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Load-Bearing Vest and Weapons Harness

Each Pouch and Belt are enchanted with Hideaway:No Encumbrance 4 each. They are ruggedized and protected with
Fortify 3. This extra DR is only applied to the pouch and belt/harness system. The pouches fully enclose the magazines and protect
them from the elements. Fastex buckles secure the flaps, but there is also a hook and pile lining inside the lid to help keep them closed
when the buckle isn’t fastened.
• Pouch 1 - clips for Storm Carbine (_____)
• Pouch 2 – FU Gas (_____) - A cocktail of Magebane gas, IR Prism Smoke and Gaseous Silver Nitrate
• Pouch 3 - Alchemist's Fire (Grenade) Self-igniting sticky oil! A direct hit causes 1d burning damage/second for 30 seconds or
until the target rolls on ground; armor DR protects at 1/5 normal. Tossed at the ground, it creates a two-yard-radius fire (1d-1
burn/second) for 30 seconds.
• Pouch 4 - Expendable Jammer (60-yard radius) (_____) Proximity, Timed & Radio Controlled Detonation optional. -10
penalty to all Electronics Operation (Comm) rolls made to operate radio and radar equipment in the radius of effect
• Pouch 5 - EMP Warhead Grenade (spec. (8 yard)) (_____) Proximity, Timed & Radio Controlled Detonation optional.
Anything electrical (or anyone with the Electrical disadvantage) in the radius of the special effect (below) must make a HT-8 (2)
resistanceroll or be knocked out of action for seconds equal to the margin of failure.
• Holster, Fast-Draw Rig
◦ FN Five-seveN, 5.7x28mm Skill:______ Acc::______ Range:______ Damage:__________
RoF:______ Bulk:______ Recoil:______ Shots:______
◦ Pouch 1a (_____) clips for FN Five-seveN
◦ Pouch 1b (_____) clips for FN Five-seveN
• Pouch 6 - clips for Storm Carbine (_____)

Backpack of Holding Enchanted with Hideaway: No Encumbrance 100 lbs, Fortify (bag only) DR:15, grants +2 to Hiking and Packing
skills. This pack does not inhibit or grant penalties for any skill covered by the Move! Skill. Only shows thickness after first 100 lbs.
• Mini-Toolkit - Armoury & Mechanic Allows use of the specialized skill at -2. 4 lbs
• Mini-Toolkit - Electronics Repair 2 lbs
• Academae Logo Cherry Wood Box Fletcher's Kit : Appropriate to making and repairing arrows and crossbow bolts (TL2) in the field
from semiprepared parts. Making arrows from raw materials requires the carpenter's kit (above), at minimum. Includes a small knife, a large
knife, small pliers, an arrow-straightener (a stone or a bone with a long groove; despite the name, it's used to check a shaft for straightness, not
to change its shape), and abrasive for sanding. For parts (shafts, heads, feathers, and glue or pitch), add half the cost and the full weight of the
finished arrows. Tailor's Kit: Appropriate to working with any cloth or leather. An awl, a pair of small knives (TL0) or scissors (TL1), four
needles with different-sized eyes, 20 pins, a measuring rod (TL1), a thimble (TL2), and 100' of thread. 8 lbs
• Blood Red Crescent Engraved Bronze Box Gun Cleaning Kit : Anyone who uses a firearm professionally needs equipment
to clean it. . . Bullet-Molding Gear/TL4 :: Gun calibers aren’t standardized, and balls can’t be mass-produced. Gun owners
need equipment for casting their own balls: an iron or bronze crucible for melting lead, tongs for handling it, and a set of bullet
molds. The latter resemble a large pair of needle-nose pliers with severalround hollows of the proper size; they can be closed,
clamped shut, and then opened when the balls have cooled. A campfire produces enough heat to melt lead; casting half a dozen
balls takes 4 minutes. Armies carry lead ingots with them; if this runs out, a Scrounging roll can locate lead in any TL2+ town.
Hidden within are 3 MRE's. 7 Lbs
• Entry Gear Lockpicks (good), Electronic Thumb, Electronic Lockpicks, Expensive Rugged Multitool 5 lbs
• Workspace Kit, Basic A collection of special pans, spoons, candlesticks, burners, etc. – necessary for casters trying to make
charms (pp. 38-39) without a penalty. The room in which it’s used will end up resembling a cross between a kitchen and a high-
school chemistry lab. Takes an hour to safely set up or pack. Expensive, rugged, Cutting-Edge 12 lbs
• Basic Alchemical Lab Expensive, rugged 12 lbs
• Emergency Survival Kit a Kyoketsu-Shogi, 6 Shuriken, 12 Caltrops, a 3ft towel, a small cooking pot, paper and pencil,
matches, first-aid kit (bandages, disinfectant, small scissors, painkiller), lock picks, spare clothing, and an eggshell filled with
blinding powder. Enough rice, soybean curd and tea would be included for 7 days of tight rations 10 lbs
• (_____) Wet Ones Disposable Wipes 2 lbs
• (_____) Medical Gear Crash Kit: Contains a defibrillator, oxygen mask, bandage spray can, and no-shock drugs. Gives +2 quality bonus to
First Aid skill and counts as improvised equipment (-5) for Surgery skill. Doctor's Black Bag - A complete kit for treating serious injuries.
Includes sterile bandages, sutures, and drugs appropriate for the TL. Includes IV drip, needle, and plasma. +2 to First Aid skill, and counts as
gear for Surgery. 10 lbs
• (_____) Pocketcams - can wirelessly connect to Visor or Laptop, Night Vision 8, 16x Optical Magnification, 8 lbs
• (_____) Paut Restores 4 FP depleted for magic. 5 lbs
• (_____) Mask Gas This agent neutralizes a wide spectrum of signature traces left behind by living beings. Any Forensics roll to detect
chemical traces left by an individual or to track people by scent suffers a penalty of -6 if the trail passes through a Masked area. The masking
agent itself is easily identified and tracked, making it somewhat less helpful to spray yourselfwith it! 6 lbs
• (_____) BigBlue 28W Solar Panel The positive features outweigh the negatives, as this panel will charge your devices quickly and
effectively. It comes with a nifty auto-restart feature that comes in handy when the sun is intermittent, which occurred more often than we liked.
During testing, we had multiple devices that required a charge; this panel acted as a basecamp charging station for our satellite phone, external
battery, and two phones, keeping them charged for two weeks. 3 lbs
• (_____) Ration Packs 8 lbs
• (_____) Alchemical Antidote Instantly negates all potions currently affecting the drinker. 2 lbs

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