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1. What if you went on a date with someone who told you they exclusively
listened to cumbias?

I would wait until the date was over and I would leave.

2. What if you could speak to one deceased loved one? What would you say
to him or her?

I would telk her to take care of my from heaveen

3. What if you could change one thing about yourself? Phisically and
psychologically. What would you change?

I would change my physical appearance, with a few kilos less and a more
defined figure.

4. What if you could change the ending to one show or movie? What show or
movie? How would you change it?

I would change the ending of the movie I before you, the man who dies I
would let him live and be happy despite being paraplegic.

5. What if you had superpowers? What superpowers would you like to have?

I would like to have the power to be invisible, because I could enter a bank
and withdraw money, I would be a millionaire.

6. What if I said something that hurt your feelings? What would you do?

If you hurt my feelings I would start crying.

7. What if you had your own reality show? What would it be called and what
would it be about?

My reality show would be called shopping and would show the things I like
to buy like clothes and beauty products.

8. What if somebody offered you a million dollars to stay in a haunted house

overnight? Would you go for it? Why?

Yes, she would do it for the money, even if she is very afraid.
9. What if you did not have to study anymore? What would you do?

If I didn't have to study, I would work on traveling to buy luxury products

and sell them in Chile.

10.If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do? Why?

I would listen to the conversations of those close to me to find out if they are
talking about me.

11.If you were going to a desert island, what three things would you take with
you? Why?

I would bring flashlights, water and food.

12.If you could be an animal, what animal would you like to be? Why?

I would like to be a parrot so I can fly, travel and sing.

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