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Once when I was in grade five, I and my friend go to

the supermarket to bought some toys by ourself

since our mothers did not bought it for us. When
we enter the mall, we nearly have a heat shock
because we just cycle to the mall under the hot sun
and the mall was pretty cold at that time. But what
could we do, we had cycle a long way to get here so
we could not go back before finnish shopping. After
a while, we were used to the cool air in the mall and
think it is no big deal. When we get out, we get
another heat shock! After getting two heat shock in
like three hours, both me and my friend get sick so
we have to skip school for two days! That is why
you need to listen to your mother because before I
leave, she told me to bring a fan with us, and she
also warn me about the heat shock but I did not
listen to her.

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