Activity-03 Revised

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1. Digitize vector point data (at least 10 points covering entire toposheet region). Preferably
two hospitals, two schools, two colleges and so on. Develop attribute for the digitised.
points. The attribute table should contain: ID, Point Name, Latitude, and Longitude.
Provide screenshot of the attribute table developed.

2. Digitize vector line data (at least 8-line features covering entire toposheet region).
Preferably two roads, two rivers and other two important linear features. Develop attribute
for the digitized lines. The attribute table should contain: ID, Line Name, Length (to be
calculated from map calculator). Provide screenshot of the attribute table developed.
3. Digitize vector polygon data (atleast 8 polygon features covering entire toposheet region).
Preferably two government buildings, two lakes and other two polygon features. Develop
attribute for the digitized polygons. The attribute table should contain: ID, poly_Name,
Area (to be calculated from map calculator). Provide screenshot of the attribute table

5. Create a map layout for tasks4 and add map elements such as: Title, north arrow, scale bar,
lat-long extents.

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