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1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)

Application of Data Warehouse for In-Depth

Analysis of Academic Grades in E-learning-Based
Received: Fajar Yudha B., 2Fikka Pertiwi H., 3Ibrahim I.
21 January 2018 1,2,3Sistem
Informasi, Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta
21 January 2024 E-mail: E-mail:,,
1 February 2024

*Corresponding Author

Abstract— Background: What is the latest knowledge on the issue? Objective: What did you want to
find out? Methods: How did you go about finding it? What type of methodology did you use? A
quantitative study/a randomized controlled study/a qualitative survey/a literature review/a double blind
trial. Results: What did you find? What data or outcomes did you observe? Do not be vague! State exactly
what you found. Conclusion: What did your results tell you? Did you find out what you wanted? Why or
why not? What should be studied next? (Abstract consists of 150 to a maximum of 250 words. Abstracts
are arranged in a structured manner.)
Keywords—keyword1; keyword2; keyword3 (Min 3, Max 6 phrases/keywords. A combination
of all keywords represents the content, contribution, or purpose of the manuscript.)

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License.

Corresponding Author:
Author [Fajar], [Fikka], [Ibrahim]
Department [Sistem Informasi],
Institution [Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta],
Email []
Orchid ID:
Handphone: 085811435469 [for editor only, not pubhlished]

(I.G.A.M. Wirautama, 2021)INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Sistem Informasi 1
INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)


Data and information is one of the important entities in the computer world. Without data
and information, it will be difficult to benefit from the use of information technology. With good
data and information, benefits will be obtained in the form of knowledge.

In its use, data and information are very important in the fields of government, offices,
business, and education. One example in the world of education, especially in universities or
colleges in Indonesia. Universities or colleges are academic education managers for students who
are expected to be able to maintain the quality of education. This is because education is required
to have an advantage in competing by utilizing the latest technological resources [1].

Every college certainly wants to provide the best service for students, lecturers and the
community. Every college has academic data which is the result of administrative transactions.
The expansion of higher education institutions and increased emphasis on strategic planning have
increased the demand for integrated information systems that can support strategic analysis.
Therefore, a system must be developed to further analyze data or information about academic
data such as student grades, attendance rates, number of courses, classes, nim, and semester

At the same time, data warehouses have become one of the most promising solutions for
dealing with data complexity in an academic context. Through the storage and integration of data
from various sources, data warehouses enable educational institutions to conduct holistic analysis
that can generate valuable insights. As a result, research that utilizes data warehouse technology
to analyze academic grades in e-learning-based colleges has significant relevance in the current
context [2].

The problem statement is how to leverage the potential of data warehouses to deeply
analyze academic grades in e-learning-based colleges, with a focus on identifying patterns and
factors that influence student performance.

The data warehouse will enable institutions to conduct their managerial practices with a
lot of ease. The data warehouse has proven to be both resourceful and beneficial to learning
institutions when it comes to decision making since they store data from various categories from
admission data, course data, financial data, facilities data, among other intel. From the pool of
intel provided by the database, the management department can review the information at ease
before making concrete decisions as the database contains information from numerous fields [3].

This research has important relevance, not only in the academic context, but also in the
development of more effective and result-oriented e-learning systems. By understanding the
factors that influence academic performance through a data-driven approach, educational
institutions can improve their learning strategies, increase student retention, and improve overall
academic success.

Recent literature shows that an integrated data analysis approach using a data warehouse
has proven effective in a variety of contexts, ranging from business to education. For example,
research by Jones et al. (2023) showed that the application of a data warehouse in an educational
context can generate valuable insights for more informed academic decision-making [2].

Thus, this study aims to investigate the potential benefits of data warehouses to deeply
analyze academic grades in e-learning-based higher education, with the hope that the results will
make a significant contribution to the development of a more adaptive and responsive higher

2 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)


The researcher used the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, where this method is
commonly used to conduct a review of theories, findings, and other research materials obtained
from various reference sources. This method is divided into 3 steps, namely planning, conducting,
and reporting. In its explanation, planning research (conducting search) in this research is to
collect information related to a particular topic and then organize it into a research question. Then
the conducting method is a method that contains the implementation of the SLR activity itself or
the search process from related sources. Then the last method used is the reporting method, which
is the process of collecting data in a structured format in making decisions based on data.

2.1 Research Question:

1. What are the factors that influence student academic performance in E-learning-
based universities?
2. How does a data warehouse help in identifying patterns and trends in students' academic
grades in an e-learning-based university?

2.2 Conducting

In the process of writing a literature review, the author uses 2 tools or assistance applications,
namely Publish or Perish 8 and Zotero, as well as a website to find source references,
namely IEEE Explore.

1. Publish or Perish 8
The process of searching for references on the topic discussed uses Harzing's
Publish or Perish 8 application with a designated source, Scopus. The first search in this
application uses the keyword "Data Warehouse" with a time span of 2015-2023, and
results in 200 papers. In the second search using the same time span and the keyword "E-
learning" produced an output of 200 papers. Then in the third search, the author used
words with a time span and keywords, namely "Academic" to get results as many as 200
papers with the same time span. Then 5 papers related to the 3 keywords were taken and
saved into Zotero for further analysis.
2. Zotero
Zotero is an open-source reference management software that allows users to
collect, organize, and store references from various sources, including websites,
databases, and library catalogs. In this case, the author uses Zotero as an alternative to
Mendeley to assist in writing literature reviews by facilitating reference management and
automatic creation of bibliographies.
3. IEEE Explore
is a scientific research database that indexes, abstracts and supplies full text of
articles and papers in computer science, electrical engineering and electronics. The
database includes materials primarily from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). IEEE Xplore
provides web access to 3.5 million full-text documents from the world's most highly
referenced reading materials in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science
and electronics.
PRISMA is a collection of evidence-based items reported in reviews to be
reported in systematic reviews and metaanalyses. PRISMA not only focuses on reporting
reviews that evaluate randomized trials, but can also be used as a basis for reporting
systematic reviews of other types of research, and evaluating a specific intervention [4].

(I.G.A.M. Wirautama, 2021)INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Sistem Informasi 3
INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)

2.3 Data Source

In order to carry out an extensive systematic literature review based on the objectives of this
review, we exploited six research databases to find the primary data and to search for the relevant
papers. The databases consulted in the entire research process are provided in Table 1. These
repositories were investigated in detail using different queries related to ML techniques to predict
students at risk and their dropout rates between 2015 and 2023. The predetermined queries
returned many research papers that were manually filtered to retain only the most relevant
publications for this review.

Table 1. Data Sources [Font: Times New Roman 11 point]

Table Column Head
Identifiers Database URL Results
Sr.1 IEEE Explorer Digital 2

2 Sr.2 Scopus 2

3 Sr. 3 Google Scholar 2

4 Sr. 4 MDPI 1

5 Sr.5 Thejeo 1

In its physical implementation, a Data Warehouse is a database, but it has a different concept
in the design method. At the University, the data warehouse is very important in the development
of an E-learning design which is necessary because it can be considered as a central information
on data that can be extracted to decide [5].

E-learning is a rapidly developing and advanced form of education, where students are
enrolled in their university's official website. The information obtained, over time, is processed
and analyzed using different machine learning methods to improve usability and build interactive
tools on the learning platform. As time goes by e-learning should be improved continuously with
the development of technology [6].

Academic achievement is said to have a significant relationship with academic success. It

becomes one of several important components in determining students' academic success (Masud
et al., 2019) in addition to students' academic progress and students' learning process (York et al.,
2015). Academics can be a measure of the level of success a student is achieving in college. In
addition, academics can be influenced by many factors such as attitude, learning ability,
motivation, family, friends, financial strength and many more [7].

An empirical study aimed at predicting the academic performance of Master program students
in Germany incorporates various factors, which include demographic data, post-enrollment
attributes such as semester grades, number of failed courses, number of registered and
unregistered exams, distance from student accommodation to university, cultural data, and other

4 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)

supporting data to build a prediction model. This proves that the incorporation of such values can
affect students' academic outcomes at the University [8].


1) RQ 1. What are the factors that influence student academic performance in E-learning-
based universities?
In this research, of course we have to know what factors can influence student
academic achievement at E-learning based universities. So that later we can examine
more deeply the role of E-learning as a forum for students to search for academic data
including their achievements, so, here are several factors that influence student
academic achievement at E-learning based universities:
1. Student Factors:
a. Learner Readiness: A student's prior knowledge, comfort with technology,
and time management skills are crucial for success in an online environment.
Students who are unfamiliar with technology or struggle with managing their
time may find it challenging to keep up with the demands of online courses.
b. Motivation and Self-Discipline: E-learning requires a high degree of self-
motivation and discipline. Students need to be proactive in setting goals,
sticking to deadlines, and actively engaging with the course material. Without
these qualities, it can be easy to fall behind or lose focus [4].
c. Learning Styles: Different students learn best in different ways. Traditional
classroom settings can cater to a wider range of learning styles through in-
person interaction and activities. E-learning platforms may not be as
adaptable, potentially hindering students with learning styles that benefit more
from hands-on experiences or collaborative learning.

2. Instructor Factors:
a. Teaching and Instructional Design: Instructors who can design engaging
online courses with clear communication and interactive tools can
significantly improve student outcomes. Effective online instruction requires
adapting teaching styles to the virtual environment and leveraging
technology to create a stimulating learning experience.
b. Faculty Support: Accessibility and responsiveness of instructors are crucial
for online students. Unlike traditional classrooms, online learners often rely
heavily on instructor guidance and feedback for clarification, motivation, and
a sense of community.

3. Institutional Factors:
a. Course Design and Quality: The quality and structure of the e-learning
program itself matters. Well-designed courses with interactive elements,
multimedia resources, and clear learning objectives will keep students
engaged and facilitate knowledge retention. Poorly designed courses with
limited interaction or unclear expectations can lead to confusion and
b. University Support Services: Access to technical support, online libraries,
and academic advisors can significantly impact a student's success in an e-
learning environment. A robust support system ensures students have the
resources they need to overcome technical difficulties, access learning
materials, and receive academic guidance.

(I.G.A.M. Wirautama, 2021)INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Sistem Informasi 5
INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)

2) RQ 2. How does a data warehouse help in identifying patterns and trends in students'
academic grades in an e-learning-based university?
In this study, we use OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) as a decision support
system that can be integrated as follows:
1. System Analysis
Operational activities in processing student data for decision-making based on e-
learning use a MySQL database, which is the main component for student data
sources. The student database schema has depicted a very detailed structure related
to its components, such as:
a. Having a homepage consisting of NIM (student ID number), student name,
place and date of birth, address, phone number, guardian biodata, year of
entry, email address, religion, education status, etc.
b. The status column contains a status ID. The NIM column contains the NIM
ID. The student column contains the student ID and student name. The place
and date of birth column contains the place of birth, date of birth, month of
birth, and year of birth.
c. These columns can contain VARCHAR, which are characters with a
predetermined filling amount.
2. Data Warehouse Architecture
a. Logical Architecture of the OLAP Data Warehouse Application for Students:
In its development, data is used as an information system containing all
academic data (student data) derived from OLAP, which is extracted
b. Physical Architecture of the OLAP Data Warehouse Application for
In the OLAP architecture design, a user accesses the application through
the MySQL database program. All data is extracted to avoid disrupting
ongoing operations. Then, the data is re-extracted through ETL (Extraction,
Transformation, Loading) using Kettle Data Integration software to be
transferred into the data warehouse.
Once the results are obtained, they are re-designed in the form of a multi-
dimensional cube for analysis using Schema Workbench software to support
decision making.
3. Dimensional Data Model
The OLAP application has two types of dimensional data models that describe
the analysis of fact tables in the dimensions of Star Schema, Snowflake Schema, and
Fact Constellation of the dimensional data in the OLAP student data application.
4. Multi-Dimensional Club
In this case, multidimensional modeling can represent data as facts, dimensions,
and large quantities of numerics integrated in the form of a Java-based cube.
5. Staging Data Warehouse
Before operating the OLAP data warehouse application for student data, there is
an important process that is part of the data warehouse itself, namely the ETL
(Extraction, Transformation, Loading) process. This ETL process is executed using
a Java-based application program called "Kettle Data Integration." This process is
carried out after loading source data from the academic information system database,
performing data extraction and transformation, and loading the data into the student
data warehouse database. Below is the design of data integration and the ETL
process in the OLAP student data application [9].

6 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)


The contents of the conclusions are answers to the objectives of the study, not a summary of
the results of the study. Conclusions and suggestions are made briefly, clearly and concisely based
on the results of the study. Conclusions and Suggestions are paragraphs without numbering. The
conclusion must be related to the title and purpose of the study. Don't make statements that are
not adequately supported by your findings. Write down the improvements made in the field of
industrial engineering or science in general. Don't make further discussions, repeat abstracts, or
list the results of the research results. Don't use bulleted points; use paragraph sentences instead.
Successive quotes are in parentheses (Quotes using Mendeley).

Author Contributions: [First Author]: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Original

Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision. [Second Author]: Software, Investigation, Data
Curation, Writing - Original Draft. [Third Author]: Investigation, Data Curation. (A short
paragraph specifying the author's contributions must be provided. Please use the CRediT
taxonomy to write this part) – this statement is mandatory.

All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Funding: This work was supported by [Sponsor name] under [Research grand name] Grand
number xxx. / This research received no specific grant from any funding agency. - this statement
is mandatory.

Acknowledgments: You may recognize other people who contributed to the article or data
contained in the article, but at a level of effort that does not justify their inclusion as authors. –
this statement is optional; you may delete this part.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. / The authors declare the
following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential
competing interests: [First Author] reports financial support was provided by [Sponsor name].
[First Author] report a relationship with [Sponsor name] that includes: employment. No other
potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. / First Author is member of
Editorial Teams, but had no role in the decision to publish this article. No other potential conflict
of interest relevant to this article was reported. – this statement is mandatory.

Data Availability: Your statement should explain the accessibility of the data and/or source code
that underlie the results presented in your paper. If it is stored in a repository, please provide
hyperlinks whenever possible. In cases where it cannot be openly shared, such as for the
protection of study participant privacy, it is essential to explain this restriction clearly. – this
statement is mandatory.

Informed Consent: There were no human subjects. / Informed Consent was obtained, and a
detailed explanation was presented in the Methods section. / The consent cannot be obtained;
Providing an explanation is necessary, and the text should include a description of an alternative
process that has received ethical approval and should be followed. – this statement is mandatory.

Animal Subjects: There were no animal subjects. / This research involved animal subjects and it
complies with ARRIVE guidelines. / This research involved animal subjects but did NOT comply
with ARRIVE guidelines, Kindly provide a rationale for why your research did not adhere to the
ARRIVE guidelines. – this statement is mandatory.


(I.G.A.M. Wirautama, 2021)INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Sistem Informasi 7
INTENSIF, Vol.8 No.1 February 2024
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)

First Author:

Second Author:
Third Author:


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