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Using the Sheet

Each tab has extra information that explains everything you need to know about it! JustEverything Else under their
expand the rows collapsed
boxes at the top left!
Sheet Changelog
- v.3.2.28: Fixed Super Saiyan Blue Mastery options not being able to be chosen in any order
-- v.3.2.27:
v.3.2.20: Fixed
Fixed No Ego Zone
Shotguns not getting
not getting +3 toNatural
WoundForm with Mastery
Fixed Conditional
- v.3.2.19: Implemented Formatting
max Holding Backonincreasing
DownTimeyour andConcealment
Bonus Perks skill
by +3 not informing you that you're benefiting
-- v.3.2.13:
v.3.2.18: Fixed
Fixed Monster
Subspecies options
Form containing
increasing Spirit#N/A
like Force through True Form Ascension
Added Martial Focus
Fixed Super Saiyan 3 giving too much Ki
Fixed Beast
- v.3.2.12: Fixed Promised Power to
not adding flipping the based
Tenacity penalties of all
on UP Super Stacks rather than just the 1 you get from Bulky Form
- v.3.2.5: Fixed Godly Bloodline not working
extra Attribute properly
selection not on Beyond God
- v.3.2.3: Fixed Primitive
Vehicle EnergyDurability's
Weaponstextnot to refer to Steadfast
multiplying ratherbonus
their damage than Corporeal
by the Vehicle's Output
Fixed Dead-Link's text
- v.3.1.24: Added an informative message in case a Transformation's Traits box is voluntarily left empty
- v.3.1.18: Updated Multi-Type
Fixed Vehicle Strike,Attacker's
Dodge, Lifeprerequisites
Points (these scale off of base ToP for now) and Attributes (these scale off of cur
Fixed Ultra Instinct stages
- v.3.1.10: Reverted the Crusher change not correctly removing penalties to Defense Value and Soak
-- v.3.1.9:
v.3.1.4: Fixed
Fixed Spiritual
AscendedWarrior not increasing
Form Monster Form's Modifiers
Stress Testproperly
- v.3.1.3: Fixed text description for Werecreature's Attribute choice on Mutation
Using the Sheet
Everything Else under their header (like the beginning of this guide explained) by clicking on the +
t expand the rows collapsed

Sheet Changelog

ot informing you that you're benefiting from it


just the 1 you get from Bulky Form

ehicle's Output
ntarily left empty
w) and Attributes (these scale off of current ToP for now)
e and Soak
Basic Information
Name Android 18 Player ARC Base Ki Pool 170
Race Android Subspecies None Base Capacity 86
Age Gender Skin Tone Tier of Power 3
Birthday Hair Color Eye Color ToP Extra Dice +1d6
Height Weight Base Size Medium DT Penalties ###
Attributes Status
Name Progression Base Score Total Score Base ModifierTotal ModifierMax Life Points #VALUE!
Agility +14 22 22 +11 #NAME? Modify Life
Force +14 22 22 #NAME? #NAME? Current Life 395
Tenacity +14 22 22 +11 #NAME? Health Status #VALUE!
Scholarship +0 2 2 +1 #NAME? Super Stacks #NAME?
Insight +4 12 12 +6 #NAME? Power Up ###
Spirit +0 2 2 #NAME? #NAME? Current Size Medium
Personality +10 12 12 +6 #NAME? Melee Reach 1 sq.
Skills Normal Speed #NAME?
Name (Subskill) Rank Prof Bonus Attr Bonus Total
Acrobatics Specialist (4) +8 +5 +13 Conditions
Athletics Qualified (3) +6 #NAME? #NAME?
Bluff Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Damage Reduction Calc
Clairvoyance Untrained (0) +0 +3 +3 Dmg Category Standard
Concealment Untrained (0) +0 +3 +3 Atk Maneuver TRUE
Cooking Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Health Thresholds
Craft Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? #VALUE! #VALUE!
Craft Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? +0 +0
Craft Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Saving Throws
Craft Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Impulsive #VALUE!
Creature Handling Untrained (0) +0 +3 +3 Corporeal #VALUE!
Intimidation Trained (2) +4 #NAME? #NAME? Strike Bonus
Intuition Untrained (0) +0 +3 +3 Haste Awareness
Investigation Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Knowledge Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Combat Rolls
Knowledge Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Name Derived Value
Knowledge Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Strike #NAME?
Knowledge Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Dodge #NAME?
Medicine Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Attack Type Strike (crit)
Perception Trained (2) +4 +3 +9 Physical #NAME?
Performance Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Energy #NAME?
Performance Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Magical #NAME?
Performance Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Ballistic #NAME?
Performance Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME? Z-Soul
Persuasion Experienced (1) +2 #NAME? #NAME? Name
Pilot Untrained (0) +0 +5 +5 Alignment
Profession Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
Profession Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
Profession Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
Profession Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
Science Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
Stealth Trained (2) +4 +5 #NAME?
Survival Untrained (0) +0 +3 +3
Thievery Untrained (0) +0 +5 +5
Use Magic Untrained (0) +0 #NAME? #NAME?
170 Power Level 13
86 Milestones 12
+0 Holding Back -0
+1d6 Life Points Roll 0
### Image Link
#VALUE! Max Ki Pool #NAME?
Modify Ki
395 Ki Remaining 170
#VALUE! Capacity Rate #NAME?
#NAME? Modify Capacity
### Capacity Left 86
Medium Soak #NAME?
1 sq. Long Range 9
#NAME? Boosted Speed #NAME?

Damage Reduction Calculator

Standard Parry None
TRUE Total Reduction #NAME?
Health Thresholds
#VALUE! #VALUE! Penalties
+0 +0 #NAME?
Saving Throws Custom Buffs and Debuffs
#VALUE! Cognitive (P) #VALUE! Group Name Active Affected Stat Flat (bT) (T) Total
#VALUE! Morale #VALUE! NLoP ### ToP (Breakthrough) +1 +1
rike Bonus Misc Aptitudes Dim. Defenses ### Defense Value -1 ###
Awareness Initiative Defense Value Fury ### Fury ✗
#NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Lock On ### Strike (All) ### ###
Combat Rolls Fleet of Foot
### Strike (All) ### ###
Derived Value Additional Mods Total (crit) ### Defense Value ### ###
#NAME? #NAME? #NAME? High Speed Ace ### Combat Rolls ### ###
#NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Flexible ### Strike (All) ### ###
Strike (crit) Wound (crit) Flanker ### Wound (All) ### ###
#NAME? #NAME? ### Combat Rolls ### ###
#NAME? #NAME? ### ###
#NAME? #NAME? ### ###
#NAME? #VALUE! ### ###
Z-Soul ### ###
### ###
Karma Meter 5 ### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ###
Racial Information
Race Android Sub-Race
Select None
two of the following: Acrobatics, Current Size
Proficient Save Cognitive Skill Ranks Athletics, Knowledge, Perception, Normal Speed
Trait Name Notes Category Science, Stealth Trait Description
You cannot gain the Poisoned Combat Condition and gain the following benefit:
Wonders of Technology Body
all Traits,Once
Cyborg. Talents
per or effects.Round,
Combat Alternatively,
you mayyou maya use
re-roll a Power
Natural Surge.
Result of 1 on a d10. If you do, inc
Energy Core Body
At the startReflexes.
Enhanced of each Combat
Reduce Round, regaincost
the Ki Point +5(T) Ki Rapid
of the Points.Movement
Your Ki cannot
optionbeofsensed by other
the Movement
Specialized Features Body increase your Impulsive Save by +1(T) and increase your Defense Value by +1(T).
Tough, durable, and built for battle, Androids can take significant amounts of damage. Reduce
Damage Inhibitor Body Direct Damage you suffer by -2(T). Damage Inhibitor is applied before Soak.
were previously locked onto.
Lock On Body
Functional Purpose Mind Destroyer. Increase your Force Score by +2. Additionally, once per Combat Encounter, you ma
-- --

Name Notes Prerequisites Description
the Ki Point Cost by -2(T).
Effective Defenses --
– Once per Combat
next Combat Round.Round, when
If you do, using the
increase the Direct Hit o
other Aptitu
Balanced Defender Tenacity Score and Agility Score 10+ amount until the start of the next Combat Round. You ca
your or
Value you can0 immediately
below mov
in this manner.
Footwork Agility Score 10+ Normal Speed towards that same enemy. This movemen
a Counter Action against you.
High Speed Ace -- --
Power of Movement and/or High – Once per Combat Round, if you would move to a Squ
Fleet of Foot Speed Ace opponent when you were outside of their Melee Range p
Teamwork -- --

Synchronized Combatants Android 17 -- --

– If an ally is within the Melee Range of an opponent, in
Flexible Flanker --
Strike and Wound Rolls made against that opponent by
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
Medium Melee Reach 1 sq. ###
#NAME? Boosted Speed #NAME? ###
Trait Description ###
ndition and gain the following benefit:
, you maya use a Power Surge.
ay re-roll Natural Result of 1 on a d10. If you do, increase the Natural
+5(T) Ki Rapid
of the Points.Movement
Your Ki cannot
optionbeofsensed by other Maneuver
the Movement characters by
– you
nd increase your Defense Value by +1(T). ###
oids can take significant amounts of damage. Reduce all Standard and
age Inhibitor is applied before Soak. ###

+2. Additionally, once per Combat Encounter, you may increase one of

e Ki Point Cost by -2(T).
Once per Combat
xt Combat Round.Round, when
If you do, using the
increase the Direct Hit or Guard
other Aptitude by anoptions
equal of the
mount until the start of the next Combat Round. You cannot reduce your
tside ofValue
efense your or
Value you can0 immediately
below move up to your full
in this manner.
ormal Speed towards that same enemy. This movement does NOT provoke
Counter Action against you.

Once per Combat Round, if you would move to a Square adjacent to an

ponent when you were outside of their Melee Range prior to that

If an ally is within the Melee Range of an opponent, increase all of your

rike and Wound Rolls made against that opponent by +1(T).
Active Aspects
Stress Test Mod +16 Aspect Lookup --
Name ActiveStage/StacksTier Mastered Stress
Transformation TypeAG FO TE SC IN
Super Android ### 2 2+ FALSE -- Manifested Power -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
### -- FALSE -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Legendary Traits
ive Aspects
Null W.T. FALSE Ki Mult. Override
SP PE Transformation Traits
-- -- -- 2
-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

ndary Traits
Total Technique Points 58
Points Spent on Signature Techniques 57
Points Spent on Spellbo
Name Android Barrier TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Super Signature Dynamic TP
Aura Ki Cost 20
Profile Shield Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti another Aura. Auras last for 3 Combat Rounds.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Name Ranks Notes Tech Types TP Cost Dynamic TP
Quick Reaction Aura 8 0 As an Instant Action, you may activate this Aura d

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

Name Infinity Bullet TP Cost ### Techniq

Type Super Signature Dynamic TP
Ki Manipulation Ki Cost 32
Profile Rapid Fire Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti Extra Dice you would roll for a Wound Roll, you will roll a 1d8 and add
on 1d4(T) to it to determine the number of hits. The struck character will
Advantages and Disadvantages
Name Ranks Notes Tech Types TP Cost Dynamic TP
Accurate 2 Martial Arts,
Manipulation, 8 0 Increase your Strike Roll when attacking with a Si

Power Shot 2 Magic,

Martial Arts, 10 0 Increase the Wound Roll by +4(T) (+12).
-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

Name Accel Dance TP Cost ### Techniq

Type Ultimate Signature Dynamic TP
Ki Manipulation Ki Cost 46
Profile Rapid Fire Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP 20
Descripti Extra Dice you would roll for a Wound Roll, you will roll a 1d8 and add
on 1d4(T) to it to determine the number of hits. The struck character will
Advantages and Disadvantages
Name Ranks Notes Tech Types TP Cost Dynamic TP
Rapid Fire,
Alotta Lotta Attacks 3 Manipulation, 16 0 Increase the Dice Category of the 1d4(T) rolled to
Power Shot 2 Martial Arts,
Manipulation, 10 0 Increase the Wound Roll by +4(T) (+12).

Concentration Magic,
Martial Arts, -4 0 the Attacking Maneuver you are using the Energy

Auras, Magic,
-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

-- 0 0 --

Name TP Cost ### Techniq

Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Name TP Cost ### Techniq
Type Dynamic TP
Ki Cost 0
Profile Dynamic Ki
Notes Free TP
Descripti --
Points Spent on Spellbook 0 Technique Points Left 1
Technique Description

d Disadvantages
ant Action, you may activate this Aura during another character’s turn by spending 1 Counter Action.

Technique Description

d Disadvantages
your Strike Roll when attacking with a Signature Technique with this Advantage by +2(T) (+6).
he Wound Roll by +4(T) (+12).

Technique Description

d Disadvantages
he Dice Category of the 1d4(T) rolled to calculate the number of hits to 1d10(T). These are Solid Dice.
he Wound Roll by +4(T) (+12).
king Maneuver you are using the Energy Charge Maneuver for.
Technique Description

Technique Description

Technique Description

Technique Description

Technique Description

Technique Description

Technique Description
Technique Description

Technique Description
Total Technique Points 58 Points Spent on Signature Techniques
57 Points Spent on Spellboo
Name Free? Prerequisites TP CostKi Cost
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
### -- -- -- --
Points Spent on Spellbook 0 Technique Points Left 1
Worn Apparel
Topmost Layer Worn Benefit BV Doff Bonus
Dennim TRUE #NAME? -- 2
Middle Layer (inactive) Worn Benefit BV Doff Bonus
TRUE #NAME? -- --
Bottom Layer (inactive) Worn Benefit BV Doff Bonus
TRUE #NAME? -- --
Accessory Equipped Hide Text
Accessory Equipped Hide Text
Battle Uniform
Name Dennim Description
The Benefits of Standard Clothing are that they increase your Personality M
Category Standard Clothing
Modifier by 2. You cannot wear Standard Clothing as a higher layer than A
Grade Standard 6 Break Value 4 /4 Doff Bonus 2
Apparel Qualities
Name Notes
Name Description
Category --
Grade -- Break Value 4 /4 Doff Bonus --
Apparel Qualities
Name Notes
Name Type Break Value 5
Size Category --
Weapon Qualities
Name Notes # Purchases
Name Type Break Value 5
Size Category --
Weapon Qualities
Name Notes # Purchases
Basic Items
Name Notes Quantity TN
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
Additional Inventory
Penalty Qualities
-1 None
Penalty Qualities
-- None
Penalty Qualities
-- None


increase your Personality Modifier by 6 and your Skill Checks that use your Personality
ing as a higher layer than Armor or Weights.
2 Combat Penalty -1 Craft TN 15

-- Combat Penalty -- Craft TN --


/5 Ammo -- Wound #NAME?

Range -- Craft TN 6
/5 Ammo -- Wound #NAME?

Range -- Craft TN 6


Character Progression
Progression Preview
Level Talents AG FO TE SC IN SP PE TP
#NAME? 22 22 22 2 12 2 12 ### Preview c
Main Progression
Level Character Perk Talents AG FO TE SC IN SP PE TP
Starting Stats 8 2 4 2 6 2 2 Acrobatics, Perception
Attribute Addition +4
Attribute Addition +4
1 Talent Addition Balanced Defender 25
Talent Addition Effective Defenses
Attribute Addition +2 +2
Skill Improvement Acrobatics, Athletics, Int
2 Attribute Addition +2 +2 0
3 Attribute Addition +2 +2 0
4 Talent Addition Footwork 0
Talent Addition High Speed Movement
5 Attribute Addition +2 +2 15
Skill Improvement Acrobatics, Athletics, Pe
6 Talent Addition Fleet of Foot 0
7 Attribute Addition +4 0
8 Attribute Addition +4 0
9 Talent Addition Teamwork 0
Talent Addition Synchronized Combatants
10 Attribute Addition +2 +2 15
Skill Improvement Acrobatics, Athletics, Ste
11 Talent Addition Flexible Flanker 0
12 Attribute Addition +4 0
13 Attribute Addition +2 +2 0
14 Talent Addition 0
Talent Addition
15 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
16 Character Perk 0
17 Attribute Addition 0
18 Character Perk 0
19 Talent Addition 0
Talent Addition
20 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
Character Perk

21 15
Character Perk
Talent Addition
21 15
Talent Addition
Attribute Addition
Skill Improvement
22 Character Perk 0
23 Attribute Addition 0
24 Character Perk 0
Talent Addition
25 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
26 Character Perk 0
27 Attribute Addition 0
28 Character Perk 0
29 Talent Addition 0
Talent Addition
30 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
31 Character Perk 0
32 Attribute Addition 0
33 Character Perk 0
34 Talent Addition 0
Talent Addition
35 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
36 Character Perk 0
37 Attribute Addition 0
38 Character Perk 0
39 Talent Addition 0
Talent Addition
40 Attribute Addition 15
Skill Improvement
Bonus Perks
Level Character Perk Source Talents AG FO TE SC IN SP PE TP
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
Character Perk 0
DownTime and Other
Level Training/Activity/Other Talents AG FO TE SC IN SP PE TP LP
Superior Adversary +4 +4 +4
Transformation AspectHeartbea
Transformation Transformation Type Aspect 1
Transformation t
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
-- -- FALSE
Unification Attribute
Active Secondary Character AG FO TE SC IN SP PE bT
### --
### --
### --
### --
### --
Fission Type Original Character AG FO TE SC IN SP PE Starting PL

Skill Ranks
Preview currently unsupported

Skill Ranks
Acrobatics, Perception

Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth

Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Intimidation

Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth, Persuasion

Skill Ranks
Skill Ranks
Aspect 1 +/- Aspect 2 Aspect 2 +/-

Skill Ranks & Notes
Battle Power Reading: 898,560
Scouter Model Basic Current Ki Pool 0
AG Modifier +0 Max Capacity 0
FO Modifier +0 Power Level 0
TE Modifier +0 Tier of Power 0
Scan Self 1 Auto Scan ###
Keep in mind that combinations at the top of the list take priority ove

All cells are optional

Alternate Formand will be ignored
Full Powerif left blank.
StageUse the Stage cell for Form
Legendary different stages within
Full Kaioken, Lightspeed Mod
Advanced Images
the top of the list take priority over the ones at the bottom, should more than one be applicable at a time.

within Kaioken, Stage

Lightspeed Mode, Legendary
Enhancement Super SaiyanStage
Power and the Topmost
like. Alternate Forms Middle
LayerActive and Legendary Forms are split into separate cel
Layer Active

endary FormsBottom
are split into Active
Layer separate cells toImage
support Ascended
Race Settings Transformatio
#NAME? Custom Species Mutation
#NAME? Species Name Agility
#NAME? Proficient Save Force
Saiyan Tail Flawed Trait 1 Tenacity
Flawed Trait 2 Scholarship
Spellbound 1 Flawed Trait 3 Insight
Comb. Organism
Spellbound 2 Spirit
Comb. Organism
Spellbound 3 Personality
Comb. 2 Org.
Cellular Memory Pure Resolve
Namek. Clan Active
Bur. With Power Agility
Bonus of
Wonders Bur. W/ Power
Cyborg Force
2 Beast-Man Attr.
0 Tenacity
Traits Transformation
Inh. Transf. -1
Energy Core Infinite Energy 0 Insight
Specialized Enhanced ToP
Race of Scholars Spirit
Functional Reflexes
Destroyer Omega
Gen. Mod. Trait Agility
Reflected Karma Force
Soil Quality Spirit
Std. Quality
Evol. Diversity
Variant and Optional Rules Settings
Average Life
1 Exp Gain FALSE Injury Rules FALSE
Var. Attr. Generation Exp Remaining 0 Rest. Transform. FALSE
Variant Stress
0 Easy Difficulty FALSE New Generation FALSE

Hey everyone! Kota1908 here. I wanna give a special thanks to everyone who helped me get this sheet made! Worm, Ferh
you! And my assistant, Cameron, thanks so much for taking on helping me out! AkumaMatat, your help with data entry wa
helped this sheet reach even greater heights! Also, let me add special thanks to King Arthur, who helped make the "default ch
Universe. And of course, big thanks to each and every one of

If you want to report a bug in the sheet, please leave a comment on the sheet where you found the
Transformation Settings Talent Settings
Reincarnated Power Ascended Form Attributes Willpower Prof. Enhanced Reflexes
Past Life ToP Alternate Form Attribute Advantageous Scale Heroic Style
Magic Warrior
Agility Score Pacifistic Intelligence
Arch. Focus
Force Score Small Scale Structure
Arch. Focus
Tenacity Score Large Scale Structure
Insight Score Android Fusion
Ult. Com. Fav.
Spirit Score Evil Aura
Monster Form Neo-Tuffle Possession
Agility Is Possessing FALSE
Force P. Base AG Mod God Aura
Tenacity P. Base FO Mod Custom Species Tra
Scholarship P. Base SP Mod
Insight P. Base Size ###
P. Base Soak
Spirit ###
Personality Monstrous Persona ###
Reduced Attr. 1
Power 1
Monstrous Attr. 1
Power 2 Reduction
Mutating Beast Reduced Attr. 2
Attr. 2
Master's Sheet Reduction
Increased Attr. 1 Misc Settings
Increased Attr. 2 Size Override
nt and Optional Rules Settings
Other Variant
Fighting Styles FALSE Power Limit FALSE Agility
Other Variant OtherRule
Gravity 0 Force
Variant Rule
Horse Eating
Rule Rules

et this sheet made! Worm, Ferhargo, and Vinesauce, this sheet would not have reached its initial completion without
atat, your help with data entry was a huge timesaver for me, thank you! And Drac, your skill, vision, and enthusiasm
who helped make the "default character images" for us! And a huge shoutout to Andreavnn, who created Dragon Ball
g thanks to each and every one of you using this sheet!

on the sheet where you found the bug at. I will try to fix bugs at my earliest convenience.

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