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I do not have the very first email that I sent to Robert.

However, it was very brief and just said I needed

him to call me. This is the response to that email. I am going to forward all of the email in
chronological order.

Subject: Robert Morris

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:40:25 -0500

Dear Cindy,


Tom Lane
Executive Senior Pastor
Gateway Church

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Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 10:05:34 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Re: Robert Morris

Dear Tom,
I appreciate your call; however, I emailed Robert and that is who my issues are with. If it is his
plan to have a third party involved, I will do the same.



Subject: RE: Robert Morris

Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:22:23 -0500

Dear Cindy,

Robert and Debbie along with the Elders of Gateway Church, of which I am a part, desire to see
you find help and healing. Your email came to me because it was sent to the general email
address for Robert and not his personal email.

I contacted you for two reasons. First, I wanted to let you know that Robert has been
completely open with the Elders of Gateway Church about his past and specifically about his
indiscretion with you. Throughout the years, Robert has been open and accountable, doing what
he could to find healing and restoration in his life. At the time of the indiscretion, Robert
submitted to a two year process that included stepping out of vocational ministry. This healing
process included meeting with you and your parents to ask forgiveness. He undertook other
steps as he was directed by the Elders of Shady Grove Church. He continues to walk in a
humble attitude of accountability today with the Elders of Gateway Church.

Second, I wanted to let you know that Robert and Debbie, along with the Elders of Gateway
Church want you also to find healing. As he has previously stated on several occasions, Robert
deeply regrets what took place and has repented to God, and you, along with your parents and
sister, and to the Elders of both Shady Grove Church and Gateway Church. Over the twenty
plus years since the indiscretion both, he and Debbie, have responded to you with caring
concern but their responses apparently have not brought the healing you seek. We want you to
get help and find healing. The "Blessed Life" that Robert writes about in his book and you refer
to in your email, is not one of perfection but one of submission and obedience to God, something
that he has made diligent effort to walk in, both in failure and success, for more than twenty
Robert and Debbie have done what they can to help you heal. Our church believes in healing,
forgiveness, and restoration of all individuals. We would like to help you find that healing for
your life. In sum, I responded to your email hoping to help you find the healing you so
desperately are seeking. Please let me know if Gateway Church and its Elders can help you find
healing in any way.



Tom Lane
Executive Senior Pastor
Gateway Church

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Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 06:44:22 -0700 (PDT)

I am giving you one last chance to call me. You really have no idea how devastating it will be if
you don't. I don't want Tom or anyone els to contact me. This is your issue not his.


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Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:46:08 -0500

I'm praying about my response to your email. I will respond to you by a week from
Gateway Church: 2121 E Southlake Blvd | Southlake, TX 76092
-Gateway Church Offices : 500 § Nolen, Suite 300 | Southlake, TX 76092

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Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:13:27 -0700 (PĐT)

Subject: Re:

I am expecting a call by 10:00am on Friday.

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Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:50:11 -0500


you. Whatindoyour
you email thattoitdo?
want me was time for me to step up to the plate and

In another email, you said that I have no idea how devastating it will be if I don't
contact you. What does that mean?

Gateway Church: 2121 E Southlake Blvd | Southlake, TX 76092

_Gateway Church Of ces : 500 S Nolen, Suite 300 | Southlake, TX 76092

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Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:09:09 -0700 (PĐT)

Subject: Re:


Men that have over 100 counts of child molestation go to prison. Men who pastor churches that
have over 100 counts of child molestation go to prison and pay punitive damages. You have not
had to do either. I do not believe that is fair or right. You have had almost no consequences for
your actions. I have suffered almost my entire life from the emotional damage you inflicted on
me. If you want to know what I want, call me. Otherwise, I will proceed with what has been

Twenty-three years after you began destroying my life, I am still dealing with the pain and
damage you caused. I want some type of restitution. Pray about it and call me.
Cindy fi
This is the last communication that I have had with Robert. I did briefly speak to his attorney once. I
called him directly because I was to embarrassed to call you and ask for help. All I said was I wanted to
schedule a meeting with him and Robert. He told me to email him what it was regarding. I never
followed through. I called you instead.

Subject: response
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 11:21:36 -0500

Debbie and I really do care for you and we sincerely want God's best for you. You see the blessings
God has poured out on my life and conclude that it is because I have hidden my past. God does not
work that way. He will not be mocked by deceit. I confessed my sins to you and your family 18 years
ago and I have continued to share it with those who need to know as per the counsel of your father. I
did what he asked me to do. I thought I obtained your forgiveness as well as your family's.

If you desire to make this public, I am also willing to do so. I would consult with your father rst since
he asked me not to share it publicly years ago. You should talk to your father also about disclosing
the matter beyond those who already know since he has your best interest at heart and his counsel
should, at the least, be considered, if not honored.

My attorney advises that if I pay you any money under a threat of exposure, you could be criminally
prosecuted and Debbie and I do not want that. If you need more information, have your attorney
contact mine. The contact information is at the end of this e-mail.


J. Shelby Sharpe

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