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Old plaque color on soprocare :-

- yellow

2. one of the effective method of retraction :-

- using only mirror to reflect lip & cheek

3. manifestations of leukemia :-
- gingival enlargement &bleeding

4. suprabony pocket :-
- with horizontal bone resorption

5. The enzyme that is responsible for increasing gingival

permeability is :
- Hyaluronidase

6. Stain occur in children is :-

- Green stain

7. non metalic stain :-

- Tannin

8. Stain is
- aesthetic problem
- external surface

9. CEJ relationship 60% to 65 % of cases :

- cementum overlaps enamel

10. Ankylosis is :
- fusion of cementum and alveolar bone with obliteration of pdl

11. Which of the following is true regarding tooth mobility :

- Normal pathologic condition occurs with aging
- it is greatist at night and decreases gradually
- Single rooted teeth have more mobility than multi rooted teeth
12. Which of the following is true regarding Sounding :
- Doesn't need local anesthesia
- Inserting periodontal probe until its tip reaches crest of alveolar

13. D2 type of furcation involvement means :

- Horizontal loss of tissue exceeding 1/3 of tooth width but not
encompassing total width of furcation area

14. Dorsum of tongue covered by :

- Specialized mucosa

15. In the coronal direction the coral pink gingiva terminates in :

- Free gingival groove
- Mucogingival junction
- Free gingival margin

16. It's firm coral pink and often shows fine surface stippling like
orange peel :
- Attached gingiva

17. Interdental papillae in anterior region are :

- Of pyramidal form

18. Affected teeth show red fluorescence under UV light :

- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria

19. In type II dentinal dysplasia :

- Crescentic pulp chamber
- Obliteration of pulp chamber
- Thistle shaped pulp chamber

20. Gracey curettes 13-14 used in :

- Posterior teeth : distal

21. Halitosis :
- Foul or offensive odor emanating from oral cavity

22. Attrition :
- Occlusal wear from functional contacts with opposing teeth
23. Cells involved in innate immunity :
- Endothelial cells
- Epithelial cells
- Neutrophils
- All of above

24. Bacteria involved in primary colonization :

- Facultative aerobic G+ rods
- Facultative anerobic G- cocci
- Facultative aerobic G- rods
- Facultative anerobic G+ cocci

25. Regarding theories of calculus mineralization :

- Rise in saturation degree of ca and p ions
- Heterogenous nucleation
- Both
- None of above

26. The following are cytokines except :

- Interleukines
- Interferon
- Tumor necrotizing factor (TNF)
- non of the above

27. The main form of crystals in calculus :

- Hydroxyapatite

28. more common crystal in posterior area :

- Magnesium whitlockite

29. Newer whitening toothpaste :

- Peroxide

30. Type of probe not used during examination :-

- Michigan O probe
- Marquis color coded probe
- DNA probe
- None of the above

31. Best technique for instrumentation of max posterior teeth :-

- Intraoral Finger on finger
-Extraoral finger rest
- a&b
32. initial colonisers of bacteria is :-
- Viscousus

33. Tetracycline administrated to 8 years old patient causes :-

- discolouration
- hypoplasia
- a&b
- none of the above

34. generalized aggressive periodontitis :-

- At least involve three teeth rather than first moalr and incisor

35. Formation of dental pellicle from :-

- derived from saliva
- colonization
- mineralizations
- absorption

36. refers to soft accumulations of bacteria, food matter and

desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes that lack the organized
structure of D.P.
- Materia alba

37. Are the portions of the principal fibers which are embedded in the
root cementum and in the alveolar bone :-
- Sharpey's fibers
38. The junctional epithelium is attached to the tooth by :-
- Hemidesmosome
- Basal lamina
- Nasmyth's membrane
- Desmosomes

39. Furcation is measured by :-

- Naber's probe
- Fluoride probe
- CPITN Probe O
- Miller's probe

40. Which of the following is the most widely recommended tool for
removing plaque from proximal tooth surfaces :-
- Interdental brushes.
- Wodden picks.
- Dental floss.
- The Rubber tips.

41. According to classification of severity of level of attachment loss :-

- Very sever: more than 5 mm of attachment loss
- Mild: 1-2 mm of attachment loss
- Moderate: 2-4 mm of attachment loss
- Severe: equal to 5 mm of attachment loss

42. Which of the following tooth-paste ingredients interact and

inactivate chlorehexidine :-
- Coloring agents/pigments
- Hydrated silica
- Anionic detergents.
- Flavoring agents.

43. After 4 to 7 days, what type of cells you would find predominately
in gingivitis :-
- Plasma cell
- Leukocytes
- Mast cells
- lymphocyte
44. Starting of plaques mineralization in :-
- 2-3 weeks
- 1-14 days
- Two days
- 12 days

45. The redness of early gingivitis most likely caused by :-

- Overproduction of collagen fibers
- Hyperkeratinization of the epithelium
- Proliferation and dilation of blood vessels
- Necrosis of connective tissue

46. Localized angular bony defects, associated with incisors and first
molars :-
- Localized chronic periodontitis.
- Localized aggressive periodontitis.
- Recurrent periodontitis

47. The onset of chronic periodontitis occurs at :-

- Anytime
- Adulthood
- Adolescence
- Childhood

48. Medications that modify gingival diseases include all the following
except :-
- Phenytoin
- Oral contraceptives
- Cyclosporine
- Tetracycline

49. One of those is not used locally :-

- Doxycycline
- Metronidazole
- Augmentin
- Minocycline

50. Which of the following is not a factor influencing the selection of

the type of dental floss :-
- Roughness of proximal surfaces.
- Size of the tooth.
- Manual dexterity.
- Tightness of tooth contacts.

51. Which of the following bacteria is not primarily a later/secondary

colonize of plaque :-
- Capnoctyophaga spp.
- Streptococcus Sanguis.
- F. Nucleatum.
- Porphyromonas Gingivalis.

52. Regional lymph node enlargement is present with :-

- Pemphigoid.
- Lichen planus.
- Pemphigus vulgaris.
- Acute pericoronitis.

53. The number of walls that destroyed in the one wall defects are :-
- Two
- Three
- One
- Four

54. All of the following are contraindications for root planing except :-
- Recession
- Root caries
- Erosion and/or abrasion
- Deficient or overhanging margins of amalgam restorations

55. Which of the following are not among the various types of dental
floss :-
- Soft or hard.
- Twisted or non-twisted
- Thick or thin.
- Waxed or unwaxed.

56. Which of the following is the only antibiotic in periodontal therapy

to which all strains of A. actinomycetemcomitans are susceptible
- Ciprofloxacin,
- Macrolides.
- Tetracycline.
- Amoxicillin.
57. The most primary treatment of ANUG in HIV patient is :-
- Debridement and antimicrobial rinses
- Flap surgery
- Prescribe antibiotics
- Gingivoplasty

58. In calculus formation, the epitaxic concept is one of the theories.

Which of the following is true :-
- Mineralization occurs when calcium and phosphate content is
- The amorphous materials would convert to calcium phosphate
and hydroxy phosphate
- The presence of matrix would start initiate formation of nucleus
- Increase in the pH of the saliva causes precipitation of calcium
phosphate salts.

59. Which of the following is the gold standard in chemical plaque

control :-
- Chlorehexidine.
- Pyrophosphate.
- Triclosan.
- Listerine.

60. Which is the correct order of the inflammation spread in

horizontal........ bone loss: 1. Alveolar bone 2. Periodontal ligament
space 3. The gingival connective tissue :-
- 2,1,3
- 1, 2 and 3
- 3,2,1
- 3,1,2

61. Which of the following is a periodontal pathogen :-

- A. viscosus
- S. mutans
- S. sanguis
- P. gingivitis

62. The (V) shaped space that encircles the tooth and present between
tooth and gingiva is known as :-
- Interdental papilla
- Gingival sulcus
- Attached gingiva
- Free gingiva
63. The junctional epithelium is attached to the tooth by :-
- Hemidesmosome
- Basal lamina
- Nasmyth's membrane
- Desmosomes

64. Cementum :-
- Is acellular in the apical third of the tooth
- Is derived from the sheath of Hertwig's
- Often overlaps the enamel
- Does not contain collagen fibers

65. Candidal infection of gingival in HIV infected patients, presents as

erythema of :-
- Gingival sulcus
- Interdental papilla
- Gingival margin
- Attached gingival

66. Side effects of chlorhexidine all the following except :-

- Bitter taste.
- Internal stain of teeth.
- Loss of taste sensation for short period of time after application.
- Less commonly CHX causes mucosal erosion.

67. To reduce the risk of bone loss around second molars, partially or
completely impacted third molars should be :-
- Extracted as early as possible in their development
- Extracted in patients older than their early twenties.
- Leave it
- Extracted after the roots are formed

68. When scaling and root planing is done, the primary objective of
the procedure is :-
- Cause shrinkage of the gingival tissue
- Create glass like root surfaces
- Restore the gingival tissue to health
- Remove all cementum

69. Gingival recession is most commonly due to :-

- Trauma from occlusion
- Defective contacts
- Toothbrush trauma

70. All of the following are keratinized except of :-

- Palatal epithelium
- Crevicular epithelium
- Attached gingiva
- Free gingiva

71. Apical migration of the epithelial attachment followed by atrophy

of marginal gingiva at the same level results in
- Periodontal pocket recession
- True pocket
- Gingival cleft
- False periodontal pocket

72. (Which of the following is true regarding about (Desquamative

gingivitis :-
- Is related to nutritional disturbance.
- Is frequently caused by lichen planus.
- It is caused by hormonal imbalance.
- Is seen only at or after menopause.

73. In deep older plaque :-

- Actinomyces are completely replaced by Streptococci
- Streptococci and Actinomyces are replaced by rod-like organism
- Streptococci, Actinomyces and Veilonella remain prominent
- Streptococci are completely replaced by Neisseria

74. Pellicle formation involves :-

- Adsorption of acidic glycoproteins from saliva
- Bacterial colonization
- Focal areas of mineralization
- Focal areas of necrosis

75. A child with permanently stained teeth reports, he was most

probably administered :-
- Diphenhydramine
- Digoxin
- Diphenyl hydration
- Doxycycline
76. The organism least likely to be found in normal gingival crevices is
- Fusobacterium
- Diptheroids
- Actinomyces
- Streptococol

77. Biological width means :-

- Distance from the of the papilla to the base of the sulcus
- Distance from marginal gingiva to mucogingival junction
- Sum of connective tis and junctional epithelium
- Distance from incisal edge of the tooth to mucogingival junction

78. Which of the following tooth brushing techniques is advised

during post periodontal plastic surgery and in cases of recession :-
- Modified Stillman's technique.
- Bass technique.
- Fones technique.
- Leonard technique.

79. The causative microorganism for herpetic gingivostomatitis is :-

- Herpes simplex virus
- Borrelia vincentii
- Herpes zoster virus
- Herpes simplex bacteria

80. In a mature supragingival plaque, which type of the following

bacteria predominates at the outer surface :-
- Both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
- Only aerobic cocci.
- Gram negative bacteria.
- Gram positive bacteria

81. The enzyme that increases the permeability of the gingiva is :-

- Hyaluronidase.
- Acid phosphatase.
- Bradykinin
- Alkaline phosphatase.

82. The gingival enlargement that associated with Leukemia is caused

by :-
- Fibrosis
- Excessive infiltration of blood cells
- Hypertrophy of fibroblast
- Underlying bony or dental tissue lesion

83. Inflammatory changes, involving the soft tissue and bone

surrounding an implant, are diagnosed as :-
- Periimplantitis.
- Periimplant gingivitis.
- Periimplant mucositis.
- Periimplant periodontitis

84. Several approaches have been suggested to increase the fixation of

professionally applied topical fluoride, which of the following
statements is incorrect regarding increasing the fixation :-
- Increase the exposure time to topical fluoride
- Use NH4F rather than NaF at a lower PH
- Raise the PH of the fluoride solution
- Increase concentration of fluoride in solutions

85. A six mm pocket is measured in which the junctional epithelium

lies apical to the cement-enamel junction. How it is correctly
described :-
- Suprabony pocket.
- True pocket
- Relative pocket
- Pseudo pocket

86. In testing for mobility, which of the following statement is true :-

- Only lateral mobility is significant in diagnosis and treatment of
chronic inflammatory periodontal disease
- Heavy pressure must sometimes be used to test mobility
- During the periodontal examination each tooth should be tested
individually for hypermobility
- Reliance on radiograph is essential

87. Treatment of the false pocket by :-

- Osseous surgery
- Periodontal regeneration procedures.
- Gingivectomy
- Periodontal flap procedures

88. Periodontal fibers which are most resistant to forces along the long
axis :-
- Oblique
- Trans-septal
- Alveolar crest
- Apical

89. Breakdown of periodontal fibers in periodontitis is due to bacterial

enzyme :-
- Collagenase
- Hyaluronidase
- Coagulase
- None of the above

90. Pellicle formation involves :-

- Adsorption of acidic glycoproteins from saliva
- Focal areas of mineralisation
- Focal areas of necrosis
- Bacterial colonisation

91. Lamina dura is the external plate of dental socket formed by

compacted :-

92. In the initial lesion, the first microscopically tissue changes occur
after 2-4 days of plaque accumulation, vascular changes have been
observed beneath the junctional epithelium :-

93. In periodontal disease, the radiographs show the amount of bone

lost :-

94. The tumor that occur during pregnancy is giant cell granuloma :-

95. Gingival stippling provide mechanical reinforcement :-


96. Cementum found on the cervical third of the root is acellular

afibrillar cementum :-
97. The stabilized CPP-ACP prevents the dissolution of calcium and
phosphate ions and maintains a supersaturated solution of
bioavailable calcium and phosphates :-

98. Biofilm protects the bacteria from the antimicrobial agents :-


99. To detect internal crater, the probe should be placed obliquely

from both facial and lingual surfaces, so as to explore the deepest
point of the pocket located beneath the contact point :-

100. The color of the normal gingiva of the deciduous dentition

Coral pink

101. Col not be present if there is a large space between two teeth
or there is notable gingival recession :-

102. The most common oral fungal infection is candidiasis,

caused by infection with Treponema pallidum :-

103. In periodontal membrane, epithelial rests of Malaise cells

you can find :-

104. The deepening of gingival sulcus that occurs as a result of

destruction of the supporting periodontal tissues is known as a
pseudopoket :-

105. Isolated areas in which the root is denuded of bone and the
root surface so covered only by periosteum and overlying gingiva
are termed fenestrations, In these instances marginal bone is intact
106. NUG patient rinses his mouth every 2 hours with a glassful
of an equal mixture of warm water and 3% of H2O2 & Twice-daily
rinses with CHX are also very effective :-

107. Two types of bristle material are used in tooth brushes,

natural bristles from hogs and artificial filaments made of nylon.
Both remove microbial plaque, but natural bristle brushes vastly
predominate in the market :-

108. Nutritional deficiencies initiate gingivitis and periodontal

pockets :-

109. Fibrotic tissue is the firm, nodular tissue that occurs with
periodontitis :-

110. Periodontal pockets are inflammatory lesions and constantly

undergoing repair. Complete healing does not occur because of
persistence of bacterial attack which continues to stimulate an
inflammatory response causing degeneration of new tissues
elements formed during the continuous effort at repair :-

111. In severe chronic periodontitis, the attachment loss should

be more than Amm:-

112. Bright red, swollen, and bleeding gingival are due to

deficiency of vitamin :-

113. Patients must be informed that periodic assessment &

debridement of the teeth in the dental office are required to
prevent recurrence of PPD and identify problems that may arise :-

114. Calcium phosphate is the main inorganic component of

calculus :-
115. Lipopolysaccharide may cause neutropenia, bone resorption
and toxic to fibroblasts

116. Perio-chip is controlled release of chemotherapeutic agent

placed in periodontal pockets following root planing :-

117. Gingiva is a part of the soft tissue in the mouth that covers
the alveolar bone of the jaws, which is the only part of
periodontium visible in a healthy mouth :-

118. In a site, where inflammation is present, clinical attachment

level is used to clinically differentiate between gingivitis and
periodontitis :-

119. In grade one furcation involvement, 1/3 bone destruction in

bucco-lingual direction :-

120. Gingival diseases of specific bacterial origin induced by

exogenous bacterial infection other than common component of
dental plaque :-

121. NovaMin particles bind to the tooth surface and react with
the water release calcium and phosphate ions. These ions are
protected by gla particles. A calcium phosphate layer then forms
hydroxyapatite. Vocclusion of dentinal tubules results from the
hydroxyapatite layer and the residual NovaMin particles :-

122. Yeaple probe is electronic pressure sensitive device, which is

a pressure controlled periodontal probe. It can apply a force of 10-
70 grams if the maximum force (70 gm) is applied without
discomfort, tooth scored as non-sensitive

123. Oral epithelium fused with reduced epithelium to form

junctional enamel epithelium :-
124. When recommending a particular toothbrush, ease of use by
the patient and the perception that the brush works well are
important considerations. The effectiveness of brushes depend to a
great degree on how the brushes are used :-

125. Periodontal pocket that occurs when there is vertical bone

loss: JE is located apical to the crest of the alveolar bone infrabony
pocket :-

126. The periodontal ligament in a teeth without use appear to be

wide :-

127. Corncob formations have been observed between rod-

shaped bacterial cells (e.g. F. nucleatum) that form the inner core
of the structure and coccal cells (e.g. streptococci or P. gingivalis)
that attach along the surface of the rod-shaped cell, in
supragingival plaque :-

128. Clindamycin can reduce collagen and bone destruction


129. Inactive lesions may show little bleeding on probing and

minimal amounts of gingival fluid :-

130. Studies have shown that repeated subgingival scaling and

root planing in initially normal periodontal sites result in
significant loss of attachment :-

131. Irrigation can be supragingival or subgingival. Daily

supragingival irrigation with a dilute antiseptic, chlorhexidine, for
3 months resulted in significant reductions in bleeding and
gingivitis compared with water irrigation and chlorhexidine rinse
controls :-
132. Opsonization is referred to the process of coating a particle
with recognizable molecules to enable phagocytic ingestion :-

133. Gingival abscess is a lesion of the marginal or interdental

gingiva, usually produced by an impacted foreign object :-

134. Plasma cell are terminal cells in the progression from T-

lymphocyte :-

135. The majority of pockets in most adults with periodontitis are

active disease sites :-

136. During the applying hypertonic fluid on the dentine the

transmission of fluid through tubules will be from inside to outside
137. infrabony pocket :-
- vertical loss

138. stippling appearance in :-

- AttachedGigava

139. predominant fibers in gingiva C.T? Collagen :-

- sharpey fibers

140. cementum feature :-

- Mineralized,no innervation,doesn’t undergo root resolution or

141. Ankylosis :-
- Fused cementum and Alveolar bone

142. predominant bacteria which form plaque initially :-

- facultativeG+ cocci

143. nonspecific plaque hypothesis :-

- Clinical tratement base on it

144. difference between sub and supragingeval :-

- Ratio of Ca. To phosphate higher subgingavally

145. theories of mineralization :-

- Salt prescription + heterogeneous nucleotion

146. cells of Established phase :-

- Plasma cells

147. interferon is :-
- Cytokines

148. Matrix metalloprotinase :-

- Enzyme

149. Generalized periodontics :-

- Effect 3 tooth rather then molar and inciors
150. severe chronic periodontitis :-
-≤ 5

151. localized chronic periodontitis :-

- <30%

152. cause of necrotic gingivitis :-

- Bacteria

153. halitosis :-
- Foul or offensive odor

154. Attriaton :-
- Occlusal wear

155. Deeping gingival sulcus to junctional epithelium :-

- Furcation involvment D2

156. Used for inner surface of root :-

- Quentin furaction curette

157. After 5 curette it become :-

- Longer shank

158. Commonly used stroke :-

- None of above

159. Angle of root scaling :-

- More than 45

160. Instrument stabilization :-

- Grasping

161. Pigment violet light :-

- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria

162. Stain in child :-

- Green

163. Metallic stain :-

- Tannin
164. Periodontitis population :-
- 5-20%

165. ginigival pocket :-

- there are two types based on the junctional epithelium location

166. iatrogenic trauma to the gingiva :-

- effect of cement during orthodontics

167. is the distance between the base of the pocket and a fixed
point on the crown such as the cementoenamel junction (CEJ).it
measured by periodontal probe :-
- The level of attachment

168. The dorsum of tongue covered by :-

- specialised mucosa

169. coral pink and often shows a fine surface stippling :-

- attached gingiva

170. anterior regions of dentition the I.D.P. is :-

- of pyramidal form

171. the portions of the principal fibers which are embedded in

the root cementum and in the alveolar bone :-
- Sharpey’s fibers

172. Root cementum :-

- Is a specialized mineralized tissue covering the root surfaces and
- contains blood or lymph vessels, has no innervation
- undergo physiologic resorption or remodeling
- non of above

173. 60% to 65% of cases :-

- Cementum overlaps the enamel.

174. Ankylosis :-
- Is fusion of Cementum and alveolar bone with obliteration of PL.

175. in day 7 :-
- 40% of bacteria is G+ve
- 40% is G-ve.
- none

176. Initial colonization :-

- Actinomyces viscosus.


- Color & texture alteration of the gingiva.
- Horizontal & \ or vertical decrease in alveolar bone height.
- Widening of P.L space

178. Conventional clinical diagnostic tools :-

- Changes in color and contour of the gingival tissues are
indicative of pathologic changes within the gingiva.
- Periodontal probing used to determine pocket depth and clinical
attachment levels.
- Bleeding on probing is indicative of periodontal inflammation.
- all of above

179. Attrition :-
- Is occlusal wear resulting from functional contacts with opposing

180. is the distance between the base of the pocket and a fixed
point on the crown such as the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) :-
-The level of attachment

181. D2 :-
- Horizontal loss of supporting tissues exceeding 1\3 of tooth width
but not encompassing the total width of furcation area.

182. Retraction provides :-

- visibility
- accessibility
- a&b
- none

183. strokes are used most frequently :-

- Vertical

184. correct angulation for scaling and root planing :-

- Less than 45 degrees
- More than 90 degrees
- none
185. Smokers less gingival bleeding That could be explained by
the fact that -nicotine exerts local vasoconstriction :-
- reducing blood flow
- edema
- all of above

186. Men who reported being angry on a daily basis had a

••••••higher risk of developing periodontitis compared with men
who reported being angry seldom :-
- 43%

187. Severe periodontitis, which may result in tooth loss, is found

in........of most adult populations :-
- 5–20%

188. newer whitening toothpastes :-

- peroxide

189. (vitamin C) deficiency all true except :-

- bright red, swollen,bleeding gingiva
- called scurvy

190. NUG :-
- Punch out
- Punch in
- Roll out
- a&c

191. Type of bacteria in initial colonization :-

- faculative aerobic Ge - rods
- faculative aerobic Ge+ rods
- faculative anaerobic Ge -rods
- anaerobic Ge+ cocci

192. The newer whitening toothpastes contain :-

- peroxide

193. the most common and known chemokine :-

- interleukin 8

194. Functions of antibody :-

- All of the above
195. necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is caused by :-
- bacteria

196. cells of innate immunity :-

- endothelial cells
- epithelial cells
- neutrophils

197. one of these is not a cytokine :-

- tumer necrosis factor
- interleukin
- none of the above

198. intial bacteria in plaque :-

- actinomyces viscus

199. inflamed gingiva is red due to :-

- vascular proliferation and dilation

200. D2 of furcation involvement :-

- horizontal loss of periodontal tissue more than 1/3 but not
encompassing the tooth

201. hiv associated gingivitis :-

- erythema of the attached gingiva

202. common finding in leukemia related gingivitis :-

- gingival enlargement and bleeding

203. in gingivostomatitis the infection is preceded by :-

- tonsillitis

204. some medications decrease salivary flow :-

- all

205. calcus is :-
- contributing
- modifiable
206. all of the following cause loss of attachment except :-
- enamel pearls
- palatogingival grooves
- supernumerary cusps
- cervical enamel projection

207. all of the following medications cause gingival diseases

except :-
- phenotine
- cyclosporine
- tetracycline

208. Non metallic discolouration :-

- tannin

209. Discolouration appear red fluorescence under UV light :-

- congenital erythropoietic porphyria

210. Type II dental dysplasia :-

- thistle shape pulp chamber

211. Tetracycline in high dose :-

- both discolouration & hypoplasia

212. Smokers with periodontal disease seem to show less signs of

clinical inflammation and gingival bleeding compared to
nonsmokers due to :
- nicotine exerts local vasoconstriction
- reducing blood flow
- edema
- all the above

213. medications significantly decrease salivary flow :-

- antihypertensives
- narcotic analgesics
- tranquilizers and sedatives
- all the above

214. Function of endotoxin :-

- All of the above

215. MMPs , interferons :-

- cytokines
216. Retraction is :-
- By mirror alone to retract the cheek & lip

217. Type of probe not used during examination :-

- Michigan O probe
- Marquis color coded probe
- DNA probe
- None of the above

218. anterior regions of dentition the I.D.P. is :-

- of pyramidal form

219. Old plaque color on soprocare :-

- yellow

220. one of the effective method of retraction :-

- using only mirror to reflect lip & cheek

221. manifestations of leukemia :-

- gingival enlargement &bleeding

222. suprabony pocket :-

- with horizontal bone resorption

223. The enzyme that is responsible for increasing gingival

permeability is :
- Hyaluronidase

224. Ankylosis :-
- Fused cementum and Alveolar bone with oblitration of pdl

225. Affected teeth show red fluorescence under UV light : -

- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria

226. In type II dentinal dysplasia :-

- Crescentic pulp chamber
- Obliteration of pulp chamber
- Thistle shaped pulp chamber

227. Gracey curettes 13-14 used in :-

- Posterior teeth: distal
228. Halitosis :-
- Foul or offensive odor emanating from oral cavity

229. Attrition :-
- Occlusal wear from functional contacts with opposing teeth

230. Cells involved in innate immunity: -

- Endothelial cells

231. Difference between gracey curette and universal :-

- Gracey one cutting edge universal two
- Gracey offset blade.. universal not offset

232. For removing calculus in :-

- Developmental depressions on the inner aspects of roots we use
Quetin furcation curette

233. after five curette has :-

- Longer shank

234. how can you diagnose preapical abscess :-

- pain on percussion

235. gingival abscess :-

- lesion in the marginal gingival
- associated with foreign body
- both a & b

236. difficulty in chewing in NUG could lead to :-

- vitamin b & c deficiency

237. in NUG patients the seconf visit is after :-

- 1-2 days

238. mechanical clinical test for diagnosing DH :-

- electronic pressure

239. reduction in the height of the marginal gingiva to a location

apical to CEJ :-
- gingival recession

240. most common factor for DH :-

- gingival recession
241. differential diagnosis for DH :-
- cracked tooth
- chipped tooth
- caries
- all

242. etiology for hypersensitivity :-

- abrasion
- cracked tooth
- chipped tooth
- all

243. about..... of people undergo teeth whitening treatment will

experience DH :-
- 80%

244. dentinal fluid makes up :-

- 22%

245. the odontoblastic process are surrounded by :-

- dentinal fluid

246. Protein precipitation :-

- Glutaraldehyde
- Silver nitrate
- Zinc chloride
- all

247. lasers in DH :-
- diode
- CO2
- nd yag
- all

248. It has been shown that toothpastes containing...:-

- potassium nitrate

249. significantly reduced the DH :-

- 5%
250. application of fluoride in high concentrations result in
precipitation of :-
- fluoridated apatite
- calcium fluoride

251. gluma formulated by :-

- 35 HEMA and 5% glutaraldehyde

252. active ingredient in bioglass :-

- Ca
- phsphosilicate
- Na
- all
253. Cementum doesnt meet the enamel in___cases :-
- 5%_10%
- 15%_20%

254. What is the first cell arrive to site of inflammation :-

- neutrophil
- B- lymphocyte
- mast cell
- t - lymphocyte

255. In coronal direction the coral pink color :-

- mucogingival junction
- free gingival groove
- free gingival margin

256. Calculus more present in :-

- upper incsor
- upper canine
- lower 2 Central
- lower molar

257. Lipopolysaccharide :-
- exotoxins
- endotoxin

258. Cellular cementum :-

- after the tooth reach occlusal plane

259. microscopically healthy gingiva :-

- low grade inflammation

260. Detection of calculus except :-

- visual examination
- rough
- visual with ( compressed air)
- light

261. Most important local factor for periodontal disease :-

- calculus
- dental plaque
- tooth mobility
- stain

262. IL-1 associated with chronic periodontitis :-


263. Brown stains are located in the buccal surface of maxillary

anterior teeth and lingual surface of mandibular anterior teeth :-

264. the following cells have phagocytic activity :-

- macrophage

265. Black stains are very common and free of bacteria :-


266. Green stain occur in children , in girls more than boys :-


267. risk factor can be use in cross-sectional and longitudinal

study :-

268. non-smoker have higher level of tannerella forsythia,

p.gingivalis and treponema :-

269. primary etiology for dental disease is :-

- dental plaque

270. Black stain is free from bacteria :-


271. Stage I periodontitis :-

- clinical attachment loss about 1-2mm and radiographic bone loss
less than 15% in the coronal third

272. Theories Regarding the Mineralization of Calculus are :-

- Mineral precipitation results from a local rise in the degree of
saturation of calcium and phosphate ions.
- heterogeneous nucleation
- a&b
273. Oral dryness is a clinical condition often associated with
symptoms of xerostomia :-
- mouth breath
- anti‐parasympathetic
- Sjögrens syndrome
- all above

274. Leukaemia from :-

- malignant proliferation

275. MAC membrane attack complex :-

- c5(6-7-8)9

276. Mammalian recognise LPS through :-

- TLR4

277. Scor of Local gingivitis :-

- BOP 10-> TO -<30

278. Melanocytes :-
- pigment producing cells

279. The dorsum of the tongue, covered by :-

- specialized mucosa

280. Wich of the cells considered as a phagocyts :-

- neutrophils
- Monocyts
- Macrophages
- All above

281. Which one of the following complexes of periodontal

microorganisms is associated with bleeding on probing :-
- Red complex
- Orange complex
- Green complex
- Yellow complex

282. Co-aggregation is mainly predominated by :-

- interaction between gram +ve bacteria
- interaction between gram -ve bacteria
- interaction between gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria
- None of the above
283. Primary colonization of plaque is dominated by :-
- Facultative aerobic gram +ve rods
- Facultative anaerobic gram -ve rods
- Facultative aerobic gram negative cocci
- Facultative anaerobic gram +ve cocci

284. CEJ relationship 60% to 65 % of cases :

- cementum overlaps enamel

285. Pellicle formation involves :-

- Adsorption of acidic glycoproteins from saliva
- Focal areas of mineralisation
- Focal areas of necrosis
- Bacterial colonization
286. The brushing technique which is recommended for areas
with progression gingival recession :-
- Bass method
- Modified stillman
- Charter
- Scrub

287. Sharpening the curette and sickle, the cutting edge should be
at angle :-
- 50-60
- 70-90

288. Chemical agents capable of staining bacterial plaque on the

surfaces of teeth,tongue and gingiva are :-
- disclosing agents
- antimicrobial agents
- antipathogenic agents
- antiadhesive agents

289. The diameter of interdental brush should be :-

- equal to the gingival embrasure to be cleaned
- larger than the gingival embrasure to be cleaned
- smaller than the gingival embrasure to be cleaned
- of any size

290. According to the updated nonspecific plaque hypothesis,

changes from gingival he disease are attributed to the activity of :-
- Exogenous bacteria.
- Dental microbiota
- Periodontal pathogens.
- Indigenous subgingival bacteria

291. The most effective agent that inhibit the growth of

Aggrigatibacter actinomycetemcomitans :-
- Penicillin's
- Ciprofloxacin
- azithromycin
- Tetracycline
292. Subgingival scaling and root planning is done by :-
- Gracey Curette
- Hoe
- Chisel
- Ultrasonic devices

293. The most effective and stable grasp for all periodontal
instruments is :-
- Palm and thumb grasp
- Pen grasp
- Modified pen grasp
- Standard pen grasp

294. Fluorescent microorganisms that cause green stain of the

tooth :-
- Penicillium and Aspergillus
- Actinomyces and Prevotella melaninogenicus
- Serratia marcescens and Elavobacterium lutescens
- Spirochetes and Porphyromonas gingivalis

295. The composition of organic matrix of bone consists of :-

- Osteocalcn
- Osteonectin
- Collagen type I bers
- All of the above

296. Which type of crystal is higher in amount in subgingival

calculus than Supra gingival calculus :-
- hydroxyapatite
- magnesium white-locket
- octacalcum phosphate
- brushit

297. Regarding remission periodontitis :-

- Gingival inflammation associated with BOP score ≥10%, probing
pocket depth ≤ 4mm.
- Gingival inflammation associated with BOP score ≥30%, probing
pocket depth ≤ 4mm.
- Gingival inflammation associated with BOP score ≥10% and less
than 30%.
- Gingival inflammation associated with BOP
298. Pseudo pockets and bleeding on probing at site with 4mm
pocket depth associated with :-
- Stable periodontitis.
- Unstable periodontitis.
- Gingivitis on intact periodontium.
- Gingivitis ond periodontium.

299. The inter dental aid to be used when the embrassure is filled
with inter dental papilla :-
- Dental floss
- Wooden tip
- Plastic tip
- None of the above

300. are the largest group of periodontal fibers :-

- Oblique group
- Alveolar crest group
- Honzontal group
- Apical group

301. At cemento-enamel junction the cementum overlap enamel

in :-
- 30%-35%
- 50%-55%
-4 60%-65%
302.% Hand instruments has advantage over sonic and ultra-sonic
instrumen :-
-4 More efficient in calculus removal
-5%Has tactile sensation
- Less effort, pressure and time
- Minimal soft tissue trauma

303. The most critical element in the calculus :-

- Calcium
- phosphorus
- magnesium
- All
- potassium
304. A concept of "certain species have a disproportional effects
relative to their overall abundance supports an application of the
- Keystone pathogen hypothesis.
- Specific plaque Hypothesis
- Updated non-specific plaque bypothesis
- None of the above

305. In comparison to the newly formed dental plaque, the

bacterial growth in older plaque is:
- Much slower because nutrients are limited in the plaque biomass
- Faster because nutrients are equally distributed
- Equally present
- Nearly absent

306. Metallic black stain is caused by :-

- Iron supplement and iron metalworkers.
- Silver nitrate.
- Potassium containing saliva.
- Copper containing mouthwash.

307. The anaerobic pocket environment represents a key feature

of :-
- Established lesion.
- Advanced lesion
- Early lesion
- None of the above

308. Lateral repostional flap procedure in :-

- high frenal attachment
- shollow vestibule
- gingival recession
- for wider attached gingiva

309. Bottom of the pocket is apical to the crest of the alveolar

bone :-
- Gingival pocket
- Suprabony pocket
- Infrabony pocket
- False pocket
310. The major component of acellular cementum :-
- Intrinsic collagen
- Extrinsic collagen
- Cementoblasts
- Sharpey's fibers

311. Pellicle formation on enamel starts with :-

- Absorption of glycoprotein from saliva
- Focal areas of mineralization
- Bacterial colonization
- Bacterial adherence

312. Opsonization is a function of :-

- Neutrophils
- Mast cells
- Macrophages
- Complement

313. Periodic recall visits form the foundation of a meaningful

long-term prevention program. The interval between visits is
initially set at................... but may vary according to the patient's
- 3 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 8 months
- 9 months

314. The time required for a recall visit for patients with multiple
teeth in both arches is approximately :-
- 15 min
- 30 min
- 45 min
- 1 hour
- 2 hours.

315. Which of the following grasps are useful for stabilizing

sharpening :-
- Palm and thumb grasp.
- Modified pen grasp.
- Standardized pen grasp.
- All of the above..
- None of the above.
316. Patients with renal failure have :-
- Fishy smell.
- Musty smell.
- Acetone smell.
- All of the above.
- None of the above..

317. All of the following are volatile sulfide components causing

unpleasant smell of breath except :-
- Hydrogen sulfide.
- Methylmercaptan.
- Indole.
- Dimethyle sulfide.
- None of the above.

318. Mouth spray reduces oral malodor by means of :-

- Mechanical.
- Chemical.
- Masking the oral malodor.
- B & C.
- A & C.

319. Tetracycline is contraindicated in :-

- Children.
- Pregnancy.
- Renal failure.
- All of the above.
- None of the above.

320. Mechanism of action of metronidazole is :-

- Disrupt bacterial DNA synthesis.
- Inhibit bacterial metabolism.
- Bacteriostatic to organisms.
- Inhibition of bacterial proliferation.
- None of the above.

321. Which of the following antibiotics is the only one used in the
periodon that is effective against all strains of A.
actinomycetemcomitans :-
- Ciprofloxacin.
- Amoxicillin.
- Macrolides.
- Tetracycline

322. The brushing method which is effective in removing plaque

not only at the gingival margin but also could reach a depth of
about Imm subgingivally is :-
- Bass technique.
- Charters technique.
- Circular technique,
- Vertical technique.
- Horizontal technique.

323. Interdental brushes use :-

- In through and through furcation defects.
- In widely open interdental spaces.
- As a carrier to apply fluoride or CHX gel into interdental space.
- In root surfaces with concavities have been exposed,
- All of the above.

324. Which of the following tooth brushing techniques is advised

during post periodontal plastic surgery and in cases of recession :-
- Bass technique..
- Fones technique,
- Leonard technique.
- Modified Stillman's technique.
- None of the above.

325. The diameter of interdental brush should be :-

- Equal to the gingival embrasure to be cleaned.
- Larger than the gingival embrasure to be cleaned.
- Smaller than the gingival embrasure to be cleaned..
- Very smaller than the gingival embrasure to be cleaned hence
they may cause dentine hypersensitivity.
- Of any size.

326. At high concentration CHX is most likely :-

- Bacteriostatic
- Bactericidal
- Inert (has no effect)
- Toxic
- All of the given choices
327. Chemical plaque control agents should have substantivity
which depend on :-
- Adsorption by oral surface.
- Prolonged retention on oral surface.
- Maintenance of antimicrobial activity once adsorbed.
- Slow release from the oral tissues.
- All of the above.

328. Tooth brushing alone does not entirely remove interdental

plaque. Which of the below is not a recommendation criterion for
choosing specific interdental cleaning aids :-
- Fixed Prosthesis.
- Interdental architecture.
- Orthodontic appliance
- Tooth alignment.
- Tooth size

329. Side effects of chlorhexidine all the following except :-

- The internal stain of teeth.
- Bitter taste.
- Less commonly CHX causes mucosal erosion.
- Loss of taste sensation for a short period after application.
- None of the mentioned

330. Which of the following tooth-paste ingredients interact and

inactivate chlorhex :-
- Anionic detergents.
- Colouring agents/pigments.
- Flavoring agents.
- Hydrated silica
- None of the mentioned
331. Hand instruments has advantage over sonic and ultra-sonic
instrument :-
- More efficient in calculus removal.
- Has tactile sensation.
- Less effort, pressure and time.
- Minimal soft tissue trauma.
- All of the above.

332. The most recommended grasping during periodontal

- Pen grasp.
- Palm and thumb grasp.
- Modified pen grasp.
- A & C.
- None of the above.

333. Kirkland and Orban's knives are used in :-

- Curettage.
- Gingivectomy.
- Root planning.
- Scaling.
- All of the above.

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