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Name: Kim Ivan R.

Sumagaysay Date: 04/26/23

Teacher: Catherine De Loyola
Famous American author Flannery O'Connor was born in 1925 in Savannah, Georgia. She is regarded
as one of the most significant writers of the 20th century and a master of the Southern Gothic subgenre. Her
powerful religious themes and astute observations about human nature are what make O'Connor's writing so
renowned. O'Connor was brought up as a devoted Catholic, and her beliefs had a significant impact on her
writing. She frequently discussed religious topics in her short tales and novels, such as sin, grace, and the evil
that humans are capable of. O'Connor's characters frequently experience moral conundrums and religious doubt.
Wise Blood, O'Connor's debut book, was released in 1952. The story centers on Hazel Motes, a young guy
trying to start his own religion. Although the book wasn't first well-liked, it is now regarded as a Southern
Gothic literature masterpiece. The Violent Bear It Away, written by O'Connor, is his most well-known work and
was released in 1960. The story centers on a young guy who struggles to balance his moral convictions and his
religious beliefs. A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge are two collections of
short stories that O'Connor also wrote. Despite having a brief life, O'Connor had a significant impact on
American literature. Her works have been adapted for theater and film, and they are frequently researched in
academic circles. Throughout her life, she was honored with various accolades, including the National Book
Award for Fiction. The works of Flannery O'Connor are still in demand and still applicable today. Her writing
serves as an effective reminder of the nuanced character of human nature and the potency of salvation.
In her short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," Flannery O'Connor offers a poignant glimpse into the
life of a family on a road trip gone wrong. The story demonstrates the conflict between the grandmother's high
moral vision and the horrible realities of violence and death. O'Connor's use of symbolism and imagery leaves
the reader with an uneasy sense. The grandmother is the protagonist of the tale, and as it goes on, her flaws are
revealed. She is arrogant and cunning, attempting to get her way by lying and feigning remorse. Her apparent
religious beliefs are at odds with her obsession with social status and external beauty. She was adamant about
visiting the plantation where her family had a run-in with The Misfit and his minions is the result of a series of
events that begin when she sees a house from her youth. The Misfit, a hardened criminal who converses
philosophically with the grandmother before killing her and her family, is a complicated character as well. The
grandmother's assumptions about human nature and morals are called into question by the Misfit's worldview.
He claims that there is no actual distinction between criminals and law-abiding citizens. He sees himself as a
sort of martyr, reviled by the community for his wrongdoing. O'Connor does not spare the details of the brutal
and genuine violence in the novel. During the scene where The Misfit and his grandmother and her family are
brutally murdered by thugs. The brutal reality of mortality and the impermanence of human existence are left
for the reader to contemplate.
A good man is hard to find, and it’s a phrase that I’ve come to appreciate more and more as I’ve grown older.
Growing up, I was surrounded by amazing people; my family, friends and teachers were all incredibly
supportive and encouraging, and I truly thought the world was full of good people. However, as I’ve gotten
older, I’ve come to realize that finding a genuinely good person isn’t as easy as it seemed. It’s not that I’ve
encountered many bad people in my life, but rather that I’ve come to understand that people can be selfish,
judgmental, and generally unpleasant. I’ve come to realize that it’s not easy to find someone who is truly kind,
compassionate, and understanding. It’s not easy to find someone who is patient and willing to take the time to
understand the complexities of life. This has changed my outlook on life and made me appreciate the good
people in my life even more. I’m grateful for the people I know who are truly kind, generous, and
understanding. They are the ones who make life more enjoyable and remind me that there are still good people
out there. I also think this phrase has helped me to become a better person. I now strive to be a good person and
treat others with respect and kindness. I make an effort to be understanding and compassionate, and to make
sure that the people around me feel appreciated and cherished. Overall, I think the phrase “A good man is hard
to find” is an important reminder that good people are not always easy to come by. It has helped me to
appreciate the good people in my life and strive to be a better person.
A Good Man is Hard to Find serves as a timely reminder that finding a "good man" might be challenging.
Characters in the novel lack the information and discernment necessary to tell a good man from a dangerous
criminal, and in the end, this ignorance results in a deadly encounter. The tale serves as a sobering reminder that
it is challenging to discover a nice man in a dangerous and shadowy world. Before passing judgment on
someone's character, it's critical to give them the attention they deserve. The moral of A Good Man is Hard to
Find is that while finding a good man may be challenging, it is still worthwhile to look for and welcome those
who are good.

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