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Question 4

Privacy: AI systems can collect and process vast amounts of personal data, raising
concerns about privacy. It is important to ensure that individuals have control over their
personal data and that AI systems are designed to protect privacy.
Surveillance: AI systems can be used for surveillance purposes, such as facial recognition
technology. This raises concerns about the potential for abuse and infringement of civil
Bias or discrimination: AI systems can perpetuate bias and discrimination if they are
trained on biased data or if they are designed with biased algorithms. It is important to
ensure that AI systems are designed to be fair and unbiased.
Human judgment: AI systems can make decisions that have significant consequences for
individuals, such as in the criminal justice system. It is important to ensure that human
judgment is involved in decision-making processes and that individuals have the right to
challenge decisions made by AI systems.
Morality: AI raises questions about the morality of creating intelligent machines. There
are concerns about the potential for AI to become autonomous and act in ways that are
not aligned with human values. It is important to consider ethical implications when
designing and deploying AI systems.

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