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We believe everyone should have access to first

aid and CPR training

FIRST Training course

Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem
• MBBS, Omdurman Islamic University
• M.Sc. in Family Medicine Al-Zaiem Al-Azhari University
• Certified International Trainer in Disaster & prehospital Emergency Medicine from Ministry of
Health Sudan ( FMOH) & Ministry of Health - Turkey

Hello 👋

The good news



Refresh yourself on how to deal with common

injuries or problems requiring First Aid



All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Baby Azra, 14 days old, safe
in the arms of a member of
UMKE after 46 hours
under debris
• This course is designed to introduce the participants to various First Aid
measures , techniques & tools that used in provision of First Aid
services which covering mandatory First Aid care for commonly
encountered life-threatening, emergencies.
• Acquiring first aid skills is essential for absolutely any job or role in life.
The basics of first aid must be common knowledge, making this course
crucial to the effective training of candidates. Various important skills are
explored, for instance assessing the scene, as well as focused modules
on different aspects, such as burns , broken bones bleeding & shock

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the participants will be able to:
1. Deliver the highest quality care to patients.
2. What to do for the common, mild, serious, and life – threatening
situations with which they will be faced.
3. Know that the necessity for rapid recognition and urgent intervention
are the main characteristic features of this course.
4. Prioritising injuries and action in an emergency.
5. How to provide immediate medical care in an emergency.
6. How to assess if someone is unconscious, whether or not they are
breathing and how and when to put them into the recovery position or
start CPR.

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem


CPR cardiac arrest shock Epilepsy

syncope burns poisonous
First Aid

bleeding and
heat stroke strain and others

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Lecture No. 1

Introduction to First Aid

Be prepared for any medical emergency and handle it safely and
efficiently. Quickly identify signs and symptoms of a wide range of
medical conditions and learn how to recognize the difference
between a minor injury or illness, and those that are more serious
with this course.

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

• Definition of first aid
• Aims of first aid
• The roles and responsibilities of a first aider
• Calling for emergency help
• Managing an incident
The Definition of First Aid

“Help given to a sick or

injured person until full Includes self-help and home care if
medical treatment is assistance is not available or delayed

“…provision of initial care for An immediate care given to a

an illness or injury” person who has been injured or
suddenly taken

First aid is the immediate assistance given to someone who is ill or injured. In
the vital few minutes before the emergency services arrive basic first aid can
be the difference between life and death.

The term “first aid” refers to the assistance given to anyone suffering a
sudden injury or illness. Its main goals are to preserve life and prevent the
condition from worsening. It is not always performed by medical personnel.
In emergency situations, ordinary people often have to perform first aid to
save someone's life.
First aid does not necessarily require any prior knowledge and can involve
improvisation. However, if the person performing first aid doesn't know what
they are doing, they might hurt instead of helping. That is why we encourage
people to undergo basic first aid training or at least educate themselves using
any available reliable sources.
The Aims of First Aid
There are three main aims when administering first aid:

Preserve life
Prevent worsening of the condition (if possible)
Promote recovery

For example, applying a plaster is preventing the condition

(a cut) from worsening by stopping infection.

These aims are known as the ‘three Ps’ of first aid


The purpose of first aid is to:

• save life

• prevent further injury

• limit infection

• Prolong life

• Remember, first aid is not a substitute for

proper medical treatment

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

When giving first aid to casualty, remember the following:
1. act promptly but calmly.
2. reassure the casualty and gently examine the person to determine the
needed first aid.
3. give lifesaving measures as required
4. DON’T position a victim on his back, if the person is unconscious or the
wound on his/her face or neck
5. DON’T remove clothing from an injured victim by pulling or tearing it off.
6.DON’T touch or try to clean dirty wounds, including burns.
7.DON’T remove dressing and band-ages once they have been put on a

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem


8. DON’T loosen a tourniquet once it has been applied

9.DON’T move a casualty who has a fracture until it has been properly
splinted, unless it is absolutely necessary.
10.DON’T give fluids by mouth to a casualty who is unconscious, nauseated,
or vomiting, or who has an abdominal or neck wound
11.DON’T permit the head of a casualty with a head injury to be lower than
his body.
12.DON’T try to push protruding intestine or brain tissue back into a wound
13.DON’T put any medication on a burn.
14.DON’T administer first aid measures which are unnecessary or beyond
your ability.

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Anyone can be a first aider. The skills are not difficult to learn, and their value
cannot be overestimated. Whether you are busy shopping, looking after
children, playing sport, out and about, or providing first aid as a volunteer or
as part of your job, it is likely that at some point you will encounter someone
who needs first aid.
First aid training is not a one-off process. It requires ongoing practice and
regular refresher training to ensure your knowledge and skills are kept up to

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Roles and Responsibilities of a First Aider
A first aider has various roles and responsibilities. They should:

• Manage the incident and ensure the continuing safety of themselves,

bystanders and the patient
• Assess victims and find out the nature & cause of their injuries
• Arrange for further medical help or other emergency services to attend
• If trained, prioritise casualties based upon medical need
• Provide appropriate first aid treatment as trained
• If able, make notes/observations of casualties
• Fill out any paperwork as required
• Provide a handover when further medical help arrives

As a first aider you should:

• Be calm in your approach
• Be aware of risks to yourself and others
• Build and maintain trust with all those involved in an incident
• Give early treatment
• Call for appropriate help
• Remember your own needs
The five most common causes of needless death from a lack of first aid
• Choking
• The heart not beating
• Severe bleeding
• Heart attack
• Blocked airway.

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Calling for Emergency Help
In many first aid situations, help from the emergency services will be

Ensure you know the best emergency service number to use.

 Sudan : 999
Calling for Emergency Help
Give clear, precise information about
– The exact location of the incident and any access problems
– The number of casualties / people involved
– The nature of their injuries
– The age of the victims
– Any hazards at the incident (e.g: spilt fuel, fire, electricity)

If the area is remote or difficult to access, consider sending someone

to meet the emergency services.
Incident Management
• Always conduct a risk assessment before rushing into any situation.
Look for any potential hazards to yourself, bystanders or the patient
(e.g: moving traffic, fire & smoke, electricity). Never put yourself or
other bystanders in danger.
• Remember, YOU are the most important person
• If the incident is too dangerous to approach, stay back and await the
arrival of the emergency services.
Incident Management
Think about the photo on the next slide..
Take a few minutes to discuss:
1) How would you manage this incident?
2) What dangers are present or could be present?
3) What should your first action be?
Incident Management
Incident Management
Potential hazards in this situation:
• Moving vehicles
• Oil or fuel spillage
• Broken glass
• Undeployed airbags
• Risk of fire or explosion
Infection Control
Various diseases can be transmitted via blood and body fluids (for
example HIV and Hepatitis B & C)

If possible, always wear disposable gloves when dealing with bodily fluids

HOWEVER: This is not always practical! In an emergency situation you

can improvise and use anything to create a barrier. e.g: a plastic carrier

Ensure any cuts/open injuries to your hands are covered with waterproof
plasters or dressings.

Wash your hands with soap and running warm water whenever possible
Infection Control
Effective handwashing is
vital to reduce the risk of
transmitting infection

First aid reference guide How to

respond to emergency situations

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

Take home message

All copy rights reserved to Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem

‫هواتف وأرقام الطوارئ‬

‫الجهة‬ ‫أرقام االتصال‬

‫اإلسعاف المركزي (والية الخرطوم)‬ ‫‪333‬‬
‫شرطة النجدة‬ ‫‪999‬‬
‫رقم مركز المعلومات الدوائية (وزارة الصحة والية الخرطوم)‬ ‫‪4141‬‬
‫الدفاع المدني‬ ‫‪998‬‬
‫شرطة المرور‬ ‫‪777‬‬
‫طوارئ الكهرباء‬ ‫‪4848‬‬
‫اإلمدادات الطبية‬ ‫‪5959‬‬
‫نقاط يجب أن تتذكرها عزيزي المسعف !‬
‫‪ .‬الخطأ أحياناً ال يعني قلة المعرفة ولكن قلة التركيز‬
‫‪ .‬تصرف بسرعة ‪ ،‬هدوء وطريقة صحيحة‬
‫‪ .‬امنح المصاب الثقة واالطمئنان وأظهر اإلهتمام بحالته وتكلم معه واستمع له‬
‫‪ .‬ال تحرك المصاب من مكان اإلصابة ما لم تكن هناك خطورة محدقة به‬
‫بما أنه توجد دائمًا مخاطرة صغيرة من حاالت اإلسعاف ‪،‬‬
‫فينبغي لك أن تمارس دائمًا عملك اإلسعافي ‪.‬‬
‫عند أدنى‬
‫حد معقول‬
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