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Name: Susmita Basak

Stream: BCA

Semester: 4th Semester

University Roll no: 31801222103

Paper code: GE5B01

Paper Name: Principals Of Management

Main objective of principal of management include goal-oriented,

universal, continuous, multidisciplinary, and dynamic. The main objectives of
management are to achieve organizational goals, ensure growth and stability, enhance
efficiency, develop employees, and adapt to changes effectively. For any organization to
succeed and flourish, management is of utmost significance. Achieving several goals that
boost the business’s overall effectiveness and efficiency is crucial.

 We have managed to gain a comprehensive knowledge on this following topic:

1. Management is an art and science both : It’s a systematic body of knowledge

with universally accepted principles. It’s also an art because it involves applying
knowledge and skills. Management science is the study of problem-solving and
decision-making in organizations. It’s a wide and interdisciplinary study that involves
solving complex problems and making strategic decisions.

2. Management is Universal : Management principles are considered universal

because they can be applied to all types of organizations, regardless of their size,
level, or industry. This includes businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and
more. Management principles can also be applied to all levels of management.
3. Different level of management : The chain of superior-subordinate
relationships is known as the Levels of Management. The three levels of
management are —
a. Top Level Management – It consists of board of directors, chief
executive or managing director.
b. Middle-Level Management – The branch managers and
departmental managers constitute middle level.
c. Lower Level Management –It consists of supervisors, foreman,
section officers, superintendent etc.

To gain better insight on each topic of the study, an assignment is

provided to us. It is evaluated in a convincing manner by letting us to clarify all our
doubts and achieve due momentum on this subject.

The Principles of Management course teaches students how to think like managers and
manage organizations and teams. It also helps students understand the changing business
environment and the role of ethics, social responsibility, and environmental issues. The course
also helps students understand the basic concepts, principles, and theories of management. It
orients learners towards a basic understanding of managerial functions like:

 Planning
 Organizing
 Staffing
 Motivation
 Communication
 Controlling
 Supervision.

This paper Principles of Management benefits us a lot in every aspect. Moreover, it

makes us inclined to understand what our career demands. It is better to acknowledge that this
paper abridges the gap between the academic world and professional life. In a nutshell, it
reinstates a balance in our life by bringing equilibrium to succeed in the long run professionally.

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