your camera roll every time…

You’re going to be sending this video a lot and you don’t want to have to keep scrolling
through your camera roll to find it every time you want to send it (it’ll get buried in photos).

> Go into your phone settings

> Find the app you’re messaging on
> Photos
> ‘Allow Photos Access’ - tap ‘selected photos’
> Edit Selected Photos
> Add the Evergreen video to your selected photos

This means when you go to send the Native Evergreen VSL video to prospects, you don’t
have to aimlessly search through your recent photos to find and send it.

IMPORTANT: when sending the video, MAKE SURE IT’S ACTUALLY SENT before you exit
the app. This is extremely important. Sometimes if you exit the app / conversation before the
video has finished sending, it won’t actually send.

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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