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Week 1
1. 13
2. 4.1
3. box 1,3,6,7,9
4. 1.6
5. 120
6. Northeast
7. Acos(deg) & Asin(deg) (Formula because diff values) and A is acceleration, I
8. 9.54*10^-15
9. 2000000000
10. 3000000000
11. 10^21

Week 2
1. 2
2. 2.6x10^9
3. Faster than 100 kph
4. Formula: Given velocity multiply it to two. Then divide by three. Lastly multiply
it to three.
5. Each Values Equivalent Answer:
2.1 = (1.3, 39)
1.8 = (1.5, 45)
1.5 = (1.9, 54)
1.2 = (2.3, 68)
6. 3
Week 3
1. 0.58
2. 1.6
3. 153
4. 7
5. 8
6. 0
7. sqrt of [ (0.6) (given acceleration) ]
8. 20
9. The direction of the sun changes too rapidly.

Week 4
1. Choices of letter (d, f, g)
2. 940
3. 3.4
4. 1.9*10^-24
5. 2.1
6. 31
7. The mouse will hit the ground with lower speed.
8. 2.94
9. It stays in the glass………….
10. 910
11. 9000
12. 3*10^22
13. The magnitude of the force the earth exerts on the sun equals...

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